Shaken in her Boots, The Complete Series (Volumes 1-3): A Hotwife Adventure

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Shaken in her Boots, The Complete Series (Volumes 1-3): A Hotwife Adventure Page 11

by Bart Tracer

  Opening the gate once more, Lance passed through the chain link fence and walked to the long nose of the aircraft. There, he unlocked and unlatched a small door and pushed it up. Lifting Lizzie’s luggage, he carefully placed it into the compartment and then turned to me. Taking my bags, he arranged these next to hers and then securely latched and locked the compartment.

  “Alright guys,” he turned to us. “If that’s everything, let me do a quick walk around and we can get going.”

  We walked with him as he circled the aircraft, visually inspecting the various parts. Occasionally, his hands would reach out to touch or wiggle some component before moving on. When we once again arrived at the door, he gestured toward it and spoke.

  “Looks good. Why don’t we climb in?”

  Up the ladder we went, with Lance leading the way. Inside, there were six seats for passengers. Lance gestured to a seat and, as Lizzie sat down, he knelt before her and showed her how to fasten the seatbelt.

  “If you want, Bill,” he said, turning to me, “you can sit up front with me in the cockpit. I can show you some of the bells and whistles.”

  “That would be awesome!” I nodded.

  “There are a few magazines in the rack beside your seat, there, or you can watch a movie on the entertainment center,” he showed her how to operate the DVD player and gave her a set of headphones. “There are drinks in the ice chest behind you. It’ll only take us about two hours, so sit back and relax.”

  “Two hours? That’s all?!”

  “When you’re going in a straight line at 250 miles per hour and don’t have to stop for stoplights, you’d be surprised how fast you can get places!” he winked.

  Turning to me, he showed me to the cockpit. Gesturing at the right hand seat, he helped me get into the seatbelt, then handed me a headset. Taking a seat next to me, he strapped himself in, then flipped some switches and put on his own headset.

  “Can you hear me?” his voice came clearly through the speakers.

  “Yeah,” I gave him a thumbs up, surprised at how well I could hear him, “Loud and clear.”

  5 minutes later, both engines hummed cheerfully as we taxied toward the runway once more. Stopping just short of the runway, he reached for the checklist from the side pocket. One by one, he began to check off the items on the list. Finally, he ran up both engines, causing the entire airframe to vibrate expectantly and checked the magnetos, then turned the nose to make a final check for other aircraft in the pattern before releasing the brakes and moving onto the runway.

  “Glenton area traffic, this is Cessna 4 3 2 8 9er Golf Sierra, departing runway one seven,” Lance’s voice came through the headset.

  I could feel the airframe shudder with the power of the engines as Lance pushed the throttles to the firewall. There was an immediate sense of acceleration, the tires humming on the rough concrete as the plane hurtled down the runway. The runway lights began to chase each other past the window, gaining speed, and suddenly, we were airborne, climbing rapidly. 60 seconds later, there was a palpable thud as the gear locked into place. Lance pointed the nose southward toward his ranch and then informed any other aircraft in the vicinity that we were leaving the pattern.

  As we climbed to cruising altitude, Lance explained the various dials, buttons, knobs, and levers in the cockpit to me. I’ll admit, most of it went over my head, but it was interesting nonetheless. Neither Lizzie nor I had ever been up in a small aircraft before, and I was surprised by how different it was. Unlike the two airline flights I had been on, I was actually able to see a lot of the countryside now. Green wheat fields formed neat squares between arrow-straight dirt roads. Occasionally, an irrigated alfalfa field appeared as a perfect circle, the neglected corners providing tumbledown shelter for the pheasants. Small farm ponds dotted the entire landscape, twinkling in the morning light like shards of glass. The cars on the roads below seemed toy-like, impossibly small.

  I enjoyed the flight immensely, looking down at the miniature world below. Occasionally, Lance would draw my attention to some item of interest; an abandoned railroad bridge, a new construction project. In no time, we were there. Lance nodded toward his ranch on the horizon.

  Throttling back, we descended, coming in low to approach the ranch house from the north. It was a picturesque layout with large herds of Angus cattle grazing in vast pastures lined by giant trees. As we got closer, I saw white corrals with horses that looked up at us. Lance pointed out the various barns and stables as we flew past. And just before we banked to the left over the house, I caught a glimpse of a rambling, crystal blue swimming pool taking up a good deal of the walled, landscaped backyard.

  “So where’s the nearest airport?” I asked Lance.

  Chuckling, Lance gestured toward a long strip of carefully mown grass extending across the field next to the house. Looking closer, I saw a windsock loosely flapping on a pole near the house, and I suddenly realized: Lance had his own airstrip! Lowering the landing gear and chopping the throttles, he brought us in and, pulling back on the yoke, flared just above the short grass, setting us down without a bump. At the end of the airstrip, he gunned the engines, turning us sharply to taxi back to the house, where there was a large building with giant doors that I now recognized as a hangar.

  Chapter 10

  I’d known that his father had been fairly wealthy, but the ranch house truly was impressive. Not what you’d call giant or opulent, but very nice. Everything about it spoke of quality and taste, expensive taste. Lance gave us a tour of the sprawling, single story affair, which was spacious and tastefully decorated in southwest art. A rather stern-looking wrought-iron chandelier hung resolutely above a solidly built 8-foot trestle table in the dining room, which adjoined a generous kitchen with two large gas stoves with ovens and a side-by-side refrigerator. There was a large living room furnished with deep, leather couches and crowned by a 60 inch flat screen TV mounted on the wall.

  On one side of the living room, a set of French doors opened to reveal a brightly painted rec room, walls covered in antique tin signs and sports memorabilia. A dartboard adorned one corner, next to a foosball table, and a massive pool table, intricately carved in white oak and covered with burgundy felt, squatted beneath a low-hanging stained glass light fixture in the center of the room with two darkly upholstered loveseats on either side. Along the back wall, a short bar with 4 barstools sported a marble top and a cheerful row of beer taps, backed by an impressive mirrored liquor rack. The floor-to-ceiling windows along the outer wall overlooked the pool in the back yard. One thing was certain, we weren’t going to be bored this week!

  He then showed us the master bedroom at the end of the hall. The room was dominated by a massive, carved oak king-size bed, covered in sumptuous Egyptian cotton sheets topped by a rich brown down comforter and strewn with pillows of varying shapes and sizes. A sitting area was located at the foot of the bed, complete with a leather sofa flanked by small tables with lamps and a low coffee table in front of it. Off to one side, there was a large bathroom, complete with a whirlpool, shower, and dual sinks. On the other side, a walk-in closet held all of Lance’s clothing.

  “I’m going to put you guys in the guest room at the other end of the hall,” Lance stated, “if that’s okay with you.” He gestured toward a door near the kitchen. “That way, my snoring won’t keep you up!” he laughed.

  Our room was also very nice, with a small bathroom of its own and a closet. A double bed with a quilted comforter was centered against one wall with short dressers on either side. There was a small desk in one corner and a single chair.

  “I’ll leave you two to get situated. Feel free to put your clothes in the closet or the dressers. After all, you’ll be staying for a while!”

  With that, he left us. I heard the door close behind him as he headed outside to put away the plane. Turning to my wife, I drew her to me.

  “Wow!” I said.

  “Yeah! Lance’s place is really nice!”

  “I’ll say! Wh
at did you think of that bed in the master bedroom?”

  “Dunno,” she lifted an eyebrow, “ask me again later!”

  With a giggle, she pulled away and, taking her smaller bag, began to unpack her shampoo, toothbrush, and other essentials in the bathroom. I quickly finished putting my clothes in the dresser on the left side of the bed, then went to see if I could lend a hand with the airplane. I arrived just in time to help him pull the enormous doors closed.

  “Hey,” Lance began as soon as the hangar doors were closed. “Now that we’ve got a moment alone, I just want you to know that I’m not expecting a repeat of what happened. Don’t get me wrong, those were the best two days of my life! But I’m not assuming anything just because you guys came for a visit! I just really wanted you guys to hang out for a few days, you know? No strings! If you say ‘hands off’, I won’t be offended in the least.”

  Holding up my hand, I said, “Lance, I really appreciate that. Seriously, it means a lot. But the fact is, we’re both pretty cool with what happened with you. In fact, I think we’d both be a little disappointed if nothing happened this week!” I winked at him.

  A huge smile broke out across his face.

  “What do you say, I make us some sandwiches for lunch? Then, we can take a dip in the pool. It’s heated, by the way.”

  “Sounds good!” I replied. “Let me go check on Elizabeth and we’ll meet you in the kitchen!”

  Chapter 11

  After lunch, we all went to put on our swimming suits. Lance went to his room, we to ours. It took me about 2 minutes in the bathroom; clothes off, trunks on, and I was ready to go. Now, I lay on the bed bored with my sunglasses on, waiting for Lizzie. She’d been in there for at least 10 minutes now. What in the world is taking so long? Then, slowly, the door opened and I understood.

  Her hair and makeup were done to perfection, crowned by diamond stud earrings and a charming pair of sunglasses, but it was my wife’s new swimsuit that was truly amazing. It was a string bikini with three triangles of royal blue that barely covered her nakedness. Her little breasts, high and firm, poked insistently against the taut, glossy fabric of the top that constrained them. Beneath her exquisitely flat tummy, the suit’s tiny bottom emerged from between her legs, molding itself tightly to the tender skin it concealed, snug enough to show just a hint of her labia beneath. The two strings that secured the bottom were tied with cute little bows that dangled seductively along her bare hips, drawing the eyes ever downward toward her shoes. And Lord, what shoes they were! Instead of simple flip-flops or a pair of old sneakers, my wife was wearing a brand new pair of 4” blue pumps that perfectly matched her swimsuit. Her long legs, beautiful under any circumstances, were now sculpted into striking works of erotic art. In retrospect, it might not have been the most practical poolside attire, but it was outrageously hot. I went from 0 to rock hard in 3.2 seconds.

  “Whatcha lookin’ at?” she asked sweetly, twirling her hair with her fingertips.

  “Oh my God, Lizzie!” I croaked, rising from the bed to get a better look. “You look ravishing!”

  “That’s good!” she purred, running a hand across my bare chest as she picked up her towel from the bed. “Now I just need to find someone to ravish me!”

  And with that she turned on her heel, wiggling her scantily clad butt at me as she slipped through the bedroom door on her way to the pool, her heels clicking on the marble tile of the hallway. For just a second, I stood there with my mouth hanging open. Then, I snatched my own towel and hurried after her.

  When we stepped off the veranda onto the paving stones around the pool, Lance was in the process of getting a couple of beers out of the refrigerator on the porch when he caught his first glimpse of Elizabeth. His reaction was very similar to what mine had been in the bedroom. He seemed to wholly forget what he was doing, abandoning the two beer cans on top of the small fridge as he turned his head to stop and stare. The look on his face was hilarious.

  “Holy shit!!” I heard him exclaim. “You…you look…,” his voice failed.

  “Do you like it?” Lizzie asked in her best schoolgirl voice.

  Holding her hands palms down next to her hips, she did a little turn in her obscenely high heels, taking short choppy steps to ensure she jiggled as much as possible. Lance groaned as he drank in her slim, naked back and her round little ass.

  “Oh hell yes!” he exclaimed.

  “Good!” she teased. “I was afraid you guys would ignore me all week!”

  With that, she quickly slipped out of her heels and, leaving them next to the edge, dove into the pool. Her lithe form cut smoothly through the clear water, practiced strokes carrying her rapidly along beneath the surface. When she came up half-way down the pool, she turned toward us and stood, raising her torso out of the water as she smoothed her wet hair back away from her face. Her top, revealing before, had now turned almost transparent, her hard little nipples fully on display as the cool water ran in rivulets down her sleek body.

  “Aren’t you guys going to come in for a swim?” she asked innocently.

  Lance looked at me questioningly. “Be my guest!” I gestured toward my wife.

  Chuckling to myself, I reached for one of the beers and then sat back in one of the Adirondack chairs. I figured I’d give them a few minutes alone before joining them. Lance’s pool really was first rate. It was a winding free-form design with rock edges. Roughly L-shaped, it meandered through the landscaped backyard, bordered by cacti and flowering shrubs, which screened the far end, where a large rock waterfall gurgled merrily.

  Lance and Elizabeth swam near the house at first, laughing and splashing, constantly touching each other. My wife, always interested in gardening, asked him about some of the plantings on the other side of the pool. It turned out that Lance also had something of a green thumb, and he was more than happy to tell her all about them, drawing her attention to a particularly interesting specimen of succulent as she leaned back against his chest. Gradually, they worked their way around the pool, stopping occasionally to admire and discuss the various flowers, until they had reached the far side, near the waterfall. From my vantage point, I could no longer see them.

  When they didn’t reappear, I knew Lance was making his move. For just a second, I debated staying put and letting them enjoy their time together, but my curiosity was killing me. I finished the last of my beer, leaving the empty can on the armrest of the Adirondack chair, and slipped into the pool to look for my wife, my swimming trunks bulging lewdly from my erection. As it turned out, I almost missed the action.

  When I rounded the bend in the pool, I immediately saw them on the other side of the pool. My wife was leaning back against the stone wall with Lance between her widespread legs facing away from me. The ice had officially been broken. He was already inside her, having simply pulled her bikini bottoms to the side and inserted himself into her underwater. When I arrived, he was hunching up into her forcefully, fucking her fast and hard. His hips were a blur, churning the water as he drilled into her depths. It was immediately obvious he had no intention of prolonging things. He was satisfying an urgent need; there would be time later for tenderness and skill.

  Elizabeth saw me come around the corner and blushed, waving shyly to me as he did her against the side of the pool. As I drew closer, she held my eyes, biting her lip and watching me over her lover’s shoulder as he screwed her in front of me. Soon, her mouth opened and she began to breathe deeply as her arousal grew, nearing orgasm. It was frighteningly intense, staring into each other’s eyes as she climaxed around Lance’s impressive cock.

  Lance, too, was nearing the point of no return. With one of Lizzie’s gorgeous ass cheeks in each hand, he rutted into her like a wild animal, causing her slender legs to bounce and splash in the clear water. Her firm titties bounced delightfully as he speared his massive cock in and out of her beneath the surface. Finally, he gave a mighty thrust and mashed himself up between her thighs, holding himself deep within her with arms straining as h
is back arched and butt flexed again and again. He grunted and moaned as he gave her all of his seed.

  When he was finished, he allowed himself to fall backwards as though dead, disengaging from my wife as he collapsed exhausted into the cool water. Lizzie, giggling at his antics, reached down between her legs to pull the crotch of her bikini bottom back into place. As she did, I saw a cloudy little plume of white, milky liquid drift lazily away from her crotch in the water, and it hit me: Lance had cum inside my wife. Again.

  As though feeling my eyes on her, Lizzie looked up to meet my eyes and gave me a cute little shrug. Moving to me, she pulled me in for a hug and whispered in my ear, “We’ll talk about it later.”

  I was so hard at this point, it felt like my cock would break off if I bumped into anything. After their release, the two lovers now wanted to swim and relax for a bit. Personally, I wanted nothing more than to drag Lizzie back to our room and fuck her brains out, but there was also something deliciously sexy about having to wait. They acted as though nothing had happened, smiling and laughing, as we swam and made small talk; my wife and the man whose sperm was now swimming inside her.

  As the afternoon wore on, we decided it was time to eat again. Lance volunteered to fire up the grill and make a few burgers. Elizabeth grabbed her towel and slowly dried herself and then put her high heels back on, being extra careful not to obstruct our view as she did so. When she ducked inside to change clothes, Lance gave me a knowing look.

  “If you guys want a little time to yourselves, the burgers won’t be ready for about 30 minutes or so…” he winked.

  “Uh. Yeah. Thanks!” I said somewhat lamely, then hurried after her.

  Chapter 12

  As soon as I got to the room, Elizabeth pounced on me. Still in her bikini and heels, she pushed me back onto the bed and jerked my trunks down, engulfing my rigid cock in her hot little mouth. She was like a woman possessed.


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