Syncopated Rhythm

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Syncopated Rhythm Page 11

by Erik Schubach

  I scowled playfully at her and her iPad then hopped off the bed and onto hers, I had her raise her head and I replaced her pillow with my lap. “You work too much,” I mumbled as I watched the news and ran my fingers through her deep red hair. That reminded me, I needed to finish that song. She felt stiff as a board, and... “Umm... Ky?”

  She looked back at me with a question in her eyes. I smiled softly at her. “I'm pretty sure you're going to have to breath at some point or another.”

  She nodded and exhaled and took another deep breath. “I just didn't want to ruin the moment. You really shouldn't tease me like this, you don't know...”

  I shut her up with an upside down kiss. Gawd I felt like I was going to explode, I wanted to kiss her like this forever. Her lips were so soft, so... hungry. I broke the kiss and left her panting and blushing in my lap as I turned my attention to the television with a smug look on my face and a fire inside. I murmured at her as I watched the news, “Smitten. That's what I am. Look the word up, Potato. Now shush, I gotta get my news fix.”

  She must have been staring at me for thirty seconds before her brain caught up with her. I blushed over the fact I could have that effect on her. It is the same effect she has on me. She seemed to snuggle her head into my lap with a dreamy smile on her face. Her voice was tiny as she went back to work on her presentations. “Ok Amber.” My body was on fire and I was curling my toes into little balls.

  As I watched the international news I unpinned my wig, tossed it over to my bed and let my hair down. It still amazed me that I didn't seem to mind doing that around her. I felt like hugging myself remembering when she called me a snow leopard. I don't think she realizes, but I'd be just about anything for her. She scares me and excites me, I just need to gain some courage, she thinks I'm only playing when I kiss her.

  I glanced down every once in a while. She was reworking the storyboards for Max McDonald's video on the project like it was nothing to her. From what I saw, she was turning something that was a little generic but had promise into something tailored to Max's personality. But the shocking thing was that she was only making minor tweaks to the project to pull it off. I was amazed.

  I got caught up in it, and I was so lost in what Ky was doing that I lost track of the news until a story in the entertainment portion of the news snapped both of our attention to the screen.

  She pushed her glasses back on her nose and we watched as the news anchor said, “Babette Stevenson and Amber LaLanie were caught sneaking out of their hotel today. They had day bags with them. This is leading to speculation of a love getaway. But the concierge vehemently denied it and responded with, 'The hotel has no comment, we value the privacy of our guests.' when pressed.”

  I nodded with respect for Sylvester... good man.

  The reporter continued. “We were able to get access to Conrad Chase to see if he could corroborate the reports.”

  The camera switched to Conrad outside of his hotel. “What? Are you kidding me? In a word... no. Babette and Amber are actually meeting with perspective actresses for the Captain Amelia Masters role in the film. You really should stop making stuff up and reading more into things than there is.” Then he pushed his way through the reporters to his waiting car.

  The report concluded with the anchor promising that the station was doing all it could to secure an interview with the mysterious and elusive Babette Stevenson.

  We didn't hear much of that as we were laughing so hard we were crying at the time. Conrad has definitely earned an honorary “veterans” seat, it was pure artistry, the misdirection and spin he was putting on absolutely nothing.

  It was also so awesome watching Ky laugh, though those dimples threatened to make me swoon. I tried to talk but it sounded more like a giggle. “With... with that... I'm going to get more comfortable.” She was just nodding, trying to calm down as I turned off the television and grabbed my night clothes then headed to the bathroom.

  As I showered I sang Deep Red quietly to myself, coming up with a new lyric or two to add to it. It put a huge smile on my face as I sang. After getting into my night clothes and drying my hair and brushing it out I looked into the mirror. I looked at myself, I gave a sad smile at the young girl, Amber Lee I could just barely recognize in my reflection. I tried not to look at the mottled splotches on my face and neck, and the stripes in my hair.

  But then I tilted my head and really took a look at myself through new eyes, through Kylee's eyes. What was she seeing? All I could see was Amber Lee, not Amber LaLanie. I tilted my head the other way. Was that it? She was seeing... me? My lips twitched into a smile as I looked toward the door.

  I grabbed my stuff and grabbed the door handle and paused and took a deep breath and put on my smile and walked out.

  She was working again! But she looked up from her iPad and cleared the screen as she stared at me with a huge smile on her face. “There she is,” she said cutely, nudging her glasses up. Then mouthed, “Wow!” Dammit! I bit my lower lip. How can she make me feel so bashful with a simple smile?

  I squinted an eye at her and said, “Oh shush you. I'll call for pizza or Chinese while you get more comfortable.”

  She put her iPad down and dug around in her bag and pulled out some shorts and a t-shirt. Then headed toward the bathroom. She stopped on the way past me, staring at my hair and timidly raising her hand to run her fingers through my hair. I heard her murmur, “Gorgeous.” to herself as she closed the door behind her.

  I was just full of energy. I sat on the bed and grabbed the phone book. Sheesh, only like three places deliver in this town. I ordered up a variety of Chinese dishes and they took my payment info over the phone.

  Then I hung up and sat there. It was so quiet. Too quiet. I could feel it wrapping around me, constricting. The sound of it was roaring in my ears. I was grabbing at the television remote when the sound of Kylee's voice comming through the door separating us stopped me. She was singing in the shower. A huge smile bloomed on my face as she sang Forever Do. She seems to favor that song. I squinted one eye in mock pain as she mangled a power note. Why did I relish that so much?

  By the time the shower stopped I realized I hadn't turned on the TV or radio to keep me company. I thought about that for a fraction of a second as I started putting on my black wig and pulled on my long sleeved robe. Right on time there was a knock on the door.

  I grabbed a five from my purse and went to the door. The delivery guy was a young man who kept glancing at my splotchy face. I turned that side of my face away from him as I grabbed the food and gave him his tip.

  As soon as he left and I was setting the food on the nightstand between the beds and removing my wig and robe, Kylee came out, shoving her glasses on her face. Her Tardis shirt with “It's bigger on the inside.” was awesome. I had to look away with a shy smile when I saw her shorts and those amazing long legs she was showing off. Settle down Amber Lee! Settle! Damn.

  She pushed her hair off her shoulders and then blushed cutely. “Whaaaaat?”

  I shook my head. “Nuttin, Potato.”

  She looked at the food and dragged me to a bed. “Come on Cornfed, let's eat.”

  We switched on the TV and found a sweet chick flick. Die Hard. Hey, don't judge, we both agreed that Bruce Willis is sexy when he is blowing things up.

  Kylee was laying diagonal on the bed, picking some sweet and sour chicken out of a container and I was laying back into her with my head resting on her chest as I shoveled some pork fried rice into my maw.

  We only half watched the show and just talked about a lot of nothing. After the show was over I couldn't stop staring at her lips. Remembering how they felt on mine. Oh hey, she's looking at me. Oh crap she caught me staring.

  She looked away. “Don't play with me.”

  I reached up and dragged her down to me. “Dammit Ky. For the last time...” I reached up and pulled off her glasses and kissed her again, this time with passion. She answered with the same. Oh my gawd, I was in heaven! We slowed down a
nd we gently made out for a minute, I tentatively probed with my tongue and she let me in. She was so timid at first, letting me take the lead, then she started getting more aggressive. But suddenly she pulled away.

  “What is it?” I asked, afraid I had just blown it.

  She was shaking her head. “I can't do this. I'm supposed to be your keeper. I... can't. I need this job. I can't let anyone think I was...”

  I put a finger on her lips. Her eyes looked pained and conflicted. I tilted my head to one side. “Can I just ask one thing Ky?”

  She nodded and I took my finger from her silky lips. I took a deep breath and channeled Amber LaLanie's strength, then asked, “If you weren't my keeper? After this shoot is over. Would you... would you be interested in dating a simple girl from Iowa?”

  She looked truly shocked then tilted her head, I could tell she was trying to figure out if I was serious. I nodded then slowly, a bashful smile spread on her face as she looked down shyly as she started nodding slowly and then more rapidly.

  I grinned and let out the breath I was holding. I couldn’t believe how relived and... happy, I felt. I just wanted to kiss her again but stopped myself. I bit my lower lip then said, “Good. Then prepare for me to date the hell out of you after this video nonsense is done.” I brushed her hair to one side and whispered, “Oh my God, I can't believe you said yes.”

  She grabbed the food container from me and set her's and mine on the nightstand with her glasses and shut the light off. She looked at me with an almost pleading, questioning look as she pulled me to her and laid her head down on the pillow. I laid my head on her chest. She was silent, I didn't know what to say. Then she softly said, “Is this real? You... you're Amber LaLanie... and I'm just...”

  I snuggled in to shut her up. I listened to the syncopated rhythm of her heart speeding up as I did that. I noticed that the other night too and I find myself already becoming addicted to it. The sound reassured me and held the silence at bay. Hmm... another line for Deep Red.

  We just cuddled for a few minutes in a comfortable silence. One of her arms around my waist protectively and her other hand running through my hair. The feel of my bare legs on hers was almost seductive, but somehow comforting. I sighed happily, I had never taken the chance and let anyone in so completely like this before. I was getting sleepy, so I snuggled in one last time and started drifting off, listening to her heart and her gentle breathing.

  Chapter 10 – Memories

  The next morning I woke with my head on her chest. I smiled and inhaled her scent deeply. I didn't dream this. Oh God. Again I marveled that I've never let anyone in like this. But nobody has held a candle to this beautiful imp. She was moving and I craned my head back. She was working again! Didn't she ever stop?

  She noticed my movement, and she looked down with a smile that would have knocked me over if I hadn't been laying down. She, of course, cleared her iPad screen. THAT was driving me crazy. What was she working on? She nudged her glasses up then cutely said, “Hi.”

  I returned the smile. Her bed-head was adorable. I could feel myself blushing, the heat on my cheeks was traveling down my neck. I came up with a well thought out and articulated response. “Hi.”

  We just stared at each other smiling. Then before I blushed myself to death I asked, “So what's the plan today?”

  She placed the iPad into her bag. “Well, if you don't mind, I'd like to see mom again this morning before we head back to the Emerald City. Visiting hours start at ten.”

  I nodded then tilted my head. I reached up and asked permission with my eyes and she didn't protest as I removed her glasses. I took in her iceberg blue eyes, they were so sharp and sparkled with emotion. “You ever think of contacts?”

  She shook her head. “Never really thought about it. I'm fine with my glasses, and I've never had anybody to really impress before.” She looked down shyly when she said before.

  I grinned. Now she does. I asked, “How bad is your vision?”

  She shrugged. “Well you are the prettiest snow leopard blur I ever did see.” Her grin was playful. “I feel like I'm blind as a bat without my glasses. Everything is blurry unless it is far away. I can't read a thing at arm's length but I can read the motel phone number off the 'Do not disturb.' sign hanging on the door handle across the room way over there.”

  I nodded. I slid her glasses back on her and she reached up and nudged them up farther. I just smiled at her. She changed the topic. “So... we should get up and get moving if we want breakfast before visiting mom.”

  I laid my head back on her chest. “Awww. But I love listening to your heart.”

  Her hand was almost instantly on my head, running her fingers through my hair. I could let her do that all day, it was a soothing and slightly erotic feeling. Then she removed her hand and started poking my ribs. “Come on Cornfed. Up, up, up!”

  I'm waaaay too ticklish and I giggled as I pulled away from the red headed imp. “Ok, ok, Potato! I'm up, I'm up!” I hopped off the bed and made my way to my suitcase to get ready for the day. I looked over my shoulder at her as I grabbed some clothes from my bag. “Pink or black?”

  I should know better than to ask someone who is biased toward Amber Lee. She shot back, “Snow leopard.” I weighed my responses before coming up with the only logical one. I threw a pillow at her then retreated quickly to the bathroom with my pink wig before she could counter attack.

  I snorted as I heard her warn, “Watch it lady!”

  When we were both ready, she looked at me. “Did you take your thyroid meds?”

  I snickered. “Yes mother.”

  She grinned and we went down to the office and checked out. The poor guy at the desk still couldn't speak. I grabbed a notepad and wrote on it. “Thanks for being such a great guy James, I appreciate it. Amber LaLanie” He looked to be about to pass out when I handed it to him. I had no doubt the autograph would make him popular with his friends. I shot him a playful wink then left on the arm of a snickering Kylee.

  As we got into the Gremlin, she had a silly lopsided grin on her face. “Were you serious last night?” I just grinned and nodded and she seemed to sigh in relief. Then she cocked her head. I raised an eyebrow at her in question, and she said, “Is it just a coincidence that you dress like Dazzler?”

  I seriously laughed out loud at that. After I got myself under control I replied, “O-M-G Ky, nobody has ever made the connection before. Dazzler was such an obscure comic book. On my fifth birthday, mom had got a box of dolls from a garage sale for me. At the bottom of the box were a couple worn and tattered Dazzler comic books. I loved the character so much, and I swore to myself that one day I'd sing like her. I kind of patterned my Amber LaLanie persona after her.”

  Kylee snorted. “There you go again thinking there is a difference between Amber Lee LaLanie and Amber LaLanie. The difference lady... is just the clothing. I really wish you wouldn't hide yourself away. Let people know this is who you really are and show it with pride.”

  I could feel my blush burning as I looked down shyly and said quietly, “You almost make it seem possible.”

  She coaxed the engine into a sputtering, gasping start then grabbed something from under her seat and held up an ice scraper as she waggled her eyebrows. “Be right back.” She hopped out and scraped the frost off the windows. By the time she was back inside, the heater and defroster had defogged the inside windows and it was getting more comfortable.

  “Where you wanna eat?” She asked.

  I shrugged. “Your trip remember? I'm just a fly on the wall.”

  She murmured under her breath with a sly smile, something that sounded suspiciously like, “Yeah, a sexy fly.”

  Predictably we wound up at the golden arches. I whined that I wanted to sit down to eat so we avoided the drive thru and went inside. We unzipped our coats, it was quite toasty in there. This is the second time on the trip I kicked myself for not going with the black wig. After a minute standing in line, people started noticing us. Teenager
s and young adults started shyly asking for my autograph. I had to stop myself from giggling in glee when one teenaged girl said, “Wait! That's Babette Stevenson!”

  Suddenly Kylee, with a terrified look on her face, was signing autographs of her make believe identity right beside me. The manager finally made an appearance and politely asked everyone to let us order and eat in peace. I had to battle my pixie on who was paying for the meal. I won as I slapped my debit card on the counter. Go me!

  When we got to the table, she whispered in a shaky voice, “So that's what it's like to be you?”

  I nodded with a sly, evil grin. “Yup. Better get used to it if I'm gonna be dating you soon.”

  She grabbed my hand and I gave hers a squeeze. I was caught up in her eyes when the meal was ruined by a roughneck looking guy at a table close to us loudly speaking to his friends. “Couple of fuckin' dykes. Damaged goods.” His buddies chuckled.

  The manager was already on his way over when Kylee surprised the hell out of me and stood and walked directly up to the man. She looked pissed! She spoke in a calm, dangerous voice that promised bad things to come. “I couldn’t give a shit what you think of me. But don't ever disparage Amber LaLanie. Is that understood?”

  The man pushed his chair back and stood. She didn't flinch or back down and the manager arrived with a couple customers behind him. “Sir, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you and your friends to leave. Verbal abuse is not allowed on the premises. This is a family restaurant.”

  The guy just looked around then at his friends. “Let's get out of this shit hole. The food was crap anyway.” He leaned down toward Kylee in a menacing fashion before storming off. Again, she didn't even flinch!

  Then the manager apologized to us as Ky sat back down with me. I tilted my head at her and she just started eating again without a word. I saw her hands were shaking but she still didn't say a thing. Finally she couldn't stand the silence anymore and just said, “That was Chad. I got enough of that crap from him in high school. You don't need to be subjected to it. I hate bigots and bullies.”


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