Faster Dirtier (Take Me...#5) (A Team Ferrelli Novel)

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Faster Dirtier (Take Me...#5) (A Team Ferrelli Novel) Page 10

by Colleen Masters

  “Hey, I’ve still got a whole 24 hours to figure it out,” I sigh, gathering my hair into a loose ponytail as I gaze out of my bedroom window. “Plenty of time to come to a potentially life-alerting decision, right?”

  With my thoughts still churning, I head over the main villa for dinner. As I’m crossing the terrace, my eyes alight on the very spot where Enzo and I first gave into our desire for each other. A shudder runs through me, remembering that night. It’s a sin that we might have to deny ourselves that kind of delicious pleasure just for the sake of decorum. But hey, the course of true love—or even lust—never did run smooth.

  My mouth starts watering immediately as I step into the villa’s charmingly rustic kitchen. The smells of roasted garlic, fragrant herbs, and freshly baked bread wrap me up like a warm embrace. A wide smile spreads across my face as I take in the scene before me. Alfie looks on eagerly as Camilla cracks some fresh pepper over a family sized bowl of pasta. Bex pours out generous glasses of wine for everyone as she and Charlie discuss the events of the day. And sitting together at the long wooden kitchen table are Siena and Harrison, quietly conversing with their hands clasped. If anyone would understand an unconventional relationship, it’s surely this family. Right?

  “Ace! Look!” Alfie spouts, grabbing my hand with his chubby fingers and tugging me over to the kitchen island. “I did dessert all by myself.”

  I spot a plate of sugar cookies on the counter, clearly decorated by a child’s hand. Alfie surveys his work proudly, pointing out one cookie in particular. It’s been garnished with the letter “A”, written in sloppy icing.

  “Is that an A for Alfie?” I ask, picking up the cookie and making a big show of admiring his work.

  “Nooo,” he grins, wrapping his arms around my knees. “It’s A for Ace.”

  My heart has been doing all kinds of crazy things this past week, but now it threatens to burst all over the place. I’m so touched by Alfie’s show of little kid kindness. I scoop him up into my arms and plant a big kiss on his chubby cheek.

  As if on cue, I feel my cell phone vibrate in my back pocket. Setting Alfie down, I snatch up the device and look down to see yet another message from Enzo.

  Him: What are you wearing?

  I roll my eyes, swallowing a laugh. This guy is going to be the death of me.

  Me: No dirty texts right now. I’m sitting here with your entire family.

  Him: How uncomfortable for you.

  Me: I mean it. No funny business, Prof.

  For one fleeting moment, I think he’s actually going to listen, for once. But then:

  Him: So I shouldn’t tell you that I’ve been dreaming about those perfect tits of yours all day? How I want to wrap my lips around your nipples and suck harder and harder until you moan?

  I grab onto the counter to steady myself as Enzo’s image slams into my solar plexus.

  Me: You’re the worst. You know that?

  Him: I think you’ll be singing a very different tune come Saturday morning.

  Me: You’re assuming that I’ve accepted your offer.

  Him: Haven’t you?

  “OK everyone, dig in!” Camilla says, plunking a huge basket of aromatic garlic bread onto the kitchen table.

  I slip my phone hurriedly out of sight and load up my plate with the rest of the family. These training days give me a massive appetite, and a face full of authentic Italian food will be a nice distraction from Enzo’s lingering question.

  “Ace, I just want to take a second to thank you for all your hard work this week,” Charlie says, tipping his glass to me. “You’ve been killing it!”

  “I second that,” Bex adds, “We’re asking a lot from you right off the bat, but you’re adapting like a champ.”

  “Thanks you guys,” I smile, spinning a huge bite of pesto spaghetti onto my fork. “There’s nothing in the world I’d rather be doing.”

  Except Enzo Lazio, that is, I think before I can stop myself.

  “I think we all deserve a little breather,” Siena says, taking a sip of her red wine. “What do you say we all take a long weekend, starting tomorrow?”

  My fork clatters against my plate as I drop it in surprise. What is this, some kind of sign from the universe?

  “Looks like Ace is down for a day off,” Harrison smiles, helping himself to another helping of pasta.

  “Count me in,” Bex chimes.

  “Fine by me,” Charlie agrees.

  “It’s official then,” Siena smiles, “A long weekend for Team Ferrelli it is. Ainsley, now you can spend some quality time with your boyfriend.”

  “S-sorry?” I sputter. How the hell did she know what I’m thinking of doing tomorrow night? Not that Enzo is my boyfriend or anything, but—

  “Alfie, I mean,” Siena cuts off my wheeling thoughts. “Maybe we can all hang out here and watch a movie together? If you don’t mind sitting through Frozen for the millionth time.”

  “That ice princess is a babe,” Harrison teases, “Alfie’s just got damn good taste. Don’t you, son?”

  “Whadda babe!” Alfie babbles happily.

  “Oh god,” Siena groans, “He’s a little Harrison in training.”

  A round of laughter goes up around at table. I sit there smiling as I take in this group of exceptional people who have found their happiness by following their hearts. Suddenly, I know exactly what I’m going to do about tomorrow night.

  “As much as I’d love to watch the ice babe do her thing,” I tell the group, “I actually have plans for tomorrow night.”

  “Oh, great!” Siena smiles, “What’re you gonna get up to?”

  “I’m meeting a friend in Rome,” I reply, remaining as vague as possible. A lie of omission is better than a straight up fib, I tell myself.

  “I didn’t realize you had friends in the country, Ainsley,” Camilla says lightly, pouring herself a glass of white. “That’s just lovely.”

  Offering a close-lipped smile, I avert my gaze. Thankfully, no one presses me for details about the friend I’m meeting tomorrow night. I may have a talent for knowing when someone is lying to me, but that keen sense of truth makes me a pretty terrible liar myself. A good poker face is not a weapon I have in my arsenal. My parents always told me to speak my truth. And right now, my truth is that I can’t wait to be alone with Enzo.

  Stealing out onto the patio after the dinner things have been cleared away, I whip out my phone to tell him just that. Unsurprisingly, there’s another text from him waiting for me.

  Him: All kidding aside, Ainsley, I need you to meet me tomorrow night. I know I talk a tough game, but if I don’t get to see you, all of you, I’m gonna lose it.

  “He actually used my real name,” I murmur to myself, delighted. I lean against the railing of the terrace, right where he hoisted me up that first night. I take a deep, steadying breath and message him back.

  Me: If we’re being serious now, Enzo, all I’ve wanted since the moment we met was to spend the night with you. I’ll be there tomorrow. I promise.

  Him: You have no idea how happy that makes me. I’ll make it well worth your while. If you could see the things I’ve been dreaming up for us to do...

  Me: I’ve been having my share of dirty dreams, too.

  Him: Christ, that’s hot. Tell me what you imagine me doing to you.

  I look over my shoulder to make sure I’m alone before responding.

  Me: I imagine what your mouth would feel like all over my body. On my neck, my tits, even my pussy. I imagine spreading myself open for you, feeling you lick me there.

  Him: That’s exactly what I had in mind. I want to know what you taste like. I want to run my tongue all along your pussy, lapping you up as you come for me. Imagine my lips closing around your clit. Sucking hard.

  My knees begin to tremble as my sex throbs with wanting him. I clench my thighs together, trying to contain the sensation building between my legs. How can he be turning me on this much with just a few texts? I’m just about to shoot back a l
ong, detailed description of all the ways I would lavish his gorgeous cock with attention when I hear the patio door swing open. With a rush of panic, I pocket my phone once more and whip around. Sure enough, it’s Siena who’s stepped out to join me on the terrace.

  Good lord. She sure does have a keen sense of timing, this one.

  “It’s an awesome view, isn’t it?” she says, joining me at the railing.

  It’s a good thing lady boners aren’t visible to passersby, or else I’d be in big trouble. I hope I look considerably more composed than I feel.

  “Must have been awesome, growing up here,” I reply.

  “It was,” she smiles wistfully. “It’s a real shame my dad couldn’t be here to meet you. He would have gone nuts for you, Ace.”

  It’s official, then. I’m catnip for all Lazio men.

  “His passing hasn’t been easy for us,” Siena goes on, gazing out across the landscape. “But of everyone, I think Enzo’s taking it the hardest. They really were inseparable, those two. Enzo didn’t just lose a father when we lost Dad. He lost his mentor, his biggest fan, and his best friend in one fell swoop.”

  I blink away sudden tears, imagining Enzo’s heartache. I know exactly what he must be going through, in the wake of his dad’s death. Hell, my dad was my own personal hero, too. I knew there was something understood between Enzo and me, something deeper than physical desire. But why is Siena sharing all of this with me now?

  “I know he can be difficult,” she goes on, and I can tell she’s getting to the heart of what she came out here to say. “But despite his temper, and his ego, and his penchant for leggy models, he really is a good man, deep down. He’s been giving you a hard time so far, and that’s partially my fault. I just want you to give him a chance. Get to know him. I’m not just vouching for him because he’s my big brother. I’m vouching for him because he’s one of my favorite people on the planet. He’s helped me through some of the hardest moments of my life.”

  “I can tell he’s a great guy, Siena,” I reply softly. I don’t know what else to say in light of her ringing endorsement: Don’t worry, we’ve already got a booty call scheduled for tomorrow?

  “He really is,” she smiles. “You guys seem to have gotten off to a rough start, but I think you’ll make a fantastic team. He’s just intimidated by you, is all.”

  “Enzo? Intimidated by me?” I laugh. “I highly doubt that.”

  “OK. Maybe impressed is a better word,” she allows. “But from what he told me about the test drive you took with him earlier this week, I can tell that he likes you. He wants you here, Ace. He wants to be in your corner.”

  Oh, he wants is to be up in all my corners, I think wickedly.

  “But while he’s figuring out how awesome you are, let me know if he gives you any trouble,” Siena goes on. “He can be a handful, but he’s worth the effort.”

  “Duly noted,” I tell her, a bemused smile spreading across my face. If only Siena had any idea what was really going down between Enzo and me. By the way she’s talking now, I wonder if she’d actually support us being together? Better not test that theory right this second, I decide.

  “Come on,” she says, looping her arm through mine. “Alfie has some dessert with your name on it. Literally.”

  I laugh as Siena tows me back inside to spend one more evening with my newfound family before shipping off for the night of my life in Rome. All through that night, I can’t keep my mind on anything but my fantasies of Enzo. I find myself counting down the hours, the minutes, the seconds, like a lovesick girl.

  “Oh god,” I groan to myself, as I toss and turn in bed later that night. “Don’t go dropping the ‘l word’ Ace.” If there’s one thing that would actually cool off this thing with Enzo, I’m pretty sure it’s that. I’m not ready to ruin whatever this is by slapping a label on it. Better to let things unfold as they will, and just see what happens. It’s like Enzo says—there’s no time to waste, when it comes to going after the things we want.

  And right now, what I want is him.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Well hey stranger!” I say into my phone, “I was starting to worry that you’d forgotten about me.”

  “How could I forget about my favorite sister?” Alec says over the line.

  “I’m your only sister,” I point out.

  “All the more reason for me to keep tabs on you,” I can hear the smile in his voice. “Actually, I was just trying not to harsh your mellow over there. Didn’t want to call and check up every three seconds.”

  “I appreciate it,” I tell him, “This week has been crazy.”

  “Good crazy?” he asks.

  “Absolutely,” I confirm, glancing at the clock. It’s just past seven in the evening. I was putting the finishing touches on my makeup when Alec called out of the blue. I’m supposed to head into the city in just a few minutes to meet Enzo. My stomach flips over at the slightest thought of it.

  “Staying out of trouble?” he asks, as though reading my thoughts.

  “You know me,” I answer vaguely, adjusting the deep v neckline of my little black dress.

  “Tell all your Italian suitors that you have a very large, very protective brother back in Brooklyn,” he instructs me. “That should do the trick.”

  “And what if I want one of them to stick around, huh? What should I do then?”

  “Reconsider,” he says flatly.

  “You’re such a troll,” I laugh, guilt tugging at my heartstrings ever-so-slightly. I’m sure Alec would have a conniption if he knew what was going down between Enzo and I tonight. All the more reason not to tell him. “But trolling aside, how are you?”

  “Holding down the fort,” he replies, “Thinking of getting a dog and letting it sleep in your bed while you’re gone.”

  “Nice,” I say, rolling my eyes. “Well, if you do bring a dog home, just make sure it’s house trained first.”

  “I could say the same to you,” he teases. “Anyhow, don’t want to talk your ear off. Just wanted to make sure you’re OK over there.”

  “I’m OK. I’m great, actually,” I tell him honestly. “This is more amazing than I ever could have imagined.”

  “Your face is all over the internet, you know that right?” he asks. “That video from the party, all these Facebook and Twitter posts. You even have a fan club.”

  “That seems a bit premature,” I remark, though I can’t say I’m not pleased as punch to hear it.

  “The world already loves you Ace,” he says, “I’m not at all surprised. But just remember, no one’s ever gonna love you as much as I do.”

  “Oh, I know that,” I smile. “But as much as I’m digging this love fest, I actually have to get a move on...”

  “Right, right,” Alec says, “I understand. You’re a celebrity now. Don’t have time for your poor, sad sack brother...”

  “I’ll give you a call this weekend and bore you with all the details of my fancy new life,” I promise him. “Talk to you soon, OK? Love you, Alec.”

  “Love you too Ace,” he replies, and we both hang up.

  I let out a big breath I didn’t realize I was holding as I look myself over in the mirror. Even without the help of my personal hair and makeup team, I think I clean up just fine. I’ve chosen my favorite black dress, a short, simple piece that’s tight in all the right places. The only jewelry I wear is a pair of vintage pearl earrings, and my hair is done in a loose up-do. I smudge on some classic red lipstick and chic liquid eyeliner, slipping into a pair of sleek black heels.

  “Here goes nothing,” I whisper to myself.

  With my heart in my throat, I grab my keys and sneak down to my new car. I don’t want to field any questions as I head out, looking all vamped up. I’ve packed a toothbrush and a change of clothes, feeling for the world like I’m back in college with my one-night-stand bag. Only, the thing I’m about to begin with Enzo doesn’t feel like an impending one-night-stand. Hell, it couldn’t very well be, since we’ll be seeing eac
h other every day. As I slip into my car and take off toward the city, I promise myself that I’ll tell Enzo how I feel by the end of the night. I’ll tell him that he intrigues me, that I want to know everything about him, that he does the wildest things to me, even from afar...

  Or in middle school terms, I’ll tell him I like him like him.

  The drive into Rome takes no time at all, and soon I’m pulling up to the address that Enzo texted me earlier today. My mouth falls open as I stare up at the hotel he’s booked for us. It’s a grand, towering building, overlooking the bustling streets of Rome. A valet offers to park my car as I step out into the piazza before the hotel. I realize all at once that this is my first taste of the historic city. And what a taste it promises to be. Squaring my shoulders, I make my way through the front doors of the glamorous hotel.

  I glance around the elegant lobby, looking for my “date”. Enzo said that he’d be waiting for me when I got here, but I don’t see him anywhere. That is, not until I cast my eyes over toward the hotel bar—a room done up in dark, sleek wood and dim lighting. My entire body goes numb for a second as I spot him at last, leaning his elbow on the long bar.

  He’s wearing a navy blue sport coat and fine wool slacks, cut to perfection as usual. His every muscle is highlighted by his attire, but tonight it’s his face that arrests my attention. Where his expression is usually mischievous, even arrogant, tonight it’s earnest. Straightforward. I can tell just from looking at him that the Enzo I’m going to meet tonight is the real deal—not the persona he adopts for the racetrack. I smile as I spot the two martinis sitting before him on the bar. He even remembered my drink.

  “Fancy meeting you here,” I say, stepping up next to him at the bar.


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