American Fairytale (Dreamers)

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American Fairytale (Dreamers) Page 23

by Adriana Herrera


  It opened with Camilo and the other dancers standing against the back wall of the studio. He was wearing the same type of outfit he usually did for his classes. Tight black yoga pants and a tank top, but on his feet he was wearing ankle boots with a slightly taller heel than usual. His hair was loose, and with his head down, his face was hidden as he slid his back slowly up and down the wall. Seeing that body I knew so well, that I’d run my hands over so many times, without getting a glimpse of his face was entrancing. I literally could not look away.

  After a few seconds, he whipped his head up and started making his way slowly to the front of the room. All the while looking intently at something in the distance. His hips undulating as he went, until he stopped in front of one of the chairs that were arranged around the room. He sank into it with both his arms above his head. I sucked in my teeth and gripped myself, entranced. I was so focused on his body and how he moved I was barely blinking.

  There were other people in the shot, and Ayako might’ve been in there too. But I couldn’t take my eyes off Camilo. As soon as his ass hit the chair he started running his hands up and down his body, his neck, chest and thighs until he placed them on his knees. He spread his legs wide with his hands, dipping his torso towards the floor.

  Those gray eyes were looking straight at me, and all I could think was, I’m going to fuck him blind the second he walks through that door.

  I gritted my teeth, watching as he turned his body to one side and then the other. His hips turning in a slow circle as he fisted his hair. My breath was coming in short pants and I had to grip my cock harder. The video ended with him standing up and walking to the back of the studio in that sexy as fuck slow strut.

  I was sitting there panting and clenching my fists when I heard the doorbell ring. I instantly dropped my phone on the couch and rushed to the door, tearing off my t-shirt as I went, and hoping to God it wasn’t a Jehovah’s Witness or someone from the cable company. Because my cock was literally sticking out of my sweats, and I had the tube of lube I ran upstairs to get in my hand.

  We’d decided to get tested a couple of weeks ago, but with his schedule, we’d had little chance to see each other since then. So, this would be the first time we went without condoms. By the time I opened the door, I was so eager to get at him, my entire body was vibrating.


  I didn’t let him finish. I just grabbed him by the arm and pulled him inside. I took his bag off his shoulder and threw it on the table by the door before turning him around, so he was shoved up against the wall. Within seconds I was all over him, pushing my cock against his ass, my hands everywhere.

  Camilo’s laugh was breathless when he managed to speak.

  “Damn, if I knew those videos were going to have this effect on you, I would’ve started sending them sooner.”

  I shook my head while trying to unzip his parka with one hand and used the other to take his hat off so I could get at his neck.

  “What did you think would happen if you sent me a video with two full minutes of you shaking this ass and looking at the camera like that?” Apparently I didn’t speak anymore, I growled.

  “Uh, I was hoping for exactly this reaction actually.” He tried to laugh but it got caught in his throat when I lifted his hair and sucked on the back of his neck. I was thrusting my erection against him, one hand at the base of his neck as the other one went inside his yoga pants. No underwear again.

  “Camilo, for fuck’s sake, I’m going to come before we even get naked.”

  His breath was coming in pants, but I could hear the humor in his voice. “I love that you’re this worked up. I didn’t take you for an Ariana Grande fan.”

  I had no idea who he was talking about. I lifted his shirt off and then ran my teeth all the way down his back. Until I was kneeling with my face at eye level with his ass. I bit one cheek and grabbed his erection again, making him gasp before I asked distractedly, “Who?”

  I started tugging on his pants impatiently as he kicked off his shoes and turned his head around to look at me, one eyebrow raised. “The song from the video?”

  I shook my head confused, because focusing on anything that wasn’t getting my dick in him, was practically impossible at the moment. “I had the sound off.”

  He let out a husky laugh as I frantically tugged his tights below his ass and worked on getting us to the fucking part of the evening.

  “You had the sound off, huh?”

  “Yes.” I kept it short since I was having trouble with the English language in general. Besides I had other priorities, like getting some lube on my fingers and getting at his ass. I used one hand to spread his cheeks and ran the pads of my fingers over his hole, then ran my tongue over the same spot, making him shiver.

  “Tom.” It was more a moan than anything, but it only worked to get me even more revved up.

  I worked a finger in slowly and sucked in my teeth, trying to breathe through the lust-filled fog that had taken over my brain. “I’m going to rail you as soon as I get you ready.”

  “Damn, that video did leave you feeling some type of way. You came downstairs with lube?” When I looked up at him, his face was completely flushed.

  “Si por que te voy a coger aqui mismo,” I said, adding another finger.

  “Oohh Spanish smashing today.” He panted as he pushed his ass out and stretched his arms on the wall.

  “Si.” That was all I could get out.

  He looked back at me and his pupils were blown out, his mouth red and swollen from his own teeth. “Then get inside, baby,” he said, breathlessly.

  I tugged hard on my balls and took another bite out of that ass. He moaned as I thrust my fingers in, looking for his gland. After a moment he gasped. “Ungh that feels so good.”

  I was dizzy from wanting him.

  After a few more thrusts of my fingers we were both groaning. When I couldn’t take it any longer, I pulled them out and stood up fast, pressing my chest against his back. Running my hands over him. He turned his head so I could kiss him and we tangled our tongues, mouths open, teeth clashing. Camilo pulled back, then leaned against me again.

  “I don’t know if I can stand for this.”

  Without a word I picked him up and walked us to the couch in the next room. I sat down and started stroking my dick as I watched him take his tank top off and toss it across the room. Within seconds he was straddling me and had the tip of my dick at his entrance. We were face-to-face and the look in his eyes was pure ecstasy as I slowly pushed in. He put one hand on my shoulder for balance and sank down.

  “Fuck that’s good. God I love your cock.” He shook his head, his mouth going slack, and his breaths were coming in short spurts. “And bare. Ahh.”

  I shook my head and gritted my teeth, trying to keep it together. It felt too good, too tight. I was going to come in seconds with his ass gripping me so hard.

  I smacked his ass then and pinched his nipple, making him gasp. “Como mueves ese culo, Camilo.” Those circles he was making with his hips were driving me out of my mind. “God this ass. Me vuelves loco.”

  His smile was absolutely filthy when he answered. “I like making you crazy.” He wrapped his arms around my neck and went in for a kiss as we both started thrusting harder.

  We were feeding each other our moans and gasps as we moved hard and fast, our bodies locked together so tightly. I grabbed Camilo’s cock and started stroking him when I felt my orgasm coming. My stomach tightened and that feeling like all my limbs were turning liquid spread through my body.

  “Oh shit, Tom, don’t stop—” His words were cut off by a shudder.

  After a few seconds Camilo’s mouth opened and he threw his head back as a loud moan escaped his lips, ribbons of come bursting out of him. His ass clamping down on my cock sent me right over with him.

  I was so blissed out
I lost time for a moment. As I came to, I heard Camilo’s muffled voice against my ear.

  “I’m sending you every video of every class I’ve ever been in stat.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  We were on the couch with one of the seemingly dozens of decadently soft and fluffy blankets in Tom’s house covering us. He’d been in rare form when I’d gotten to his place after my class, and now almost an hour later he still couldn’t keep his hands off my ass. It was the first time we’d gone without a condom, and he was really feeling himself. He grabbed and stroked me so possessively, all I could do was shiver in his arms.

  I felt owned by Tom, but not perilously or in a stifling way. More like words were superfluous because we were under each other’s skin. I pulled my head off his chest and kissed him, slow and deep as he grabbed me, his hands gripping me hard, his touch grounding. Making me feel at ease for the first time in days.

  These past few weeks had been so stressful and busy. I was worried about my mom and money, but here with Tom I felt so good. When I put my head back on his chest, he let out a long exhale and kissed my hand.

  “How’s Dinorah?”

  I looked up at him and smiled. I loved how well Tom and my mom got on. He genuinely liked her and the feeling was mutual and then some.

  “Better. She’s still liking the group and her therapist, and is going to the community center for the Zumba classes. She’s even talking about volunteering there.” I sighed again, not sure if I wanted to get into this next part, but decided to say it anyways. Because dammit, he was my fucking boyfriend and he needed to learn to just listen without feeling like he needed to solve my problems.

  “I think part of her issues lately were related to how much she hates her job,” I said thinking of how much better she looked now that she wasn’t dealing with the constant stress of the hospital. “I’m concerned about her going back. I’ve talked to her about doing something different, but she’s been in this job for so long. I don’t know if she’ll even consider looking for something else.” Tom’s face was unreadable, but I could see that he wanted to say something, but was holding it in.

  “In any case that’s what it is for now. Hopefully we can come up with a plan before her leave is finished, because I can’t pay double rent for much longer.” Tom grunted at this and I felt him tense. I sighed, knowing what was coming next.

  “Mi amor—”

  I didn’t let him finish, but tried for a conciliatory tone, because I didn’t want to ruin the first moment of peace I’d had all week. “Babe, I can’t let you support my mom. You must understand why I can’t accept money from you like that.”

  His lips thinned and I knew he was working hard on not pushing. “I wasn’t going to suggest it because I already know the answer. I just hate seeing you killing yourself, taking extra work on top of your already very stressful job when money is the only issue.”

  We’d been over this like ten times, but I’d repeat it another hundred until it took. “But money isn’t the only issue, Tom. The issue is me relying on my boyfriend to support my mother. That’s crossing so many boundaries and setting us up for all kinds of bad dynamics.” I sagged, annoyed at this afterglow-killing conversation. “I know it’s hard for you to feel like you’re not helping. But I’m just not in a place where I can be okay with that level of financial help from you.”

  He gave me a sharp nod, and I hated how cold the room felt. But the thought of being beholden to anyone, even Tom, gave me pause and especially when it wasn’t just me. This was about my mom too. I attempted to pivot to a less contentious topic.

  “So things are really coming together for the reception.”

  Tom lifted an eyebrow like he knew what I was doing, but after a second gave me a small smile. “Oh so you’re still on schedule for three weeks?”

  I nodded feeling excited. “Yeah all the big jobs are done. At this point what’s left is just surface stuff like painting and finishing some of the flooring. The contractor said we should be able to do the photographs soon.”

  Since the shelter was a confidential location as a safety measure for adults and children who were there fleeing from dangerous situations, we couldn’t have the dedication ceremony on-site. Instead, we were doing it at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture which was close to our offices in East Harlem. Since the guests wouldn’t be able to visit the shelter to see the new space, I’d gotten in touch with a photographer to go and capture the new renovated spaces, as well as some of the survivors using the facilities, with their permission of course.

  Tom smiled at the mention of the photos. “Your idea of showing the new space through a photography exhibit is amazing. I can’t wait to see them. My mom called me today and said she and my dad might come.”

  I widened my eyes at that and croaked out, “Your parents?”

  My horror amused him apparently, because the bastard laughed at me. “Don’t tell me you’re scared of meeting my mom and dad? Libe’s the tough one.”

  “Libe’s bae. I love that kid.”

  The smile he gave me lit me up inside. “She loves you too. We both do.”

  I leaned in for another kiss, my heart racing. He made me feel so much. “Te amo, Tom, even when you annoy me by trying to give my mom rent money.”

  He huffed an embarrassed laugh and shook his head. “Y yo a ti, even when you shut me down.” I could tell he was trying hard to keep the tone light. “So do I get you all to myself until Sunday?”

  I nodded, a bit reluctantly. “I think so. I do have a couple of translations I promised to get done this weekend. But I can wake up early and work on them from here.”

  “Good. Let me get my sweats on and I’ll go make us a snack.” He leaned in and sucked on my lip before standing up, making my belly go all liquid with want again. “We need to keep your energy up. I want a live performance later, and I’m hiding all your clothes first,” he said grabbing my tank top off the floor and hiding it behind his back, a dirty smile on his lips. “I’m keeping that ass bare and ready for me all weekend,” he said as he smacked me on said body part.

  “Why does your filthy mouth turn me on so much?”

  He leaned down, eyes full of mischief. “Por que si.”

  “So fucking arrogant.” I wasn’t even close to sounding like I meant it. He just grinned and grabbed my ass one last time before walking out of the room.

  His laugh was too fucking smug, but there was no question, he had me thirsting for him at all times. I watched him walk up the stairs to the kitchen and hoped this thing with money and my mom didn’t mess with what we had, because I was completely gone for Tom Hughes.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  “Hey.” Camilo sounded completely worn out, which was his permanent state lately. We’d barely seen each other in the past two weeks. Even Libe was starting to worry about him, since the last times he’d been over to the house he’d been so obviously exhausted, all I wanted was to let him rest. When he’d come over on Valentine’s he’d barely been able to stay awake helping Libe with her class gifts. Afterwards he’d fallen asleep within seconds of getting into bed and had run off at 5:00 a.m. to go do more work.

  I was worried about him, but he refused to accept any help for his mom’s rent, or for anything else for that matter. He’d cancelled twice on me in the last week, and I was starting to feel desperate.

  “How are you, amor?”

  “Tired,” he answered, but I could hear a smile under the weariness in his voice. At least he was still happy to hear from me. “What’s up, baby? Talk to me.” I heard a long exhale and I could barely hold back the need to go to his office, carry him out and take him to a beach somewhere for a week, so he could fucking sleep. But I couldn’t even suggest it, because that would just get me shut out. Not that what I was about to tell him would likely go over any better. />
  “Are you slammed today?”

  He let out an exhausted laugh. “Always.”

  Lately I felt like any request I made felt like an imposition. Camilo constantly told me that being with me was the only time he felt like he could relax, but it was getting harder to keep quiet while I saw him struggle. “So, I have a favor to ask.” I paused, hoping this didn’t freak him out. “My mom is here.”

  “What? How?” The tiredness in his voice was quickly replaced with panic. “I thought they were coming for the launch.”

  I felt like shit for asking, but he was the contact for the renovation and he’d told me again and again that he didn’t want our relationship interfering with his job. “That was the plan, but she ended up coming for a few days to help a friend who needed to have a check-up with her oncologist.”

  Camilo sighed and I grimaced, feeling weary of how everything felt so strained lately. “She got in yesterday morning and is leaving tomorrow night. She’d like to go see the renovation before she goes, because she may not be able to make it here for the event.”

  The silence on the other line was heavy.

  “This is really last minute, Tom.” He sounded like he was about to cry, and again I felt like shit. Because in the end this was also me being a selfish asshole and trying to find an excuse to see him.

  When the silence stretched without a word from Camilo I decided to cut my losses. “It’s okay. I’ll let my mom know it’s not possible,” I said, hoping I’d been able to hide my disappointment.

  “No, Tom, this is my job.” He sighed again. “It’s not an issue at all. The main reason I was even put on this project was so that I could communicate with your mother.”

  We both knew that was bullshit, and I’d just manipulated the situation to see more of him, sort of like I was doing now. I was about to call the whole thing off when he spoke again.


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