Shaken in her Boots, The Complete Series (Volumes 1-3): A Hotwife Adventure

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Shaken in her Boots, The Complete Series (Volumes 1-3): A Hotwife Adventure Page 21

by Bart Tracer

  Choosing the largest log from the little stack on the floor that I’d carried in this morning, I laid it on the embers and carefully latched the door of the stove. Then, I adjusted the damper and the airflow. I knew from experience that it would now burn until dawn, keeping the house pleasantly warm through the night and leaving us with enough embers to restart the fire in the morning.

  If Lizzie wasn’t in the kitchen, and she wasn’t in the living room, that left only the bedroom, I realized as I switched off the living room lights. And the bedroom was exactly where I wanted her anyway. With a smug grin, I strode off in search of my unsuspecting quarry.

  As I made my way down the hallway, I walked on my tiptoes. Who knows what I would find if I didn’t make any noise. Maybe I would catch her masturbating! The thought made me smile. I knew I was being silly, but hey, it could happen!

  The light from the bedroom spilled out through the open door into the darkened hallway, creating a large rectangle of light on the beige carpet. I snuck up to the door and carefully eased my head around the corner.

  It took me a moment to find my wife, but when I did a thrill of excitement shot through me. She was already in bed, waiting for me! With the comforter pulled up to her waist, I could see that she had on her favorite satin nightie. Her face was turned toward the wall, presenting me with a view of her slender back, her fiery locks forming a jumbled heap on the pillow.

  As I stood in the doorway watching her, a familiar sound came to my ears; a low, almost imperceptible grunting followed by a thin whistling sound. Just as soon as it finished, the sequence began again: grunt, whistle; grunt, whistle; grunt, whistle. Elizabeth was snoring. My trip to the barn had taken too long. My lovely wife was now fast asleep!

  I knew her well enough to know that there would be no waking her now. Elizabeth only snored when she was exhausted. I felt a sharp pang of disappointment. Even though we’d already had sex today, I had really looked forward to another round between her shapely thighs. Now, I would have to wait until tomorrow!

  Crossing to my nightstand, I turned on the lamp, then walked back to the door to switch off the overhead light. I undressed in the dim light, casting a wistful glance at my sleeping wife as I draped my jeans and shirt over the chair that stood in the corner. I pulled off my socks and underwear, throwing them in a pile beneath the chair, then eased back the covers and, switching off the lamp, joined my wife in our bed.

  It felt good to have her back with me. I hadn’t realized it at the time, but this weekend marked the longest period of time Lizzie and I had spent apart since our wedding. I had missed her terribly, and the reason for her absence had made it even more unbearable. I had slept alone for the last three days because my wife was with her lover, and that thought had never been far from my mind.

  I snuggled up closer to her, unsurprised to find that I was hard. Since we had started our little game with Lance, it seemed I was always hard. My wife had taken a lover, and that fact had me walking around with a constant erection! How crazy was that?! I spooned her tightly, smelling the fresh scent of her long auburn hair, my erection falling neatly into the crack of her panty-clad ass.

  I instinctively rubbed myself against her, enjoying the feel of her smooth satin panties against my sensitive glans. I wondered briefly if she would awaken if I were to slip her panties aside and slide into her. It might be kinda fun to see if I could do it without waking her. But no, I thought, I’d have to get up and get a condom first.

  Condoms. Lizzie and I had always used condoms. But did I really need to use one now? Lance never had! Hell, for all we knew… I shook my head, trying not to think about that!

  I didn’t really need to use a condom. Lizzie wouldn’t mind me going bareback. She’d said as much earlier today. But that wasn’t all she had said.

  Elizabeth seemed to think that our use of birth control heightened the excitement for me. That I somehow got off on the thought of Lance inseminating her instead of me. What was it she’d called it? A special privilege. A little piece of her that belongs to him. Try as I might, I found it difficult to completely deny.

  Thinking about it left me confused and conflicted. I was horrified by the thought… or at least, I should’ve been. But, the more I pondered the matter, the more I realized just how much it turned me on, watching her take Lance’s seed, knowing that I had never given her a single drop of my own.

  As I lay there throbbing against her cute little ass, I thought about how easy it would be. If I moved the gusset of her panties just an inch to the side, I could slip inside her. I could fuck my wife, feel the slickness of her bare pussy against my cock for the first time, and then cum deep inside her.

  But even as I imagined it, I knew I had no intention of going through with it. It killed me to admit it, even to myself, but my wife was right. I liked the fact that bareback sex was something that was reserved for Lance’s big cock!

  I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. It was difficult, with only the thin layer of satin between my steel-hard cock and the divine pleasure of my wife’s juicy little pussy, but eventually, I nodded off.

  All night, I slept fitfully, my rest marred by crazy, outlandish dreams. Just before dawn, I had one particularly disturbing dream, which seared itself into my memory:

  I was in the hospital with Lizzie. The delivery room to be exact, because Elizabeth was very obviously pregnant and now in labor. I was holding her hand and talking soothingly to her when Lance strode into the room, wearing a tuxedo and smoking an enormous cigar, a ridiculous looking monocle perched over one eye.

  “Thanks, Bill, old chap!” he exclaimed boisterously, patting me on the back. “I’ll take over from here, my good man!”

  Then, taking my wife’s hand from mine, he showed me the door, and a large, rather manly-looking female nurse ushered me gruffly into the hallway. “You can sit down there,” she told me with a scowl, gesturing toward a rickety three-legged barstool at the far end of the hall.

  On the seat of the scarred and battered barstool was an old-fashioned, white dunce hat, but instead of the word DUNCE, it bore the label CUCKOLD. I pulled the pointed hat down firmly over my ears and grudgingly took a seat on the stool, resting my chin on my hand with a sigh.

  Almost the instant my butt touched the seat, a deafening alarm klaxon sounded in my ear, nearly causing me to fall off my perch. The overhead fluorescent lights in the hallway suddenly went dark, to be replaced seconds later by the disorienting glare of a series of red flashing emergency lights on the walls, and a line of shockingly beautiful nurses formed in the hallway between me and the delivery room. As I watched in utter disbelief, they began passing squalling babies down the hall like a bucket brigade, dumping them unceremoniously into my arms.

  In the distance, I could hear Lance’s deep, booming, baritone voice laughing jovially as I was being suffocated by an ever-increasing mountain of his babies. Then, thankfully, I awoke.

  Chapter 7

  When my eyes opened, the room was light, the first rays of the sun pouring their light into the room through the east-facing window. I was lying face down in the sheets, mouth open, in a small pool of my own saliva. Blinking away the last remnants of my dream, I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and rolled over, reaching for Elizabeth, but my hand touched only the smooth, flat comforter. Except for me, the bed was empty. I was alone.

  Sitting up, I stretched both arms high above me, arching my back, and took a deep breath. Looking around the bedroom, I saw no sign of Lizzie. I wondered briefly if she was in the kitchen, making breakfast. Then, from the bathroom down the hall, I heard the shower start. Aha! My wife was in the shower. And that meant one thing for certain: she was naked!

  Smiling to myself, I threw off the comforter and swung my legs quickly over the edge of the bed. Standing up, I quietly made my way through the door and padded stealthily along the carpeted corridor to the bathroom.

  Holding my breath, I carefully tried the bathroom doorknob and found that it was unlocked. Turning
the knob slowly, I opened the door just enough to permit me to slip inside, closing it silently behind me.

  A small cloud of steam had just begun to form above the frosted glass of the shower stall. Nonetheless, I could clearly see the slender, naked form of my wife beneath the shower head. She was busily soaping herself beneath the falling water, unaware that I was there.

  As I watched her through the glass, her slender hands moved down to spread the lather across her flat little belly, and I suddenly found myself imagining what she would look like with a baby bump. A baby bump given to her by Lance. Damn it! No matter how hard I tried to keep that thought tamped down, it always seemed to resurface.

  It reminded me of when I was a kid, playing with an old cork in the horse tank. I would spend hours poking that cork with a stick, pushing it underwater and trying to make it stay down. But, no matter how far under the surface I pushed it, as soon as I pulled my stick away, the cork came rocketing back to the top.

  This was like that. I tried to stay busy; tried to keep my mind off it, to think of something else, anything else. But anytime I let my guard down, the thought that my wife could be pregnant came rushing back, seeming to pick up momentum each time. And the weird thing was, the more I thought about it, the more unsure I was just how I felt about the whole thing. Once again, I drove the thought from my mind and focused on the present.

  Being as quiet as I could be, I took a step forward, my hand finding the knob of the shower stall, and cautiously pulled the door open. I slipped in behind Lizzie and slapped her playfully on her soapy little ass.

  To my eternal gratification, the surprise was complete. Lizzie must’ve jumped a foot in the air, yelping like a scalded dog in the process. As soon as her feet touched the floor of the shower again, she whirled around to glare at me.

  “That’s not very nice!” she admonished, crossing her slender arms in front of her chest. Her face assumed an adorable pout, making her look even more fuckable than before.

  “Aw! I’m sorry, Honey,” I said patronizingly. “I didn’t mean to scare you. Honest!” I held up my hand, as though swearing a sacred oath. “Although,” I brought my hand up and stroked my chin with a contemplative gesture, “now that I think about it, you kinda deserve a little spanking for the way you left me with blue balls last night!”

  She laughed at that, uncrossing her arms. With a warm smile, she came into my arms, placing her hands on my shoulders and causing her perky tits to wobble delightfully under the warm spray of water as she rose on her tiptoes to give me a quick kiss.

  “Yeah. Sorry about conking out on you last night! Guess I was more tired than I realized.”

  “That’s okay, Baby,” I said, placing a hand on each of her wet hips. “I’m sure that if I put my mind to it, I can think of some way for you to make it up to me!”

  “Mmm! I do like the sound of that!” She moved forward and planted another, more passionate, kiss on my lips. “Maybe I should start now!”

  With that, she stepped back and sank to her knees, taking my stiffening penis into her warm mouth. Her little hand reached between my legs to capture my swollen balls.

  I moaned at the unexpected pleasure, my hands instinctively finding the back of her head while she sucked me, her eyes closed tightly against the spray of water from the shower head above. She bobbed ardently on my cock, flicking the underside of my glans with her tongue before quickly swallowing me to the root. Lord, she had gotten good at this!

  As she continued to fellate me, my eyes fell on the razor she normally used to shave her legs, lying on the shelf next to a small bar of soap. I suddenly had a naughty idea, and the more I thought about it, the better I liked it. Looking down to make sure her eyes were still closed, I surreptitiously palmed both soap and razor, concealing them in my left hand.

  For just a second longer, I enjoyed her ministrations, then, with more than a little reluctance, I pulled my hips back, causing my throbbing cock to plop wetly from her mouth, and brought her to a standing position. I kissed her full on the lips, my right hand probing between her legs.

  Finding her puffy little slit, I ran my index finger slowly along the length of her wet pussy, my thumb softly gliding over her hard little nub and flicking it lightly from side to side. She moaned passionately into my mouth as I gently stroked her. I rubbed her and played with her, kissing her ear, then her neck, then her lovely breast, working my way down her body.

  Coming to a kneeling position before her, I kissed her wet skin just above her clit as the warm water fell in large droplets upon the muscles of my back. As expected, my lips met the distinct rasp of shaving stubble. Nothing major - it hadn’t been that long - but enough to feel. Grinning to myself, I slid my tongue slowly downward, inch by inch, to flick at her sensitive button.

  Now, it was Lizzie’s turn to moan. She put a hand on the top of my head, guiding me lower. My tongue speared between her swollen lips, tasting her. Looking up, I could see that her eyes were closed, her head thrown back against the wall of the shower. A few more licks and I had her where I wanted her.

  Transferring the razor to my right hand, I began to rub the bar of soap against my wet thigh while I licked her, building a lather. When my hand was full of suds, I dropped the soap into the swirling water at our feet, then swiftly moved my hand up and wiped the frothy lather across her scratchy skin. I pulled my face back and brought up the razor, making a gentle pass down the center of her mound.

  “Wha…?” she croaked hoarsely, her sapphire eyes popping open. “Bill! What are you doing?”

  I didn’t answer. Smiling up at her, I continued my work, concentrating on getting every last bit of stubble. I guided the razor smoothly across her skin in long, light strokes.

  “I… I thought…,” she said, “I thought that you’d want me to let it grow out again. After all, you’ve always loved my little ‘landing strip’.”

  “I know. But Lance likes you shaved!” I shrugged. “We can’t disappoint him!” I nudged her thighs apart so that I could reach in between her legs and finish shaving her.

  She nodded in understanding, lifting a leg and opening herself for me, a wicked little grin creasing her face. “And that’s another little piece of me you want Lance to have!” she said softly.

  I didn’t reply. There was no need to. We both knew she was right.

  She stroked my head, her fingers playing through my hair, and smiled down at me affectionately. “You’re such a good husband; keeping me trimmed for my lover!” Her voice was positively dripping with arousal.

  She trailed her finger languidly down my cheek, before hooking it under my jaw and firmly raising my chin so that her eyes met. “The perfect cuckold!” she smiled cruelly, twirling a fiery lock of her damp hair with her other hand.

  My face burned with embarrassment at her words, but my dick bobbed excitedly between my legs, as hard as an iron crowbar. Unable to hold her eyes, I lowered my head and concentrated on shaving her.

  When I was finished, I leaned forward and planted a tender kiss on her smooth, bald pussy. “There we go!” I announced proudly. I reached down and picked up the bar of soap from the foaming eddy on the floor of the shower and returned it to the shelf, along with the razor. Standing, I took Lizzie in my arms and kissed her lips.

  “Why don’t we go to the bedroom now?” Elizabeth suggested, raising her eyebrow in a coquettish gesture. Then, she tore open the shower door and left me alone under the water.

  I quickly washed myself, then turned off the water and stepped out of the shower stall. Grabbing my towel, I stood in front of the mirror and dried myself. As I looked at my reflection, I pondered what had just taken place.

  This was the first time that the word “cuckold” had fallen between us. In fact, the more I thought about it, it was the first time I had ever heard my wife even use the word. And I had offered no protest. After all, what was I going to say? There was no denying it. It was the plain and simple truth. But, instinctively, I knew that her use of the word had not
been an accident.

  However accurate it might be, this new label was a further step for us. The elephant in the room had been addressed and we both realized it. I honestly had no idea where things would go from here, but one thing I knew for sure: they wouldn’t go back to the way they were!

  I hung my damp towel back on the rack and walked naked down the hallway to the bedroom, where my wife awaited me.

  Chapter 8

  Elizabeth was lying on her stomach on top of the comforter facing the door when I entered the bedroom. Propped up jauntily on her elbows, her perfect face was cupped by her hands. Seeing me in the doorway, she smiled sweetly. Her long, slender legs were bent at the knees to reach elegantly up over her body; her ankles were crossed just below the point where her dainty feet fidgeted playfully in midair. My eyes followed the gentle curve of her long back as it sloped downward to her cute little naked ass.

  The overall effect was a striking blend of girlish naivete and alluring sensuality. She looked stunningly, hopelessly sexy. My cock, which had softened somewhat while I was drying myself, now began to rise insistently once more at the sight before me.

  “There you are!” she said in mock accusation. “I thought I was going to have to send out a search party!” Smiling broadly, she stretched out her right hand toward me, curling her finger in the classic ‘come here’ gesture.

  I crossed the room to the bed, where she took my hand in hers and pulled me to the edge, standing directly in front of her. Lizzie’s hands slid around my hips to grasp my buttocks as she sucked the head of my penis between her soft lips. Then, with her nails digging into my ass, she urged me forward, nibbling her way playfully down my shaft inch by inch as she took my full length into her warm mouth.

  She ground her lips against my belly, easily deepthroating my cock. As she pulled back along my shaft, she twisted her head back and forth, her flickering tongue stimulating the underside of my cock all the while. Yet another technique she had no doubt learned from Lance! That thought alone seemed to intensify the exquisite sensations I was feeling.


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