Syncopated Rhythm

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Syncopated Rhythm Page 7

by Erik Schubach

  They cut to the outside of the cafe where Conrad, Max, and Elise squeezed out the door into the crowd and waiting paparazzi. One asked Conrad, “Is it true you are all going to star in Heartsong Warriors?”

  Conrad was smooth as silk, smiling for the cameras. “Yes. When I read the screenplay by Babette, I was almost brought to tears. It was so poignantly written. The emotions just built through the entire story.”

  One reporter asked over all the others clamoring around with questions, “What part will you play? And why are you working with an unknown like Babette?”

  He looked taken aback. “Well I'll be Lieutenant Fischer. Armed with my music and my love. But Babette and unknown? Come on, you've got to be kidding me. Surely you know there are few recent blockbusters that don't have her ghostwriting hands all over them. The woman is a genius.”

  We were all laughing so hard it actually hurt. Amber was in uncontrollable giggle mode, it was cute as hell.

  A question was shouted to Elise. “Elise, will you be playing the female lead?”

  The camera swung to her, and she had a mischievous grin on her face and she didn't hesitate and said, “No, I don't have the emotional depth to properly portray Captain Amelia Masters. Babette is going to be hard pressed to find the perfect actress to cast for the role. The story deserves the best.” Max was beside her nodding thoughtfully in agreement.

  How the hell were they keeping such straight faces? I was actually gasping for air now and Amber was crying, I don't think she could breathe either. She shot me a smile as the story continued. I realized I was still running my fingers through her hair.

  They cut back to the newsroom and the anchor. He was nodding in thought. “There you have it, an KGDM exclusive. With Babette Stevenson at the helm this will undoubtedly be a blockbuster. We will try to get in contact with Ms. Stevenson to find out who she has in mind for the role of Captain Amelia Masters.”

  We all started wiping our eyes and slowing down to a simple giggle-fest again. Samantha was looking at the four of us like we were crazy or something.

  Then two pictures were put up behind him. First a picture of Amber pulling me into the Cafe then a closeup of our hands together with our fingers laced from that same frame. The female anchor spoke now. “We will also investigate allegations that Babette is Amber LaLanie's new love interest. They have been seen arm in arm in the lobby of the Seattle Royal and now at the Cafe on the Corner though none of the staff at the cafe would comment on whether they appeared to be together or not.”

  Love interest?

  All of our laughing stopped. Amber was looking up at me, I looked around and all eyes were on me as Amber spoke, “Oh God. I'm sorry Ky. You don't need to get dragged into stupid scandals like this. Why the hell do they always have to pry into our personal lives?” She sat up and away from me a bit, looking... afraid?

  I shrugged and said with confidence I didn't have. “At least they have me shacking up with someone hot.” I grinned shyly.

  Amber seemed to exhale a breath she was holding, the fear seemed to leave her eyes and she laid back down and snuggled her head back into my lap with an impish grin. “That comment goes both ways.”

  Kim and Skylar grinned at the two of us then Kim deadpanned with her stoic expression, “Well damn. Looks like we'll have to let the kids into the veteran's club after that performance.”

  We all started laughing again while Sammie just shook her head at us. “Somebody is going to have to explain all of this to me.”

  Amber grabbed one of my hands and comically put it on top of her head then grabbed my other with both hands and started playing with my fingers as she laid it all out to Samantha while Skylar got on the phone and ordered pizza. OMG... doesn't Amber know what she is doing to me? Can a person die from blushing too much?

  When the well exaggerated and hilariously acted out story, with input from the rest of us, was completed, Sam grinned. “That is pretty funny. I thought you all were going bloody mad for a minute. Isn't anyone going to call them and set them straight.”

  I snorted at the chuckles from the other ladies. Amber said cutely, “Not so much. Let them expend time and effort chasing a ghost. We think of it as payback to the paparazzi and news stations who can't be bothered to check the facts before they report. The only downside is the fans will be disappointed when it finally comes to light. I swear Miranda is an evil genius at times.”

  We all nodded at that. These women were positively wicked, and fun, we mustn’t forget the fun. I'm curling my toes now while Amber plays with my hand, tracing the lines on my palm. If I don't move, maybe she won't stop. Why the hell am I so scared right now?

  “Earth to Babette.” Sammie was calling.

  Oh! “Huh?”

  Sam snickered and Skylar and Kim were grinning. Sammie said, “We lost you there again. I was asking what your goals in life were.”

  I looked down at Amber who looked like a satisfied cat as I ran my fingers through her white streaked locks. I tried hard not to grin. Then I looked back up. “Well as you probably guessed. I want to make my own films or videos one day. That has been my dream my entire life and my mother has supported my dream. I want to make something of myself for her...” I trailed off and looked at the floor.

  Amber glanced up then her face creased in concern. “What is it Ky? You always drift off when you mention your mom. She sounds like a wonderful woman.”

  I looked around. Why did I feel so panicky? I shrugged but wouldn't meet anyone's eyes. “She is. She's been my biggest supporter and best friend my entire life. She always used to encourage me to embrace my dreams and make a name for myself in the world. It always felt possible when she said it to me.”

  Skylar spoke first, “Used to?”

  I took a deep shuddering breath then looked around with a weak smile. “Yeah. Fucking Alzheimers took her away from me. It chipped away at her, one memory at a time.” I looked at the window and saw the lights of Issaquah below in the valley in the darkness. “It is the worst feeling of hopelessness watching someone you love lose themselves and be powerless to help them.”

  Amber was looking at me with sad eyes and she kissed the back of my hand. I looked down at her and took another breath. “I try to go back home and visit her every weekend until I have the money to move her out here.” I smiled a little. “She has good days sometimes when she remembers me. Where she is lucid. Though she's confused as to where she is. I live for days like that.”

  I looked around again at the sad smiles. Shit. I ruined the night. I wish I could open a time/space vortex and escape. Kim's stoic expression cracked into a soft smile. “She sounds like a wonderful person.”

  I nodded and Skylar skillfully moved the topic away from me. “So, Amber, you silly bird. You still haven't let us know if you are planning to have Thanksgiving with us after this music video stuff is behind us. We love having you around.”

  Amber grinned. “You're just bored livin' the retired life.” She winked at them then continued. “Well I was planning on singing at a children's hospital in Maine, but I haven't heard back from them yet.”

  Sammie chimed in. “You're not getting out of it that easily Auntie Amber. I can have Sandra on speed dial and have you singing at a bloody local ward faster than your head can spin. I missed you last Christmas. We want to steal you away for all the rest of the holidays this year.”

  Amber giggled then looked at the other two women in the room. “Shame on you for using a child to guilt me into it. Then, pulling the Sandra card on top of it?”

  Sam stuck her tongue out at Amber. “It's settled then. We win. I'll call Sandra in the morning and get it all situated.”

  Amber looked up at me with a look of mock helplessness. “A lot of good you are. I was outnumbered three to one just now. Where were you?”

  I grinned down at her and slapped her shoulder playfully. “You deserve what you get for trying to ditch your friends on the holidays.”

  She squinted an eye cutely. “Evil woman.
You're on their side aren't you?”

  I nodded with a grin and she just sighed and snuggled her head into my hand. I got the hint and started running my fingers through her hair again. I don't know why I feel so friggin' happy right now.

  The pizza came and Kim paid and brought it down to the seating area and we all dug in. How do they stay so thin with the way they eat? This is how I eat all the time. The three Roth's fought over the remote and Sammie cued up a chick flick and we just sat in a comfortable camaraderie, almost like family, and watched as we munched.

  The movie was almost over when I excused myself to the restroom. On the way back, the spectacular view through the windows sidetracked me. Skylar had put her foot back on and was cleaning up the pizza-y evidence and throwing away the box in the trash in the kitchen area. She wandered over and bumped hips with me and quietly said, “It's a right beautiful view.”

  I nodded and she tilted her head. “I can't quite figure you out yet Ky. It took seven years for Amber to trust us enough to reveal her vitiligo to us. She is so paranoid about it, I still don't know why she hides it, I think it is brill. But she just met you and she let you in. You are good for her.”

  I looked quickly over at her, she was just looking out the window. I whispered, “I'm just her keeper. She is way out of my league.”

  She turned to me. “You don't really believe that do you? You've met her, she is just Amber Lee from Iowa, not Amber LaLanie... and give yourself some credit. She is one of the most frightened and insecure women I have ever met. She is one of my oldest friends and I love her like a sister. She thinks the fun she projects comes from the Amber LaLanie persona. It doesn't... she doesn't realize that SHE is that fun.”

  I glanced at her then the window again. “She's not insecure. She's like the most put together woman I have ever met.” A small smile flirted with the corners of my mouth.

  Skylar laid a hand on my shoulder then turned and said softly, “She doesn't think we know, that we can't see it. But ask her. Ask her where home is. Ask her why she can't be alone without music playing.” She squeezed my shoulder and left to join the girls again with a huge smile on her face.

  I got to the couch and Amber was laying on it with Sammie playing with her socks as they watched the movie. She grinned up at me and raised her head so I could slip back in. She just grabbed my hand and held it to her as we watched the last few minutes of the film.

  I nervously laced my fingers in hers. She didn't pull back, she simply adjusted easily and started rubbing her thumb against mine. Achievement Unlocked: Holding hands with Amber Lee! It felt so... right. Oh gawd it was getting hot in there. She glanced up shyly then quickly back at the television. I glanced around. Why the hell are they all looking at us with those silly grins?

  When the end credits were scrolling Amber sat up, though she didn't release my hand and she stretched cutely. “Well ladies. It is about time to be heading back to the hotel before we turn back into pumpkins. Thank you for such a fun evening.”

  Sammie was first to speak. “You are here for a couple more weeks then Thanksgiving. Don't use the hotel excuse too much and come visit as often as possible while you are here Auntie Amber.”

  Kim said, “Yeah, what she said Pinkie.”

  Skylar nodded and waggled her eyebrows at us. I snorted at the display and Amber chuckled at them. “Message received. I love you girls.”

  We all stood and she finally let go of my hand and re-fastened her pink wig. I was sad to see her gorgeous hair get hidden away.

  Then hugs were given all around. I blushed like hell and needed to escape. Scotty, beam me up! Skylar said to both of us, “If we don't see you ladies this weekend, we'll see you Monday at Art in Motion since you and Flower have solos Amber.” We made our way out of the living space and looked down the stairs to the darkened cafe level below. Valentine's had closed shop around six or seven. I looked at the time on my cell. It was almost ten now, we had lost track of time since we were having such a good time.

  Chapter 6 – Amber Lee

  Amber almost skipped down the stairs, I had to suppress a giggle at her playfulness. After some cussing at him and sweet talking, Baltar sputtered to life and we were on our way back to the hotel. I chanced a glance over at her. She was looking at me. I said, “You could have stayed with them you know. I could have picked you up on Monday morning.”

  She waved that away with a hand and said, “But then I wouldn't get to spend time with you.” Her self satisfied grin made me smile back through the blush that was trying to consume me like a fire wyvern.

  After we got back on the freeway heading into Seattle. She inched her hand over to mine that was just resting on the center console then playfully captured mine and laced our fingers without a word. I was going to die, she was heating me up in all the right places as we drove in silence. After a bit we exited into downtown Seattle and she finally spoke, raising our hands a bit. “You don't mind do you?”

  I tried to speak but it was more of a squeak that embarrassed me farther. “No.”

  She gave me a cheesy grin. “Good.”

  And that was that. We parked in the hotel garage and walked into the lobby with me on her arm again. Right smack dab into an ambush. A guy reading a paper in the lobby jumped up and started snapping pictures of us. Amber's eyes flared in fury and she released my arm and guided me toward the elevator between the man and me. Hotel security was swarming out of a side door to usher the man outside.

  It all happened so fast I was getting whiplash, but I understood. Amber wouldn't want to be seen with someone like me. When we got into the elevator Amber had a look of distress and... compassion? As she blurted out, “Oh God. I'm so sorry about that Ky. You don't need to be subjected to that kind of crap because of me.”

  I looked down. I don't know what I was feeling, but it felt like shame and embarrassment. “No... I understand. Why would someone like you want to be seen with someone like me?”

  She looked frustrated. “No... what? You think... Damn it Ky!” Then her lips were on mine. I don't know if my stomach was fluttering because of the heat spreading through me or the elevator coming to a stop on our floor.

  She broke the kiss, I gasped for air, and she looked into my eyes. Gawd I could get lost in hers so easily. “Does that feel like I wouldn't want to be seen with you? You are frigging spectacular!” Then she was gone. The elevator doors started closing. I shot my hand out to stop them.

  My knees were weak. Amber LaLanie just kissed me! OMG... Level up! I wobbled my way to my door. She had already gone into her room. I heard music start up as I passed her door.

  I straightened up a bit remembering what Skylar had told me... “Ask her why she can't be alone without music playing.”

  I brought my finger to my lips, I could still taste her, feel her lips on mine. Then I entered my room and dramatically collapsed on my bed. I couldn't get her out of my head, so I grabbed my iPad and started working. I'd normally be online in moments to play Robo-Terror, but I was too preoccupied trying to figure out what had just happened. If I concentrate on these presentations, I can keep my mind occupied enough I can't think about other things.

  I don't know how long I was working when I heard the music in her room suddenly stop. Then there was a light knocking at the connecting door. I looked at it in fear and longing and hoarsely said, “Come in.”

  She walked in shyly. Good God she was spectacular in her night clothes. Her hair and those marvelous random white blotches on her side. She had all her makeup off. I tilted my head and noticed she had one of the marks on her face. Wow was the only word that came to mind. More than ever my snow leopard analogy came to mind.

  I realized suddenly what I was working on and quickly cleared the screen on my iPad and sat it down.

  She said softly, not making eye contact, “I'm sorry Ky, I shouldn't have...”

  I cut her off. Why did I suddenly feel like crying, or screaming, or both? I was tearing up as I rasped out, “Don't you dare Amber. Don'
t you dare apologize for that kiss. It was possibly the most perfect moment in my life. I'd like to think you meant it.”

  She looked at me then my iPad then locked her gaze on me. She sat beside me on the bed. “Ok... but I did mean it.” She laid her hand on my cheek and I leaned into the soft warmth, craving the contact.

  She motioned up and down at herself in shy embarrassment. “Taa daa... this... this is me.”

  I smiled at this wondrous woman and whispered, “So beautiful.” All I wanted to do was kiss her again.

  We stared at each other in silence for a moment then she looked away with a cheerful smile. “So whatcha doin' there? You always clear your screen when I walk in.”

  I grinned and shrugged. “Just some production ideas.”

  She let me off the hook and just nodded. I turned to her. “Amber... you don't talk about it ever. Where do you call home? Iowa somewhere?”

  She looked down then at me. She seemed to be studying me. Then it looked like she had made a decision and tilted her head and grinned slyly. “Wherever the wind takes me.”

  I tilted my head and squished my face up in confusion. She shrugged and flopped back on the bed dramatically with her arms spread wide. “Whatever hotel I happen to be close to. I don't really have a home per se. I am always on tour, in the recording studio, or doing benefits for children across the nation for the Callahan Foundation.”

  I squinted at her, she was being evasive. What was it Skylar thought was so important I know? “But on your own time, you know between gigs. Do you have a place in Iowa? Do you stay with your parents?”

  She paled a little and looked at the ceiling. I sat down next to her and put a hand on her arm. She looked at my hand and smiled a little then she stared back off into space. Her voice was a million miles away. “I don't know why I'm telling you this... I just met you. But... I trust you Ky. I've never told anyone. I don't have a home anymore. I have seriously lived out of my suitcase for the past ten years. Whenever I stay with Kim, Sky, and Sammie, that is the closest I have to having a home... a family.”


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