The Billionaire's Secret Surrogate (MANHATTAN BACHELORS Book 4)

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The Billionaire's Secret Surrogate (MANHATTAN BACHELORS Book 4) Page 9

by Susan Westwood

  Pierce looked down at his glass and avoided Matt’s intense gaze. “It’s great, actually. In fact, I think it’s going to work out really well. She’s gorgeous, smart, and the chemistry is good. I mean, I don’t know how much chemistry there needs to be for her to get pregnant, but it’s there. So, that’s a big plus. At the rate we’re going, she should be pregnant pretty soon.”

  Matt stared at him. “Wait a minute. Do you mean to tell me that you’re doing the work yourself? You didn’t get her pregnant at the clinic?”

  Pierce sighed quietly and shook his head. “No, I’m doing it the old-fashioned way. Just long enough to conceive, and then it’s baby business and nothing but baby business.”

  Matt whistled long and low. “Wow. I didn’t see that one coming.”

  Pierce frowned a little. “Well, I don’t like the whole ‘clinical’ approach with the doctors. It’s cold and it feels too unnatural to me. I don’t want my child brought into the world that way. I’d rather that it was done naturally at the beginning, the way it’s supposed to be done, if it can happen that way. I got lucky and I found a woman who was willing and able to do the surrogacy, who is the right woman biologically to do it, and who will give me an ideal child. As frosting on the cake, she’s willing to go the natural route, and forego the doctor’s clinical insertion.”

  “So you two are getting it on…” Matt stared at him, watching him closely.

  Pierce eyed him sharply and shook his head. “Now don’t get the wrong idea. This is baby making. It’s sex to impregnate, not for intimacy or romance. Romance is not on the table for this. It’s absolutely not going to happen. In fact, more than anything, it’s a business deal.”

  Matt continued to gaze at him without blinking or turning away. “A business deal.”

  “Yes. It’s business. The business of a baby,” Pierce answered, looking away.

  “Uh huh,” Matt replied. “I’m not so sure that that will work, but good luck with it.”

  A few days later, when Pierce had been away from the condo for as long as he could stand it, he showed up to visit Kate and brought flowers with him to give to her. She was surprised when she opened the door and saw them in his hand.

  He smiled at her over the top of them as he walked through the doorway. “I thought you might like these. They are a gift; a gesture to thank you for all that you’re doing.”

  She grinned at him. “Thank you! That’s so sweet, and I love them! They’re beautiful!”

  Kate took them from him and went to the kitchen, putting the flowers in water and a crystal vase. She brought them back to the living room and set them on one of the tables in there, arranging them carefully before stepping back and admiring them.

  “That’s beautiful.” He looked pleased as he gave them another look, before his eyes drifted over to Kate.

  She felt him looking at her, and her body began to heat up as bubbles of ache and desire began to form deep in her. She turned and looked over her shoulder at him and he walked slowly toward her. “Do you want to go to the bedroom?” she asked in a soft, velvet voice, her eyes on his.

  He reached her and let his fingertips drift up and down her arms. “No,” he said in a husky voice. “The bedroom is too far.” He was hungry for her, and she could feel it, just as she was hungry for him.

  Her breath caught in her throat and he placed his hands on her hips, pulling her back against his front, closing his eyes as he pressed his erection against her through their clothes. He leaned close over her shoulder and whispered into her ear as he slid her dress upward.

  “Have I told you how much I like the convenience of you wearing skirts and dresses so often?” He breathed in short shallow breaths as his hands moved over the front of her thighs from where he stood behind her and she let her head fall back on his shoulder, moaning softly as his hand and fingers moved tentatively from her thigh to the front of her body at her core.

  He slipped his fingertips beneath the lacy panties there, touching her gently at first, tenderly, rubbing his fingers back and forth over her delicate region. She gasped and closed her hands over his forearms, curling her fingers tightly on him. Slowly he moved his fingers from the soft exterior of her to the warm, wet interior, just inside the folds of her flesh. He began to move his fingertips faster and she lost her breath, closing her eyes and sighing loudly as his fingertips became wetter with each passing moment.

  Dipping them inside her, massaging her over and over, she began to arch her back slightly, and her rapid breaths became moans of intense pleasure. He manipulated her until she cried out with an orgasm, panting for air, and it wasn’t until then that he pulled her panties down and entered her, hard and throbbing, aching for the feel of her around his erection.

  He sank slowly into her, holding tightly to her body, moving his hands from the front of her to her hips, pulling her back against him over and over as he delved into her, deep and slow, losing himself in the overwhelming pleasure that the two of them created with one another.

  She came for him again, and then again after that, and finally he could not hold his own release back any longer. All of his passion rushed into her like a river let loose from a dam and he became breathless, bending over himself slightly, so that his chest was against her back, and he wrapped his arms around her and held her as the last of his orgasm left him and entered her.

  When they could catch their breath, he released her, and they dressed. She turned finally to look at him, and in her eyes and in her heart, something was a little different. He had made her feel lust and passion, and it wasn’t their intention. It was something that had begun burning between them, and it caught her off guard.

  He stepped close to her and lifted his hand to hold her cheek in it. He gazed into her eyes for a moment in silence before he leaned close. Their breath mingled for a second, and she thought that he was going to kiss her mouth, but he turned and his lips brushed her cheek gently.

  She closed her eyes and let herself feel his lips on her skin, even just at her cheek. Part of her wanted to turn away, and another part of her wanted to turn to him and kiss him on his mouth, tasting him, but he lowered his hand from her cheek and stepped back away from her.

  “Talk with me,” he asked quietly. He wasn’t ready to go. He didn’t want to go. He wanted to stay and talk with her again, late into the night as they had before.

  A smile crept over her face and she lifted her chin a little. “I’ll go make tea.”

  “I’ll take wine.” He returned her smile.

  They walked together to the kitchen and got their drinks, bringing them back into the living room to sit and talk.

  He watched her interestedly and began their conversation. “Why New York? What was it about this place that made you want to be here? You could have gone to school in Boston. What brought you here?”

  She felt her cheeks warm and she looked downward a little before she answered, looking back at him. “I love almost everything about it here.”

  “What do you love about it?” he pressed further.

  Kate looked around the room as she thought about it. “I love the opera and the ballet at the Met. I love live theatre, and this is Mecca for that, at least outside of London. I love all the festivals and parades, and the constant hum of the city, as if it’s alive and moving right underneath my feet and all around me. I love the businesses and the museums and the people. I love the old churches and Central Park. I love… I love just about all of it. Truly.”

  He smiled at her appreciatively. “I love those things as well.” He laughed a little then. “Do you know, I walked out of the Met’s most recent production of Macbeth. That’s practically sacrilege to me; one doesn’t just walk out of a performance, especially at the Met, but it was a terrible production. I couldn’t believe I did it, but I did, and I’d do it again. It’s the only time I’ve ever done that, and I’m a season ticket holder.”

  She gasped. “I saw that one! It was terrible! I stayed through it all. I wish I’d left,
but I stayed. You know though, while we’re talking about the Met, I just loved their production of Carmen. This last one, with Elina Garanca as Carmen. She was divine. Probably the sexiest woman I have ever seen do that role on the Met stage. God that was good.” She looked down at the cup of tea in her hands then. “I don’t get to go as often as I’d like to, but I do go when I can. It’s a bit expensive.”

  Pierce considered her and the corner of his mouth turned up in a little smile. They talked on about all kinds of things; interest and hobbies, sharing funny stories and deep thoughts, sharing conversation late into the night, just as he had wanted to do. Again it grew late before he got up reluctantly to leave. He kissed her cheek again, lingering close there and she wondered for the second time if he was going to kiss her mouth, but he didn’t and she told herself to put those thoughts from her mind. She reminded herself that it wasn’t going to be like that between them, no matter what it felt like.

  There was a knock at the condo door the next day and she was astounded to find Pierce there with a big grin on his face. She stepped back with a laugh and let him in.

  “You know, if you’re going to keep coming around this often, you have my permission to move back in, if you like.” She winked at him teasingly, and he raised an eyebrow at her.

  “Is that an offer?” He teased her in return but then slipped his hand into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out an envelope, handing it to her. “This is for you.”

  She took it, a curious expression on her face, and as she opened it, he continued to speak. “New York City Ballet is doing Balanchine’s ‘Jewels’ and I thought you might like to go see it. You don’t have to go with me, I mean… this isn’t a date or an obligation for you to go with me, it’s just… you know, a gift. For you. Take one of your friends if you like and go have a night out and enjoy yourself.”

  She stared at the tickets in the envelope and a tear formed at the corner of one eye, but she held it in. “Thank you. This is… this is so kind of you. It’s so thoughtful. I really appreciate it.” She looked up at him and he was completely happy for having given her something that he knew she would love.

  “Well, I was watching you last night when you were talking about it, and you were just so happy. You lit up, and I thought it might be nice if you could go, since you haven’t gotten to go that often.” He shrugged and took a few steps away from her, gazing out of the balcony windows to Central Park below.

  She studied him and a smile formed on her face then. Tilting her head a little, she said, “I really love that you were so thoughtful. I’ll be honest, I don’t think I know anyone else who would enjoy it as much as you would. Would you please do me the distinct honor of going with me?”

  He turned and grinned at her, lifting his chin somewhat. “I would love to go with you. Thank you!”

  They laughed and he kissed her cheek lightly as happiness seemed to dance in his eyes, and then he bid her farewell and he left. She turned from the door when it closed and looked at the tickets still in her hand. With a shake of her head, she chuckled, thinking what a good, good man he was, and how lucky she was to be there with him, even if it was a temporary situation.

  Kate called Olivia and told her that they needed to go dress shopping. She wanted to get something extra special for Balanchine, and if she was being honest with herself, for Pierce. Olivia was thrilled to go, and Kate’s service people drove her over to Olivia’s house to pick her up and then they were taken shopping.

  Olivia frowned as Kate flipped through dresses on the rack in the first dress shop that they stopped at. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked sidelong at her best friend. “So, he gave you these ballet tickets and told you to take anyone and you decided to take him, and you think it’s not a date. Am I right about that?”

  “You’re right about that,” Kate replied as she pulled two dresses off of the rack and kept searching.

  Olivia remained where she was, standing with arms crossed as she was. “It’s totally a date. It’s romantic. You’re going to the ballet with him. It’s a romantic date.”

  Kate didn’t even look up from the dresses she was flipping through. “It’s not a date, he was just being appreciative and he gave them to me, and I was being nice and I asked him to go with me. That’s not a romantic date.”

  Olivia raised one eyebrow and gazed at Kate speculatively. “Are you pregnant yet?”

  Kate sighed and shook her head. “No. I keep a stash of tests at the condo and I take one after every time he visits. There’s nothing yet.”

  Olivia came up close beside Kate and started flipping through dresses as if she was shopping also. “How’s the sex?” she asked offhandedly.

  Kate’s hand stilled where it had been drifting over the top of the hangers. She didn’t look at her friend, but she stayed where she had frozen and answered her. “I’m torn. It’s super hot… like, better than any sex I’ve ever had, but it’s also really clinical.”

  “Clinical? Still? Has he kissed you yet? Like, on the lips kissed you?” Olivia asked, turning to look fully at Kate and abandoning the dresses at her side.

  Kate turned in place and looked back at Olivia. “No. There is no kissing going on. Like I said, clinical.”

  Olivia frowned. “I don’t like it. Something isn’t right about it. Maybe you should change it up a bit. Maybe positions have to do with getting pregnant.”

  Kate narrowed her eyes thoughtfully. “You might be right about that. I’ll think about it.”

  The night of the ballet arrived, and Pierce arrived at the condo in a black tuxedo. He could have been a new and improved James Bond, standing there in the doorway looking better than any man had ever looked in a tuxedo before, at least in Kate’s eyes. She drew in a deep breath and whistled, giving him a wink.

  “Wow.” She grinned as she stood before him. It was nothing compared to what he felt standing there looking at her.

  “I’m… enraptured. Completely enraptured.” He stared with wide eyes and a half open mouth at her. She was dressed in a red gown that formed itself to her sculpted curves. Her blonde curls were pulled up to the back of her head in a cascade, and her makeup had been professionally done that afternoon at a salon. She was as beautiful as he had ever seen her, and he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. He didn’t want to take his eyes off of her.

  She giggled softly. “Thank you. We make a good team tonight,” she told him earnestly. He held his arm out for her and she took it, loving the feel of going out on the town with him.

  They thoroughly enjoyed the ballet, and when it was over, they walked together through the courtyard outside of the Met, stopping and standing at the fountain. “Balanchine is truly timeless. He just doesn’t ever get old or fade out of fashion, he is arguably one of the best choreographers who ever lived,” Kate said emphatically as she basked in the glow of the incredible night. “His work just shines. It’s dazzling.”

  Pierce was standing before her staring at her, drinking her in, and drowning in her. He shook his head slowly as he gazed at her. “You’re dazzling.” He barely spoke above a whisper.

  Reaching his hands up to her face, he cupped it gently in his palms and almost in slow motion, he bought his mouth to hers, his eyes holding her gaze almost until their lips touched. He kissed her softly and sweetly, tasting her slowly and savoring her as their lips moved together and over each other.

  She kissed him in return and slid her arms up around his neck, drawing herself up against him. He moaned softly and parted her lips with his, tentatively tracing the edge of his tongue along hers as one of his hands left her cheek and slid back into her glorious golden curls.

  Her body warmed to the point of catching on fire, and she grew breathless, as did he, the longer they shared their kiss. He finally let her go, blinking and drawing in a sharp breath. It was as if a sting of reality bit at him, and he stepped away from her, looking down and feeling horribly guilty.

  “I’m… I’m so sorry. I… got caught up in the mome
nt. I didn’t mean to do that.” He clenched his jaw and turned his head from hers. “I should take you home.” His voice took on a serious tone and she felt a coldness in her core.

  “Please don’t apologize, I—” she began, but he shook his head and began to walk with her.

  “We made the guidelines clear at the beginning. I told you that wouldn’t happen. I shouldn’t have indulged that desire. Let’s leave it as it is and go forward. There are good things ahead of us. That I know.” He gave her a small smile and she felt a torrent of confusion in her.

  She had loved the kiss, it had set her ablaze and she thought that he had loved it too, but from his abrupt stop to it and his apology, she realized that he must not have felt the same way about it. They went home to the condo and talked about the ballet and their dinner beforehand and what a nice time they had had, but neither of them discussed the kiss, until they got to the condo, and the fires that had burned brighter and hotter in them would not be dampened or tamed.


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