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Snowed Page 10

by Pamela Burford

  She replaced the picture in the envelope. She found it hard to look at him now, knowing these final glimpses would have to hold her for a lifetime.

  “Leah.” His voice was raspy. She looked up into his serious eyes. “May I kiss you?”

  She was astounded. James Bradburn asking for a kiss? She cleared her throat. “Yes.”

  He took the envelope from her and placed it with her bag and coat. When he turned back and lowered his head, she felt as if it were happening in slow motion. Anticipation made her dizzy. Their lips touched and a current seemed to flow between them. He brushed his mouth lightly across hers, and then again, the artless sensuality of the gesture making her breath catch.

  He pulled back and she wanted to cry out, No! Don’t stop. As if he heard her silent plea, he brought his lips to hers again. Vaguely she realized he was holding her now, bringing her closer. Her arms circled his neck. His hands traveled over her back, pressing her against him. She closed her eyes in breathless wonder as the kiss deepened and a primal hunger blossomed.

  Abruptly he stopped, holding her at arm’s length. She opened her eyes and saw the same hunger burning in his gaze even as his features tensed in rigid self-control. Suddenly she knew she had to take more of him with her than photographs and memories of unfulfilled longing. And she had to leave something of herself in return. She reached up to bring his face down to hers once more.

  Like a starving man, he greedily claimed her mouth. The tip of his tongue teased her lips, urging them apart. She heard her own intake of breath as he entered her mouth, his tongue probing in rhythmic emulation of the act their bodies craved. Her uninhibited response seemed to spur him on. He seized her buttocks, pulling her against him with brutal urgency, his rigid arousal a living thing between them. Instinctively she arched into him, offering herself, knowing only that she needed to be filled by this man. His groan was deep and hungry, vibrating her to her toes.

  “Leah...” he whispered, his mouth near her ear. His long fingers grasped her bottom harder, holding her against his erection as if he could penetrate her through their clothes. “I want you too much. It’s all I can think of.” He released her to frame her face in his hands and look into her eyes. “Leah...if we don’t stop now, I won’t be able to.” It was a warning.

  “James, I don’t want to—”

  The blare of a taxi horn outside jolted them. James, I don’t want to stop. She bit her lip.

  He shot a murderous scowl at the window as she stumbled away from him, disoriented, automatically glancing around for her coat and bag.

  “They’re on the chair.” His voice was tight, his hands clenched at his sides.

  The horn blared again, suddenly bringing to mind her folks and Harmony Grits and Miguel and an inventory up in smoke. Never in her life had she walked away from her obligations—she wasn’t about to start now. Her dedication and perseverance were the only things that had brought her this far, the only things she could rely on.

  Woodenly Leah slipped into her coat as James held it for her, then picked up her bag and the envelope. He took a handful of money out of his wallet to pay the driver, his face a mask of grim control. She tried not to think, not to feel, as she accepted his money with thanks. He held the door open for her and she went out into the frigid morning air. He opened the taxi door and she slid into the backseat.

  “Good-bye, Leah.”

  “Good-bye, James. Take care of your ankle.”

  He didn’t smile as he closed the door and the taxi pulled away. As the car neared the road, she resisted the impulse to look back and see if he was still outside watching. She was afraid the burn of unshed tears would turn into a torrent.


  “...And the football team’s named after a pig, right?”

  Lord, would this driver ever shut up? Leah decided that within the first ten miles, he’d found out everything about her but her bra size. “The Razorbacks,” she said.

  “That’s it! The University of Arkansas Razorbacks.”

  She stared out the window at the other cars on the expressway and tried to pretend she’d suddenly gone deaf. bourbon lady with angel birthday present...

  Don’t do this to yourself, she commanded.

  “Hey, I got one for ya,” he said. “Stop me if you’ve heard it. What’s the only U.S. state mentioned in the Bible?”

  “I’ve heard it. I’m stopping you.”

  “Arkansas! ‘Noah looked out of the ark and saw...’ I get a lot of mileage outta that one. Mileage, get it?” He thumped the dashboard for emphasis.

  Somehow I know I would’ve remembered making love to you, altered state or no.

  She closed her eyes and pressed her forehead to the cold window glass.

  “So is there a Big Rock?” he asked.

  “What?” Shut up. Shut up.

  “You’re from Little Rock, right? So there’s gotta be a Big Rock somewhere.”

  “If I tell you, will you stop talking?” The driver laughed so hard, she thought the taxi was going to swerve into a U-Haul truck in the next lane. “Little Rock was the name of a stone outcropping on the bank of the Arkansas River. It was a landmark for early travelers.”

  Leah, I want you too much.

  “Guess what was located upstream a ways,” she said.

  “Big Rock?”

  “You amaze me. Now, turn this taxi around and take me back.”

  He looked hurt. “Jeez, I’ll shut up.”

  She threw James’s cab money onto the front seat. “Turn it around.”

  It was time for James to open his birthday present.

  Chapter Eight

  Leah stood in the bathroom doorway and watched an oblivious James lounging in the huge claw-footed bathtub, arms draped over the sides, eyes closed. Steam rose off the water. Her eager gaze lingered on his naked body. David in Repose. Taking a deep breath, she padded shoeless toward the tub.

  He lurched upright with a satisfying gasp when she stepped into the tub, fully clothed. “Hello, James.” As water sloshed onto the floor, she settled herself comfortably at the opposite end, facing him. “I still like it when you’re speechless.”

  Slowly he sat back, the hint of a smile lighting his eyes and tilting one corner of his wide mouth. “You seem to be the only person with the ability to do that to me.”

  “I shall use my power wisely, O Wet One.”

  “What about your flight?”

  “There’ll be another one.” Leah poked at the air bubbles trapped under her dress, watching them blorp to the surface of the deep, warm water. She leaned back and stretched out her legs to one side of his long body, wriggling to avoid the faucets.

  He started to stroke her leg, and grimaced on encountering her tights. Lifting her foot out of the water, he got a good grip on the material covering her toes. And pulled. She chuckled as the tube of stretchy cloth lengthened between her foot and his fingers, with no discernible effect on her state of dress. He scowled and wrapped the material around his palm. “It was a sad day when women gave up garter belts and silk stockings.” He gave a mighty two-fisted yank. Laughing, she had to grab the sides of the tub to keep from being pulled under. Finally, with a frustrated growl, he unceremoniously reached under her dress to her waist. “There’s more than one way to skin a cat.”

  “Don’t let Stieglitz hear you say that.”

  He made short work of her tights, which landed on the bathroom floor with a resounding splat. She found her bare legs nestled intimately against his hip under the water. The delicious sensation held the promise of what was to come.

  He said, “I’m afraid to ask how you got back into the house.”

  “I’d forgotten to return the mudroom key. It was still in my coat pocket.” She squirmed as her shoulder brushed the faucet.

  James leaned forward to pull her to his end of the tub, snuggling her next to him, their legs entwined. His hand found the softness of her breast through the sodden fabric of her dress and bra, an
d her breathing quickened. He said, “I feel compelled to warn you, I tend to jump to conclusions whenever a beautiful woman deposits herself in my bathtub.” She opened her mouth to speak, and he put a restraining finger on her lips. “One word about figurative speech and I wash your mouth out with soap.”

  “If you were to use Stieglitz’s method, I might not mind the punishment.” When he frowned in perplexity, she demonstrated, running the tip of her tongue along his lips.

  A low purring noise arose from deep in his chest, and his arms tightened around her. “I’m not sure I fully comprehend. You’d better show me again.”

  She draped her arms around his neck and continued to taste and tease him. His broad chest rose and fell faster as his lips parted, and she ran her tongue along his teeth. A tingle raced through her body, settling in the depths of her belly as a pulsating tightness that made her squirm against him. He groaned and held her tighter still. His tongue tangled with hers in a primitive duel of possession and promise.

  At length he paused for breath. His voice was a husky murmur. “You came back, Leah. You came back.” His fingers worked swiftly to unfasten the buttons that ran down the front of her dress. The front closure of her bra caused him to mutter in frustration, but he soon got that open, too. The garments joined her tights on the floor.

  Her bare breasts drew his hand like a magnet. His leisurely caress made her moan softly. Finally he captured a nipple between his callused fingertip and an electric shock seemed to course through her, snagging her breath. He stroked and lightly pinched the soft peak until it tightened before directing his attention to its twin.

  Something moved against her hip, something warm and firm and very much alive. Looking down at his erection, she felt a thrill of anticipation even as her heart did a nervous little flip. He pulled her close, trapping her between his powerful legs, bringing her more fully against his throbbing need.

  James joined his lips to hers in a kiss that robbed her senses and made her world spin. He stroked her thighs under the water, his hand moving with sensual deliberation upward, ever higher. He explored her bottom and dipped his fingers between her legs, caressing her through her bikini panties. She shivered and pressed closer to him as he captured her soft sigh in his mouth. He pulled off the panties and hurled them across the room, where they landed on the pedestal sink. Leah had been unprepared for the sheer erotic thrill of his body sliding against hers in the warm water. She found herself under him, supported by his strong arm. He lifted her until the tips of her breasts broke the surface.

  Her voice echoed off the walls, rhythmic and throaty, as his warm mouth closed over her nipple and suckled greedily. Her response seemed to fuel his hunger even more. His hot tongue stroked her aching flesh, tasting and flicking the tight bud until she was breathless, unconscious of everything but the pinpoint of need flaring to life under his avid mouth, sending a spark shooting downward until she squirmed under him in mindless craving.

  His hands were everywhere, learning her body, finally finding the place that ached for his touch. She whimpered with longing as his fingers explored, nudging the slippery petals open. He raised his head to watch her face.

  His voice was thick. “I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you.” His finger eased into her, and her internal muscles tightened reflexively. His hand stilled. A small frown creased his brow. “Leah?” His finger moved again, gently probing. “Are you a virgin?”

  She could only nod. Speech was out of the question. His eyes expressed more eloquently than words ever could the depth of his feelings—the wonder and tenderness swelling within him...his raw masculine satisfaction at being her first.

  He searched her eyes. “Leah...I want you to be sure.”

  “I’m sure, James.” She met his gaze unflinchingly. “I’ve never been more certain of anything.”

  His kiss was at once tender and demanding. “I’ll be gentle.” His finger began moving once more while his thumb circled and stroked her. She soon found herself reaching for his touch, her hips rocking to the intoxicating rhythm he set.

  She held on to him, clung fiercely, mindlessly, as if she were drowning and he were her lifeline, until she was reaching...reaching for the glowing point of light that swelled and blossomed just beyond her grasp. At the edge now, she felt a moment of panic and held back. “James!”

  “Let it happen, Leah...let it happen.” Relentlessly he coaxed her with his touch and his tender words until she had no choice but to surrender to the force of her release. She shuddered violently, her body rocked by the savage intensity of it. Vaguely she heard her sharp, pealing cries echoing back at her, not recognizing her own voice. It seemed to last forever as his skillful fingers worked their magic, prolonging her climax.

  Gradually her breathing steadied as her body calmed, wrapped tightly in the haven of his arms. He kissed her and stroked her hair. As awareness returned, she became acutely conscious of his unappeased need. Hesitantly she touched his penis, felt him twitch under her fingers, heard his sharp intake of breath. Her caress became bolder, more confident, and something close to a growl rumbled from his chest.

  With obvious reluctance he stilled her hand. “Wait, Leah, or it’ll be over too soon.” He abruptly stepped out of the tub and grabbed a thick white bath sheet.

  She stretched out in the massive tub, letting the warm water support her sated body as she watched him rub the towel briskly over his damp skin. “Can’t we stay here?” she asked as he lifted her to her feet and began drying her.

  He grinned. “Getting kinky already?” She playfully slapped him on the rump. “I must admit this old tub presents intriguing possibilities, but this time is special. For you. For us. You belong in my bed.” He wrapped her in the huge towel and started to lift her into his arms.

  “James! Your ankle.” She wriggled free and leapt toward the doorway when his long arm whipped out to grab her. She was laughing as she backed into the hallway, clutching the towel around her, watching the blue fire smolder in his eyes as he slowly followed her.

  “Stop fussing, woman. You’re about to be deflowered. Show the proper reverence.”

  “What would be properly reverent?” She shuffled backward down the carpeted hallway to the open doorway of his bedroom. A primitive thrill washed through her at the sight of the wet, naked, gloriously aroused man limping toward her with single-minded determination. Stalking her.

  He said, “Well, a display of virginal terror would be nice for a start. And for God’s sake, stop smiling.”

  Inside the doorway he caught up with her and seized her, heading straight for the bed. He lowered her to the linen duvet cover and stretched out next to her. It felt so right, somehow, finally sharing this man’s herself to him as she’d never given herself before. She was glad she’d waited.

  Ever so slowly, he peeled the towel off her, as if he were indeed unwrapping a birthday present. Inch by inch he revealed her, kissing the flesh he exposed, until she was tingling from head to toe. Finally she felt his hot breath where she was damp with longing, and she shivered in anticipation. His intimate kiss left her stunned and breathless. She curled her fingers in his hair and arched into the sweet suction of his lips, the gentle scrape of his teeth, the flicking torment of his firm, slippery tongue on the ultrasensitive bud.

  She was in a frenzy of helpless writhing, her hair whipping the pillow, her hips imprisoned within the unyielding grasp of his hands, her gusty cries a plea for release. Every molecule of her body was taut as a bowstring—all sensation centered on the need to be filled. He bestowed one final lingering kiss, causing a delicious shudder to race through her. Through her sensual haze she saw him reach into the night table drawer for a small packet, which he tore open. Noting the dexterity and speed with which he rolled the condom on, she teased, “How did you get so good at that?”

  “Years of constant practice and self-denial.”

  “I don’t know about the ‘self-denial’ part,” she said with a knowing smile.
/>   He came to her then, covered her with his body, urged her to open to him as he caressed her face and kissed her. She relished the feel of him pressed so intimately against her, heavy and hot and potent. He began to press into her, a steady, slow penetration. She felt a stabbing burn and bit back a gasp.

  He stilled then and looked straight into her eyes, his voice low and hoarse. “I wish I didn’t have to hurt you, Leah.”

  She wanted to reassure him, to tell him that the fleeting pain paled against the wonder of becoming one with him. But words eluded her. Her passion-misted eyes sought out his. Her fingers caressed his cheek, and he turned his face to kiss her palm. She saw the same telltale brightness sheen his clear blue eyes, and her heart soared with the knowledge that their union affected him as profoundly as it did her.

  He moved deeper and deeper within her until they were joined completely. “Are you all right?” he whispered. She nodded and his mouth claimed hers in a tender, lingering kiss. She reveled in the extraordinary sensation of being so deeply, so completely, so sweetly impaled by the hard, pulsing length of him. He held himself still to let her adjust, his strained features hinting at the enormous control he exercised.

  James framed Leah’s face in his large hands, his intense gaze locked with hers. “Being with’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced. I’ve never made love before. Not really. Not like this.”

  She wrapped her arms tightly around him. “I just wish...I wish it never had to end.”

  The pace of their loving started out slow but quickly escalated. She couldn’t say at what point her initial discomfort metamorphosed into a different kind of burn. She could only wonder at the delicious, magical response of her own body as a spark flared to life somewhere deep inside.

  The flame he kindled blazed brighter and hotter until she was rising to meet him, matching the rhythm he set. Her fingers dug into his back, both their bodies sheened with sweat. Unexpectedly she found herself at the edge once more, striving for that glowing point. “I—can’t—I can’t!” she gasped.


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