Her Colorado Dreams [Spirit, Colorado 1]

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Her Colorado Dreams [Spirit, Colorado 1] Page 9

by Melody Snow Monroe

  She looked up and grinned. “No more than you. It’s hard to give the other person control, isn’t it?”

  “Keep it up much longer, and you’ll be flat on your back with my cock packing your sweet pussy.”

  She laughed. “Don’t I wish.”

  “Then you better hurry.”

  Maybe he was right. She lowered the jeans over his ass but couldn’t keep her gaze off the size of his cock bulging under his briefs. He and his brother were giants among men, that was for sure. “Nice.”

  Without asking, he sat down. She didn’t complain when he slipped the jeans off the rest of the way. She grinned. “Now for the good part.”

  Carefully, she slipped off his underwear. Her breath caught. Not that she wanted to compare the two men, but this cock looked a bit shorter but a lot wider than Cal’s. “Oh, my.”

  “Is that a good ‘oh, my’ or a bad ‘oh, my’?”

  His ability to make her laugh was one of the reasons she adored this man.

  You love him. You always have.

  That couldn’t be true. She wasn’t ready to examine her true feelings. Right now she just wanted to feel alive.

  “I’ll show you.”

  She grabbed the base of his cock, leaned over, and drew him into her mouth. Never would she have expected her tongue to love something so much. The peach flavor kept exploding over and over again on her taste buds. He was like a delicious fruit Popsicle. She figured she’d keep that mental comment a secret and let him find out for himself when he licked her.

  She couldn’t get enough of him. Going slow had been her plan, but the more she sucked, the more excited she got and the faster she went. Maybe it was because Jake was rubbing her breasts with equal intensity that her pussy moistened and her need grew.

  Jake lifted her shoulders. “Enough. I don’t know what’s in this stuff, but I’m about to lose it.”

  She figured his cock was also tingly, and the addition of her mouth sent him too close to the edge. He gently placed her on her back, and the anticipation drove her wild.

  Jake pulled down her panties and lowered them down one leg. “I’m sorry. I normally take my time, but I can’t wait.”

  She totally understood. He dropped to his belly and widened her legs. The first swipe of his tongue made her buck off the floor.

  “You are so sweet, like a juicy strawberry.”

  Most likely, she tasted like one. “Keep doing what you’re doing.” Her words came out too breathy, but she was working hard to keep it together.

  His thumbs pried open her pussy lips and his tongue slipped in between her folds. When he nabbed her clit, she almost screamed his name. He alternated between probing her pussy with his tongue and licking her tiny bud. She clasped onto his shoulders and lifted her head. He pressed a palm upward across her abdomen and latched into her breast. The pressure from his fingers sent wicked flames skittering over her body. Her pussy heated and spasms rolled along her inner walls.

  Lust took hold, and she dug her fingernails into his skin. Her mouth still vibrated from the peach spray. If she’d had any breath, she would have insisted she suck on his cock again.

  Suddenly, he slipped a finger into her and she gave in to the building orgasm. Never had she come this fast.

  “My God, Jake!” She wiggled and bucked her hips for more pressure and clamped down on his finger as the orgasm tore through her.

  He leaned back and added a second finger. She barely caught her breath when he crooked his fingers and pressed on a different sensitive spot. It was like having electricity zap every inch of her body, lighting her up with an intense charge.

  Playing with her pussy was enough to drive her crazy, but when he plucked her nipple, she nearly lost it again. He switched his attention to her other breast and teased her with his divinely blissful rubbing. Wanting more contact, she arched her back. Using his thumb and forefinger, he pinched her nipple hard and fast. The glory of the pressure heated her passion to a new high.

  “I want your cock. I want you to fuck me hard.” Maybe she shouldn’t have been so graphic, but he’d stolen her mind.

  Chapter Eight

  “Be patient,” Jake said.

  He had to be kidding. From the way he was pressing and twisting her nipple, he was as needy as she was. When his tongue flicked her clit, Lana’s stomach muscles fluttered then tensed. His velvety tongue took her higher, and the heated rapture threatened to spiral her out of control.

  “Condom.” Putting one on would give her the needed break from the sensual assault.


  “Yes, but in a moment.”

  His groan came out loud. “I don’t have one.”

  She pushed up on her elbows. “That’s one benefit of being with someone who’s prepared. I do.”

  Her purse sat nearby and she dragged it close. She extracted a condom and tore open the foil. “Let me.”

  That would give her a chance to regroup, or so she hoped. Jake really didn’t have much choice and rolled over. His large cock jumped, and the purple vein down the middle pulsed. With her tongue still exploding, she leaned over and sucked on him hard.


  If she’d smiled, she would have lost the suction. Swirling her tongue around his length, she reached over and cupped his rock-hard balls. His subsequent groans only encouraged her to go faster. Jake seemed to want her desperately, too, because he dipped his fingers into her creamy hole and finger-fucked her. It took only seconds to return her to the highest plateau. She couldn’t seem to get enough of his cock, but when pre-cum seeped out of his slit, she pulled back.

  On went the condom, although it wasn’t easy getting it to fit. As soon as he was covered, she expected him to roll her over and plunge into her. Instead he got to his feet and pulled her to a stand.

  “I’ve got to have you right now.” His lowered lids spoke of a man about to take her.


  He reached around her body and lifted her up. “Wrap your legs around me.”

  As she did so, her opening widened and rubbed against his large cock. He stepped across the sleeping bags toward the darkened back wall. A quick glance told her if anyone pressed their face to the store window, they might be able to tell what they were doing. Right now she didn’t care if the world caught her in the act.

  He placed her back against the wall, and she planted the soles of her feet against the sides of his knees. When she pressed up, he let go with one hand and threaded his cock into her dripping pussy.

  The first impact, the first touch was so spectacular it was like he’d lit the fuse on the firecracker. She slid down but had to stop partway to allow the contractions to ebb.

  “You’re huge.”

  “You’re tight.”

  Both were true. She rose again and dropped back down to take in more of him. When she leaned forward to taste the delicious strawberry flavor pouring out of his mouth, her clit pressed against his cock and shards of lustful pleasure gripped her tight. Her body heated so fast that she involuntarily milked his cock.

  He broke the kiss. “Lana! Don’t do that. Trust me when I say it is taking all of my willpower to hold off until you come again. I want to sink my cock deep into your pussy, but I’m letting you lead the way.”

  How she’d managed to lead the great Jake Martin to the edge she didn’t know, but here they were ready to jump together. As if they were skydiving in tandem, she relaxed her inner walls and engulfed his entire cock. Blasts of passion streaked outward. Nerves never before tested burst to life.

  He captured her lips again and greedily kissed her. His scorching allure awakened every cell and urged her to ride him for all he was worth. She opened her mouth and drank him in. “Fuck, but you taste good.”

  She kissed him again. The fruity tang on his tongue was taking her brimming orgasm to another world as they began their amazing journey together.

  As if the door on the plane had just opened, they jumped together, holding each other tight. A
drenaline sped through her veins as he pumped his cock into her. Their mouths disengaged and he trailed a scorching path of kisses over her chin and down her throat.

  “I love your fucking pussy. I can’t get enough of you.”

  His cock forged deeper into her and she clenched his shoulders with the tightest grip. The friction caused her to catch on fire. As they soared, her orgasm claimed her.

  Jake’s strangled cry blocked out her guttural scream signaling her release. Together they catapulted to earth. His hot jism heated the condom, and her pussy sang with joyous bliss. He increased his hold on her and held her close as his cock pulsed to the beat of his heart. The blood pounded in her body so hard she couldn’t hear her own thoughts. Words such as wow, amazing, scorching, monumental came to mind, but the sentences wouldn’t form.

  He lifted her off his cock and set her down. Her knees bent, but he made sure she stayed upright.

  He dragged a knuckle down her cheek. “What just happened?”

  Perhaps it was the riotous excitement of what she’d just experienced, but she started to laugh and couldn’t stop. Only when he kissed her and lust tripped up her spine did she calm down. He pulled away.

  She finally was able to string the words together into a sentence. “We just happened.”

  He flinched. “Yeah.”

  * * * *

  Lana never reconciled what Jake’s flinch was about other than to assume the idea of them happening was too much for him to think about. Jake wasn’t a planner, and she doubted he thought more than a few hours into the future, but his spontaneity was charming.

  Even five days after having made love with him, she was still floating from the amazing experience. From the way he’d moved and groaned and moaned throughout their entwined time together, he’d enjoyed every minute of it—as had she.

  Her high wasn’t just about the sex. She saw how he’d look over his shoulder at her when he’d been helping a customer. His smile was more than one of appreciation. She just didn’t think even he understood the dynamics. Her coming to save him from the rush meant a lot to him. During their pizza dinner, he’d been excited when they shared a story and embellished the lore. No one could have faked that. He might think of himself as an island and a carefree spirit, but underneath his façade, he desperately wanted to connect with someone.

  Too bad she’d had to spend every waking moment this week making final preparations for the trial and only managed to eke out one quick dinner with Cal. The fact that Jake hadn’t called didn’t bother her. That was Jake being Jake. With enough face time with him, he’d come to realize that she was the woman for him and his brother. Yup. She’d made the decision that she wanted both brothers, and when she wanted something, she got it.

  Anna Witcolm’s dead husband’s family had hired the big guns in town to prosecute her to the fullest, and Lana and her law firm were going to do their damnedest to prevent that.

  “You’re convinced Anna is ready to stand trial?” Richard Couchman, her co-counsel, had never supported her desire to put the defendant on the stand. “She freezes and then withdraws when anyone speaks to her.”

  Lana suspected many battered women had that issue. “Yes, but if we don’t let her tell her side of the story, she’ll be convicted. Only by hearing how he treated her do we stand a chance.”

  He leaned back in his chair. “Normally, you’re more conservative.”

  Not when it came to work. She was surprised he didn’t recognize that. “There are times when being conservative works, but not this time.” Even in her personal life she’d changed. She’d thrown caution to the wind the moment she decided to go after two men. “This woman was beaten, abused, and threatened.”

  Brad Eckstein, the other co-counsel, leaned forward. “I agree with Lana. Between the hospital records and her testimony, it might sway the jury.”

  Cal’s comment popped into her head. “Cal Martin told me the other day that Ross Witcolm tried to buy a hunting rifle a few days before Anna shot him.”

  Brad’s brows pinched. “So?”

  “Cal said Ross wanted one with a really long range, something akin to a sniper’s rifle. Since Cal doesn’t sell those, he suggested he look for one at Trapper Bill’s.”

  “Did you follow up?”

  She shook her head. “I forgot about the conversation until now.”

  “I’ll give the detective in charge a call and see if he can get any information on that. Anna killed Ross with a 38mm, but if he bought a sniperlike rifle, it might show Ross’s intent to do her harm.”


  They spent the rest of the afternoon and evening organizing their approach. Since she wasn’t the main counsel, she doubted she’d be doing much at the actual trial other than keeping Anna calm and offering suggestions.

  When she got home Friday night, she drew a bath and poured herself a glass of wine. As she soaked in the tub, she let her mind wander to all that had happened since her fateful ski accident. At the time, she’d been truly upset to think her neat little life would be impacted, but in reality it had brought her close to two fabulous, dream men. She’s always had the hots for the Martin brothers, but she never believed she would end up with both. Okay, Jake hadn’t said anything about wanting to go out again, but she had a feeling he might.

  After she soaked in the tub until she pruned, she crawled into bed and took out her Kindle. There was nothing like a little mindless release to help her fall asleep. She’d just dozed off when a loud noise woke her. At first she thought the building she was dreaming about was coming apart. As she crawled closer to consciousness, she realized someone was at her front door.


  No way. She recognized his deep voice. She leaned over and saw it was 7:30 a.m. What the hell was Jake doing here this early on a Saturday morning? She got out of bed and pulled on a robe. Not bothering with slippers, she padded to the front door. As soon as she opened up, the cold seeped in. “Jake, what’s going on?”

  Had it not been for the smile on his face, she would have assumed the worst.

  He stomped his feet on the mat and hustled in. As soon as he closed the door he drew her to his chest and gave her a long, hard kiss.

  She pushed away and laughed. “You’re cold.”

  “Get ready. We’re going cross-country skiing.”

  “What?” She knew nothing of this. “Since when?”

  “Woke up at 6:00 and decided this was what I wanted to do. Cal is gathering his skis and packing a bag. I told him not to bother organizing stuff since half the fun is winging it, but you know Cal.”

  Like her, he needed to prepare. “Have a seat, and I’ll get dressed. Cross-country skiing, huh?”

  “Yup. Where are your skis? I’ll put them in the truck.”

  The man was in such a hurry. “They’re in the shed someplace. Let me get you the key.” She kept it in her top kitchen drawer. It took her a minute to paw through the junk drawer, but she did find it. “Here ya go.”

  While he went in search of the cross-country skis she hadn’t used in years, she got ready. She wasn’t awake enough to think about what to bring. If Cal was going, he’d have everything covered. All she needed was her phone, credit card, some snacks, and her water bottle.

  He rushed inside. “Got ’em. Let’s go.”

  “What’s up with you today?” Jake was usually upbeat, but she’d not seen him so frenetic.

  “The day is supposed to be perfect and the conditions excellent.”

  “It’s my day off.” And I wanted to sleep in.

  “You couldn’t go if you had to be at work.”

  He had a point. “You did know Cal and I had planned on spending the day together relaxing. He’d even arranged to have the store hours covered all day.” For him, that was a big step.

  Jake grinned. “He’s cool with it.”

  He probably was. She’d dressed in such a hurry she hoped she hadn’t forgotten anything. “Okay. I’m ready.”

  “Let’s go.�

  She piled in his front seat. She was a bit surprised that Cal hadn’t called her this morning to let her know about the change of plans. Maybe Jake had assured him it would be better if he just woke her up. Maybe he was right. If he’d given her a choice, she might have said no.

  As soon as they pulled in front of their apartment, Cal came out with his skis in hand and a pack on his back. He looked ready for anything. That was her Cal.

  He jumped in the back, leaned over the front seat, and kissed her cheek. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning to you.” They had discussed that they were willing to bend a little when it came to Jake since they wanted him involved in the relationship.

  She looked over at Jake. “Where are we going?”


  “You got a plan, bro?”

  “A plan? Hell yes I have a plan. I got maps.”

  Cal laughed. “It better be safe. I don’t want to take any chances with Lana around.”

  She twisted in her seat. “Thank you. At least someone cares about me.” She winked. Sure, that was a come-on, but she wanted to hear what Jake had to say.

  “That hurt. That’s why we’re going cross-country skiing. There are no slopes to get hurt on.”

  He was right. They drove for close to an hour, and to be honest, she had no idea where they were. He entered a national forest and pulled to a stop in a parking lot.

  “Let’s go have some fun.”

  Jake would make a great camp counselor. His enthusiasm was infectious. Her daypack was small, but it did hold everything. “I’m ready.”

  The wind was blowing the snow around, but the tall pines, dusted in snow, looked magnificent. She’d never been to this part of the forest before.

  Cal got on his gear. “You have a particular destination?”

  Jake grinned. “No. Why would I? We’ll go until we’re tired and then turn around. That okay with you two?”

  They both shrugged. She certainly had no better plan. Happy to be outside instead of cooped up at work, she hooked on her skis.

  “Ready, troops?” Jake said.

  “Lead on, fearless leader.” She added a laugh, hoping disaster wouldn’t strike. With Jake, one could never tell.


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