Tiger's Lily

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Tiger's Lily Page 2

by Cheyenne Meadows

Chapter 2

  An hour and a half later, Lily pulled into her driveway, already weary from the long day at work and shopping for two extra mouths to feed for a few days. Big men with big appetites. Luckily, the grocery store clerk, exhausted and bored, paid her little attention with her overflowing basket of food and items she could hardly afford. Her budget lacked flexibility to allow for such luxuries. Yet there was no help for the situation. She had to feed them. Besides, everything usually came out in the wash. Usually.

  The small two bedroom rock house looked old and cozy from the road, nothing that people paid much attention to. However, it was home for her. A large covered front porch gave her space for a plant or three during the summer. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room, and a laundry room fit into the small square footage. As the house was over a century old, hardwood floors graced each room. Carson kept it in good condition and repair. All the appliances boasted energy efficiency and shiny newness down to the central air and heat. A fireplace made up the west wall of the living room, a necessity when the house was built, but a nicety now in case of power loss during a blizzard or ice storm.

  Lily didn't have much furniture or belongings that she brought from her mother's home. A sleeper sofa and a small recliner sat quietly in the living room. Her king-sized bed filled the biggest of the bedrooms, the only real gift she gave herself after her mother's death. Not having a spare bed, she turned the second bedroom into a storage room for linens and supplies. On the other hand, the kitchen held tools for baking, cooking, and canning. All the essentials were there. Though not luxurious or fancy, the house gave her comfort and peace, which counted for everything in her book.

  Putting the car in the garage, she hastily grabbed up bags of groceries out of the trunk, carrying them through the door and into the kitchen while keeping an eye out for small escape artists. Not seeing any fur kids running around, she proceeded with a quick search and find mission, smiling when she found the two young kittens curled up asleep with their mother on the living room couch. "Hello, Hope. We have company coming. I hope you don't mind. It's not like we had much of a choice, you see." When the calico lazily opened her eyes, Lily gently brushed her fingers over the cat's head. One black ear and one orange ear stood out starkly against the pristine white coat while her tail combined all three colors into a pretty blend. She would be solid white except those three places of color. "It will be okay. I promise." With that said, she scurried back to work, trying to beat the clock on her chores before the new roommates arrived.

  * * * *

  Tiger eyed the small rock house with a keen eye. Years of survival training were hard to break as he immediately searched for faults and strengths in case of an emergency. Once a Navy SEAL, always a Navy SEAL. At least it looked sturdy and sound, should a fire fight break out. He sure hoped not. Dillon needed rest and down time, not dodging bullets on the run with a bum leg and his body fighting infection.

  "We're here." Mayberry announced, turning the engine of the large SUV off. Tiger hopped out of the passenger seat, intent on getting his brother to the relative safety of a warm bed.

  As before, each man took a side and practically carried Dillon to the garage door, ensuring no weight was put on his injured leg. The front door would have been closer and easier, but Tiger resisted the temptation. The large vehicle covered their silhouettes and the darkness should cover the rest. No sense in standing on a wide front porch with a light over their heads to announce their presence to the area. Too many years of survival cautioned him into the shadows each and every time.

  They stepped into the kitchen, Tiger steadying his brother while Mayberry shut the door behind them. Smells and noises instantly caught his attention. Pots sat on the stove, heating their contents while the sweet scent of cinnamon sent his hungry belly to rumbling. A washer nearby churned clothes and footsteps of the owner quickly approached.

  She stepped out of the bedroom, still dressed in her work scrubs minus the shoes. Blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail swayed with her movements. A classical beauty she wasn't. In fact, he had dated and been with much prettier women in his time. Yet something about this plain Jane caught his rapt attention.

  "Let's put him in here." Lily gestured with her hands, indicating the bed's location.

  A minute later, they eased Dillon onto the soft mattress, watching as he sunk into the bed with a groan of relief. Freshly washed sheets, crisp and with a tinge of lavender, covered his brother's tired body.

  Lily flipped the comforter over the sheets, ensuring warmth and comfort.

  Tiger couldn't help but smirk at the pastel floral decorations covering the matching linen. Men didn't complain about the scenery when in a lady's bed. If you were lucky enough to get there, you had more to grab your attention than artwork on cotton. Lily's voice cut through his thoughts.

  "I've got some soup warming on the stove. Dillon, stay awake for a bit longer. Let's get your stomach full and something to drink, then I'll leave you to sleep as long as you like."

  Dillon nodded, but his eyes remained closed.

  Pulling his gaze from his little brother, Tiger addressed Mayberry. "I'll bring in those supplies."

  "I'll help."

  Together the two men traipsed back and forth bringing in medical equipment, medications, supplies, and personal belongings stored in two large duffle bags. Within moments, Lily had the room organized and headed to the kitchen.

  Tiger watched her go, noting the gentle sway to her hips. "I'm not sure about this."

  The doctor leaned over to check Dillon's bandage once more. They showered him at the office, placing him in spare scrubs that Carson quickly cut into shorts to allow air and easy surveillance of the wound. "I trust Lily. She will take care of Dillon like a mother with her only child."

  "It's not that…" Tiger began to explain, shutting his mouth when Lily re-entered the room.

  "Soup is ready. I found an old serving tray that I think will work for Dillon." She pinned Tiger with a stern expression. "I'll feed him if you want to eat and get cleaned up yourself. You can use the shower here." A finger pointed toward the bathroom to their right. "If you leave your clothes in the laundry room, I'll toss them in with mine."

  "No need. I'll take care of it." He stood, looking down at the woman whose crown reached not quite to his chin. Those hazel eyes flashed while her mouth thinned. She didn't like being told no. Well, too bad. She could just get used to it.

  "Listen macho, there is no sense in doing twice the laundry. It's a waste of detergent, water, and electricity. I guarantee my clothes contain no cooties and aren't contagious. So if you will kindly dig out yours and Dillon's dirty clothes, I will wash them." She turned, then paused to look back over her shoulder. "And before you think it, you are not walking around this house naked. My insurance doesn't cover counseling from the trauma of being surrounded by arrogant, naked Neanderthals." With that said, she strode confidently from the room.

  A low chuckle sounded from beside him.

  "Oh, shut up."

  Carson shook his head. "Play nice with the good nurse, Tiger. I would hate to have to kick your butt when I return."

  "As if." Tiger snorted in reply, his mind already returning to the sharp-tongued woman.

  * * * *

  Lily carried the tray of soup, crackers, milk, and cornbread to Dillon's room. Tiger took it from her, dismissing her when she insisted on helping Dillon eat. Knowing a lost cause when she saw it, she left the room, following Carson as he headed toward the door.

  "Call me if you need anything or have any concerns." He reminded her, stopping at the door in the kitchen.

  "I will. Promise." She took a deep breath, feeling the panic well up. Biting her lip, she pasted a smile on her face. What was she doing? Harboring criminals? Living with men she knew nothing about that obviously resided just a single step on one side of the law or the other?

  As if sensing her concerns Carson pulled her into a brotherly hug. Pushing back he kept hold of her u
pper arms, smiling reassuringly. "They may be rough, but they really are the good guys. I can vouch for that."

  She nodded uncertainly.

  His eyes flicked toward the bedroom before meeting her gaze once more. "They were comrades in arms a few years back. I trust them with my life. You are safer now than you have ever been."

  The words slowly sunk in, quelling most of the panic, but her nerves still crackled with adrenalin.

  "Trust me."

  She did trust him. The only reason she intended to go through with her promise, that and the fact that she really did owe him for everything he had done for her.

  Tiger moved into her peripheral vision as he stepped from the bedroom. "What if Rambo here doesn't like something I do to his brother and shoots me?"

  The corners of his mouth crooked up. "Then Rambo gets to pack Mrs Snidley's pilonidal cyst next week.

  That brought a smile to her face. Mrs Snidley had to be the most cantankerous, bitter, miserable, and hateful woman on the face of the planet. Nothing suited her, no one was good enough, and she complained mightily while the wound in her butt crack was packed. It couldn't have happened to a better person. She was a pain in the rear to everyone that had to deal with her, so it was only fair that she had a pain in her rear as well. Gotta love Karma.

  Lily gave Carson a warm hug, then shut the door behind him.

  "Where do you want this?"

  She turned to see Tiger standing with the tray in his hand. "I'll take it." Glancing over, she found the tray completely bare, not a scrap of food remained. She looked up at Tiger and arched her brow, while lifting the tray from his hands.

  "He fell asleep. I ate what he didn't finish."

  "You need more to eat than that. Why don't you go to the kitchen and fix a plate? There is plenty and you guys look like you haven't had a good meal in a while."

  "I'm fine."

  The abrupt tone grated on her nerves, but she refused to let him get to her. "If you say so. I'll let him sleep, then try again when he wakes up. Until then, I'll work on that laundry."

  Arms folded over his broad chest as light blue eyes stripped her bare. "I said I will do it."

  With a long sigh, she stood toe to toe with him. "Listen. If this is going to work, you are going to have to bend a little. I'm not asking you to be Gumby, just be civil and reasonable for a few days. That's it. A bit of cooperation might be nice, too."

  Leaning down, he paused just inches from her face. "I'm a man that gets what he wants."

  She met his challenge and tossed back one of her own. "Yeah, well, I am woman, hear me roar."

  He blinked at her as if stunned by such a declaration from his intimidation attempt.

  Lily snorted, pivoted, and marched to the sink with the dirty dishes.

  Chapter 3

  Tiger watched her retreat with a glint in his eye. He could feel her nervousness, sense an innate deeply masked fear of him, yet she stood toe to toe and threw back his challenge in his face. Not many women had the gall to do that. Maybe nurses were tough creatures after all.

  A quiet mewing caught his attention. Intrigued, he glided toward the small living room couch and peeked over. The sight of a mother cat nursing her two baby kittens set a small grin to his face. The girls, she called them. So protective of a little ready-made family of cats. If a woman can be that caring and devoted to a small furry animal, perhaps she could and would care for his brother with the same determination and compassion. The thought alone eased tension from his shoulders and spine. Perhaps this would work after all.

  No sooner had the thought hit than he quickly dismissed it. Women were lazy and liked creature comforts and a man to care for their every need, using their wiles and bodies to gain power, money, and position. But when times got hard, they would quietly stab you in the back and move on to another gullible soul without a shred of remorse. He didn't have an issue with women. He simply understood the rules of the game. Sure, there were exceptions, but, like the chances of winning the lottery jackpot, they were slim to none.

  "Her name is Hope." Lily's quiet voice interrupted his thoughts.


  She nodded, her eyes lowering to the suckling kittens. "She showed up here one day. It was the end of July. Hot as blazes. The poor thing was so skinny and afraid." A moment passed before she continued on with her story, as if she were remembering the day with images in her mind. "I noticed her sitting beside the shed, half starved, and obviously in need. Not sure if she was tame, I quickly grabbed some lunchmeat and placed it in front of me. She looked at the food and cautiously moved up to eat it, hardly taking her eyes off me the entire time, as if she expected to be kicked or hit at any moment. I've never seen anything devour food as quickly or hungrily as she did."

  He nodded, silently encouraging her to finish the story.

  Lily reached out to lightly rub the head of the mother cat, speaking as she petted. "She let me touch her that day. Pet her. Soon I was able to pick her up and take her to the vet. It was touch and go for a while. Not only did she have an upper respiratory infection which can be fatal in cats, but she had an abscessed leg as well. A bite wound from fighting for food, the vet guessed."

  A loud purring sounded in the background as the cat expressed her enjoyment of the affection.

  "So you brought her home?" Tiger prodded.

  "Yes. The look she gave me when she first saw that lunchmeat in my hand, it was a look of sheer desperation. Of hope. As if I was the very last prospect she had on this earth. I couldn't just turn my back on that. I paid for the medications, bought the recommended high nutrition and calorie food for her, got her all fixed up as best as I could. Then I held her each night, talked to her, and let her sleep with me."

  "And the kittens?" He gestured toward the babies. One black and white spotted kitten lay just under her mother's front leg while the other, an orange and white color, rested a bit farther back. Their little tails stood straight out from rounded bodies.

  "She was too sick to get spayed when I first took her in to the vet. Then I worked so hard to get her well and put weight on her. By the time I realized she was pregnant, I didn't have the heart to spay her at such a late stage. Those babies deserved a chance too. The vet didn't think they would make it due to the rough time Hope had while she carried them, but they proved him wrong." A smile full of pride appeared, making her face glow with affection.

  "What are you going to do with the kittens?" Tiger reached over to tenderly run a finger over the soft coat of first one then the other.

  "Why, keep them, of course." Lily glanced up, her voice full of conviction. "Faith and Charity will never be hungry or cold or suffer. Neither will Hope, ever again."

  He braced himself, shaking off the softness and emotion the sad story evoked. More than one man had fallen for a pretty face and a tragic tale, only to be duped, taken for all they were worth, and left behind in the dust. It happened to him once and he vowed never again would he or anyone he loves suffer for his miscalculations over a woman.

  With one more touch to the babies, he headed toward the bedroom. "I'm going to take that shower. Make sure nothing happens to Dillon or there will be Hell to pay."

  * * * *

  "Ignore him. He's old and has forgotten what little manners he ever learned."

  Lily turned toward the tired voice coming from her bed. Deep brown eyes contrasted with the blonde hair standing straight up from his buzz cut. A friendly grin beckoned her.

  "I fear a mere sneeze out of you and he will rush back in, declare me a witch and to heck with finding a stake. He would simply shoot me on the spot and toss my body out the back door for the coyotes to nibble on." She moved to the edge of the bed.

  "He wouldn't dare harm a hair on your head." Dillon tried to reassure her.

  She nodded. "He's a bear, you say. Somehow I had already guessed that."

  Dillon smiled widely at her teasing. "Definitely a bear most days."

  "As surly as a bear with a toothache, that is
. Pretty to look at from a distance, but deadly if you get too close."

  "A nurse with a sense of humor. I never knew such existed." He tossed out, shifting his sore leg carefully.

  Tugging the covers to lay neatly over her patient, Lily joined in his fun. "A man with humility and a brain. How rare."

  Warm chuckles carried across the room before Dillon's amusement turned serious once more. "Really, there is no need to be afraid of him. He's gruff, but he can be kind."

  "Me? Afraid of him?" Lily clutched her chest while mock horror covered her face. "No. Don't tell me. He's addicted to that big purple dinosaur. Oh, dear me, say it isn't so. My sanity won't survive hours and hours of those videos. And those songs. Yikes."

  Dillon burst out laughing at her dramatics. "You are funny."

  "Why, thank you. I do try. Patients need more than just medical care, you see. Entertainment is at the top of their list." She smiled warmly down at him, feeling at ease, and glad she accepted the task of looking over him until he healed enough to be on his way once more. If only his brother could smile and tease and act like a normal human being. If only pigs flew, too.

  * * * *

  Several minutes later, Tiger emerged from the shower, towel-drying his cropped hair while wearing a pair of sweats. His eyes roamed over her and Dillon as she sat on the edge of the bed, talking and laughing with him.

  "Flirting will get you nowhere with him. He has a girlfriend, a good woman, waiting for him at home."

  Lily's good mood vanished like a water puddle in the mid-summer heat under the harsh lash of Tiger's tongue. "I know. Her name is Della and they are hoping to marry next spring."

  If he was stunned by her knowledge, he didn't show it. A slight flicker of light across those blue eyes revealed nothing with his tightly controlled reactions. He watched her pat Dillon's hand, then stand. "And quit pining for the doctor. He's already taken. Or does that even matter to you?"


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