A Prison of Worlds (The Chained Worlds Chronicles Book 1)

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A Prison of Worlds (The Chained Worlds Chronicles Book 1) Page 10

by Daniel Ruth

  “I've already been filled in about this part, would you like some coffee or tea?” I asked as I made my way to the kitchen. “Oh, by the way, make yourself at home.” I gestured at the chairs and couches in the living room.

  “Hmm, sure, black, no sugar,” Conrad said as he settled himself in one of the chairs.

  “I'll have some of that tea you made last night.” I smiled at Mei's request. It may have just been a mundane mix of teas but my breed has a talent for cooking and alchemy.

  “Sure, be right back.” I gave a lazy wave as I went into the kitchen. The low mutter of their voices made a pleasant backdrop to my preparations. I frowned at a slight scuff Jeremy had left on the counter and got sidetracked buffing it out of the surface. That unsightly blood stain had to go as well. Oh well, I would have to get Jeremy to earn his retainer and call it in for service. Did I mention that my vid phone had blown up again? They could fix that too.

  Midway through my preparations, I heard a gruff exclamation that sort of sounded like “Demons.” I guess I knew what part Mei was in the story. A few minutes later there was a lull in the conversation and I came out with a tray. I had added a few croissants and a bit of bacon. It wasn't really traditional but with predator type shifters you really can't go wrong with meat.

  “So this wizard sent a horde of apprentices to fill the city with demonic pests,” the officer was quietly snarling.

  “Actually, we're pretty sure that's just a side effect,” I interjected, as I slide the tray on the coffee table. “He is likely going for one of the big demons and he is having his flunkies test out areas for good locations.”

  “Alright, what can we do about this?” he questioned flatly. I nodded towards Mei. She looked a little startled at my last statement. I hadn't specifically mentioned it before, but after thinking it over last night it was pretty obvious.

  “With your help we can organize the packs,” she started earnestly. “Get the sensitive ones to identify the areas in the city where the magic is pooling and stake them out.”

  The ill look on Conrad's face told me what he thought of that plan. “Getting the various packs in this city to act together is like herding cats,” he nodded in Mei's direction. “No offense.”

  “I know,” she said in soft sympathy. I thought she was overplaying the empathy thing, but it seemed to be working. “But you’re the arbitrator, no one else can get the packs working together.”

  “Hmmm, the jaguars and the panthers will be relatively easy,” he said reluctantly. “I will be trying to get them to join the force once the department is approved. But the wolves... they are difficult to keep in line, let alone work with us.”

  “So you can't do it?” Mei said in disappointed tone.

  “No. I can do it. I will just have to smack some pack leaders down on their ass. It's well within my rights, as this is a clear and present danger to our territories.”

  I listened raptly; I doubted many had gotten this kind of insight on the shifter hierarchy, especially the interaction of various races. Where I grew up, they stayed as far away from humans and other were-breeds as possible. Apparently, my attention was a little too obvious, and Conrad's eyes snapped to me. I tried to look as innocent as possible as I met his stare.

  “I would appreciate it if you forgot what we discussing. It really isn't meant for outsider's ears.”

  “Didn't hear a word,” I shrugged. I was curious, but I really didn't feel the need to share my knowledge with the world. “Anyway, if we can get those areas covered then we have a way to get the vampire's territory covered.”

  “You have vampire contacts?” Conrad was once more staring at me. I was rapidly becoming used to this.

  “Yeah. You could say they volunteered.” You can say a lot of things. “Remember how I mentioned that they were very territorial? Well, they don't like random entities running through their home.” I still didn’t know what they were doing in the Blight. As far as I knew, that was no one’s territory.

  “I can imagine,” Mei said, smiling sweetly. It was hard to imagine her as the vicious shifter that dominated a thug into spilling his guts just yesterday.

  “Anyway, why did you come over?” I asked the officer. Not that it wasn't convenient not to have to chase him down, but there were obviously other things on his mind when he first came here.

  He looked startled to be reminded of his original purpose. “Oh, right. I got sidetracked by the demons.”

  “Yeah, evil wizards and demonic invasions can do that,” I agreed with some sympathy. I can get sidetracked by the little things too.

  “As you know the magic user that was raising the zombies has blockaded himself behind some sort of shield. I came to see if you would mind coming to examine it.”

  “Sure, I would love to,” I said with interest, I hadn't seen a major magically working since I had gotten here. It would be fun.

  “It seems I have my work cut out for me with the packs, would you mind if I had another officer escort you there?”

  I shrugged, it didn't matter to me.

  Jeremy had left for the day, to make the preparations I had asked for. Mei and Conrad went off to kick some pack leader butt and I sat at home for about an hour before an officer came to get me. It turned out that to be a familiar face.

  “Officer Cromwell,” I greeted him at the door with a smile. “Long time, no see.” He didn't look well. One arm was in a sling, perhaps broken and half the surface of his face was covered in half healed yellow bruises. The local technology was good enough to make mending of broken bones an outpatient service, but he still really looked beat up. He must not have had time to get his injuries looked at yet. “You look terrible.”

  He gave me a weak grin. I guess surviving a horde of zombies makes you happy to merely be alive. “I would have been dead if it wasn't for you. Those things on the floor went up like bombs. I would have been in them instead of outside them if it weren't for your warning. Call me Mat.”

  I nodded in We watched Damnation Alley which reminded me of home without all the people and more deserts. Afterward, I talked to Jeremy about some technical support with an idea I had. He handles all my technical issues. I am not sure I could have hooked up my vid without his help, let alone fix it every few days. Even if I could, it wouldn’t be worth it before it blew up again. I stayed up and read a bit after the others had went to sleep. I don't need much and a little bit of meditation would recharge my mental batteries far more efficiently than mere sleep.

  My mind wandered a bit while I read, slowing my progress a bit. It roamed over the situation I was in, both in this world and more specifically where I stood in relation to Kingston. I really had to believe we make our own Karma. The actions we take lead to the future as inevitably as an avalanche. My minor talents at precognitive always seems useless except at short term events. If they were more developed, I certainly wouldn't be where I was. My friends say... or rather used to say, I tend to over-plan, building castles in the air that overcomplicate things. I can't help it really; I have too much time on my hands, I suppose.

  The night passed much like this. Thoughts flitting through my head until I gave up even the pretense of study. It was almost morning when I started my meditation and my thoughts finally quieted in the face of my discipline. It was well into morning when a knock at the door interrupted my soothing trance.

  “Morning, Conrad,” I welcomed with a smile. Now that Mei was including him in our plans I felt far more charitable towards the large policeman. He was a little stiff but I could work with that.

  “Morning, Professor,” the shifter said politely. I winced and my smile became a little more plastic. I guess I would have to get used to the unwelcome moniker.

  “Come in.” I waived the officer in. “I hear that you had mixed results in the raid.”

  He grunted as he walked by. “Yes, your advice was fine, but he's holed up.”

  “Yeah, powerful circles like that are tough to bypass until they run out of juice.”

  The policeman turned toward me slowly, a suspicious look entering his eyes. “You seem well informed. You mind telling me how you knew all this?”

  “That would be me,” a slight cough preceded this announcement. Conrad kept his poise as he turned to face Mei. The slight Asian woman was dressed in a very flattering silk night gown. She had serious skills; I hadn't heard a thing and apparently neither had Conrad, and his senses were no doubt significantly sharper than my own.

  “Miss Ling,” the officer nodded. Some of the tension eased from his posture. “I hadn't realized you and the Professor knew each other.” I think Mei noticed my flinch.

  “Yes, I will be staying at Derek's until my business here is done. It's far more convenient than a hotel and I am unsure how long I will be in town.”

  Conrad paused a moment, apparently mentally connecting my name with me. “I am not sure I thanked you properly last night. You're help was invaluable. The Professor supplied a good description of what we could expect, but your practical experience was a deciding factor that doubtless saved several officers' lives.” I am not sure, but I think he may have unconsciously posed during that statement.

  “You’re welcome,” she gracefully nodded. “I firmly believe that those of us with the skills and abilities to make a difference should put forth every effort to help those around them.” She was staring me straight in the eyes when she said this so I am almost positive she was directing this at me. What did she want? For me to put a pair of tights and roam the city? The fairies of the city would have to get out and push. She continued, “In fact the reason I am in the city may impact you more than just a little.”

  “I've already been filled in about this part, would you like some coffee or tea?” I asked as I made my way to kitchen. “Oh by the way, make yourself at home.” I gestured at the chairs and couches in the living room.

  “Hmm, sure, black, no sugar,” Conrad said as he settled himself in one of the chairs.

  “I'll have some of that tea you made last night.” I smiled at Mei's request. It may have just been a mundane mix of teas but my breed has a talent for cooking and alchemy.

  “Sure, be right back.” I gave a lazy wave as I went into the kitchen. The low mutter of their voices made a pleasant backdrop to my preparations. I frowned at a slight scuff Jeremy had left on the counter and got sidetracked buffing it out of the surface. That unsightly blood stain had to go as well. Oh well, I would have to get Jeremy to earn his retainer and call it in for service. Did I mention that my vid phone had blown up again? They could fix that too.

  Midway through my preparations, I heard a gruff exclamation that sort of sounded like “Demons.” I guess I knew what part Mei was in the story. A few minutes later there was a lull in the conversation and I came out with a tray. I had added a few croissants and a bit of bacon. It wasn't really traditional but with predator type shifters you really can't go wrong with meat.

  “So this wizard sent a horde of apprentices to fill the city with demonic pests,” the officer was quietly snarling.

  “Actually, we're pretty sure that's just a side effect,” I interjected, as I slide the tray on the coffee table. “He is likely going for one of the big demons and he is having his flunkies test out areas for good locations.”

  “Alright, what can we do about this?” he questioned flatly. I nodded towards Mei. She looked a little startled at my last statement. I hadn't specifically mentioned it before, but after thinking it over last night it was pretty obvious.

  “With your help we can organize the packs,” she started earnestly. “Get the sensitive ones to identify the areas in the city where the magic is pooling and stake them out.”

  The ill look on Conrad's face told me what he thought of that plan. “Getting the various packs in this city to act together is like herding cats,” he nodded in Mei's direction. “No offense.”

  “I know,” she said in soft sympathy. I thought she was overplaying the empathy thing, but it seemed to be working. “But you’re the arbitrator, no one else can get the packs working together.”

  “Hmmm, the jaguars and the panthers will be relatively easy,” he said reluctantly. “I will be trying to get them to join the force once the department is approved. But the wolves... they are difficult to keep in line, let alone work with us.”

  “So you can't do it?” Mei said in disappointed tone.

  “No. I can do it. I will just have to smack some pack leaders down on their ass. It's well within my rights, as this is a clear and present danger to our territories.”

  I listened raptly; I doubted many had gotten this kind of insight on the shifter hierarchy, especially the interaction of various races. Where I grew up, they stayed as far away from humans and other were-breeds as possible. Apparently, my attention was a little too obvious, and Conrad's eyes snapped to me. I tried to look as innocent as possible as I met his stare.

  “I would appreciate it if you forgot what we discussing. It really isn't meant for outsider's ears.”

  “Didn't hear a word,” I shrugged. I was curious, but I really didn't feel the need to share my knowledge with the world. “Anyway, if we can get those areas covered then we have a way to get the vampire's territory covered.”

  “You have vampire contacts?” Conrad was once more staring at me. I was rapidly becoming used to this.

  “Yeah. You could say they volunteered.” You can say a lot of things. “Remember how I mentioned that they were very territorial? Well they don't like random entities running through their home.” I still didn’t know what they were doing in the Blight. As far as I knew, that was no one’s territory.

  “I can imagine,” Mei said, smiling sweetly. It was hard to imagine her as the vicious shifter that dominated a thug into spilling his guts just yesterday.

  “Anyway, why did you come over?” I asked the officer. Not that it wasn't convenient not to have to chase him down, but there were obviously other things on his mind when he first came here.

  He looked startled to be reminded of his original purpose. “Oh, right. I got sidetracked by the demons.”

  “Yeah, evil wizards and demonic invasions can do that,” I agreed with some sympathy. I can get sidetracked by the little things too.

  “As you know the magic user that was raising the zombies has blockaded himself behind some sort of shield. I came to see if you would mind coming to examine it.”

  “Sure, I would love to,” I said with interest, I hadn't seen a major magically working since I had gotten here. It would be fun.

  “It seems I have my work cut out for me with the packs, would you mind if I had another officer escort you there?”

  I shrugged, it didn't matter to me.

  Jeremy had left for the day, to make the preparations I had asked for. Mei and Conrad went off to kick some pack leader butt and I sat at home for about an hour before an officer came to get me. It turned out that to be a familiar face.

  “Officer Cromwell,” I greeted him at the door with a smile. “Long time, no see.” He didn't look well. One arm was in a sling, perhaps broken and half the surface of his face was covered in half healed yellow bruises. The local technology was good enough to make mending of broken bones an outpatient service, but he still really looked beat up. He must not have had time to get his injuries looked at yet. “You look terrible.”

  He gave me a weak grin. I guess surviving a horde of zombies makes you happy to merely be alive. “I would have been dead if it wasn't for you. Those things on the floor went up like bombs. I would have been in them instead of outside them if it weren't for your warning. Call me Mat.”

  I nodded in acknowledgement, pleased that he was still alive. He seemed like a decent chap, perhaps a bit on the nervous side, but that would keep him alive. “Glad that worked out, Mat. Conrad mentioned that it didn't end perfectly though. Call me Derek.” I offered in return.

  “No, that bastard enclosed the entire area in a big dome. Didn't even see him in there, but the shifters swear they smelled
and heard a living person in there before it went up.”

  We exchanged some small talk as the police cruiser flew through the town. No missiles popped out at us, and I actually was able to ignore my gnawing envy enough to enjoy the scenery. Mat had obviously requisitioned another vehicle since the holes and rips I had made in the cushions and door were not present.

  Within a few minutes we landed. The first thing I noticed was that four police floaters were parked on the ground, and nearby a sewer cover was covered in holographic barriers and had an access ladder coming from it. I paused at the sight.

  “Yeah,” Mat sighed, his voice mirroring the dismay I felt. “This is the closest surface access we can get. Fortunately, this area of the sewers is relatively dry.”

  Covering my nose, I approached the opening. The smell coming out of it was bad but I suppose it could have been worse. I was extremely grateful I lacked the extreme senses that most bestial shape changers had. “I'm surprised the shifters didn't pass out.”

  “Some did get a bit sick, but it's really not that bad deeper in. I don't know where it's coming from but there's fresh air in there where the shield is.” Mat sounded chipper about that. I frowned; I had a bad feeling about that.

  “Well, let's get down there and see what's going on,” I muttered, trying to recapture my earlier cheer. I failed.

  It really wasn't so bad. I repeated that to myself like a mantra. Still, the ground was only slightly spongy from material that had long ago decayed, so much that it was almost soil rather than fresher biological material. It had enough left of its origins to stink up the tunnel, despite my attempts at positive thinking. Detachable light globes dotted the sides of the tunnel, put there, I suppose, by the human police that couldn't see in the dark.


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