To Love Thy Neighbour

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To Love Thy Neighbour Page 19

by S M Mala

  ‘Is she the one that tried to poison Mali with baked beans?’ Alfie asked, taking a sip of his drink and grinning as Leon stopped in mid sip. ‘She told the class how Esme, who is Mr Alfie Reeves’ mum, saved her life.’

  ‘What else did she say?’

  ‘That my mother looked after her and beat up the wicked step girlfriend who hurts her hair.’ Alfie started to laugh. ‘The kids thought it was amazing and now want to meet Mr Alfie Reeves’ mum. Families!’

  ‘Sorry about that.’

  ‘Don’t worry. I’ve got my own problems,’ he said, and Leon noticed he glanced over at his mother. She walked out into the garden and was speaking to an elderly women. Leon thought she looked so pretty then remembered seeing her naked a few hours earlier. ‘My mum wants me to meet up with my dad. She has summoned me to her home tomorrow. That means she’ll make a curry, ply me with wine then try to convince me. I’ll make sure she invites grandma.’

  ‘Don’t you want to see your dad?’ Ethan asked, smiling gently at Alfie. ‘I’ve never met mine, so it’s a good thing you have one that cares.’

  ‘He doesn’t care,’ sighed Alfie and shook his head from side to side. ‘The problem is, mum believes everything he says. She’s so trusting when it comes to him.’ He let out a long sigh. ‘I know they see each other.’

  ‘Why do you say that?’ Leon asked, realising Esme’s secret had been discovered.

  ‘Because grandma found out through other channels. She is scared to meet someone else.’

  ‘Maybe she will,’ piped up Ethan. ‘She’s bloody attractive for a woman.’

  ‘My dear mother won’t move on. Something happened to me years ago, and she got scared. Refused to date any men for years.’ Alfie laughed. ‘It was quite funny.’

  ‘Oh, that man,’ Ethan said, obviously knowing what he was speaking about.

  ‘Your mum mentioned she was worried about your safety years ago,’ Leon said, looking at Alfie’s quizzical expression. ‘We were talking about the welfare of children when you introduce new people into their lives.’

  ‘She told you?’ Alfie smiled and sipped his drink. ‘That’s interesting. She was so upset. Threatened to call the police. I knew the guy wouldn’t have done anything. He kept saying he loved me, but I knew he was up to something. I had my Swiss Army knife on hand to stab at his bollocks. I had no idea he was in my bed.’

  ‘He never laid a finger on you?’ Leon asked, knowing it was a sensitive subject.

  ‘He didn’t make you suck his dick, did he?’ asked Ethan, starting to squirm.

  ‘Listen, he was hot but poor mum was inconsolable beyond belief. Grandma was upset. Not for me, but for her. Then mother decided to become a modern day nun and refuse all relationships.’

  ‘But you’re not scarred by it all?’ Leon asked, leaning closer. ‘Are you sure he didn’t hurt you?’

  ‘Put it this way, my mother hurt him very badly. I’ve never seen such a petite thing throw a large man around. And she was most threatening with her secateurs.’ Alfie then glanced over at Ralph laughing loudly. His whole expression changed. ‘It might come in useful with others.’

  ‘You don’t like him?’

  ‘As long as that dirt bag Ralph keeps away from her. She told me he touched her boob when she came in. I’m tempted to smack him in the face.’

  ‘He did what?’

  Leon felt his heart pound, realising that Ralph was probably going to pounce on poor Esme when she at least expected it.

  And tonight would seem the opportune time.

  ‘I heard Mali went to her defence today,’ laughed Alfie. ‘She’s completely adorable though I’m not allowed to have favourites, being a gay teacher.’

  ‘And me a gay doctor. I better not tell your bird that. Here she comes! My mum said ‘hello’,’ Ethan cheekily added. Leon blushed. ‘I’ll have to break the news you prefer younger women. I explained it to Mrs Reeves when I got here.’

  ‘Explained what?’ he asked, feeling his chest tighten.

  ‘About you visiting my mum.’

  ‘It’s not serious between me and Melanie,’ he blurted out, shaking his head from side to side. The men looked at each other before glancing back at Leon. ‘She’s a friend.’

  ‘Does she know it’s not serious?’ whispered Ethan. ‘That’s always the problem.’

  ‘Leon,’ Melanie said, stopping a few feet away from the group. ‘Can we go and mingle?’

  ‘That means she doesn’t want to stand near us faggots,’ sniggered Ethan, turning his head so she couldn’t hear. ‘Oh well.’

  ‘I better go,’ Leon replied, preferring to be with them, but followed Melanie, who was walking towards Ralph.

  ‘I think it’s disgusting! Gay teachers,’ she hissed and stopped by the patio doors then handed Leon his drink. ‘I mean, it’s not right.’

  ‘And there aren’t any Jewish gay teachers?’ he asked, wishing he had never asked her to the party. ‘That’s a bit narrow-minded, don’t you think?’

  ‘And what about the other man? Is he one too?’

  ‘He’s gay, and a doctor, so he’s paid to touch people up,’ Leon said, letting out a pissed off sigh. ‘They’re nice men and you shouldn’t judge.’

  ‘I forget you’re so modern,’ she said, a sly smile creeping to her lips. ‘With Mali’s mother being foreign.’

  ‘We call it Malaysian decent.’

  ‘And you didn’t think anything was wrong, going with someone from another part of the world?’

  ‘She was born in London and living in Balham. Is that what you mean?’ He wanted to laugh at Melanie’s confused look. ‘I don’t judge people. It’s not right.’

  ‘Your mother said that’s where you’re going wrong.’

  Taking a deep breath, he knocked back the remainder of his bottle and then started on the fresh one. It seemed Barbara had been putting forth her theories.

  ‘I was in love with Mali’s mother and she walked out on me. I wasn’t what she wanted, and it hurt. It wasn’t because of the colour of her skin. It was simply due to the fact she didn’t love me. And that’s a painful enough feeling regardless of creed or colour.’

  ‘Here you go.’

  Esme was standing in the kitchen and had heard Melanie’s stupid comments. Holding her breath, she listened to what Leon said.

  That made her like him even more.

  Sticking up for her son and now people like her. The non-whites who were born in the country, yet people thought they came from somewhere else.

  Nothing had changed in her fifty years on earth.

  ‘Please could you serve these next?’ she asked the two very pretty young waitresses, handing them some more food.

  The party had started two hours earlier, and she wanted to sit down and relax. Esme made it a point never to offer or accept Ralph’s request to cook for him again.

  Touching her tit that afternoon had made her more incensed with him than usual.

  Though the real likelihood was Leon being there with Melanie, and now knowing he had shagged an older woman.

  It made his rejection of her, all those weeks back, a little bit more gutting.

  Esme kept out of the way, with the intention of leaving unnoticed.

  For a majority of the time, she kept looking at Leon. Her eyes were being constantly drawn to him. Attached firmly to his arm was Melanie. A few times she had been caught looking over but smiled to cover.

  All Melanie did was shoot her a smug, dirty look.

  Esme certainly didn’t like her.

  She did like Leon, and he seemed so happy and relaxed, just how he was at her home.

  It could be he thought of her as an elderly neighbour and was being kind.

  Letting out her twentieth hefty sigh of the evening, she wanted to finish off her catering obligation.

  Moving carefully with a tray containing the Pavlova, she managed to get to the table and put it down.

  As she turned, Esme glanced to her side and noticed Leon was looking
over. She went to smile, and he quickly diverted his eyes.

  ‘You made all this?’ she heard a woman ask and noticed it was Melanie. From her immediate appearance, it seemed she had been enjoying the booze. ‘I didn’t know you were Ralph’s housekeeper.’

  ‘I’m not,’ Esme replied, smiling politely. ‘Are you enjoying yourself?’

  ‘It’s a great party but I can’t wait to take my man home. He was rampant this afternoon. Couldn’t wait until I got there and gave me a greeting and a half when I did!’ Melanie laughed out and smiled, the way a woman does when she’s had sex. ‘It’s serious between us.’

  Wondering how much bludgeoning her ego could take, considering Leon had made love to his girlfriend after helping that afternoon, she decided it was time to go.

  ‘I’m pleased,’ she lied, forcing an even wider grin. ‘I better press on.’

  ‘And you’re not with anyone?’

  ‘I’m helping Ralph out.’

  ‘I met your son. The gay and his friend.’

  Esme bit her lip and didn’t want to say anything. The idea wasn’t to spoil the party, but she would wait for another opportune moment to shoot down the ignorant girl.

  ‘He’s a rather gorgeous young man if I say so myself.’

  Melanie snorted out a laugh before turning around.

  ‘Bitch,’ Esme mumbled.

  Then she got the shock of her laugh when Ralph grabbed her from behind, wrapping his arms around her waist while his other hand groped her backside.

  ‘Hello gorgeous. Fancy coming up for a quick one as a thank you for the food?’

  Taking his arms, she removed them immediately and turned to face him.

  ‘Can you just keep your hands to yourself?’ she said, trying to be nice and noticing Alfie was looking over. ‘My son is here so you need to behave like a gentleman.’

  ‘He’s bent! What would he know about men and women?’ smirked Ralph, glancing over to where her child was standing. ‘I understand. You’re playing hard to get. Listen Esme, you won’t get another chance with me. I can only take so many rebuffs before I find something new.’

  Melanie was behind Ralph, eavesdropping.

  ‘Then please find something new and forget about me,’ she whispered, shaking her head.

  ‘Be grateful I want to fuck you because a lot of men wouldn’t be interested in a middle-aged, divorcee.’

  Then she heard Melanie snort a laugh in the background.

  Esme had enough.

  Turning around, she got the Pavlova, swiftly throwing it at Ralph’s head.

  The guests suddenly went silent.

  ‘Don’t you ever speak about my son in a belittling manner again, do you hear me?’ she said quite loudly, realising some of it had landed on her. ‘I’m sick and tired of you telling me I’m your housekeeper when I do all this for you out of kindness. You don’t pay me! And what makes you think I, a middle aged woman, would want to screw you? I’m not that desperate!’

  Ralph stood there, looking furious. It was then she noticed he wasn’t the only one.

  Melanie screamed out when she realised some of the meringue, cream and fruit delight had hit her too.

  ‘My outfit!’ she screamed. ‘You’ve ruined my outfit!’

  Without apologising, Esme walked out of the garden and through the door, grabbing her bag then a bottle of champagne.

  Now she knew Ralph would certainly get the message.

  ‘What happened?’

  Leon rushed over, but he wanted to laugh desperately at Ralph and Melanie covered in meringue. He noticed from the corner of his eye, Alfie and Ethan giggling before discreetly leaving the party.

  ‘That mad bitch you live next door to, threw that cake at us!’ shouted Melanie, close to tears.

  ‘Ralph, are you okay?’ he asked and noticed the man seemed stunned. ‘Go upstairs and get cleaned up.’ Leon then looked at the onlookers. ‘He said he wanted dessert, and someone took it literally.’

  There were a few mutterings, but the waitresses were hurriedly cleaning up and offering drinks. Within minutes, everyone was back into the swing of things.

  Walking slowly towards the house, Ralph was flicking off the meringue.

  ‘You need to say something to her!’ Melanie barked, and Leon didn’t want her to causes a scene. ‘Look at me!’

  Her make-up was running, and she didn’t look quite the beauty. Bits of fruit were stuck in her hair.

  ‘You look great,’ he lied.

  ‘And she’s a bit, you know,’ huffed Melanie, as he led her to the downstairs toilet.

  ‘You know what?’

  ‘She keeps looking at you. I bet she still thinks you’re a gay and wants to match make you with her son. I can tell.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ he asked, not wanting to sound eager about getting information from Melanie.

  ‘Always looking over and smiling. I think it’s pretty creepy if you ask me. Should Mali be spending so much time with her? Someone said her mother in law is a gay too.’

  ‘I think it’s best you go home,’ he said, the topic of conversation pissing him off. ‘It’s going to finish soon and-.’

  ‘Don’t you want me to spend the night?’

  ‘Mali will be coming back around 8.00am, so I don’t think it’s a good idea,’ he blatantly lied. ‘I’ll get you a cab.’

  ‘Come with me,’ she said, looking furious. ‘I can’t go home like this!’

  ‘Clean up and you’ll be fine.’

  Pushing her into the toilet, he walked towards the front window and noticed Ethan and Alfie were walking out of Esme’s house. The pair of them were laughing their heads off.

  That made him smile.

  He managed to get the local cab company to get there by time Melanie came out and hurriedly pushed her into the waiting car.

  Now he wanted to see what made Esme waste her precious dessert on Ralph’s head.

  Heading toward his house, he went in and opened the patio doors.

  The light was on from her side, and he peeked through the garden fence.

  Esme was sitting in her chair, wrapped in a blanket, looking at the sky.

  She was partially covered in cream and other Pavlova particles.

  ‘Esme,’ he said, seeing she jumped on hearing his voice. ‘Are you okay?’

  ‘I’m fine,’ she said cheerfully, but could see she wasn’t. ‘Thanks for asking, and apologise to your girlfriend. I didn’t realise she would get caught in the crossfire.’ Then he watched her bury her face in her knees.

  Slowly, he walked down the garden, opening the gate and going towards her.

  ‘You can’t drink that alone,’ he said looking at the bottle of champagne, going straight into her kitchen and grabbing a glass.

  When he got outside, she was blankly staring at her garden.

  ‘Get Melanie to come for a drink as an apology,’ she said meekly. ‘She seemed upset. I didn’t mean for anything to hit her.’

  ‘I sent her home in a cab and she was fine.’

  ‘I’m sorry.’

  ‘You don’t have to be.’

  Pouring out a glass of champagne for himself and topping Esme up, he looked at her perplexed expression.

  ‘What made you present your Pavlova on his head?’ he asked, sipping his drink, unable to stop looking at her. ‘That was a bit of a waste.’

  ‘He’s been getting a bit too touchy feely and I had enough. Then he gave me a proposition with your girlfriend in earshot. That’s not before making a snide comment about my son. I had it. It’s rude!’ Esme took a massive gulp from her drink. ‘And I was doing him a favour. I do so many good neighbourly things for that man. Maybe he thinks it’s expected. I don’t know, and frankly, I don’t care.’

  ‘Alfie mentioned that you wanted him to see his dad,’ Leon gently said, making Esme turn to look at him. He smiled before taking his sleeve and wiping cream off her chin, then took a piece of meringue off her cheek, popping it into his mouth. She grinned before letting
out a miserable sigh. ‘Is that what’s really bothering you?’

  There was no mistaking the look of anguish. She nodded furiously.

  ‘Oscar’s coming in a few weeks and I need to get all three of them together. I’ve asked Alfie to come round tomorrow so we can discuss it. I know he’s going to-.’

  ‘If Ben, I mean Bennylita, wanted to see Mali, I’d refuse. She walked out when our baby wasn’t even two weeks old. I can never forgive her for that.’

  ‘I heard what you said to Melanie this evening, about her hurting you. I was very sad to hear how you felt.’ Leon then looked at her shifting in her seat, noticing her look of genuine concern. ‘I think time can be a great healer.’

  ‘I’m healed, believe me.’

  ‘And I appreciate you sticking up for Alfie,’ she continued, leaning closer. ‘Oscar won’t admit that it was due to Alfie coming out why he turned his back on him… on us. That wouldn’t be politically correct. How’s he going to feel now that his son is an adult? Thank God he got rid of bloody Vincent! I think Oscar would have arranged to have the man’s legs broken.’

  ‘Do you think him and Ethan are seeing each other?’ Leon asked, waiting to see what she would say regarding his liaison with Ethan’s mum. ‘I think he’s a nice guy.’

  Esme was biting her bottom lip before taking another large sip of her drink.

  ‘I’ve known him for a long time and he’s sweet. They have been friends for ages, and it could be Alfie needs some company. I’m not sure if he’s heartbroken since breaking up with that geriatric, but if he is, he’s not telling me.’ She sat back in the lounger, stretching out her legs. ‘We’ll chat tomorrow and see.’

  ‘And you know it was Ethan’s mum I was seeing?’

  ‘To be honest,’ she said, smiling at him. ‘I thought it was a young lodger or something.’


  ‘Because of what you said weeks ago. I didn’t think you liked older woman, which you do, but not all of them.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ That’s when he realised she thought he didn’t find her attractive. ‘That’s not necessarily true.’

  ‘Like you said all that time ago, it’s best not to discuss it.’

  Sitting back in the chair, he looked at her up and down, wanting to touch Esme but she looked upset, and he realised making a go for it would be totally inappropriate.


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