In His Place: Sonic Idols Book #2

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In His Place: Sonic Idols Book #2 Page 14

by Lisa J. Hobman

  But anyway, back to the meeting. The majority of the crew and band had crammed themselves into the pub and were all waiting, drinks in hand, to see what the hell all the cloak and dagger shit was about.

  Den stood and clinked his glass to get our attention. He was grinning like the bloody Cheshire Cat. “Thank you all for being here. I’ve already spoken to Nick and he’s been sworn to secrecy until now as he can’t be here tonight.â€�

  Chris rolled his eyes. “Oh, for fuck’s sake, Den. If you’re pregnant, I swear to God I’ll scream.â€� A rumble of laughter travelled around the room and Den whacked him on the head.

  “I wish, Chris. No, anyway, this news may come as a bit of a shock to you all as things have moved quite fast but…â€� He closed his eyes and held up his hand to fan his face. He was getting emotional and I was getting worried.

  Stig teased, “Bloody drama queen. Get on with it.â€�

  “All right, all right. I’d tell you to keep your shirt on, Stiggy, but we know that would be a waste of my breath.â€� Stig burst out laughing and the rest of the crew joined in.

  A terrible thought crossed my mind and I had to speak up. “Den, you’re not… you’re not leaving us, are you?â€� The laughing subsided and I watched as Chris and Stig gaped at Den, evidently hoping his answer was no, just as I was.

  Den shook his head. “Not a chance. My boys are stuck with me. No, it’s nothing like that. It’s good news. Well, I hope it’s good news, anyway. I certainly think—â€�

  All of us shouted in unison, “GET ON WITH IT, DEN!â€�

  “Okay, okay! Good grief. The thing is, Roger has asked me to marry him. And… and I’ve said yes!â€� He squealed and Roger stood up to hug him.

  A raucous applause erupted and the whole crowd jumped up at the same time to envelope Den and Roger in a group hug of mammoth proportions.

  Bloody hell. My fifty-something gay manager was going to be a married man before me. That sucked. But in the best possible way. Den looked happier than I’d ever seen and his orange glow was tinged with a rosy tint of love. Okay, so I was a tiny bit jealous of his happiness, but he really deserved it.

  Roger and Den had been inseparable since they met and it was evident from the start that they were destined for forever. So what if it had happened fast? Love is love, after all.

  Once the excitement had died down, Den announced that he and Roger were having a ceremony up at Gretna Green and that we were all invited. Ugh, more of bloody Scotland. Why was everyone hell bent on torturing me with that place? Thanks to our gruelling touring and recording schedule, the ceremony was happening very soon. There was going to be a huge party and we were told we would get all the info by email or text just as soon as they had selected a venue.

  At the end of the evening, I was sitting on a bar stool when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Bobbie smiling up at me.

  “Hello, stranger. Are you avoiding me?â€�

  I hadn’t really seen much of her but it wasn’t intentional. At least, I don’t think it was consciously such. “Hi, Bobbie. Nah, not at all. It’s just been a crazy night, hasn’t it?â€�

  “It sure has. I’m so happy for Den and Roger. I haven’t known them for long but they both seem like really great guys.â€�

  “Yeah. Well, Den is. I don’t know Roger that well really.â€�

  She placed her hand on my thigh. “Sweet how they fell in love so fast, huh?â€�

  I nodded. “Yeah. They’re very lucky.â€�

  She leaned in and whispered, “Want to get out of here? I have a room upstairs if you want a little peace and quiet.â€�

  I glanced around to see what everyone else was doing. Chris had his tongue down the throat of some random woman. Stig was sitting in the corner nursing a beer, and Den and Roger were holding hands and chatting at one of the tables. Many of the crew had left and it was getting close to closing time.

  Returning my attention to Bobbie, I nodded. “Sure. Why not?â€�

  Chapter 26



  Another date with Evan had ended in him talking about Jen. It was as if a floodgate had been opened up and he couldn’t stop. I learned all about her favourite foods, favourite books, favourite designer labels. Jeez, I felt like I knew more about her than I did about my date.

  We sat in the pub as Evan told me about the time he had found a bag of designer clothes in the wardrobe with labels still attached. Apparently, she had tried to hide them from him and he presumed they were clothes she had bought to impress another man. To me, it sounded like the kind of thing every woman does when she’s trying to hide a spending splurge from her other half.

  It got to the point where I switched off and started thinking about Si. I hoped he was okay and having fun on his tour. I wondered if he was thinking about me at all and if he was missing me.

  Evan interrupted my self-destructive train of thought. “Sorry, I keep hogging the conversation, don’t I? I think you drifted away a little there. No wonder really. So, anyway, do you like designer clothes?â€�

  I glanced down at my high-street jeans and top and felt like responding with sarcasm but chose to be an adult. “Not really my style, if I’m honest. I’m a down to earth girl. Simple pleasures and all that.â€�

  “I bet you’d look good in some of the designers Jen loved. I have to admit, she did look great in her clothes. She’s one of those types who suits anything.â€�

  I took a large gulp of my red wine, suddenly wishing I had ordered something stronger. “Lucky woman.â€�

  My morning run had been an emotional one. For some damn reason, every song I listened to reminded me of Si. Each lyric seemed to say, ‘I told you so’ or, ‘It’s your loss’ and I was beginning to get rather paranoid that my playlist was out to get me. I hated that images of him above me in bed were playing over in my mind as I listened to the music that was meant to be a distraction. Instead, the memories played out like a music video, and at several points, I had to stop to skip tracks or simply to catch my breath. What the hell was going on?

  I showered and called Si’s mum for a chat. It always seemed to help. I made excuses as to why I hadn’t attended the music festival. In actual fact, I blamed my relationship with Evan which was horrible as it wasn’t that at all. I avoided asking much about Si and she didn’t offer much either.

  The call had just ended when there was a knock at my door and I sighed. I was still sporting the towel wrapped around my head after showering and hoped it wasn’t anyone important.

  I pulled the door open and Evan stood there, red-faced and frowning. “Oh, hi, Evan. I wasn’t expecting you as you can probably tell.â€� I cringed and pointed to my makeshift hat.

  “It’s okay. Can I come in? I didn’t know where else to go.â€�

  I stepped aside, wondering why he looked so fraught, and gestured into the house. “Sure. Come on in.â€�

  We went into the lounge and he slumped like a rock onto my sofa with his head in his hands.

  “Can I get you a coffee?â€�

  He lifted his head and nodded. “Yeah. Coffee would be good. And drop some whiskey in there too.â€�

  I cringed. “I’m sorry, I don’t have any—â€�

  “It’s okay. It’s too early anyway. Just ignore me. I’m stressed.â€�

  I sat opposite him and watched him intently as he rubbed his bloodshot eyes. Something was clearly very wrong. “Evan, what’s happened? Why are you so upset?â€�

  He sighed heavily and shook his head. “It’s Jen. She’s a fucking bitch.â€�

e appeared to have gone from not discussing his ex to me being some kind of sounding board for his trouble with her. I wasn’t sure I liked the fact.

  Trying to be a good friend, I pushed my annoyance aside. “What’s she done?â€�

  “She wants Tyler, my dog. She wants him to go live with her. Says he belongs up there. But I can’t let him go, Allie. I’d never see him.â€�

  “Ah. Could you maybe have a kind of joint custody situation?â€�

  He huffed. “And have to see her smug fucking face every time I picked him up? Oh, yeah. She’d love that. She’d probably take great pleasure in making me jealous of her fantastic new life and how she’s over me.â€�

  I frowned at his comments. “But you didn’t want to be with her anyway. Isn’t that why you divorced?â€�

  “We divorced because she was unfaithful, Allie. It doesn’t mean I don’t still have feelings for her.â€�

  Oookay. That’s a bit of a kick in the teeth. “I see.â€�

  “Don’t get me wrong, I made her pay. I divorced her.â€�

  “Was it a long affair?â€�

  “I don’t know. I found text messages on her phone from some guy telling her how sexy she is. How he wished she’d change her mind. Her replies were hilarious.â€� He spoke the words with a curled lip.

  “In what way?â€�

  “Oh, Michael, if things were different, I would have been happy to go away with you. That kiss was a mistake. I love my husband. Please don’t contact me again.â€� His mimicking voice was quite amusing and I had to try not to giggle.

  But when I thought through what he had said, I was shocked. “That doesn’t sound like an affair, Evan. It sounds like one kiss that made her realise she loved you. I don’t understand.â€�

  He rolled his eyes and made a weird growling noise as if I was being dense. “She kissed another guy, Jen. That’s what happened.â€�

  “I’m Allie.â€�

  He scrunched his face in annoyance. “What?â€�

  “You called me Jen.â€�

  He waved his hand dismissively. “Oh, right. Whatever. She says I worked too much. I was never at home. She felt neglected. She felt I was more interested in spreadsheets and numbers rather than bedsheets and loving her.â€�

  Good grief; I felt like a bloody marriage guidance counsellor. “And were you?â€�

  He paused for a while, contemplating his next words. “I worked long hours. Admittedly, we didn’t spend much time as a couple. When I was home, I was easily distracted by financial programmes and articles. But I was doing it all for her. She wanted the big fancy house. I gave it to her. Well… she said she liked the little cottage we lived in but I knew what she wanted before she did. The big house was stunning. I knew it was what she really wanted.â€�

  I shrugged. “Maybe the cottage and her husband was what she really wanted.â€�

  He snorted derisively. “Yeah, and now she wants my bloody dog. She has the fucking house, for goodness sake.â€�

  “I think you maybe need to go and see her. Talk to her. Two adults conversing in a neutral place so you feel able to be honest. It sounds like you need it.â€�

  He nodded. “You always know what to do, Allie. What would I do without you?â€� He stood and walked over to where I sat and bent to kiss my forehead but caught the towel instead. “I’ll call you later, gorgeous.â€�

  I was beginning to feel like a third wheel in our relationship. He had admitted he still had feelings for his wife and that should have forced me to ask him to leave but I was just as guilty. The way I had been missing Si told me that perhaps Evan wasn’t the man for me. If he had been, I wouldn’t have cared about what my drummer friend was up to. But he was all I could think about.

  Although, I got the feeling things hadn’t really sunk in with Evan. He was using me to keep his mind from what he really wanted. Not deliberately. He wasn’t a cruel person. But it felt like he had yet to come to the conclusion that he missed his wife and the life they had shared. That the divorce was a mistake.

  Only time would tell.

  Chapter 27



  “Hi, Mum. How are you both doing?â€�

  Mum huffed. “Hi, love. Oh, not too bad. Your dad has been suffering with a cold. Or should I say man-flu. I’ve been running around like a headless chicken after him. I’m exhausted. Honestly. You’d think he was at death’s door.â€�

  I worried whenever I heard news like this on my calls home. “It’s not serious though?â€�

  She laughed. “About as serious as him scalding himself with his tea when he sneezed.â€�

  I grinned and shook my head at the mental image I conjured up of him leaping to his feet and shouting, “Aww, come on!â€�

  “Poor Dad. So, what have you been up to apart from playing Florence Nightingale?â€�

  She made a derisive scoffing noise. “Us? What do you think? Not a lot of anything, as usual. But surely you must have some news?â€�

  “I do, as it happens. Den is getting married.â€�

  There was a long pause on the line. “But… I thought he was gay?â€�

  I laughed. “He’s not marrying a woman, you daft thing. He’s marrying his boyfriend, Roger.â€�

  “Oh, of course. Goodness me. I’m so scatter-brained sometimes. Well, that’s something to look forward to then. When is it happening? Next year?â€�

  “Next week more like. If they can organise it, they’re getting married as soon as possible. Den is like a giddy bloody woman. He’s carrying around wedding magazines like an accessory just now.â€� I took a deep breath. “There’s other news too.â€�

  “Really?â€� She didn’t try to hide the intrigue in her voice.

  “I kind of met someone.â€�

  She squealed like a teenager, forcing me to pull my handset away from my ear. “I knew it! I just knew you’d meet someone. So, what’s she like? What’s her name? Is she pretty? Are you in love? Ooh, I’m so excited for you, Simeon, darling.â€�

  “Bloody hell, Mum. Talk about bombarding me.â€�

  She made that scoffing noise again. “Come on, moaning Minnie. Just tell me.â€�

  “Okay, okay. Her name is Bobbie. She’s my new drum tech and she’s really good. She’s… erm… quirky.â€�

  Another pause. “How do you mean?â€�

  I took another deep breath, knowing full well that my mum wasn’t judgemental but feeling like I needed to warn her for some reason. “She has her head shaved at one side, the rest gets dyed a variety of colours, and she has tattoos. Lots of tattoos. And a nose piercing.â€� My words came out in a rush, and I was panting like I’d run a marathon at the end as I waited for her reaction.

  A relieved huff travelled across the airwaves. “Good grief, I thought you were going to tell me she was the head of a bloody cult or something. Don’t scare me like that, Simeon. So long as you like her and she treats you well, I couldn’t care less if her hair is all the colours of the rainbow and she rides a bloody unicorn. Appearance is never something that’s shocked me. I’ve lived with two teenage boys, remember.â€�

  I have no idea why I had been so worried about telling her. “Thanks, Mum. She’s American and I love her accent. We have a lot in common too. She also lost her brother. And get this, he was a drummer, just like Joe. How spooky is that?â€�

  “Oh, gosh, yes. That’s uncanny. But so long as you’re happy. You are happy, aren’t you, Simeon?â€�

I paused for thought for a moment before answering. “I think I am. I mean, it’s early days yet, but I enjoy spending time with her. And she makes me laugh.�

  Mum sighed. “You think you’re happy? Just promise me something. Be sure you’re not settling, eh? I mean it’s not so long ago that you were in love with someone else. Someone the opposite of this girl in every way. I just don’t want you to rush things and get hurt.â€�

  I loved how concerned she was, but sometimes I couldn’t win. “Mum, Allie has moved on. That’s what I need to do. And I haven’t proposed marriage to Bobbie. I just like her. That’s all.â€�

  “Oh dear. Now you’re angry with me. I’m sorry for interfering, sweetie. I just worry.â€�

  I softened a little at her admission. “I know you do. Anyway, speaking of Allie, have you heard from her lately? I was surprised she didn’t come to the festival we headlined in Scotland.â€�

  “Hmm, she mentioned that. She was going to come along with her young man, but… I think maybe it was too soon for such a step.â€�

  Intrigue needled me. “Too soon in what way?â€�

  “Well, it would’ve meant sharing a tent, camping together. But I don’t think she wants to rush things either.â€�

  For some reason, I was relieved to hear that maybe Allie and her bloke weren’t having sex yet. But I swiftly reminded myself I was moving on. Leaving the past and Allie behind me. It shouldn’t matter to me who Allie was sleeping with. It was time to get my own life together and look to the future. And if that future included Allie… I mean Bobbie. Shit. B. O. B. B. I. E. If my future included Bobbie, then so be it.

  Yeah, who was I trying to kid?

  The rest of the conversation with my mum was about neighbours building a home extension and the clock tower in town being vandalised—amongst other local news. I ended the call and made my way inside the hotel to the bar where the rest of the guys were. Except Nick. He’d been AWOL for a couple of days, attending to important business, apparently. We had all been informed that exciting things were afoot and I couldn’t wait to hear his news.


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