Reckless Beat Box Set #2

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Reckless Beat Box Set #2 Page 7

by Summers, Eden

  “Nah. They’re just nice. I spend a lot of money here. I practically pay their bills, so they tend to put on a show of affection if I make it in for a sit-down meal.”

  Melody bit her tongue, reminding herself not to fall prey to his dangerously endearing vulnerable side. His gaze held a myriad of emotions, from desire, to playfulness and now disheartenment. He was real. He was also unlike any of the self-assured dancing partners she’d spent most of her life around.

  “Is that pity I see in those gorgeous eyes, Red?”

  Dread washed over her as she blinked away her thoughts and straightened. “No. Of course not.” She hated pity. Couldn’t stand it.

  “That’s a shame.” A devilish grin lifted his lips. “I was beginning to think I had a direct route to your heart.”

  “Wow. A true shame,” she countered, her eyes wide in mock surprise as she tried to suppress her laughter. “Here I was, thinking you were trying to get into my pants, not my heart.”

  She shouldn’t have encouraged him. She couldn’t help it. His interest swept away her defeated mood. She was falling deeper, becoming entranced. She couldn’t even regret playing along with the confident charade anymore because it felt so damn good.

  His chuckle echoed over the low chatter in the room. “Trust me, when it comes to you, little Red, I’d be happy with either.”

  Holy crap. She was in trouble. Not only was he calling her Red, but little too…and she was loving it. Devouring it. Savoring the words she’d hated all her life just because they drifted from the lips of a sex god.

  “You better watch yourself,” he drawled. “Once I figure out what’s going on in that head of yours, I’ll know exactly how to work my magic on you.”

  Too late. His spell had already taken hold, and she didn’t appreciate the ease with which he’d cast it on her.

  “See.” He pointed directly at her. “That scowl drives me wild. You’re so cute, and tiny, and fragile, yet that show of angst proves you’ve got fire in your belly.” He leaned forward again, glancing around conspiratorially before meeting her gaze. “I’d bet a heavy sum that you’re an angel on stage and a devil in the sack.”

  She snapped her gaping mouth shut. Oh, he was good. He knew it, too. He must be a major player with a list of slain women a mile long to give him the confidence to blurt out sordid lines like that to strangers.

  “Are you always this nauseatingly flirty?” She crossed her arms over her chest, knowing the material of her camisole and the thin lace of her bra were worthless to hide the hardening of her nipples.

  “Are you always this reluctant to have a good time?”

  No. Never. The scars were the only thing stopping her from jumping him and cutting off his cocky words by slamming her mouth against his. “I’m not convinced you’d know what it takes to give me a good time, rock star.”

  Not good. She was in too deep and floundering. And here he was raising a cocky brow, giving her a silent challenge accepted.

  Chapter Eight

  Sean couldn’t stop tormenting Red during their meal. She was too adorable. Too responsive to his flirtation. Every time he let innuendo lace his words, her eyes flashed, or her cheeks turned a warm shade of pink, ramping his need to take things further. She was like a fucking drug, and working her out was a puzzle he wouldn’t stop trying to solve until every last piece was in place.

  She seemed confident in herself most of the time. A self-assurance that didn’t turn him off in the slightest. Then in the blink of an eye, her demeanor would change. He couldn’t work out the trigger to her discomfort or nervousness.

  “Are you ready to leave?” He hadn’t had his fill of her. He doubted he would tonight. But he had to get out of here. Away from the people who stole her attention, even if only for the briefest of moments.

  All he could think about was grasping her delicate fingers between his and dragging her close to his side to be able to smell her sweet perfume. There were more X-rated thoughts, too. He just needed to steer clear of those, otherwise his dick would be leading the way from Stanterio’s.

  “Yeah. I think I’ve eaten enough for us both.” She reached for the napkin on her lap and placed it on the table.

  She was an eater. Another aspect he appreciated. Tiny in stature, with a large appetite. It made him wonder if she had the same hunger in the bedroom. In fact, he could almost sense she did, only for some reason she held herself back. Due to professionalism, or something else, he wasn’t sure. All he knew was he planned on making her crack in the most sordid way.

  “We could go for a stroll along the boardwalk.” He wasn’t going to let her go easily. She was the best god-damn distraction a heartbroken guy could dream of. He hadn’t thought about Sidney at all during their time together. It wasn’t until now, when he had to picture himself home alone for the rest of the night, that the need to be around someone to keep his mind under control became cloying.

  “I’d love to, but it’s getting late.”

  “Late? That’s a brushoff if ever I heard one.” It was barely nine o’clock.

  She pushed from her seat. “I’m not brushing you off. I just have a busy week ahead.” She was retreating again, and doing her best not to meet his gaze.

  He came to his feet beside her, getting all up in her comfort zone. “Are you scared of being alone with me, Red?”

  “Scared?” She scoffed, the brilliance of her grin returning for a brief moment. “Of what?”

  Don’t be a douche, Sean. “Your attraction to me.” Fuck.

  She laughed this time, shaking her head as she sauntered away from him, heading toward the entrance of the restaurant. “You’re like a dog with a bone.”

  “Not so much the dog part.” He jogged a few steps to catch up to her. “But the bone…”

  She groaned and swung around on him. “You don’t quit, do you?”

  Her smile was wide, her eyes sparkling. How the hell could he quit when she was looking at him like that?

  “You can’t blame me for wanting to spend more time with you. I’m not after anything hot ‘n’ heavy. Just a coffee at my place or a walk along the river.”

  “I may not know you very well, Mr. Taiden, but my bullshit-meter is going haywire.” She turned again, forging through the entrance of Stanterio’s and out the front door before he had a chance to catch up.

  “So, where are we going then?”

  “Home.” She didn’t slow down, didn’t turn to face him, just kept striding forward toward the parking lot, on a mission, probably to reach the sanctuary of his truck.

  “Again, I have to ask, your place or mine?”

  She released a soft cackle of laughter, one that warmed his chest in a way he hadn’t felt since Sidney. Damn it. He winced at the reminder. She was always so close. Even though the thought of her was drifting away, it was still hovering. Killing him with every recollection.

  “I’m going to ignore you, m’kay?”

  He smiled at her sass, loving how she could revive the happiness in him so easily. He was already hanging on her every word, wondering what she’d throw at him next—something gruff, something flirty, or one of those shy, almost inaudible comments that made him stop and think. He probably should’ve run from a woman so hard to read, yet all he seemed to be doing was jogging after her.

  “Hold up, Red.” He lunged forward and grabbed her hand. God, he enjoyed the feel of her fingers against his. Soft, delicate, gentle. All he wanted to do was stare into those dark irises and wash away the thought of his best friend’s girl.

  Slowly, her body pivoted into his, her long, light lashes framing the most beautiful eyes he’d ever seen. She sighed, glancing everywhere except his face as her tongue snaked out to moisten her bottom lip.

  “I promised you a coffee,” he murmured, fighting the need to drag her into his chest. “Let’s go to my place, no strings, no flirtation, just friends having a cup of joe.”

  She shook her head. “You underestimate how grumpy I can be without a full night
's sleep. By the time we drive to wherever you live, and have a cup of joe…” she drawled sarcastically, “…and ruin whatever fun thing we’ve got going on, it’ll be midnight. Then you still have to drive me home.”

  “I understand your argument. However…” He tugged her close, bringing them toe to toe. Her eyes flashed to his, the briefest glimpse of complete vulnerability crossing her features before she masked it with the thin press of her lips and the rise of her chin. “Look over my shoulder, Red.”

  She frowned at him, her gaze scrutinizing for a moment before doing as requested.

  “To the far side of the parking lot,” he murmured. Her heat seeped under his clothing, beneath his skin. He wanted to close his eyes and savor the sensation, only encouraging his dick was a bad idea when she was rubbed up against it. “Do you see that apartment building?”

  Her focus followed the trail, leading right where he wanted her attention. She nodded, swallowed, and began nibbling her bottom lip in hard bites he was sure would soon draw blood.

  “Look all the way to the top.” There weren’t a lot of floors, but still her chin raised higher. “See the penthouse?”

  Another nod.

  He leaned closer, almost brushing his lips against the lobe of her ear. “That bad boy is mine.”

  “Of course it is,” she whispered, her words barely audible.

  “So now your argument about driving anywhere is invalid. It’ll take five minutes max to be inside my place, enjoying coffee.” He still meant coffee. He was sure he did. His only aim was to have more time with her. Alone. Going to his place would achieve that. No sex necessary. It didn’t matter that all the blood in his head had traveled south, or that his cock was beginning to tent his shorts.

  She kept her focus glued on his apartment, her hand now sweating in his grip. She shook her head, shooting him down in flames, heart first. OK, maybe an organ much lower.

  “I’ve got baggage, Sean.”

  He fought not to let his head hang at her proclamation. So it was her, not him. The realization shouldn’t have given him relief. Only now he wanted to hug her, to kiss away whatever baggage was stopping her from enjoying herself.

  He pulled back, gripping her chin between his finger and thumb to focus into her deep irises. “I’m sorry.” He was. He was so fucking sorry, but it was her fault, too. She had a hold of him and wouldn’t let go. “It wasn’t my intention to sexualize everything between us.”

  He couldn’t pinpoint what it was—maybe her flawless smile, the contrasting tininess of her perfect body against his large frame, or the strength he could glimpse in her eyes yet not fully grasp. Whatever it was, she had him enthralled. “I’ve enjoyed our time together and don’t want to let you go yet. I promise I’ll be on my best behavior and have you home by midnight.”

  Her chuckle was breathy. “That bullshit-meter of mine just hit the extreme scale.”

  He stared at her, letting the guilt of his selfishness hit him hard in the chest. She was tired. Clearly, she was vulnerable, and being around him was exacerbating her issues. And all he could think about was himself. He dropped his hold on her chin and stepped back, smiling even though his mouth held the bitter aftertaste of disappointment.

  “Forget it, Red. Let’s get you home.” He tugged her hand, leading her toward his truck.


  His heart stopped, his footsteps, too, as she planted her feet.

  “Is this still about you needing a distraction?”

  Fuck. He winced. Tonight hadn’t only been about keeping his mind off Sidney. Yes, it had started that way. He stuck around because he enjoyed Red’s company. She made him smile. She made him forget. And best of all, she made him picture someone else between the sheets of his king-sized bed besides his best friend’s girl.

  “I never should’ve said that,” he muttered. “You’re not a distraction.”

  She cocked her free hand on her hip and grinned at him with a raised brow. “Bullshit-meter.”

  How did she do that? Make him smile when he wanted to bang his head against the side of his truck.

  “If you’re going through a hard time, I don’t mind being a distraction, Sean. It’s fine. Truly. As long as you’re not playing me.”

  “No. It’s not like that.” God, no. He respected her one hundred percent. “I just like the way you make me stop thinking about the things I don’t want to remember. Forget it, OK? I’ll take you home.”

  He stepped forward and she tugged his hand back, ramping up the wild beat of his heart.


  One word. Two syllables. That’s all it took to make his cock throb. “Coffee. That’s all.”

  Her lips tilted at the sides, only slightly, but the way her eyes lit up made her entire demeanor change. “No flirting. No innuendo. No makin’ the moves, big guy.”

  He bit the inside of his cheek to hold in a smirk. “I promise…unless you start it first. Then all bets are off.”

  Chapter Nine

  Melody strolled along the hall of Sean’s apartment building, his dominant presence right by her side. “Why didn’t you park your truck in the apartment parking lot instead of in front of the restaurant?”

  He shot her an incredulous look. “Right…I tell you I’m taking you out to dinner, and instead, drive to my apartment. Yeah, not sure why I didn’t do that,” he drawled. “Then again, maybe it had something to do with your reluctance to go with me in the first place. If I’d parked here, you would’ve high-tailed it.”


  He approached a large white door and pulled his wallet from his pocket to place it against a small square panel in the wall with a tiny red light. The indicator turned green, and a click sounded from the door handle. “You don’t think very highly of me, do you, Red?”

  She shrugged. “Just trying to get a feel for you, that’s all.”

  “Feel all you like.” He glanced over his shoulder and flashed her a wicked grin.

  Her heartbeat faltered. “You broke your promise already.” She stabbed a finger in his direction, shook her head, and then turned to walk toward the hall. His chuckle enveloped her as she playfully retreated, waiting for the moment when he’d pull her back.

  He didn’t disappoint. His hand wrapped around her stomach, lifting her off the ground and turning her toward his apartment door that was now slightly ajar.

  “I wasn’t flirting,” he muttered. “It wasn’t innuendo…much.” He kicked his door wide with his boot and carried her inside. “I was merely telling you I’m open to whatever is necessary to make you feel comfortable.”

  He lowered her feet to the tiled floor and flicked on the light before he closed the door. “The kitchen’s down the hall.” He jerked his head in her direction with a slight glimpse of chagrin on his face.

  Her gaze roamed her surroundings, becoming snagged on the frames lining the wall. On either side of the hallway were large images of Sean with the rest of Reckless Beat. They were candid shots. One where Sean had a guy in a head-lock, another with his drum sticks hanging from his nose while the other band members did lurid things with their own instruments. “Nice pictures.”

  Melody loved that he had a sense of humor, and didn’t mind making a fool of himself. The characteristic was uncommon to her. She was used to men like her ex, Steve, who didn’t like being seen as anything other than perfect and professional. She guessed she used to be the same. Her work environment had never been about goofing around. That was probably why the dancers she surrounded herself with were highly sexual. When you had a mass of adrenaline to release after a performance and couldn’t drink, smoke, or run around in a crazy, manic state, it didn’t leave much else to do.

  The arrogant way she used to conduct herself was no doubt an instrumental factor in her inability to move on from the accident that ruined her life. Anyone else would’ve come to terms with the scars by now, getting back on the horse, so to speak. She couldn’t even climb on the sexy rocker beside her from the fear of him
exposing her flaws.

  “This one is my favorite.” He passed her, coming to stand in front of the last picture on the wall. “Taken senior year. Mason and I had finished our first paid gig at an underage event.”

  She glanced from the smiling teenage faces in the frame to the hard-set features of the man beside her. Something was eating away at him. Maybe it was the whole overworked-underappreciated thing he’d mentioned earlier, she didn’t know. But she was glad she’d followed him home. Being alone and in pain was something she knew all too well and didn’t wish upon anyone.

  “It was a lifetime ago.” He strode away, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

  Poor guy. During her hardest moments, seclusion increased her suffering. Her family wanted to pry. They hounded her for information on why she quit her successful career and dumped her flawless boyfriend. All it made her do was push them away. Her parents, and especially her older sister, Blair, were her biggest fans. Letting them down was hard. Devastating, really.

  Melody turned into a hermit, bottling up her problems when all she needed was someone to sit with so the overwhelming loneliness didn’t consume her. No words. No nagging. Merely company to take her thoughts away. During her suffering, she hadn’t been awarded that break in solitude, but she could help Sean with his.

  “How do you like your coffee?” he called from the next room.

  “What’ve you got?” She followed after him, coming out of the hall and into a gleaming kitchen and open living area with floor to ceiling windows.

  Whoa. This wasn’t a bachelor pad. This was stylish in its simplicity. There was a dark, L-shaped leather sofa, a huge television built into the wall, and a coffee table with what looked like a stone carved naked woman underneath, holding up the pane of glass.


  “Hmm?” She turned to find Sean staring at her from behind the kitchen counter.

  “What sort of coffee did you want? I’ve got a machine here that does all that frilly, girly crap.”

  She strode toward him, smiling. “I’m not really the frilly, girly crap type. I’ll have whatever you’re having.” She rounded the counter and came to his side as he pulled two mugs from the cupboard beside the oven. “I love your place. I didn’t pick you to be neat and tidy.”


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