Crooked G's

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Crooked G's Page 21

by S. K. Collins

  “This might sting a little,” Bay grimly whispered to Timbo, as he put him in a one-armed headlock, and pressed the razor down in his throat. Timbo was struggling to free himself as his feet dangled off the ground. He was losing consciousness from the amount of blood that poured from his carotid artery.

  Timbo’s fight came to an end when his pulse faded as blood-mixed soap foam dripped off his feet. Bay didn’t feel Timbo putting up a struggle, so he let his body slump to the wet shower room floor. Bay dropped the dirty blade down the drain as the remaining inmates stood and watched the tragic incident take place. Bay looked at all the inmates and smiled, showing them exactly how crazy he was. The inmates didn’t want to be a witness to the murder, so they turned around and finished their showers. A few of the inmates were scared to turn their back to Bay fearing they would be attacked next. Bay didn’t think any of them would snitch on him, so he turned around and washed all the blood off his body.

  After Bay was fully clean, he grabbed a towel off the rack and walked out of the shower room laughing hysterically. Bay left a cold and uncanny presence amongst the other inmates, as water from the showerhead continued to pour onto Timbo’s lifeless body.



  Word got around quickly throughout the jailhouse that Timbo had committed suicide in the shower room. There was no witness that saw what had happened, so Officer Stevens didn’t have anything to go on when he filled out his report. Bay acted like he couldn’t believe what had taken place and was thankful he was getting released. He believed you could easily lose your mind in jail and suicide was sometimes the best option. He was glad his time was minimal in there, and now he could focus on all that was waiting for him on the outside.

  “Hey, Bay. It’s time to go,” Officer Stevens said, standing in front of his cell waiting to process him out. Bay couldn’t do anything but smile as he jumped off his cot and looked at himself in the mirror.

  “Hey, dirty-ass mirror. This is the last time you’re going to see this pretty face.”

  Love Boat Brad got off his bed, so he could say goodbye to his short-term celly. “Make sure you write a nigga, young. We got to make sure we stay up, so I can see what you’re doing.”

  “Don’t worry, big homey. You a true-ass nigga, so I got to fuck witchu. I don’t trust too many niggas, but I can say me and you cool. I’m about to be a star and I want you to shine with me,” Bay said, extending his hand to give Love Boat Brad some dap.

  “Take care of yourself out there, boy,” Love Boat Brad said, giving Bay a hug.

  “Nah, nigga. Don’t worry about me. I’m going to be all right. You’re the one still behind the wall.”

  “I feel you. My turn coming soon.”

  Bay was ready to roll out, so he had to say his last words. “I’ll make sure to get at you as soon as I can, big homey. I gotta make sure I send you pictures of all the groupie love you can expect to get when you come home.”

  “Do that, young, for real.”

  Bay walked out of his cell with Officer Stevens, and soon as the cell door was slammed shut, Bay gave Love Boat Brad a head nod, and then started to make his way out of the facility.

  “You’re still going to get me on as your bodyguard whenever you get started, right?” Officer Stevens whispered in Bay’s ear as they walked side by side.

  “Yeah, you good. Don’t worry; I got you,” Bay whispered back.

  Bay and Officer Stevens were almost to the area where he would get processed out as Officer Hoke was walking toward them. Officer Hoke was looking straight at Bay. Bay’s jaw clenched as the officer steadily approached. Officer Hoke was the same one who’d broken up the quarrel between him and Timbo. Bay and Officer Stevens suspected he knew something odd about Timbo’s alleged suicide. They had to play it cool as they attempted to walk past him.

  “Hold on one fuckin’ minute, Stevens. I have to ask this piece of shit here a question or two,” the white officer said as he folded his arms, trying to intimidate Bay.

  “Make it quick, Hoke. I got to get his ass down to processing.”

  Officer Hoke stared at Bay before he spoke. “Listen here, you little low-life fuck. I was there that day you and that dead inmate got into it, and I’m willing to bet part of my own ass that you killed him.”

  “I’m sorry, officer, but if you can recall, that inmate tried to attack me first. I heard he committed suicide anyway. You can’t put that on me. I’m innocent.”

  Officer Hoke stared into Bay’s dark eyes trying to find one reason to believe that he was lying. He didn’t have any concrete evidence that placed Bay in the shower room at that time, so he had to let him go for now.

  “Hoke. Are you finished yet, man? We got to keep moving,” Officer Stevens said, trying to get Officer Hoke to end his pointless interrogation.

  “Yeah, I’m done.” Officer Hoke still looked at Bay. “But let me tell you this, you stupid fuck. When that autopsy comes back and shit don’t add up right, I’m going to have your ass back in here faster than you can pull your fuckin’ dick out to get some pussy. This ain’t over.” Officer Hoke turned and stormed off.

  “Don’t worry about his ass. He ain’t going to find out shit,” Officer Stevens assured.

  “I hope you right. That mothafucka sound like he trying to put my ass under the jail. You just make sure he doesn’t.”

  Bay couldn’t afford to go to prison for murder and needed Officer Stevens to keep the heat off of him. Officer Stevens was going to do everything he could to keep his golden ticket to a better life out of prison. He hoped he wouldn’t have to go to that extent.

  Bay was processed out and given back all his belongings. He checked to make sure all his items were there before he left. Everything was in his pack except for his money clip, but he wasn’t going to trip or make a scene that would end up with him back in jail for disorderly conduct. With all the money he was about to touch in the music biz, he wouldn’t have much use for a money clip anyway. “All y’all good people of the law have a nice day,” Bay said, laughing his way out the door, hoping to get under the skin of the officers that were within earshot.

  Bay got outside and took a deep breath of all the city air that was waiting for him. He was glad to be free and even happier when he saw Latrice sitting on the hood of her car waiting for him.

  “What up, baby girl? Your favorite nigga’s out of that bitch. Come here and show me some love,” Bay said as he walked toward Latrice with open arms.

  “Hey, Bay.” Latrice gave him a tight hug and felt that his arms and chest had gotten bigger since the last time she’d seen him. Bay took a step back and noticed that Latrice seemed to be a little thicker than he remembered.

  “Damn, you got some ass n’ titties I ain’t never seen before.”

  “You really think so? I ain’t been doing nothing but eating. You like this, huh?” she said, doing a little pose for him.

  “I see you stopped rocking that short hair, huh?” Bay noticed she was wearing her long black weave.

  “I decided to try something different. You like it?” She smiled as she played with her hair. All Bay could do was stare and lick his lips at her. He couldn’t tell if Latrice was that damn sexy to him or the fact that he hadn’t had any pussy in a long time. His dick started to bulge out of his pants and he had to have her soon.

  Bay hadn’t had anything to eat since he was released, so he wanted to go to his favorite food spot, The Diner in Adams Morgan, to get something in his stomach that was anything but some nasty-ass jail food. At the restaurant, Bay wanted to tell Latrice about what had happened to Timbo while they were at the table, but he decided to wait until another time. Bay didn’t want to tell her the truth, feeling that she wouldn’t be able to handle it. He didn’t want to make her aware of anything she didn’t need to necessarily know about, so he was going to keep that secret from her as long as he could.

  Latrice was getting along with Bay so much that she wanted to spend the entire day with
him. Bay wanted to be with her too but didn’t want to do no walk-in-the-park-type shit. He wanted to take Latrice to a room somewhere and give her dick all night long. He also wanted to find out what was up with his money and company that she was taking care of for him. He was going to get down to business after he first took care of his pleasures. After they left the restaurant, Bay’s quest for lust seemed to be ending when Latrice unexpectedly pulled into the Bottom Dollar Inn’s parking lot, which was right off New York Avenue. Bay was eager to get his fuck on, but didn’t think they were going to end up at a fleabag motel that was locally known as the “hoe hostel.” He didn’t want to go to a motel where prostitutes could be seen parading in and out any time of the day. He wanted something better.

  “Aye, young. What the fuck are we doing here?”

  “I got a surprise for you.”

  “You couldn’t surprise me at the damn Radisson or Hilton or some shit? What the fuck is this?”

  “Bay, calm down. I got you. I need you to trust me so I can do something nice for you, okay? If you don’t like what I’m doing for you, we can leave. Please give it a chance first.”

  Bay didn’t know what she had in mind, but whatever it was, he hoped it would be worth him lying his ass on some funky sheets. Bay began to think she had another woman coming for him to have a threesome. He was willing to give it a chance to see what was going to go down. He told Latrice before he got out the car that the whole thing better not be some bullshit or he was going to fuck her up. She promised him that he wouldn’t be disappointed.

  Latrice had Bay open up the door so he could go in the room first. He suspected the reason she wanted him to go in the room first was that she had thrown him a welcome-home surprise party. He realized it couldn’t be that. He didn’t have any friends that she could invite, and the only ones that would be more than willing to show up were his enemies. Bay wanted his curiosity to cease on what was behind the door, so he opened it up slowly and found nothing but a well-decorated room. There were “Welcome Home, Bay” posters that covered the room from wall to wall and flower arrangements placed neatly about the room. Bay didn’t think that the rooms at the motel could be hooked up and never imagined Latrice surprising him like that.

  “Damn, girl. You did this for me?” Bay felt overjoyed.

  “Yeah. Do you like it?” Latrice asked, smiling bashfully.

  “Damn, girl. I wasn’t expecting nothing like this. You really came through for a nigga on his first day out.”

  “You sit down right here and relax ’cause I ain’t did nothing yet,” she said, taking his hand and leading him over to the bed.

  “I need you to get yourself right for me. I got some weed and D’Ussé to help ease your mind,” she said, pointing at the bag of weed and bottle of cognac sitting in a half-melted bucket of ice on the nightstand.

  “I’m going to go take a shower and put something sexy on for you. You’re still going to be here when I get out, right?”

  “Hell yeah. Everything I need is right here. You just make sure you hurry up.”

  “I will. Take a shot for me,” she said, smiling before walking into the bathroom. Bay watched her strut across the room and was getting excited.

  “Fuck this. I’m ’bout to get bushed,” he said as he took off his button-down Akoo shirt, so he could feel more comfortable in his wife beater. Bay removed the bottle of cognac from the bucket and scooped out some ice and put the cubes in a plastic cup. He filled the cup up to the brim and took a long swig. “Woo! I needed that shit. This shit here is going to have me feeling right in a minute. I’mma be doing some rhinoceros-type fucking when I go through the rest of this bottle.” Bay hadn’t drunk alcohol in so long and felt a slight buzz coming on already. He was really trying to get fucked up, so he picked up the bag of weed and took a whiff of the contents.

  “Woo wee! Where the fuck she get this from? This is some of that stanky stank. It looks like some of that Blue Ivy OG Kush everyone been talking about,” he said admiring the bluish-colored marijuana.

  Bay cracked open a blunt and then began to fill it up with the strong-smelling sticky buds. He lay back in the bed and turned on the television, so he could settle into his surroundings. He heard the shower starting to run in the bathroom and couldn’t help but to think about Timbo.

  “To all the bitch niggas who ain’t here.” He tilted his cup and poured some of his drink on the carpet. “Rest in piss pussy,” he said, busting out in devilish laughter. Bay had an evil soul and didn’t care who he made miserable with his demented ways. In his world, he was the only one that mattered.

  Bay felt Latrice had been in the bathroom almost forever and wanted her to come out. He had drunk almost the whole bottle already and was ready to get his smash on. Before he could get up to see what was taking her so long, Latrice was coming out of the bathroom. She was wearing the same orange dress she wore during the van robbery, along with her black leather stilettos. Bay saw how good she looked in her tight-fitting dress and got aroused immediately. Now he really wanted her badly.

  “Guess what I’m trying to do?” Latrice asked as she slowly walked over to him with her hands behind her back.

  “I ain’t the smartest nigga in the world, but I guess you’re to trying fuck like I am.”

  “Yeah. But I’m trying do some kinky shit,” she said, dangling a pair of handcuffs in front of him with her leather glove-covered hands.

  “Damn, bitch. I just got out da mothafucka and you trying to have a nigga locked up already?” Bay joked.

  “Don’t worry, baby. These cuffs are for both of us. I’m trying to do the bid with you.”

  Bay loved the fact that Latrice was his down-ass chick no matter what. Bay was the type of man who thought that being submissive to women was a sign of weakness, and he never showed vulnerability. Latrice was the only one he could trust and Bay felt he was the strongest man she had ever known. Bay thought that it would be fun to see where her game was going since he trusted her so much and really wanted some ass.

  Clink! Clink! Latrice slapped a cuff on his wrist and then the other one onto the bedpost. “Before we do this, let me show you the big surprise I got for you.” Latrice blew him a kiss and then climbed off the bed.

  “Nah, whatever it is can wait. Now bring your ass back over here, so we can get this shit started.”

  “It’s only going to take a minute. Hold on,” she said as she opened up a dresser drawer under the television. Bay didn’t want any more surprises and only wanted her to show him what it was, so she could stop the bullshit.

  Latrice pulled out a white gift box with a red ribbon wrapped around it. She walked it over to him and held it out so he could take it. “Open it.”

  Bay pulled off the ribbon and then lifted the top off to see what was inside. “What the fuck is this? Is this supposed to be some type of joke?” Bay asked confused as he took out a Bible and threw it on the bed.

  “That’s only part of your gift, Bay. The rest of it is still in the box.”

  Bay moved away some of the wrapping paper and saw a large thick envelope with a gold label on it that read: Everything You Need to Start a Record Label. Bay was so worried about fucking Latrice that he almost forgot he was even starting a company. He was so pleased to see the package that he cracked a big smile.

  “Thank you, baby. This is what the fuck I’ve been waiting for. We’re about to get this thing cranking.” He ripped open the envelope, so he could review everything that was inside. The first item Bay pulled out was a document from the United States Patent and Trademark Office. He couldn’t wait to see his label’s name and logo for the first time. His eyes enlarged as he progressively searched for it.

  Bay found the company name and logo and couldn’t believe what he saw. His eyes filled with rage as he quickly turned to Latrice.

  “Do you like it?” Latrice asked sarcastically.

  “Bitch! What the fuck is Bangspot Records?” he yelled.

  She simply smiled. “It’s the na
me of my new label.”

  Bay was furious. “What the fuck happened to my Lonely Thug Entertainment? Answer me, bitch!” Bay tried to get over to Latrice, so he could choke the shit out of her, but remembered he was handcuffed.

  “Bay. Calm down, so I can tell you what’s going on.”

  “Bitch, you got ten seconds to tell me; all this is some bullshit!” Bay said, throwing the envelope across the room.

  “No, Bay. Lonely Thug was some bullshit and that’s why I couldn’t let it come into existence.”

  “You? What the fuck you mean, you? That’s my shit!”

  “I guess you don’t see what’s happening here, do you, Bay? Look around the room…Today’s your funeral.”

  Bay didn’t know what the fuck she was talking about, until he looked again at all the flower displays around the room. He then scanned over all the writing on the walls again, and the phrase “Welcome Home, Bay” held a whole new meaning. Latrice then pressed the play button on the stereo that was beside the television, and Donnie McClurkin’s “Order My Steps” came blaring out of the speakers. Latrice went back into the drawer and pulled out a black .38 revolver and pointed it at Bay.

  “You’re going to pull a gun on me? Are you fucking crazy, bitch?” Bay yelled from the top of his lungs.

  “Bay. All that barking ain’t necessary, baby. It’s been your time for a while now, but I never had the heart to do it. I’m glad you got out of jail when you did. If you would have done something stupid in there, I don’t know when I would have been able to kill you. You did so much fucking damage to me that you don’t even know. Now, for all my pain, I’m taking what’s mine.” Latrice stared dead into his eyes as he still tried to free himself from the headboard.


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