Aboard the Wishing Star

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Aboard the Wishing Star Page 2

by Debra Parmley

  "Hello," she murmured, blushing as his scent, spicy and male, and his nearness made her senses spin. She felt dizzy. Between the heat of his body and the heat of the sun she grew warmer and more flushed.

  "Your straps are twisted."

  She watched his lips as he spoke and her pulse raced.

  "Let me to fix them for you."

  He towered over her. She had to look up to look into his eyes. Brown eyes that sparkled as he untwisted the straps.

  She nodded. The blush spread across her face.

  His hand brushed the small of her back as he untwisted the straps, sending a tingle up her spine. He was so close, yet the bulky lifejacket held her head up and covered her chest.

  Yet it wasn't only the man's sexiness and the sudden attraction that nearly did her in but the tender way he administered to her. The way she felt cared for. Something she hadn't felt for a long time.

  Her body came alive as if one touch had turned on the floodlights. And the part deep within her that wanted to be cared for and loved made her ache with need.

  Pulling the straps together in front, he snapped the vest tight. "There, that's better."

  She didn't look up into his eyes. Instead her eyes traced the stubble on his chin. Who would have thought a man's stubbly chin could be so sexy?

  She wanted to reach up and touch it.

  Knowing she should thank him, instead she stood, frozen, bared to her soul. If she said one word she feared all the pent up loneliness inside her would come pouring out.

  Now all the passengers were accounted for, and the captain's voice came over the loudspeaker, interrupting what either of them might have said.

  Nate stood for one more brief moment looking down into her eyes, his teeth white against his tan, his intent brown eyes upon hers, before he winked again and stepped back behind her.

  Kara was intensely aware of his presence though she tried to ignore it, to focus on the captain's instructions. It was important to pay attention. This information could save her life if the ship started to sink.

  She glanced down at the small whistle and plastic light hanging from her vest like children's toys.

  The light would act as a beacon. But how could anyone see that tiny thing in the vast ocean?

  Don't think about the ship going down like the Titanic. Don't.

  The evening sun beat down, and she longed to retreat to their cool cabin. Viv moved over next to her. "When the drill is over let's put on our swimsuits and try out the hot tub."

  "That and a frosty pina colada sounds good."

  Kara wondered if Nate had overheard and if he'd look for her later. She wasn't going to say anything to Viv after the way Viv flirted with him in the airport, but secretly Kara made one small wish. Viv had been after her to make one and they were, after all, sailing on the Wishing Star.

  Chapter Two

  "How do I look?" Viv spun in a gold bikini.

  "Stunning as always," Kara said.

  "Stop tugging at your cleavage," Viv said. "You look great. Guys will come flocking. Just wait and see."

  Kara looked in the mirror. "I'm too pale."

  "Not for long." Viv pulled on a black mesh cover-up Kara could see her swimsuit through. "Come on, hurry. We don't want to miss the bon voyage party."

  Kara tied the red and gold sarong she'd borrowed from Viv around her waist. They headed to the top deck to check the view and then went down to the deck below, where two hot tubs stood on each side of the pool. The pool had a bar at one end and a grill at the other. Waiters in Hawaiian shirts handed out umbrella drinks while a Calypso band played. Kara and Vivian reached the hot tub and Kara dropped her things on a chair and eased down into the warm, bubbling water, wiggling her toes while Viv went up to the bar to get two pina coladas.

  Calypso music played as the ship eased out of the dock heading for open seas. She could see another ship in the distance, and a third a bit farther out, one following the other like ducks in a row. She was so busy watching, lost in thought she didn't notice Nate until he spoke.

  "Alone at last." Nate's voice was resonant and sensual, and his words wrapped around Kara as she turned to look at him. He winked at her, climbed into the hot tub, and then sat, leaning his powerful, well-muscled body back against the hot tub. "Did they find your luggage yet?"

  She tried not to stare at Nate's bare chest. "No."

  "It could be down below clearing customs even as we speak."

  "I hope so."

  He glanced at her swimsuit.

  The swimsuit that fit her all too snug.

  "At least you have a swimsuit. What else do you need on a cruise?" He winked.

  "Well perhaps a nice dress to wear to dinner."

  "I'm sure your luggage will turn up soon."

  "I hope so."

  "So, we're sailing on the Wishing Star. Have you made a wish yet?"

  Was he psychic?

  She wouldn't admit she'd wished to see him again tonight.

  "I made a wish. But I can't tell you what my wish is."

  "Because you're afraid it might not come true?"

  "No." She smiled.

  "I'll tell you mine later if it comes true."

  "I hope you get your wish."

  "And I hope you get every one of yours."

  He couldn't know she was full of unfulfilled wishes.

  If she were honest with herself, she'd been making wishes for the past month. Whispered wishes in the dark.

  "I hope so too."

  Viv came back with two pina coladas, took one look at Nate, and practically purred. "Well, hello again."

  "Hello," he responded with a polite smile as she handed Kara a drink. He returned his full attention to Kara, his gaze interested and warm "Kara and I were just talking about wishes."

  "Well, tell her to hurry up and make one or she's going to miss out. She doesn't listen to me."

  "I suspect she's already made her wish." He smiled.

  Kara returned his smile. It was nice having him take up for her.

  A man who resembled Nate entered the hot tub.

  "This is my cousin, Adam. Adam, this is Kara," Nate draped his arm across the top of the hot tub behind her, "and you've met Viv."

  "Nice to meet you, Kara." Adam nodded and moved over to sit next to Viv, who leaned forward displaying her cleavage and purred, "My pleasure."

  Nate leaned closer, his brown eyes looking into Kara's. "Is this your first time on a cruise?"

  Kara blushed. "Yes. This is my first time cruising."

  When was the last time a handsome man had flirted with her?

  She couldn't remember. But then she didn't get out enough to meet handsome men. She eyed the muscles of Nate's chest and arms and couldn't look away.

  He must be a military man, either a Marine or a Navy Seal, judging from the tattoo of a parachute and a swimmer on the upper part of his right arm. She couldn't see the tattoo on his left bicep clear enough to tell what it was. He carried himself with the air of confidence of a military man.

  He ran a hand through his dark hair and his bicep flexed. "This is my first vacation cruise too."

  His deep and resonating voice made her want to melt.

  Three other men joined them, and Nate moved closer to Kara, his muscular arm across the hot tub behind her, now close enough to touch as everyone scooted around, filling the tub. He put off heat and protectiveness from his body.

  There was just something about him that made her unable to look away.

  "Where are you from, sweetheart?"

  Sweetheart. No one had ever called her sweetheart before. But maybe he was one of those men who called every woman he met sweetheart.

  "Columbus, Ohio."

  "A Midwestern gal. I've been there. Clean city. Cold in winter though."

  "Yes. Very. It's nice to get away from the snow."

  With those broad shoulders and well-toned body, Nate defined the term "rugged male." Sitting beside him made her feel fragile and yet safe and protected at the sa
me time.

  Nate's arm touching Kara's bare shoulders sent tingles down her spine. She slid down into the water until she was submerged to her chin, hoping the water would hide the telltale signs of the way he affected her.

  He grinned and glanced down at her swimsuit as if he knew.

  She tried to edge forward, but the slanted seat of the hot tub forced her to slide back again. As she bumped into Nate, their thighs touching, she shot him a sideways glance.

  Did his grin deepen?

  He cleared his throat. "So Viv said you won this cruise?"

  "Yes." She could barely breathe, let alone answer. Her face flushed as the hot tub grew even warmer.

  He was way too handsome and way too close.

  Her pulse thundered. Maybe she'd stayed in the hot tub too long and her blood pressure had risen.

  Maybe she should get out and cool down.

  How long had they been in here? She'd lost all sense of time.

  His brown eyes held an intensity that bathed her in admiration as he watched her. If she'd wanted to fool herself, she could have imagined she was the center of his world, at least for tonight.

  "What did you do to win it?"

  She glanced at his muscular chest above the bubbling waters, flustered by the intensity of his gaze, yet something pulled her to him as if drawn by an unseen hand. She caught herself before her glance drifted further down his body and her eyes met his again.

  He waited for her to answer, watching her.

  "I worked a lot of overtime," she said. "I haven't taken a vacation in almost two years."

  His eyes softened. "Sounds like you're overdue."

  "Yes. Long overdue."

  "We have to go clean up for dinner," Viv interrupted.

  "I hope my bags have arrived," Kara said.

  Adam said, "They haven't delivered all the bags yet. Some of them are still down below decks being sorted. That's why they never have a formal evening the first night of a cruise. Everyone won't have all their bags delivered by then. If yours have made it to the ship, you may still have a chance they'll deliver them tonight."

  Viv leaned closer to Adam. "How do you know so much about cruises?"

  "I'm a travel agent, specializing in adventure travel."

  "Sounds fascinating." Viv placed her hand on his thigh, no longer in a hurry to go.

  Never the least bit shy that was Viv. But what had happened to the British boyfriend she'd seemed so head over heels about?

  "I have to take a certain number of cruises a year to keep up my certifications. This year I invited my cousin."

  Viv smiled a Cheshire cat grin. "We're glad you did."

  Kara suspected Viv was thinking something along the lines of one hunky man for me and one for my sad friend Kara.

  Viv stood. "Well, we have to be going now."

  Right on cue everyone turned to her and their gazes followed as she stepped out of the tub.

  "Hot cha cha," one man said.

  Though she didn't respond, Viv's swaying hips were a dead giveaway she was aware of the attention and enjoying every minute. She loved parading in front of men.

  Kara followed Viv and reached for her towel on the lounge chair. Ocean breezes blew cooling night air that made her shiver and gave her goose bumps before she wrapped the towel around her.

  "See you around, sweetheart," Nate's low voice rasped, creating even more goose bumps that had nothing to do with the cool air. "Hope your luggage turns up."

  "Bye." She used the towel to dry herself and then pulled on the sarong, aware of Nate watching her.

  Trouble. This is happening too fast. I'd best stay away from Nate Cooper and that hot tub or I'll be in real hot water.


  Nate watched the women walk away. Both were good-looking. Dark haired Viv was full of fire and blonde Kara was cool, quiet, and curvy.

  She'd worn her silky blonde hair tied back in a ponytail tonight and water dripped from the ends. Her long hair had caught his eye first in the airport before he'd gone over to see what was wrong. Then she'd turned her face up to him, pearl complexion heightened with color, green eyes full of panic.

  He'd wanted to fix her problem. He'd wanted to kiss her. And for some reason he'd felt the urge to help her even though he was done rescuing women.

  Until Adam suggested this cruise, Nate had been way too busy with work and getting over the last woman who'd stung him. Today he found himself thinking of Kara instead of his job. He found himself thinking of a week at sea, playing and enjoying the company of a beautiful woman.

  One who didn't seem the slightest bit interested in chasing and catching him. It was refreshing.

  He'd like to remove the sadness from her eyes and make them sparkle, if she'd let him.

  "Hey, Nate," Adam grinned. "I can tip the maître d and make sure the assigned seating assigns Viv and Kara to our table."

  "Nice." He threw his head back with a laugh. "Adam, you are a genius.

  Chapter Three

  "Oh baby, did you notice Nate giving you the once over? Twice!" Viv nudged Kara the minute the elevator doors closed.

  "He was not."

  "Was too."

  "And he clearly let Adam know you were off limits."

  Kara frowned. "What are you talking about?"

  "Didn't you notice how quick he slid his arm around you? That's a man marking territory."

  "He did not have his arm around me. It was on the back of the hot tub."

  "Right behind you. Or did you not notice?"

  "I noticed." Kara shivered. "Cold in here, isn't it?"

  "You can have the first shower if you promise not to be too long."

  Kara frowned. "I don't take long showers."

  "Well, you might after sitting next to that hunk of a man." Viv laughed.

  "Viv, would you give it a rest?"

  "I won't say another word." Viv started humming. She continued to hum all the way down the hall and into their cabin. When she opened the door she said, "Kara, someone sent flowers!"

  "Oh, how pretty!" Kara hurried inside. "Is there a card?"

  "Yes." Viv handed it over. "With your name on it."

  Kara took the envelope and opened it.

  "Well, what does it say?" Viv crossed her arms, impatient.

  "Missing you already. Wishing you a great cruise." Kara flipped the card over, puzzled. "No signature."

  "That's odd," Viv said. "You'd think they'd want to take credit for sending them. Who do you think sent them?"

  "I have no idea. They're pretty though."

  "Well, thank you mystery man. Hey, maybe it's Nate."

  "I doubt that. We just met."

  "Well, I still say you made a conquest. He can't take his eyes off of you."

  "The next time we see him, he'll probably be flirting with someone else."

  "Not the way he looks at you."

  "I wish my luggage was here," Kara said, changing the subject as she peered out the door, hoping it had arrived.

  No such luck.

  She sighed. "Guess I'll need to borrow a dress after all."

  "Here are two to choose from." Viv laid them on the bed. "I'm first in the shower while you decide."

  "Okay." She eyed the two cocktail dresses before trying them on. The orange was not her color, and though it wasn't as skimpy as the aqua it was much shorter. She'd hardly be able to sit down in that one. She tried on the aqua and hoped it'd fit.

  Viv emerged from her shower. "Nate is so hot. Did you see his military tats? There's nothing sexier than a marine. Hoo rah."

  She's still talking about him? Has she had him on her mind all this time? If Viv hadn't latched on to Adam so quick, Kara would have thought Viv had a thing for Nate the way she went on about him.

  "What happened to that British guy you were seeing? I thought you really liked him."

  "I did. But he's too far away. Long distance relationships never work." Viv shrugged. "I broke it off with him two days ago."

  "You never mentione
d it."

  "It wasn't a big deal. Now about Nate. Travel hook ups are perfect. If you don't click with the guy, you get off the ship and never see him again. You need to get back into dating. And girl, that man is hot, hot, hot."

  Hook ups. Viv always acted like it was all fun and no one got hurt. But how did you let someone get so close to you, so intimate, without feeling something?

  And if no one got hurt, why did Viv go shopping every time one of her hook ups didn't turn into something more?

  "I'm not looking for a hook up, Viv. I just want to enjoy the sun, the beach, and the water. Relax a little."

  "Well, at least tell me you'll try. If a shipboard romance happens, go with the flow."

  "I'll go with the flow if it feels right." She wasn't looking for a shipboard romance. If she fell in love, she could have her heart broken. Again. "Okay you're done in there? Because I really need a shower."

  "Yeah, I'm done." Viv dumped out her cosmetic bag on the table in front of the mirror and sat down to put on her makeup. "Go for it."

  The shower was small, barely enough room to turn, but the water pressure felt great. Kara closed her eyes and tried to just enjoy it. The soap and shampoo was coconut scented.

  Caribbean here I come.

  When Kara entered the room Viv said, "Which dress did you decide on?"

  "The aqua."

  "That color will be good on you."

  "I hope." She stepped into the thin silk dress she'd borrowed from Viv and turned around. "Zip me?"


  Viv zipped the dress. Kara turned around.

  "Wow," Viv said. "I'm jealous. You look even better in that dress than I do."

  "I do?" Kara tugged at the low cut scooped neckline and then smoothed her hands down her thighs, wishing the dress covered more skin.

  This is so different from what I'm used to wearing. Kara had a strict dress code at the bank, so she usually bought conservative dresses. But maybe different is good.

  She turned in front of the mirror watching the silk move, the dress smooth against her curves. Oh, this dress feels soft. Sensual. Daring. There'd be no dessert tonight, not wearing this dress. And no crossing these pale legs.

  "Thanks for loaning me the dress."


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