Dreams Deferred (Brooks Sisters Dreams Series Book 2)

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Dreams Deferred (Brooks Sisters Dreams Series Book 2) Page 12

by L. J. Taylor

  The next day, she and Karen scoped out the Thai restaurant. The bottom floor was packed during lunchtime, but she and Karen were the only ones to eat in the upstairs dining room. She spoke to the owner and found out that the upstairs dining room was usually only occupied at dinnertime on weekends unless someone made a special request. To ensure that she and Zeke would have some privacy, she made lunch reservations for the next day and specifically requested the upstairs dining room. She slipped the owner a twenty and he winked at her thinking that she was planning a romantic meal with a special someone.

  While they had lunch, she and Karen planned the meeting.

  “This food is good.” Karen stuffed pad thai into her mouth. “I won’t mind coming back here twice in one week at all.”

  Ivy rolled her eyes. “Here we are planning a secret mission and all you can think about, as usual, is your stomach.”

  “I can’t help it. I eat when I’m nervous, and I’m very nervous. This is no joke. That man could kill you if he feels threatened enough. Hell, he might just take you out to eliminate the risk of you testifying against him.”

  Ivy swallowed. “I know. That’s why I’m meeting him during the day in a public place. It will be difficult for him to get away with killing me here. If you hear me scream or if he leaves and I don’t come down with him then you’ll know there’s a problem and that you need to call the police. Don’t jump in under any circumstances. I’ve already put enough people in danger with this madness. Just call for help. If I come down with him and he’s forcing me to leave with him, I’ll wear my pocketbook on my left arm instead of my right. That will be the signal that I’m being coerced. Do you understand?”

  Karen nodded. “I got it. But I don’t feel comfortable with having to be all the way down here while you’re up there alone with him. Are you sure there’s no way I could be seated at a table up there too?”

  “No. He’s too paranoid. If anyone else is within earshot, he won’t talk,” Ivy said. “Don’t worry. I know how to play him. It’ll be alright.”

  “Are you trying to convince me or yourself?” Karen asked.

  “If anything happens to me, promise me you’ll tell Kathy what happened and get the camera to the police,” Ivy said.

  “I promise,” Karen said.


  When she got back to the office, Ivy called Zeke. A woman answered the telephone. “Mr. Brown’s residence.”

  “May I please speak to Zeke?” Ivy asked.

  “Who’s calling?” the woman asked.

  “Tell him it’s Ivy.”

  The telephone receiver thumped loudly as if the woman had slammed it down onto a hard surface. The woman called for Zeke.


  “It’s for you. Some bitch named Ivy. Is that who you were out with last night?”

  “Did you say Ivy?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” the woman said.

  Zeke picked up the receiver. “Hello.”

  “Hi,” Ivy said. “We need to talk.”

  “We certainly do. When and where?”

  “I’ll meet you tomorrow for lunch at the Thai Kitchen restaurant across from the University of Miami at noon. Do you know the place?”

  “Yeah, but why can’t you just come here? Why do I have to go all the way out there?”

  “I’m not coming to your place and having your woman harass me the entire time. Besides, I don’t trust you.”

  “Aw baby. After all we’ve been through, how can you say that?”

  She met his question with stony silence.

  “All right,” he said, “I have something to do that might take me past noon. I’ll meet you there at one instead.”

  “Okay. See you then.” She hung up, took a deep breath and blew it out. The plan was in motion. Now, all she had to do is live long enough to see it through.

  Chapter XIV

  Zeke arrived at the restaurant at 1:00p.m. He had people sitting outside casing the place since 8:00a.m. He took over the watch at 11:00a.m. He saw Karen – Ivy’s former cellmate – walk into the restaurant at 12:30p.m. He recognized her from the pictures Terrell had shown him. He later saw Ivy enter the place at 12:45p.m. Neither he nor his people saw any sign the place was under surveillance by undercover cops.

  Ivy approached him. “Thank you for coming.”

  She looked good dressed for work in a black pantsuit and a pair of red and black pumps. The red blouse she wore underneath had a low neckline that exposed a hint of cleavage. He bet she’d dressed with him in mind. He wondered what she was wearing underneath.

  “No problem. I did it for old time’s sake.”

  “I reserved a table for us upstairs,” she said.

  He raised his eyebrows. “You reserved a table? How fancy.”

  “I just thought we might need a little privacy.” She gestured toward the stairs. “Our table is in the upstairs dining room.”

  The owner came to get them. “Please follow me.”

  As they followed him across the restaurant to the stairs that led to the upstairs dining room, he noticed Karen sitting at a table near the stairs trying to hide behind a newspaper. So, that was Ivy’s backup. This couldn’t be a police sting operation then. They would never let her use a civilian for backup if it were.

  They climbed the stairs to the upstairs dining room and were seated at a table. The waiter took their orders. After he left, Ivy spoke.

  “I wanted to meet with you today to ask you not to proceed with the custody petition. I’m doing everything I can to have the child support proceedings dismissed. We filed an appeal, but the appellate court set the oral argument on the appeal to take place in three weeks. The final custody hearing is set for the week after next. My lawyer asked your lawyers to postpone it pending the appeal, but they refused. Why can’t you just move the hearing back by a couple of weeks? If I win the appeal, the child support petition will be dismissed and this will all be over.”

  “I can’t move the custody hearing back. Whatever your intentions may be, the state is moving ahead with the child support proceedings and you know I don’t like people all up in my business messing with my money.”

  “I never had any interest in your money. If I did, I would have demanded my fair share of the proceeds from the heist. Instead, I sat there in jail, kept quiet and took the heat. And look what I get in return. Do you know how this started? It started with my probation officer wanting me to pay 25% of my monthly gross income for restitution.

  When I told him I’d never be able to pay my bills if they took that much of my monthly paycheck, he started in on me about having another source of income – child support. When I told him I didn’t want to go that route, he made me tell him who the father was. He threatened to violate my parole and send me back to prison if I didn’t. So this all started because I didn’t have enough money to pay the restitution for a heist I never committed or got the benefit of. If you had just cut me in a little on the bearer bond or cash action, none of this would have happened.”

  The crazy bitch actually seemed to think she was entitled to a piece of his action. It was time he set her straight once and for all. “Cut you in? Bitch, that was my heist. You had nothing to do with it. You’re just the side piece I happened to be with at the time. Don’t try to blame this on me. You’re the one who decided to have that kid instead of getting an abortion. If you don’t find a way to get this child support case dismissed, I’ll just take him myself. I’m pretty sure I can get some bitch to look after him for the amount you’ll end up paying me each month in child support.”

  “You have the nerve to threaten to take my son away from me? Who the hell are you to do that? I’m the one who suffered forty hours of labor. I’m the one who carried him for nine months. I’m the one who nearly died pushing him out. I’m the one who loved, clothed, fed and bathed him for the past three years. How dare you threaten to take away what I love most in the world? What makes you think I’ll let you get away with it?”

  His eyes
narrowed. Had he heard her right? Did she just threaten him? Rage surged through him. This bitch has lost her mind. “What do you mean by that? I know you’re not threatening me. You had better not be threatening me.” He leaned forward and grabbed her hard by the neck. Her eyes bulged and her hands grabbed at his wrists in a futile effort to stop him. “If I even suspect you’re thinking about going to the police with stories about how I committed the burglary and got away with the bearer bonds and the cash, I will take your sorry ass out and your child will grow up without a mother. Do you understand me?”

  She tried to speak, but couldn’t take in enough air so all she could do was gasp for breath.

  “Nod if you understand,” he said. When she nodded, he released her. She fell back against her seat, wheezing and coughing.

  The waiter came by and noticed her distress. “Are you okay, ma’am?”

  Ivy nodded her head and took a sip of water from her water glass. “Yes, I just choked on my water. It’s nothing.”

  “Okay,” the waiter said. “If you need anything, just let me know.”

  “We’ll take our food to go in two separate bags,” he said. No use wasting the food. He’d heard this place was good.

  “Okay, sir. I’ll have the food packed up for you right away.” The waiter turned and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

  “When I said that I would never let you get away with taking my son, I was referring to pursuing my legal remedies--not turning you in to the police,” Ivy said. “There was no need for you to choke me half to death.”

  “Oh, but you’re wrong there. There was a need. I had to remind you who you were dealing with and what would happen if you ever decided to betray me.” He stood up and threw a few twenty dollar bills onto the table. “This should cover our meal and your friend’s meal too. You know, the one sitting at the table next to the stairs. I’m out.”

  He got up and headed downstairs. Since Ivy’s friend Karen was peering over the edge of the newspaper at him, he winked at her. Her eyes widened before she quickly buried her face behind the paper again. That would give her something to think about. He smiled as he collected the food to go and left. His smile faded as headed to his car. He had some decisions to make.


  After he left, Ivy sat there for a few minutes taking some deep breaths and trying to compose herself. She heard footsteps race up the stairs. Karen burst into the room.

  “Ivy!” Tears streaming down her face, she grabbed Ivy in a fierce hug. “Oh thank God you’re alive. I was so scared for you! He winked at me on the way out. And when you didn’t come down with him, I was so afraid he’d hurt you.”

  She pulled back and inspected Ivy. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you? What are those spots on your neck?” Her eyes widened and her hand flew to cover her mouth. “He did this? He choked you? Oh hell naw!” She jumped up ready for battle and turned toward the stairs.

  Ivy grabbed her arm and pulled her back. “Sit down fool! Are you trying to get us both killed? I’m fine. Really, I’m okay. I was just sitting here for a moment to catch my breath.”

  Karen took a seat. “Literally.”

  Ivy had to smile. “Yes, literally. Only you could make me smile at a time like this. It worked. I should have it all on tape. We have a little problem though.”


  “He knew you were here and that you’re a friend of mine. He must have people watching me.”

  “Do you think they saw us go into the Spy Shop the other day?” Karen asked.

  “No, if he knew we had gone there, he’d have checked me for wires or cameras. When he saw you, he must have figured this wasn’t a police sting,” Ivy said. “I wonder how much we captured on this camera. Come on. Let’s go back to your place and watch the tape.”


  They went back to Karen’s apartment, put the photo card into Karen’s computer and played the video. Karen got more and more freaked out as she watched. “Oh my God. I had no idea all of that was happening up there. He could have killed you and I would have been just sitting there downstairs waiting for him to leave. That dude is really scary. Are you sure you want to cross him? He means business.”

  “So do I. The stakes are too high to back out now. This is my son we are talking about here. Make three copies of that video. I’ll keep one, you keep one and I’ll turn one over to the government.”

  Karen nodded. “Okay.” She loaded a blank DVD into the burner and began making the copies.

  While Karen made the copies, Ivy called her attorney. “I have the evidence we need.”

  “What evidence?” he asked.

  “I have a video of Zeke confessing to the burglary and committing assault and battery on me,” Ivy said.

  “Do you have it on a tape or disk?” he asked.

  “Yes, I have it on a DVD,” Ivy said.

  “Bring it to me. We’ll review it and, if it has what we need, we’ll take it to the authorities.”

  “Okay.” Ivy hung up and turned to Karen. “I have to bring the disc to my attorney.”

  “Do you want me to go with you? Should we call my brother? After seeing this,” Karen held up the discs. “I don’t think you should be going out there alone.”

  Ivy took one of the discs from her. “No. You stay here. Don’t call anyone. I’ll be fine. He thinks I’m scared to death. I doubt he’s waiting outside for me. If he wanted to kill me, he would have done it as we left the restaurant or on the way back here. Lock up nice and tight. I’ll let you know what happens when I get back.”

  Karen gave her a hug. “Be careful.”

  “I will.” Ivy picked up her pocketbook and left.


  Karen went back to her desk, sat down and watched the DVD again. When it was finished, she sat there shivering. She covered her mouth with her hand and shook her head slowly from side to side. She’d put on a brave face for Ivy, but she was terrified. She knew Ivy needed help. She looked at the telephone then she picked it up and called her big brother.


  “Luke, I need your help.”

  “Karen? Where are you?”

  “I’m at home.”

  “I’ll be right down.”

  Five minutes later, he was knocking on Karen’s door. She jumped when she heard the knock, then went to the door and peeked through the peephole.

  “It’s me,” Luke said.

  She opened the door, let him in and locked it behind him.

  “Hey little sis.” He took her by the shoulders. “What’s wrong?”

  She threw herself into his arms and began sobbing. He hugged her and pat her on the back while she let it out. He then led her to the couch in the living room. They sat down.

  “Tell me what’s wrong,” he said.

  She told him everything. When she finished, he pulled her close and hugged her again. When she was done, he stared at her in disbelief. “Are you two out of your damned minds? I can’t believe you took a risk like that and you didn’t even call me. You could have been killed! Don’t you ever do anything that stupid again! Do you hear me?”

  Karen winced and nodded her head. “Loud and clear.”

  He stood up, looking around. “Where is she?”

  “She went to her attorney’s office to bring him a copy of the discs,” Karen said.

  Luke looked at her, his eyes wide with astonishment. “She went out there by herself after pulling that stunt?”

  Karen nodded. “Yes. She told me to lock up and stay here and that she’d be right back.”

  “If she told you to jump off a bridge, would you do that too?”

  Karen chuckled. “Probably.”

  Luke was not amused. “I’d say that was an honest answer. Actually, telling you to stay here was probably the most sensible thing she did today. You said you made extra copies of the DVD? Let me see it.”

  He and Karen headed to her computer. When the recording ended, Luke’s mouth set into a grim line.

  “I could kill that son
of a bitch for putting his hands on her. He knew you were there too. I still can’t believe you put yourself in that much danger.” He took a deep breath and blew it out. “Okay, the most important thing is to make sure he doesn’t kill Ivy to keep her quiet. Since you weren’t there to hear him confess to committing the burglary, he’s not likely to come after you. I want you to take some time off of work, just to make sure. We don’t need you hanging out in the open at the airport for everyone to see.

  “You really care about her, don’t you?”

  He nodded. “I care about you both and I’m not about to sit around while you two get yourselves killed. The people I love are not being taken from me again. Do you hear me, sis? If I have to lock the two of you up to make sure you’re safe, I will do that.”

  She could see the stress and the worry on his face and felt guilty. After all he’d been through, all he had lost, she shouldn’t put him through any more. She nodded. “I understand.”

  “Good,” Luke said. “Make whatever arrangements you have to make. I have some plans of my own to put into motion.” He pulled out his cell phone and called Ivy. He swore when the call went straight to voicemail. “She would have the damned phone turned off. I need to get something from my place and then I’m going to escort her home. Her attorney’s name is Edward Tate, Esq. Call 411, get his number and call the law office. Tell her not to leave until I get there. I’m taking a cab, so she can drive us back.”

  “Okay,” Karen said. “Ivy’s going to kill me when she finds out that I called you about this.”

  “You two are lucky I don’t kill you myself after that stunt you pulled today. Think about that,” he advised. He headed toward the door. “Lock up behind me and keep your cell phone with you at all times. I’m going to arrange police protection for you until this over.”

  “Okay. I want you to be careful too.” She gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Don’t go flying off the deep end and getting into trouble because of what happened before.”

  “I’ll be careful, sis. Aren’t I always?” He walked out and waited in the hallway to make sure she locked up behind him.


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