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A_Little_Harmless_Fascination Page 5

by Melissa Schroeder


  “You have to take her something. You always did.”

  Then he remembered making sure that he had something for her each time he visited her at college. He heard the wistfulness in Jillian’s voice but he wasn’t going to push anymore today. He didn’t want to scare her completely off.

  “I haven’t thought of it. I rarely go out on a job, so I am sort of out of practice.”

  She nodded. “We better get her something so you don’t forget. She’ll whine if you come home with nothing.”

  He chuckled as he slipped his hands into the pockets of his shorts. “You do know my sister well.”

  “Yep, but then I’m good at reading a person’s character. My dad said I got it from him.”

  She rarely talked about her parents, so any bit of information she gave him, he was going to latch on to. “Your father?”

  “Dad said he had to be careful when he got to the game. People were trying to use him left and right. New people he met, old friends. But, he said the moment he met my mother, he knew she was interested in him for him.”

  “Really, how?”

  She gave him a blinding smile. “My mother had no idea who he was.”

  “Your mother didn’t know who he was?”

  “Yeah. Until she met Dad, Mom paid little to no attention to sports. Dad was a little put out that he had to try and woo her without what he considered his biggest selling point.”

  He chuckled. “I can imagine.”

  “It took him a while, but he got her attention. Then they were married less than a year later, I came two years after that.”

  She eased him over to a tent that had a lot of little knickknacks that Maura would love. It struck him then that this was the one thing he wanted to do. He wanted to be with Jillian, looking through the offerings and just having a lazy day shopping. She was smiling at him, teasing him, and he knew this is where he needed to be.

  “I think she would like this one,” she said, holding up a hand-carved turtle, but he barely noticed it. Instead, he was looking at her smiling at him, and he felt something shift inside his chest.


  He shook his head and focused on the turtle. “Yeah, I think she would love it.”

  The moment over now, he followed her into the tent as he watched her dive into another haggling session.

  * * * *

  “You think he’s okay, right?” Maura asked for the third time during the five minutes they’d been on the phone.

  Jillian started to rub her temple again and tried not to scream. No wonder Conner was stressed. Just the short time she had been on the phone with her old friend had Jillian’s blood pressure starting to rise. The concern was not normal for Maura. She had always worried about Conner, but not like this. Jillian had a feeling that this was not just because of what happened. This had been building for a while, in Jillian’s opinion.

  Yes, Conner worked in a high-stress job. He didn’t really take time off. That was a worry for a man who was so tightly wound. Now, though, Jillian was wondering just how much of the issue was caused by Maura. Right now, she was ready to strangle her best friend.

  “He’s fine. He’s been here for a few days, no problems. In fact, I took him to the swap meet a couple of days ago. He had a great time.”

  There was a pause.

  “A great time shopping?”

  “Yes. I needed to pick up some stuff, including salt for you. It was kind of fun to get out of the house.”

  “You went with my brother, right?” Maura asked.

  Jillian laughed. “Yes. I really didn’t give him a choice.”

  He had been stiff and formal at first, but soon she’d gotten him interested in haggling prices and chatting with the locals. And he had made her go gooey inside. When he had shown the dominant side of his personality, she’d almost dissolved into a puddle of lust. On top of that, she was beginning to realize that Conner was a man she wouldn’t just enjoy in bed. He was a man she could enjoy hanging out with. That wasn’t that common of a thing.

  “You need something to do to get your mind off your brother. He is looking good, and he is having a good time. He bought you a present.”

  “Wait, what did he buy me?”

  “It’s a surprise.” And it had been sweet watching him trying to decide what to buy Maura. It was hard not to admire a brother who loved his sister so much. “Go find a guy to play with. What about Zeke?”

  She sighed. “Rory’s in town.”


  “They’re lovers.”

  That brought her up short. “Oh, I thought Zeke was heterosexual. I mean, you’ve slept with him.”

  “Once, and it was good, but he doesn’t like BDSM. Sometimes he likes men. It’s an odd relationship.”

  “So, he’s bi.” She shrugged. “That shouldn’t bother you.”

  “No, but it’s like he wants to keep Rory and me separate. It isn’t like they try to hide that they’re sleeping together, but he won’t leave us alone.”

  Odd. “What’s Rory like?”

  Maura made a humming noise.

  Jillian smiled. “That good?”

  “Yeah. Worse, I know he’s a Dom. It makes me want to take a big bite out of his ass every time I see him.”

  “And I take it that Zeke disagrees?”

  “Yeah. He’s so uptight. You should have seen his reaction when I said something about a threesome. He was so pissed.”

  Jillian had a feeling it was another kind of emotion. She had gotten to meet Zeke a few times, and she was pretty sure that he was in love with Maura. Now, with this old boyfriend who is a Dom…he wouldn’t have brought him along if Zeke hadn’t wanted to at least try a ménage. But telling Maura would be a waste of time.

  “I don’t know what to do, and he makes me feel guilty for wanting him. But, dammit, they both have those Irish accents, and it just kills me.”

  “I think you just need to let it happen. Don’t force it.”

  “But you know I like a plan.”

  Jillian rolled her eyes. Maura did like a good plan, and she tried to plan everything out. From the time she got up in the morning until the time she went to bed, Maura had her life planned. That was one thing brother and sister had in common.

  “Well, go forth and get some booty. I am taking care of your brother. He is actually getting some relaxing time in, and he has a bit of a tan. Which is odd because the man lives in Miami, and he looked like an albino when he arrived.”

  She laughed. “What are you doing tonight?”

  “Conner’s going out tonight. He apparently knows someone here from his FBI days. He left about an hour ago to meet up with him. I’m heading into Honolulu to go to Rough ‘n Ready. By the way, thanks for hooking me up with Micah Ross. He’s going to let me come in and observe for research.”

  “You might find someone you like there.”

  “I’m sure I will. But I told you, not my kind of thing.” Not really. Jillian knew that she wanted—almost needed—a Dom in her bedroom. She knew enough about the subject, but she also knew her one big hang up. Trust.

  “Call me and let me know how things are going, and I want to know what happens at the club.”

  She had to promise three or four times before Maura would actually hang up. With a sigh, she tugged her shirt and pants off. She’d already slapped on a little makeup, so all she needed was clothes that fit her. As she looked through her closet, her family cell phone rang. She thought about ignoring it, but it was kind of late for an East Coast call.

  She saw the number and sighed. “Hello, Blanche.”

  “Have you talked to Charles?”

  No hello, how are you doing? Just give me my fucking money. Or rather, give me my son’s fucking money.

  “I did, and he said Brent would just have to deal with it on his own.”

  “How is he supposed to live?”


  “He isn’t like you.”

  She sat on her
bed as her head started to throb. If Hindus were right about reincarnation, she must have been a total bitch in her last lifetime.


  Jillian knew what was coming next. Most of the family could care less that she was half black, but with Blanche, it was very important.

  “You come from the working class. You know how to work.”

  “Newsflash, Blanche, so did Mom. In fact, isn’t that how she met my father?”

  There were a few moments of silence on the phone. Jillian didn’t normally let them know they got to her. But she was so damned tired of them putting her down because her father made a better life for himself. Most people thought her father was a great man.

  “How is he going to survive?”

  Blanche was so dramatic. The whole family was. It was like living with the fucking Barrymores.

  “Maybe sell one of those motorcycles of his? That should be able to get him a few bucks. I have something to do tonight. I have to go.”

  Without waiting for an answer, she hung up and threw the phone on her bed. Dammit, Blanche had ruined the good vibe she’d had from her time with Conner. A little shopping, and a little flirting with a very gorgeous man. Dammit, she hated her family. She wanted to just walk away. Not for the first time, she damned her grandmother. Legally, she could do it. It would be messy, but it would make her life easier.

  She fell back on her mattress. She wouldn’t, though, and that bitch of a grandmother knew it. There was one thing her parents had instilled in her and that was duty. Shit.

  Jillian sat up and shook off the irritation. She left her family cell sitting on the bed as she went to get ready. She wasn’t going to let them ruin her good day.

  Chapter Five

  Conner looked around the club. Even for a Tuesday night, it was buzzing. Lots of customers, and with a special “bring your cake and eat it, too” party going on, lots of cake. In fact, he could smell the sugar standing fifty feet away.

  “Whatcha think?”

  He looked at Dee Ross and tried to see her as the woman she had become. Their association had been brief when he had been ordered to protect her all those years ago. It was hard to believe she was grown-up and married. A lot like his sister.

  “Do you think it’s healthy for you to be doing this?”

  She rolled her eyes and laughed. "Yes. And lord, don't let Micah hear you say that. He's already being a bear, and I’m barely four months along."

  Conner still couldn't believe she was pregnant. It was another sign that life moved on. It wasn’t until today that he’d realized how much everyone in his life had continued on while he had stayed perfectly still.

  "So, what are your plans while you're here?" she asked.

  He shrugged. "Not sure. Jillian took me to the swap meet a couple of days ago, and I’ve been to the beach."


  "My landlady and an old friend of my sister's. She owns a house on the other side of the island and rents out the top floor of it."

  "Ah. That’s good. A lot of people don’t take the time to get out of Honolulu except for part of a day. Where is the house located?”

  “Near Kaneohe.”

  “Oh, we’ll have to have you over for a meal. We live over there. You can bring your lady friend.”

  “She’s not my lady friend.”

  Her eyebrow went up at his tone. “Okay. Micah will be down in a sec. He's talking to someone who's going to do research here."

  "Does he do that often?” he asked.

  Dee shook her head. "He told me this was a favor for a friend." Something caught her eye over his shoulder on the monitors, and her gaze softened. He turned and looked at the screens. Micah was walking with Jillian.

  "What's she doing here?"

  Dee stepped up beside him. "Her?"

  "Jillian, why is she here?"

  He felt Dee's study as he stared at the screen, but for a moment, he ignored it. He watched as Micah guided Jillian through the club, introducing her to people, some of them damned near half naked.



  The silence that followed told him that Dee had not been happy with his tone. He glanced at her, and she was studying him as if there was something wrong with him.

  "Jillian, she’s your landlady?"

  He nodded.

  "So she's a writer?"

  He nodded again as he looked back at the screen. He was fine until some jean-clad man with light hair and a cocky grin ran his finger down her arm.

  "I think that's enough of that."


  But he ignored Dee. He walked down the stairs to the floor and didn't slow until he got to their table.

  Micah smiled at him, but Conner was ready to punch him.

  "Conner, it's great to see you here."

  Jillian spun around. "Conner? I thought you were going to see some old friends."

  "I am. Dee, and to a point, Micah."

  "Gee, thanks, Dillon," Micah said, but there was a thick thread of humor in his voice.

  "What the holy hell are you doing here?"

  She blinked at him, and he didn't blame her. His tone was proprietary, as if she had to answer to him.

  "I'm researching."

  "Is that what they call it now?"

  She frowned at him and her eyes narrowed, but before she could say anything, the man who had touched her opened his big damned mouth.

  "I've never known a man who’s won a fight with a woman, mate. You might want to step back."

  He glanced around Jillian and gave the man a nasty look, but his smile just widened.

  "Elias St John, meet an old friend of the family, on Dee's side of course, former-agent Conner Dillon."

  His eyes widened. "Dillon Securities?"

  He nodded.

  "Great operation you have there. I might want to talk to you about some security over at my ranch."

  "I'm not licensed to work in Australia."

  He laughed. "No, I own a ranch on the Big Island."

  He dismissed the cocky bastard and studied Jillian. She had put on some makeup, and she had some kind of sparkly earrings dangling from her ears. Dammit. Noticing them made him think of just where else she might be pierced. It had been driving him crazy for days.

  "What I would like to know is what you are doing here?"

  She looked ready to hit him. "I don't think I have to answer any questions."

  He knew he was acting out of character, and he didn't have a right to do what he was doing.

  "No, you don't. You just didn't tell me you were coming here."

  He heard a snort, and he was sure it was Micah.

  "First, you didn't ask. Second, I don't think I have to clear my schedule with you."

  He frowned at her, but she ignored him. Dee stepped up beside him. He glanced at her, but Dee wasn’t paying attention to him. She was smiling at Jillian.

  “Hi,” Dee said, throwing him an amused look.

  "I take it that you're Dee?" Jillian asked.

  She had dismissed him. Something close to irritation, with a dose of possessiveness, moved through him. Conner didn’t like it one bit. He knew he was attracted to her, even entertained the idea of an affair, but he rarely got jealous over lovers. Not since he was a teenager had he felt the need to gain a woman’s attention. He didn’t like it one bit.

  Apparently, Dee picked up on his feelings because she gave him a smile before turning to face Jillian.

  "Yes, I am. I take it you're the writer?" Dee asked. There was more than a little humor in her voice.

  Jillian nodded, but before she could say anything else, St John muscled his way into the conversation.

  "A writer?" St John asked. "What kind of writer?"

  The suspicion in his tone caught Conner's attention. He studied the alertness in the man, the way St John now looked to be accessing Jillian in a way that had nothing to do with sex.

  It was so subtle that most people wouldn’t pick up on it, but Conner�
��s years of training taught him to pay attention to the small cues.

  "Romance, mainly erotic romance."

  "Ah," was all the Aussie said for a moment and seemed to relax. "Romance, you say?"

  Conner had heard the tone before from people. He hadn't spent much time until recently with Jillian, but he knew the way her back straightened that St John was in trouble. Maura had said that Jillian hated to be hit on because she was a romance author. Men seemed to think she was easy because of her genre.

  "Do you ever do any hands-on research?"

  She turned to say something horrible, which would probably leave the man in a fetal position on the floor, but someone called Conner’s name. Loudly.

  "Conner Dillon?"

  He turned and found one of his old FBI friends, Maria Callahan, rushing toward him. She practically jumped into his arms.

  A serious-looking man dressed in a suit came walking up behind her.

  "I think you’ve stunned the man, Maria," the man said, but she paid him no heed. Instead she gave Conner a sisterly kiss on the cheek.

  She stepped back with a laugh. "Oh, Rome, get over yourself. This is Conner Dillon."

  "Yeah, I heard you scream his name like a little school girl and run over to jump him."

  She rolled her eyes and smiled at Conner. "How are you doing?"

  "I think you need to introduce me to the man who's planning on ripping my arms out of the sockets and beating me with them."

  She laughed. "This is my fiancé, Rome Carino. Rome, this is Conner. My dad trained him, then he trained me. Dad sort of saw him as an honorary Callahan."

  He offered a hand, and Carino took it.

  "Wait, you said fiancé?" he asked, his brain still not functioning fully.

  "Yes, it’s a bit disgusting. Marriages popping out all over this club," St John said. "I'm going to escape before I get some of the ‘get married’ stench on me."

  Maria smiled at him. "Eli, one of these days some woman is going to wrap you around her finger."

  "What a pleasant idea," he said sarcastically. He gave Maria a kiss on the cheek that earned a growl from Rome, but the cowboy ignored it and walked away.

  "I don't trust him," Rome said.


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