Ascend (The Last Oracle, The First Seer's Gift, and a Prophecy Fulfilled) (A Fated Fantasy Quest Adventure Book 11)

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Ascend (The Last Oracle, The First Seer's Gift, and a Prophecy Fulfilled) (A Fated Fantasy Quest Adventure Book 11) Page 8

by Humphrey Quinn

  As expected, they didn't make it twenty feet before a beacon of light burst overhead and a scramble of feathers and wings transformed into an expectantly pissed off boyfriend.

  "You are so predictable." Sebastien blocked her path, arms folded in smug irritation.

  Another stalking form appeared out of a dark shadow not far away. Ivan joined Sebastien, his pose not quite so starchy, but unhappy with her attempt at sneaking off.

  "He said you'd try tonight. I argued on your behalf and bet tomorrow night."

  "Well I hope one of you bet money, and lost!" Meghan growled under her breath, even though this was exactly what she expected. It was part of her plan—one they were clueless they were a part of—and she had to play along with it. "I hate you both," she added in mocking delight.

  "And we love you," Sebastien rolled back rather sharply. "We get what you think you need to do. But you're not sneaking off without help. Or a backup plan. And what if you succeeded in sneaking off, got into trouble, and none of us knew?"

  "You both know where I'm going."

  "What about Jasper and his army?" Ivan argued. "He and others sacrificed a lot to make sure we had that army. That you had that army."

  "And they will serve their purpose," declared Meghan. "But there are things only I can do. So why drag others into a needlessly dangerous situation? The army will still serve their purpose. They'll still need to fight."

  Sebastien stared her down. "If only I could kiss the stubborn out of you."

  A fiery retort lit up her eyes that claimed, you will never make that happen… which just looked like a dare, to Sebastien. But surprisingly, he backed down.

  "Look, there has to be a better way, Meghan. I don't even disagree with what you're planning, in confronting your father. I don't like the idea of you going off alone without even telling me."

  "Hm. That's funny, coming from you," she blasted back without even thinking.

  Crap. She thought she'd put all that behind her and forgiven him.

  And the hurt, but non-arguable defeat on his face warned she'd struck a nerve.

  Ivan cleared his throat, breaking into the uncomfortable silence that followed.

  Instead of bickering more, she let her shoulders sink, her lungs deflate, and turned around to march back inside. She'd made it three strides before she froze, her entire body stiffening and her thoughts drawing inward. Sebastien and Ivan recognized that look—mind speaking. It was either Colin or Colby.

  Sebastien approached her. "What is it? What's happening?"

  From her quickly disintegrating features it was something bad. And regardless of whether they'd truly be able to put the past behind them, he would always be there when she needed him.

  Meghan raised her hand for them to wait.

  This was a potential snag in the plan. And not one she expected or could ignore.

  "Colby and Jae. They're in trouble."

  "What?" Ivan and Sebastien said at the same time.

  Colby's guard was down—on purpose. He wanted her to hear his thoughts. Was reaching out—for help. He was asking for help.

  "They've been captured."

  "How?" Ivan wanted to know.

  "Colby's magic isn't working right and Jae's outnumbered. Elisha couldn't reach them in time, and they—" she shuddered. Nona too. "They captured Elisha too."

  "What can we do?" Sebastien spouted. "Where are they? Can we even reach them?"

  "Island. They're going back to the island because—" Meghan shuddered again, this time out of sheer awe. "My father—moved. He moved his entire estate."

  "To where?" asked Ivan.

  "The island. He moved the entire estate to the island."

  "Um, wow. Okay." He blinked, hard, a few times, trying to comprehend that.

  As Meghan thought about it, this unexpected scenario might time out perfectly to make her plan look even more real—however, she'd not go through with it at her brother's, or Jae's expense. She'd have to feel it out once on the island where the next step was to take place anyway. Since that's where her father had relocated himself.

  "I don’t care what you guys say, but I'm going. They need help and I'm not going to let them down. I cannot let Colby down. I can't do that ever again."

  She saw the resignation in both Sebastien and Ivan. They wouldn't do that either.

  "How outnumbered are they?" Sebastien questioned.

  "Not sure exactly. Colby said at least ten Stripers, but probably more waiting on the island. And the Stripers are immortal now so…" Meghan blew out a breath. "Almost doesn't matter how many of us there are, and we don't have time to raise the alarm. We go now or it'll be too late." She snapped a fire and grabbed Nona's back. Ivan gazed across the darkness but his hesitation was brief, Sebastien's too.

  A moment later they were on the island, staring in awe at the recent edition adorning the place as its new centerpiece—until a familiar screech echoed overhead. There was only one Scratcher still in existence—Jae Mochrie. But as they got close enough to see him it was obvious he was struggling to remain airborne, which meant he must be injured. And there was no sign of Colby or Elisha. They needed to get closer, but that meant giving up their cover and any chance of a surprise attack.

  Jae stirred up as much damage as possible while trying to stall the Stripers, and not take too many direct hits and render himself useless.

  Ivan and Sebastien announced their presence by attacking the Stripers head on. Jae immediately landed and transformed back into his human form. He balanced himself, trying to catch his breath. But he'd lost a lot of blood. He might not have been infected with Projector's powers, but the stab wound was bleeding profusely again. His attempt at magical healing was short lived. Plus, he had a few new wounds from where the Striper's spells had struck him. He'd be lucky if he managed not to pass out at this point.

  Meghan scurried over to Jae while Ivan and Sebastien kept the Stripers busy.

  "Oh my God," she cried inaudibly upon seeing him covered in blood. Nona jumped in and used her own healing gift to try to stave off some of the blood loss. But this wound was bigger than she could heal.

  "Meghan," breathed out Jae. "Don’t let them take Colby. Whatever happens to me, he can't go back there."

  "I'm not going to let that happen. I promise." One she hoped she could keep. And one Jae put no stock in because he knew it might be out of her hands, no matter how badly she might wish, or mean it.

  Meghan sent a desperate order to her Catawitch. "If you can, free Elisha and take both her and Colby to our mother."

  "What about you? And the plan?"

  "It's not lost yet. And don’t worry about me."

  "I hate to leave you."

  "Please, Nona. If I can salvage the plan you can't tag along anyway. I need to get Colby away from here. He can't go back to our father."

  Nona had no valid argument, she'd seen enough in Meghan's mind to understand the path Colby was on right now. A fact that was only hammered home even more when they announced their presence with a full-on attack, only to witness Colby, tied up, unconscious, and being carried toward the estate. They didn't have much time to stop this. Meghan jumped up and joined in the attack against the Stripers.

  Jae gently shoved Nona off his body and clambered to his feet. He focused every ounce of strength he had left to free the beast—it was stronger than his human form. Even injured. But he'd lost so much blood he wasn't going to be able to fly. It would require more physical strength than he could muster in either form. But staying airborne wasn't his intention… he had only one target and one outcome in mind.

  "At least they can't blend anymore," Ivan pushed out. Thanks to Colin, and the only thing working in their favor—no surprise attacks from invisible Stripers. Except for Katana Jade who was not immortal, and had not had her ability stripped by Colin. Plus, she had the extra gift of being able to go through objects—which meant any spells sent her way hit anything but her as she blended on the fly.

  Katana and two guards
were carrying Colby toward the estate. Another guard strong-armed Elisha in her cage—she'd awakened, and was throwing a massive hissing fit, clawing and fighting to get free.

  "We don't have much time," shouted Meghan. "If they get through the gates—" well, it was going to be a much harder job to save Colby from inside the estate. Especially if their father got involved in the fight. She'd been warned more than once about the powerful magic and hidden mysteries inside.

  One of the many reasons Sebastien and Ivan didn't want Meghan running off to face her father without backup—she was no match on her own against her father's vast magical knowledge. Heck, all of them together were no match. They'd need someone like Jasper, at the very least. And maybe ten Jasper's, to have a real chance.

  For every few steps forward they made against the Stripers, they were pushed right back. How did you fight against an immortal enemy who refused to stay down? Even minus their blending ability they were a fearsome foe and fought as though they could die… which meant there had to be a way. But other than destroying the Stone, no one had any idea how to kill them.

  "Where's my father?" Katana was shouting at one of the Stripers.

  "Inside the estate, I'd wager."

  Her plan was failing. At this point, all she could hope was to salvage this whole mess. Pretend she'd been playing double agent until she'd found the right time to attack, and bring Fazendiin's son home, where he belonged. The Bone Dagger had been a fake. The rest of the items she'd stolen too. She'd been tricked and she was pissed. But at least she had Colby—it would smooth things over and prove her loyalty—and thus, save her life.

  She really thought she'd pulled one over them though. That she was going to come through for her father and they'd manage to overthrow the Grosvenor.

  That was not happening. At least not today.

  Meghan spied a dark shadow stalking up the side of the estate walls; Jae had managed to get in behind the Stripers. This was their one chance—because the gates were opening. She shot off a spray of flame while Sebastien and Ivan blasted at the Stripers with everything they had. Nona darted through scrambling feet, legs, spells, and fire, hurling her Catawitch body into the air to ride the flame straight to Elisha's cage. They touched paws and Elisha and Nona popped out of view only to slide back down the trail of flame, each landing on all four feet, poised to strike.

  And then Nona gasped—the vision in her white eye expanding beyond the present, catching a glimpse of a future barreling toward them. Her head snapped to Meghan—she'd seen it too and was already adjusting her path. But she was too far away from Jae, she'd not make it in time.

  The events unraveled in a series of simultaneous movements.

  Jae kicked his head back and screeched.

  Nona dove into another flame, grabbed Meghan and rode another flame landing in the exact spot she needed to be.

  Katana swung around, bug-eyed as two bloodied Scratcher wings came down around her. But instantly, she grinned, waved, and blended—this wasn't going to stop Jae because she was still there—until she wasn't!

  His wings enclosed around nothing and he gasped and staggered. He'd forgotten she could walk through things, and she stepped right through Jae's body only to come face to face with Meghan and two palms pulsing with intense heat that enclosed around Katana's throat.

  She gasped and thrashed and flailed, trying to get free, or breathe, or blend. But the pain and surprise didn't let her focus enough to do it.

  Meghan looked directly into Katana's eyes, searching for an answer. She found it easy enough. There was no remorse there, only a vengeful warning behind the shock of pain.

  Jae twisted around letting his wings outstretch once more.

  Meghan shoved Katana with a brute magical force that lifted her off the ground and right back into Jae's wings, which collapsed around her so fast she had no chance to regroup or escape.

  There was one last farewell cry… and then Jae's Scratcher form couldn't hold itself any longer and he fell to the ground, human, and bloodied, and severely injured. But seeing Katana's lifeless jade eyes right before his own closed—best way to pass out ever.

  And it brought the battle to a screeching halt. The Stripers stared at their dead leader's daughter. Stuck between the safety of getting onto the estate with their prisoner, and securing her body—something KarNavan would never forgive them for if they left her out here.

  And it was just the delay Nona and Elisha needed.

  Without hesitation, Meghan shot off a flame which the Catawitches rode right over to Colby, snagging him out of the Striper's grasps. But they were not about to give up their prisoner so easily and set into fighting again. This time though, Meghan was stuck behind them, close to the gate, with Ivan and Sebastien still fighting their way closer.

  Elisha and Nona reappeared not far away out of the tops of a dying flame. The hard landing started to bring Colby out of his unconsciousness with a sleepy groan. Elisha glanced over at Jae, lying rather lifelessly on the ground—her Master would never forgive her if she left without him—her duty tore down the middle: keep him safe, or get Jae. Nona understood the dilemma and the hesitation.

  "Nona, get them out of here!" Meghan was shouting into her mind.

  "Not without Jae," Elisha argued. And preferably before Colby fully awakened.

  "We have to get Jae," Nona told Meghan.

  Frighteningly so, he didn't look alive. Meghan wasn't far from him, but the battle was closing in—hell, Jae was liable to get hit in the crossfire, even passed out on the ground. Meghan shot a flame which Nona jumped into the air to catch, popping out just next to Jae. Nona touched him, but her eyes fell on Meghan in hesitation.

  "I'm doing it now, Nona. The plan will work. Get everyone else to safety."

  Nona popped out and landed next to Colby and Elisha, who hopped on for the ride off the island. The others, however, without Nona, had no quick escape. Ivan and Sebastien attacked furiously, trying to reach Meghan was who on the opposite side of them, behind the Stripers fighting on her own.

  "How the hell are we going to reach her?" Sebastien shot off a series of spells—each deflected—and BOOM—someone unseen set off some sort of magical bomb that had them all diving and skidding in opposite directions to avoid the explosion and shrapnel flying everywhere.

  Ivan landed hard on his back and had the air knocked out of him. He fought hard to catch his breath and climb back to his feet. Sebastien had been thrown upward and managed to transform on the fly before his human form could fall to certain injury.

  Katana's body was gone.

  But even more frightening, so was Meghan's. She was nowhere to be seen.


  Nona landed harder than usual, her typical Catawitch balance off kilter as she flew out of the closest fire she could find—a firelit lantern lighting up the riverbank of the Tunkapog lands. She tumbled across the grass alongside Elisha. The harsh landing jolted Colby into awareness and sucked out the last of Jae's.

  Distant voices shouted in their direction which meant they'd been seen. Or heard. Which meant Jae and Colby would get help and Elisha would be with them to explain. Nona bounded upward, back on all fours.

  "I have to go back for the others." She didn't wait for a response but jumped up into the lantern flame and back onto the island.

  Colby blinked a few times and shook the confusion out of his head when his eyes landed on—"Jae." He crawled closer in an instant panic but stopped when Elisha cried out in surprise over them. A Striper materialized out of nowhere positioned dangerously close, her palm trained directly at Jae's heart.

  "Ardon," hissed Elisha.

  "Please don't hurt him." Colby plead out the useless request out of sheer will that she didn't do it—something he was keenly aware was a waste of time.

  "Not all of us lost our ability to blend." Ardon grinned in smug confidence that sent a wretched terror through Colby. She turned her attention down to Jae and kicked his side. He didn't respond in any fashion. Not
a moan. Or a gasp. Was he even breathing? "This is not what I came here for, but I'm adaptable."

  The distant voices were getting closer.

  "Over here. I think it was over here."

  "I know what you want," Colby gave in.

  "No," Elisha argued. She saw that he meant to go back to his father—all of this, for nothing.

  Colby motioned for her to keep calm. "It'll be okay. I will be okay," he sent to her mind. He seemed sure, but she still doubted. He climbed to his feet and put his hands up in a surrendering motion, indicating he'd go willingly. "Just leave him where he is, and I'll come with you. I won't fight it." Because the sick truth was, there was no outrunning his father. No matter how much he wanted to, he could not avoid facing him. Confronting him. And he'd not allow Jae to die only to delay the inevitable.

  "Make sure he gets help," Colby begged Elisha. Meaning, stay with him. For me. She didn't like leaving him, but of course, she obeyed his request. "Tell him—" tell him what?

  "Go," Elisha sniveled. "I know what you mean to say, but can't."

  Good thing a Catawitch could read their master's mind because Colby couldn't vocalize what he wanted to say, or face that this might be a goodbye.

  Ardon grabbed Colby by the shoulder and shoved him off toward the river. They were not leaving the same way they came. Colby wasn't even sure where they were and just followed. He obeyed when Ardon commanded him to get into a boat, and followed him. Colby twisted as voices rang out from where he'd just been—Jae had been found. They'd help him.

  But eyes fixed on his and Ardon's. Two strangers escaping through a magical portal that wasn't supposed to be known to anyone but those who'd been shown the way in. It meant only one thing: the countdown to war had skipped right down to zero.


  A host of people came running from all directions. Some with their palms or potions pointed at an unconscious and badly beaten young man with a Catawitch pacing and hissing behind him. Others stood poised at two strangers disappearing on a boat… the archway they vanished through the direct route to the island.


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