Shadow and Bones (Dullahan Book 1)

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Shadow and Bones (Dullahan Book 1) Page 29

by Ryvr Jones

  Rhys nodded, the memory of her rejection and her anger punching his gut. “You didn’t know if what you felt was yours, or remains from Brianna’s feelings.”

  “She did love you, you know.”

  “I know.” It had taken a long time, but he’d finally understood. The love Brianna and Rhys had shared was true, and had lasted a long, long time. Rhys still loved the Sheramath, and he knew he would until the day he died or the world ended.

  But he wasn’t in love with her anymore. The one he loved, the one meant for him, the one to whom he belonged, was standing in front of him, looking at him with her pale gray eyes.

  “It was hard to distinguish her love from what I felt. Until I recovered my memories,” Tarani said. “Until I remembered I had loved you almost from the beginning.” She smiled. “Now, after getting to know you, after spending time with you, I know it didn’t matter. Even if we’d met the night you found me in the cemetery, I’d have loved you anyway.” She turned to the field, resting her back against his chest and entwining their arms around her waist. “Life is a strange thing. I was so angry when I thought I was some kind of puppet, powerless to do anything but to follow the path determined to me.” She lifted their hands to her mouth and kissed his fingers. “Looking back, I think I’d have made the same decisions.”

  “It’s not ‘I would have’.” Rhys kissed the top of her head. “You made all the decisions. From the moment Seersha left you under the tree, you could’ve walked away. You decided to stay, to go away, to come back, to help me, to take care of Seersha, to save me.”

  She tilted her head to look into his eyes, grinning. “I did, didn’t I?”

  “Yes, you did.” He kissed her lips again. He’d never get tired of kissing her, being near her, having her in his arms. “You saved the freaking world.”

  “All that matters to me is that you’re here, with me.” She sighed, turning back to the field. “I guess I won’t be able to fulfill my promise and kill you after all,” she joked, then bowed her head. “I’m sorry you had to keep the darkness. And the damned souls.” Her voice dripped with sadness.

  “Don’t be. I’m not.” Rhys tightened his arms around her. “I’ve made peace with it, Tarani. Carrying this burden is a kind of penance, a way for me to atone for my sins and my errors.”

  “Haven’t you done enough, suffered enough?”

  “Maybe.” He kissed the back of her neck, breathing her scent, filling his lungs with her. “But the darkness and these souls are my responsibility. Besides, it’s not that bad, not as before. My soul is getting stronger every day, and the Sacred Language can control them. I don’t need anything else.” Just you.

  In truth, he was almost glad the darkness had been returned to him. He didn’t feel like a useless piece of shit anymore. He had a job to do, and he knew he was up to it. All his mistakes and the consequences that came from them were still there, but he was paying for them.

  She dipped her head in surrender, sighing with pleasure. “I’ll have to keep you happy, then. If only to keep your soul alive and kicking,” she teased, and he didn’t need to see her face to know she was grinning.

  He let his eyes wander over the grass, the trees, the dark sky.

  Terahmaht is gone, but I’m still here.

  There was a storm coming, he knew. Nell was missing, they hadn’t discovered anything else about Dallan, and he was sure Caeron and Seersha were up to something.

  Despite all that, he was happy. He had friends he could count on. He knew they would face together whatever crap waited for them down the road.

  And he had the most amazing woman in his arms, holding his heart and his soul in her hands. He would keep her safe as he knew she would protect him.

  This was what had been missing in his life. Belonging.

  A reason to give a shit. Someone to fight for.

  Where everything had ended twice, Rhys found a new beginning.

  The End.

  What's next?

  Thank you for reading Shadow and Bones. I hope you enjoyed it!

  Would you like to know when the next book is available? You can sign up for my new release e-mail list at, or follow me on Twitter at @Nospheratt.

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  Fire and Mist, the next book in the Dullahan series, tells Nell's story. Click here to read an excerpt.

  Thank you for your company! :)


  This book wouldn’t be the same without all the people who helped me along the way, sometimes without even knowing they were doing so.

  Lu Monte. I couldn’t have done this without your support. You were there when this book was only a sparkle in my soul, and you loved it before anyone else. Thank you for always being there for me.

  Lynn Balabanos. You’re the best critique partner I could’ve dreamed of, and I’ll be forever grateful for having found you.

  L. Anthony Graham. You went so far beyond and above the call of duty as a beta-reader, I'm sure you’re reading this from another galaxy. I hope the weather is nice out there!

  Genevieve Turner. You helped me to see what was missing, what shouldn’t be there, and your encouragement meant a lot to me.

  Renata Pinheiro and Ada Chivers. Both of you loved these characters as much as I do, and your excitement filled my heart with happiness.

  Rhonda Helms. You’re awesome sauce. I could say a lot more, but this is the simple truth: put a little Rhonda into anything, and it’ll become 100% more awesome. And foxier. Guaranteed.

  Angela James. For teaching me the witchcraft of self-editing, and helping me to become a better writer.

  My mom, my brothers and my sisters. You always believed in me, even when I didn’t.

  K. My beloved husband. You’re the awesomest* thing in the Universe, and the reason why I believe in handsome heroes and happily ever afters.

  My sincere, heartfelt thanks to all of you.

  *I know, not a proper word, but “most awesome” does not suffice to convey my feelings.

  About Me

  Ryvr Jones is my pen name. On Twitter and other social networks, I’m Nospheratt. But you can call me “hey, you!” if you want. I know those are not easy names. :P

  I have a husband, a dog, and an endless love for words. I tell stories, drink beer and talk too much.

  Come chat with me on Twitter (@Nospheratt), or visit my blog. I’ll be really happy to hear from you! :)


  Copyright Information

  Shadow and Bones Copyright © 2015 by Ryvr Jones Kindle Edition This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotations used in reviews.




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