Shaken in her Boots, The Complete Series (Volumes 1-3): A Hotwife Adventure

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Shaken in her Boots, The Complete Series (Volumes 1-3): A Hotwife Adventure Page 3

by Bart Tracer

  Sometimes, I couldn’t stop myself from wondering just how big he actually was. I mean, my wife’s description made him seem big, but how much could a person tell through a pair of jeans. Maybe he wasn’t really that big, I reasoned, one of those things that got better in the retelling. But in those moments when she mentioned him, the image that popped into my mind was huge… inhumanly so. It was a terrifying thought, this giant phallus menacing my wife’s virtue, but it was one I found difficult to banish.

  One night, I awoke in the middle of the night to find her masturbating next to me. I pretended to sleep as she brought herself off not three feet away. The glow from the yard light streamed in through the bedroom window, providing just enough illumination for me to watch her. Lizzie’s head tossed from side to side, her deep red hair bouncing gently against the pillowcase as she played with herself beneath her short gown, eyes clenched tightly. The squishy sounds emanating from between her legs betrayed how wet she was. And just before she climaxed, I heard her whisper faintly, “Oh yes! That’s it Lance! Do it inside me while he watches!”

  I nearly fainted with arousal at her words. This was so much naughtier than any of the role play we had done together! And some perverse part of me liked the idea of her excluding me. There was something deliciously wicked about lying next to her, knowing she had just fantasized about Lance taking my place between her legs. And here we were, her satisfied and drifting off to sleep and me with a raging boner just like in her fantasy. Jealous and frustrated, I had never been more insanely turned on.

  I never confronted her. On some depraved level, I liked the idea of her fantasizing about Lance’s big cock. Some part of me liked that she had this secret. It made her seem naughty, a slutty little wife who thought about fucking another guy. I realized she was probably thinking about him even more than I had known, apparently much more. And so, I ratcheted up the dirty talk in bed.

  We started to role-play. She was herself, of course, the innocent, happily married wife. But I was “Lance”, the cocky young stud. I’d come to her in the middle of the night, raise her short cotton nightie, and ravish her. She’d beg me for my “giant cock” and I’d remind her not to say anything to “Bill”. She especially liked the idea of “Lance” having her in her husband’s bed. And, I had to admit, the sheer illicitness of that idea was somehow a thrill for me as well.

  I could feel us becoming obsessed with this kinky new idea. I knew we were playing with matches, but I didn’t care. It was just too exciting to resist. Though I never mentioned it to her, I too was beginning to imagine a world in which this dirty fantasy became a reality. I found myself wondering what it would be like to watch her with him for real, to see him pleasure her. And ever so gradually, I began to think that maybe, just maybe, we should try it.

  As the day of the next rodeo approached, Elizabeth once again turned to the topic of teasing Lance. Nights would find her twisting and turning in front of the mirror, holding first one blouse, then another against her slender torso and evaluating the effect. And naturally, she needed my opinion on which one I thought he would like best. In a way, it killed me, knowing that she was considering dressing to impress another guy, but my dick remained obstinately erect, a fact she took great pleasure in pointing out. I began to wonder which of us she was going to be teasing more, Lance or me…

  Chapter 6

  Lance was there when we pulled up, tipping his felt hat and walking over to the truck, a wide smile on his handsome face. To his credit, he was as friendly as could be, never mentioning Lizzie’s disappearing act of two weeks ago. Deep down, I think he knew why she had bolted, and he seemed determined not to embarrass her further, although he made a point of asking Lizzie to save him a dance before he strode off to pay his entry fee. When he was gone, she shot me an embarrassed little smile, blushing slightly, and then went to get her mare ready for her run.

  Neither of us did terribly well at the rodeo that day. To tell the truth, I think we were both still too preoccupied with other matters. Even as I backed Buster into the box and gave a quick nod to the chute man, I was thinking about Elizabeth touching Lance tonight at the rodeo dance. Needless to say, I missed my calf spectacularly, throwing my loop much too far forward and into the dirt. But even as I coiled my rope, Buster sighing beneath me in equine disgust, I realized that I wasn’t overly upset. Somehow, it just didn’t seem that important at the time.

  Lizzie fared no better than I. Off to a good start, she knocked over barrel number two as she rounded it and the penalty put her out of the money. She too seemed strangely nonchalant about her lackluster performance and I began to realize that she was just as distracted as I was. Both of us were thinking only about what was going to happen tonight at the dance.

  As soon as we could get away, we rushed back to the trailer, fed the horses, and then started to get ready for the dance. Men have it easy: a button-up shirt and a new pair of jeans, felt hat and freshly shined boots. I was ready to go in 15 minutes. Lizzie took almost an hour, but it was worth the wait.

  Tonight, she had opted for jeans, and Lord what a pair of jeans they were! Light blue with sequined back pockets that drew your eye to her fabulous ass, they looked like they had been sprayed on, tightly hugging every curve of her perfectly formed legs. Her top was a purple backless midriff number that showcased her cute bellybutton, while leaving no doubt about the fact that she was once again braless. Instead of a hat, her dark red hair had been pulled into two pigtails, wrapped in delicate little ribbons that matched her top. The overall effect was part “farmer’s daughter” and part “bad girl” and it was dreadfully sexy. For the first time, I was really looking forward to the dance!

  No Fred Astaire, I had never actually arrived early for a rodeo dance, but we were among the first through the door that night, and the band was still setting up amps and checking lights on the little stage that took up the north end of the corrugated tin hall. Rows of heavily scratched and beer-stained folding tables lined both sides of the building, with a big open space left in the center to form a dance floor, over which hovered an ancient disco ball suspended from a rusty I-beam. Elizabeth and I found a table near the entrance and sat down to chat as we waited for things to get started.

  Reaching across the narrow table, I took her hands in mine and said, “So, I’ve been thinking.” Lizzie raised an eyebrow and waited for me to continue. My thumb caressed her wedding ring as I began. “You know how we were planning on teasing Lance?”

  “Have you changed your mind, Sweetie?” asked Lizzie, a look of obvious disappointment immediately appearing on her face. “I don’t have to if you don’t want me to.”

  “No, no, it’s not that, Baby. It’s just that, well, everyone knows us here. Maybe it’s not such a great idea for all of them to see you dirty dancing with Lance Corbin.”

  Her hands slipped out of mine to rest in her lap. She looked down at the scarred table.

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right. People do like to talk,” the dejection in her voice made my heart ache. “Guess I just kinda got caught up in the excitement of it all.”

  “I’m not saying I don’t want you to tease him, Lizzie,” I offered, “I’m just saying, well… maybe we should take it somewhere a little less public. You know… like our trailer.”

  “You mean…” she began haltingly, trying to understand what I was suggesting. “But Bill! He’ll think I want to…”

  “He’s a decent guy, Lizzie,” I cut her off. “He knows that ‘No means No’. We’ll just go back to the trailer, have a few whiskeys and you can ‘accidentally’ flash him a little skin, sit on his lap, run your hands over his unit, whatever. And afterwards, we’ll send him on his merry way and I’ll fuck your brains out!”

  “You’re serious!” exclaimed Elizabeth, shaking her head in shock. “Bill, we can’t…”

  But I could see the wheels turning as she thought about it, excitement slowly winning out over hesitation. Her eyes burned as she looked up at me, beaming from ear to ear.
  “What a naughty, naughty man you are! You’d really let me do that?”

  “Sure,” I answered. “Hell, it’s not like I won’t benefit from ole Lance getting you all fired up for me!”

  “But Baby, you know how much he gets to me! I mean for the past two weeks, I haven’t been able to think of anything else. What if I take things too far? And what if he wants more? Heck, what if I want more? Don’t you realize what could happen?” she worried, shifting restlessly in her seat. “Maybe we should just go before he gets here!”

  “Relax, Lizzie,” I reassured her. “I’ve actually given it a lot of thought, and I’m fine with whatever makes you happy. I just want you to enjoy yourself tonight.”

  She smiled at me appreciatively and reached to grasp my hand tightly again.

  “Besides,” I teased, “if things get too out of hand, there are always plenty of condoms in the medicine cabinet!”

  “Oh my God, you’re bad!” she scolded, laughing loudly as she shook her head. “A horrible, horrible man!”

  “I’m just saying! We’re all adults and stranger things have been known to happen. I just want you to know that I love you no matter what. Always have, always will!”

  “You really are the sweetest man ever, Bill. I…”

  Suddenly, Elizabeth looked up and stiffened, her hand instinctively adjusting her already perfect hair. Turning in my seat, I followed her eyes to see Lance’s svelte form coming through the door alone. Apparently, Carol Ann was still too laid up to dance. “Guess I’d better go get myself a beer to keep me company,” I joked. “I’m sure you two will want to catch up on the dance floor.”

  Elizabeth leaned down and placed her full lips close to my ear. “Actually, Sweetie” she sighed, “maybe you should hold off on that. A quiet drink in the trailer suddenly sounds a lot more fun than dancing.”

  She straightened up and, with a self-satisfied smile, turned to leave. I watched her perfect little butt sway rhythmically from side to side as she made her way toward Lance, who saw her coming and flashed her a row of astonishingly white teeth as he moved to meet her. The band was still getting ready as she led him back to our table and took a seat across from me, beside Lance.

  “How’s it going?” Lance greeted me as he sat down.

  “Great! You?” I asked politely.

  “Can’t complain. Listen, Bill,” he started with a nervous glance at Elizabeth, “I wanted to apologize for embarrassing Elizabeth the other night. I hope you know, it wasn’t intentional. I mean, she’s your wife and I would never…”

  “Never?!” Elizabeth interrupted him. “And here I thought you liked me!” she teased.

  “Ummm… I… that is to say…” Lance squirmed uncomfortably in his chair, uncharacteristically unsure of himself.

  “Relax,” I rescued him, chuckling. “Lizzie’s just pulling your chain, Lance. She was just a little startled, is all. Nothing to worry about. Besides, I’m really not the jealous kind.”

  “Honest? No hard feelings?” he asked.

  At that, Lizzie burst out laughing, slumping onto the table as she chuckled hysterically. Lance and I both looked at each other, trying to figure out what was so funny, but we had to wait for her to compose herself so she could explain it to us.

  “Guys, really?! HARD FEELINGS! Get it? Hard feelings is what caused all the ruckus last time!” she chirped, delighted with her wit.

  Lance blushed deep red, but we both burst into laughter. It took several minutes for all of us to calm down.

  “You guys are crazy!” Lance smirked unable to suppress a chuckle. “Why don’t I buy you both a drink?”

  “Actually,” my wife volunteered, placing her soft white hand on Lance’s thick bicep, “we were kinda thinking about going back to the trailer for a little drink. Hubby here has a pretty good bottle of whiskey under the sink and I, for one, would love to have some company. What do you think, Bill, will there be enough to go around?”

  “Oh, I’m pretty sure there’ll be plenty of everything to go around!” I observed wryly, winking at Lizzie as my heart pounded rapidly in my chest.

  “Really? That would be great!” said Lance. “I really wasn’t in the mood for dancing tonight anyway.”

  “Awesome!” Lizzie giggled like a schoolgirl. “Let’s go!”

  As soon as we got outside, she squeezed between us, hooking an arm through ours with a man on each side as she started marking us in the direction of our rig, parked at the far end of the fairgrounds. I felt odd with her between us, sharing her with him.

  “I feel kinda bad, though,” Lance turned his head to look at Lizzie, “I mean you went to so much effort to look nice and all, and here we are leaving before you even get to dance.”

  “You’re looking at it all wrong, cowboy,” she countered, “I’m leaving the dance with two virile young men before the band has finished setting up. Seems to me, it was effort well spent!”

  With that, she bumped his hip with hers and gave a girlish giggle. My heart nearly stopped. Lance shot me an uneasy look, but I could tell he was enjoying himself.

  “Don’t look at me, Lance!” I quipped, trying to sound more confident than I felt. “If I could get her to behave in public, we wouldn’t have to drink in a damned horse trailer!”

  That seemed to relax him a little, and we soon reached the trailer. I had purposely parked as far from the other rigs as possible.

  “Ladies first!” I announced, bowing dramatically as I opened the door for her.

  From the corner of my eye, I watched Lance as Lizzie mounted the steps into the trailer, swinging her hips just slightly more than normal. His eyes were positively glued to my wife’s butt cheeks as she passed through the door into the darkened trailer. He was definitely attracted to my wife. I felt a sudden stab of jealousy, coupled with a very prominent stirring in my pants.

  Chapter 7

  Closing the trailer door behind me, I turned to see Elizabeth offering Lance a seat next to her on the love seat beside the bed. The living quarters in a horse trailer like this were always cramped. The addition of a third person did little to remedy that. I turned to my left and knelt to remove the bottle of bourbon I’d been saving for a special occasion from beneath the sink. A peal of laughter came from behind me and I wondered what he had said to amuse her, oddly annoyed at the attention he was getting. I found the glasses and turned back to join them.

  I sat down across from them, pouring three glasses of dark brown liquid into the cut-glass tumblers my wife had given me for my birthday and lifted my glass to propose a toast. “To our horses and our women and the men who ride them!” I offered sonorously, eliciting a giggle from Lizzie and a blank stare from Lance. I tossed the whiskey back and reached for the bottle to pour everyone another round.

  An hour and several drinks later, Lance had relaxed considerably. The conversation was flowing well and Lizzie hung on his every word, inching closer until their thighs touched and frequently placed a hand on his pecs or biceps anytime he said something even remotely witty. I too had recovered from my earlier misgivings and found the interaction across from me immensely fascinating.

  Elizabeth looked absolutely radiant as her flirting progressed from subtle to overt. Each toss of her head caused her pigtails to bounce adorably and, with no bra to interfere, her breasts were threatening to poke through the thin top that did little to hide them. Lance’s initially apprehensive glances had convinced him that I was okay with what was going on and he gradually grew bolder, placing a hand on her slender knee and occasionally whispering in her ear.

  Outside, I heard one of the horses neigh excitedly, to be answered by another horse on the other end of the lot. “I’d better go check on them,” I said, getting to my feet. “I’ll be back in a jiffy.”

  “Want me to come help you?” offered Lance, sitting forward.

  “Nah! You guys sit tight! It’s probably nothing!” And with that, I ducked out the door, flashlight in hand.

  As predicted, there was no eme
rgency. The horses were just talking back and forth across the lot, but I’d seen too many horse accidents over the years to take any chances. I rubbed my gelding’s forehead, talking reassuringly to him for a minute as he munched on the alfalfa hay I’d fed them earlier. Elizabeth’s mare walked over and nuzzled my arm, also eager for some attention. So I scratched her ears for a bit before deciding to go back inside.

  I couldn’t help but wonder what I would see when I opened the door. Would they still be sitting innocently next to each other? Would she be between his knees, worshipping his manhood with her hot little mouth? I felt slightly ill as my shaking hand reached out to turn the knob. Steeling myself, I pulled the door open and stepped inside. The image that greeted me would stay with me forever.

  Elizabeth now sat in Lance’s lap, her back toward me, with one of his large hands slowly massaging each globe of her extraordinary derriere. Her little hands were busy in front of her, working feverishly to unfasten his big belt buckle. My heart began to pound in my ears as my cock rose to attention in my jeans. As soon as she heard the door close, she looked over her shoulder at me, smiled, and said, “Hey Baby! Was everything alright with the horses?”

  “Shit!” Lance yelped, tossing her to the side as he refastened his belt. “God, I am so sorry Bill! Honestly man, I don’t know what happened! We were just talking and then… Shit! I’m never drinking again! I…”

  “It’s okay, Lance,” I smiled, holding up my hands.

  “Excuse me?!”

  “It’s okay! Really. Like I said, I’m not the jealous type. Besides, what red-blooded man could resist an ass like that?” I chuckled, trying to keep my voice from trembling. “Lizzie’s just been terribly curious about that matter that ‘came up’ when you were dancing with her. You might at least let her have a peek at it!”


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