Aboard the Wishing Star

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Aboard the Wishing Star Page 14

by Debra Parmley

  Nate pulled her close until they were almost nose-to-nose. "Do you have any idea how rare shark attacks are?"

  She shook her head, now studying crinkles in the corners of his eyes. He was a man who'd age well. She liked his smile lines and she could get lost in his deep brown eyes.

  "You're more likely to be killed in a car accident than any other kind yet you still drive, right?"

  "Yes. Every day."

  "This is no different." He watched her, silent for a moment. "Sweetheart you worry too much."

  But worry had become a part of her, and she couldn't stop the thoughts forcing their way in.

  If we stayed together, he'd be frustrated with me eventually when the newness wears off. I'm not his perfect mate. What is he doing with a woman who's afraid of water? He isn't afraid of anything. And he loves the water. He won't understand. How can he understand this? Once he realizes my phobia isn't going away, it will be over between us. Swim lesson for fraidy cats didn't cure me. Nothing will.

  He drew her against his chest and kissed her. Every thought and worry flew from her like he'd let loose a flock of birds. When he released her, her breath caught in her throat and she felt her heart pounding.

  "You have to stop worrying so much." His grin sent warmth straight down to her toes. "You'll worry yourself to death." He kissed her again. "Let me take your mind off of your worries."

  His arms held her firmly as his lips directed her thoughts away from everything but the warmth and strength of his touch. When he finally released her, her legs felt like they'd turned into jellyfish.

  Kara floated next to him, letting the water bob her up and down, and tried to catch her breath. With him next to her, she felt as if she could do anything. An awakened sense of life excited her. Could she keep that feeling once he'd gone? Would her newly found courage vanish without him and her fears crowd in again?

  Chapter Fifteen

  "Let's get some lunch," Nate said. "Smell that barbeque?"

  Kara glanced toward the beach where the lunch line stretched beyond the grass covered picnic area. Her mouth watered. "Oh, that does smell good. I didn't realize I was so hungry."

  They swam back to the dock, then she handed him her gear and he helped her up the steps. As they dropped the rented snorkel gear off she realized he'd selected a yellow vest for her. He'd remembered it was her favorite color.

  They joined the lunch line; his forefinger linked around her little finger with a light touch as they moved forward.

  How good to feel like a couple again. It was little things like this; nonverbal things she'd missed. She'd missed sex. It had been far to long. But this, this loving companionship fed Kara's soul. She wanted it, needed it and without it, she sat sad and alone in her cold empty house in Ohio. Lonely and longing to find a loving companion.

  He released her finger so they could carry their plates. She smiled as she watched him move through the line, heaping his plate with potato salad and barbequed chicken. "You're hungry."

  "You worked up my appetite, sweetheart. More than you know."

  His voice rumbled through her body as if he'd plucked a string within her.

  He meant more than one kind of hunger. The fire from the barbeque pit now seemed warm.

  Viv stood and waved them over.

  "How was the snorkeling?" Adam asked.

  "Fun," Kara said.

  So Viv and Adam had patched things up. That didn't take long.

  Nate glanced at her over the chicken wing he was eating. He didn't say a word about what a scaredy cat she was, and she realized he never would.

  He licked the corner of his mouth, where a dab of barbeque sauce remained. Must his every movement remind her of his kiss, his touch, and his tongue? Her eyes roamed over his face. She might never see him again once this cruise was over. The thought made her want to memorize every single detail of his face.

  Nate pushed his plate back and stood. "Dessert?"

  "If you'll share one with me."

  "Love to, sweetheart. What would you like?"

  "Surprise me." She smiled.

  He returned with a dish of vanilla ice cream and two spoons, sat and offered her a spoon along with that irresistible grin. She reached for the spoon and then took a bite, closing her eyes, savoring the cool sweetness.


  She opened her eyes to find him watching her, his eyes shining with boyish charm. "Yes, very good."

  They watched each other without speaking, eating the ice cream bite by bite, the only language between them their eyes and smiles.

  When they finished he held up the bowl. "More?"

  "No. I'm full."

  He rubbed his hand over his washboard stomach. "I'm pleasantly full myself. Ready for a nap."

  "Are you going back to the ship?"

  "No. I thought we might find a hammock to share. Neither of us got enough sleep last night."

  "Together? In the same hammock?"

  "Sure. They can hold both of us."

  How she'd sleep in a hammock next to him, she didn't know. Not the way her body would cry out for him to touch her.

  The hammock hung beneath two palm trees, a quiet shady spot with a breeze.

  His finger traced her jaw line then he caressed her neck, slowly brushing across her carotid artery. His eyes told her he'd felt the leap in her pulse and knew his affect on her. Dropping his hands, he bent and placed a soft kiss upon her lips before stepping back.

  "I'm ready for a nap," he said. He moved to the hammock and sat, kicked off his sandals, then laid back and closed his eyes.

  She stood speechless, watching the hammock swing with him in it. Eyes closed, he looked as though he hadn't a care in the world. As if he was completely unaffected by the intimacy of touching her skin, kissing her lips.

  Oh, how she longed for him to kiss her again.

  It wasn't possible she'd nap, but she climbed in beside him and his arm curled around her, pulling her close. He simply held her and despite what she'd thought, it was so comforting being in his arms, her head on his shoulder, that she drifted right off to sleep.

  "Kara, wake up."

  She reluctantly woke from a dream of Nate kissing her. Confused she opened her eyes and looked at Nate.

  "We've slept too late. We'll miss the last tender if we don't hurry."

  Flustered, she got up and slipped on her sandals. "Won't the ship wait for us?"

  "No, it won't. Much as I'd love to be marooned on a private island with you," he smiled, his gaze caressing her heated skin. "We need to get you out of this sun."

  Her sunburn had gotten worse even though she'd put sun block on.

  "Come on. We'll have to run." He reached for her hand, grasped it, and they ran together down to the pier to the last tender, making it just in time before it left.

  They jumped onto the boat, and then Kara realized she'd just jumped into the same boat she'd been afraid to step into earlier. With Nate beside her, she'd felt no fear.

  When the tender pulled up to the side of the cruise ship, she even felt brave enough to climb out by herself without help.

  He smiled encouragement. They parted company at the elevator to go get ready for dinner.

  When Kara opened the door to the stateroom, Viv who'd been pacing rushed over. "Oh my God, Kara. I was so worried!"


  "Yes, worried. When they called your name over the loudspeaker to report to the ship's desk I thought something terrible had happened. Our room steward said they call the names of passengers who haven't made it back, but the ship sails whether you're on it or not. They don't wait for anyone."

  "Oh, God, Viv. Sorry to have worried you. I'll call the front desk to let them know I'm here." She made the call then turned back to Viv.

  "So, were you trying to stow away on the island or were you so into each other you lost track of time?"

  "No." Kara said, exasperated. "We just fell asleep."

  "He looks like a man who could wear a woman out."

  Kara rolled her eyes. "We took an innocent nap."

  "Nate is anything but innocent. This isn't some fairy tale happy ever after. Trust me on this one. That man could have any woman he wanted on this ship, and he wants you. But there's nothing innocent about it. He wants you in his bed and just wants to have a good time. Don't make him into some romantic hero he isn't."

  What is wrong with her? Is she jealous? Nate isn't like that, but I'm not discussing him with her.

  "I don't want to talk about it. I'm getting a shower."

  "Well, I told Adam we'd meet them for cocktails before dinner, so hurry."

  Oh, she did not just tell me to hurry. After waiting on her again and again while she primps?

  "No, Viv, what I need is a good long shower to get the sand out of my braids. I'll need some time in there. Go on without me."

  Viv's jaw dropped open. Speechless, she stared at Kara.

  "Kara, what is with you? It's not like you to almost miss the ship. I can't believe you did that. This behavior is so unlike you. What were you thinking?"

  "Sorry, Viv."

  "I can't believe Adam and I wasted our time worrying and searching for the two of you. This cruise is almost over. Adam and I could have been doing something fun."

  "I can't keep up with all your boyfriends. First you're going with that British guy, then you're with Adam and then you're not. When we got off on the private island, you were done with him. You two sure made up fast. But excuse me for wasting your time. Heaven forbid you miss out on some fun."

  For the second time Viv stared at her without speaking.

  Kara was too angry to say what she most wanted to say. You're behaving like a selfish bitch. Instead she stood silently, scowling at Viv as her thoughts churned. This cruise sure has turned out to be all about you. Your fun, your time. You wouldn't even be on this cruise if not for me and you haven't had to pay a dime for it. But is there even an ounce of gratitude? Even so much as a simple thank you? No. Some friend. Some gratitude.

  "I don't know what's got your panties in such a twist." Viv crossed her arms. "You're the one who kept everyone waiting."

  I've apologized for that once already. I'm not doing it again.

  "Go meet Adam for drinks." Kara ground out the words. "I'll see you at dinner."

  "Fine." Viv grabbed her room key off the dresser and stormed out the door, slamming it.

  Well, good. She's gone and I have the cabin all to myself.

  She and Viv needed some space and this tiny cabin wasn't helping.

  Kara glanced about the cabin where her roommate's clothes and shoes were strewn. Viv had become even sloppier when she found out their cabin steward would pick everything up for her, putting shoes in the closet and folding or hanging up clothes when the room was straightened.

  Kara was glad the theme tonight was country western because she didn't have to dress up. The shower felt wonderful and she had the tiny stateroom to herself. Jeans, tee shirt, and a bandana around her neck and she was ready. She looked forward to dancing with Nate and she'd have a good time and forget about Viv.

  She found the three of them waiting in line to be seated. Adam and Nate looked handsome in cowboy boots and hats. Nate wore a blue shirt that accentuated his tan and made Kara want to pop the buttons so she could run her fingers across his muscular chest.

  "This is what took you so long?" Viv eyed Kara's jeans, white tee shirt that said Coca-cola, and the blue bandana around her neck. "Thought we might need to have them call for you again. In case you missed the boat."

  Kara colored but retorted. "That isn't necessary."

  And with that, Viv shut up and went back to drinking her appletini.


  Nate decided Kara looked just as good in blue jeans as she did in a dress.

  Hell, she looks good in anything or nothing at all. Everything about her is beautiful.

  He was admiring Kara when Viv started in with her little comments. Nate had never cared for the way she spoke to Kara. As if she was somehow better than Kara. Not for the first time he wondered why Kara put up with it.

  Tonight though, Kara seemed snappish with her best friend. It wasn't what she'd said, but more the tone she used. Something was bothering Kara.

  Obviously the women aren't getting along well.

  He took Kara's hand and pulled her a couple feet away from Viv and Adam. Brushing strands of hair behind her ear and looking down into her eyes he said, "We could skip the fancy dining tonight, if you want. The dinner buffet is open. It will be quieter and we can talk."

  "Yes, let's," Kara said. "I'd like that."

  He told Adam they'd changed plans and were going off for a private meal. Adam nodded and Viv didn't say a word.

  The dinner buffet had a full spread of food from prime rib to southern fried chicken to sushi or Chinese. Kara perked up once she was away from Viv.

  "This food looks just as good as anything we've had in the main dining room."

  "Possibly better. Not everything needs to have a special sauce," Nate said.

  She laughed. "You're right. I've actually been craving fried chicken and mashed potatoes and gravy."

  Comfort food. Something is bothering her.

  "Well then, I'm glad they're serving that tonight." He smiled. "I saw a quiet table by the windows in the back corner." He nodded toward the window.

  That section of the dining area stood empty and they headed for a table. Kara took her seat with a relieved sigh. "I'm glad you suggested this instead."

  "It looked like you could use a break from Viv. And I admit I had an ulterior motive." He winked and leaned forward as if to share a secret. "I wanted you all to myself this evening." He wiggled his eyebrows.

  Kara giggled. Drama free was what she needed. "These cabins are so small and Viv and I need a break from each other. It seems like every time we're in that cabin we start fighting. We never used to fight like this."

  He watched her toy with her food. She caught herself doing it and stopped.

  "You want to talk about it?"

  She nodded. "I don't know why she's behaving the way she is, but she's not the Viv I used to know."

  "People change."

  "Yes, but she was my best friend and we were so close. I didn't notice anything different until I came to see her."

  "How long had it been since you saw her?"

  "At least a year."

  "Lots of things can happen in a year."

  "Well, she hasn't had anything traumatic happen. She found a good job and a nice apartment. Has a new car, new furniture, and new clothes. She doesn't even look the same. It's like the old Viv is just gone."

  "Maybe when she moved she decided to reinvent herself."

  "I liked the old Viv better. She was my best friend."

  Kara could tell by the look on his face there was something he wanted to say, but was holding back. "What are you thinking?"

  "I'm not sure I should tell you. As you said, she's your best friend."

  "No, I want to know what you think. You've been around her nearly as much as I have this week."

  "Well, you may not have noticed this, but she's jealous."

  "Jealous? Of me?"

  He nodded. "That's probably the root of the problem. You're beautiful, intelligent, thoughtful, and loving."

  Kara knew there was more than a grain of truth in what he said about Viv's jealousy. It would ruin their friendship. She nodded. "I think you may be right."

  "If she's not feeling good about herself, she may try to pull you down in order to feel better. But sweetheart, don't let her do that to you. Stand up for yourself."

  "I will."

  "Good." He held out an egg roll. "Try a bite?"

  "Yes, I love Chinese food." She took a small bite and smiled at him. He returned her smile and continued eating.

  After they finished eating, they headed to the dance club, which was playing country western music. She followed Nate onto the dance floor, and they joined a line dance that had j
ust started. He linked his thumbs into his back pockets and danced without a care.

  Kara noticed how the other women eyed him. She wondered how many women he had back home. The music switched to a slow dance, and she moved into his arms feeling she belonged there.

  They danced for a while. He sent her that sexy grin and her heart flipped. It felt dreamlike as he spun her around the room and the same floating feeling came over her that happened whenever he was near. He made her senses spin.

  "Would you like to go up on deck?"

  "Yes." That's not all she'd like.

  He held out his hand. She slipped her hand in his, and they walked to the elevator then took it to the main outer deck. He led her to the rails, still holding her hand.

  "The sky is clear tonight," he said.

  The moon and stars were bright and they stopped to look up just in time to see a shooting star. Kara gasped and caught her breath as it fell.

  "That was so beautiful," Kara whispered.

  "Not near as beautiful as you, sweetheart." His voice rumbled in her ear.

  He turned her to face him and his compelling eyes riveted her to the spot. He swept off his hat and then putting a large hand to her waist, he drew her closer and bent to kiss her.

  His lips pressed against hers, gently covering her mouth, and she returned his kiss with reckless abandon, her arms moving around his back to hold onto him, pulling him closer, letting him know how much she wanted him.

  Still his kiss deepened and she wanted to melt. His arm around her back held her close. He broke the kiss and gazed into her eyes, studying her with a curious intensity.

  Delightful shivers of wanting ran through her.

  "This is our last night at sea."

  "I know." She answered, unable to keep the sadness out of her voice. Even though she'd wished with all her heart, after tonight she'd never see him again. Sorrow came over her and she drew a deep breath, forbidding herself to cry.

  "I'd like to visit you, if that's all right," he said.

  "Oh." A cry of relief escaped from her lips. She gazed up at him with longing and wonder as her heart soared. It isn't the end. Wishes do come true. It isn't over. "Yes," she said, "I'd like that."


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