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Following The Light (Out of the Dark Book 3)

Page 11

by Arlene Gonzales

  While we all laugh, I turn back to Renata and say, “This is Brandy, she is the last one to measure.”

  “Molto bene, very good.” Once she is done and everyone’s measurements are written down, Renata walks to her drawing table and asks us to sit down. She directs me to take a seat close to her. “Now Alexis, I want you to share with me what you envision for your wedding grown.”

  I explain to her in great detail the dress I see myself wearing, from top to bottom, front and back. As I talk, she is drawing. None of us can see what she is sketching. Every little while she asks me questions about the details. After some time, when I am done talking, she keeps drawing, then looks up at me.

  “Now, keep in mind this is a rough first draft. You tell me what to change, and we’ll go from there. Come take a look.”

  We all quickly get up and walk over. Mama and the girls are all “Ahh!” and “Wow!” I don’t say a word.

  “Alexis, you’re being very quiet. If you don’t like it, I can change it. This is what you will be wearing. It’s important that you tell me what you want.”

  I glance at her quickly before turning back to the drawing. “It’s perfect.”

  “Oh, good—I’m glad you like it.”

  “Like it, no—I love it. This is exactly what I’ve always had in my head.”

  Shannon comes over to me. We look at each other, both of us with tears in our eyes. “You are going to look like a princess when you marry the man of your dreams in front of everyone.”

  “A princess? She’s going to look like a fucking queen.”

  “Ysabel, watch your language.”

  “Sorry, Mama.”

  Next, we go through an assortment of fabrics, not only for my dress but for the bridesmaids’ as well. Finally, we’ve picked out the patterns everyone agrees on.

  By the time we know it, it’s already going on six in the evening. I invite Brandy over for dinner.

  Chapter 12

  Upon arriving back at the penthouse, we are greeted by the delicious smell of Ms. Miller’s cooking. Aiden strolls over to me and pulls me in for an embrace.

  “Your parents can see us.”

  Setting me down, he says, “Baby, believe me. To them this is natural. They are very romantic people. It’s in our blood.”

  Papa, overhearing our conversation, walks over to Mama and lovingly kisses her. After the show of affection is over, he turns to me. “Alexis, it is a very natural emotion to be in love and to be loved. Never hide how in love you are. There is no shame in loving our son.”

  As we’re walking into the dining room for dinner, Aiden pats me on the ass. I winch and quietly mutter, “Ouch.”

  Smiling, he leans down and whispers, “It won’t hurt after a couple more times.”

  “Not tonight. I’m so sore after the three times this morning, I can barely walk.”

  His laugh is louder than he intends.

  “What is so funny?”

  “Ysabel, I am sure if Aiden wanted to share what he was enjoying with his little sister or us, he would.”

  “Sorry, I forgot what it’s like to be young and in love.” The room erupts in laughter. Johnny grabs her, puts her in a head lock, and starts messing her hair. She’s trying to fight him off, but is giggling too much. “Mama, tell him to let me go.”

  “Johnny, leave your little sister alone.” Not listening, he is still tickling her. Aiden runs over, and now the three of them are all going at each other, playing around. Ysabel jumps on Aiden’s back and Johnny knocks them both down. On the floor, they’re rolling and acting like kids. Papa and Mama are both clapping and grinning. Brandy, Shannon, and I are laughing so hard.

  Finally, Papa says, “Ms. Miller fixed us a beautiful dinner. It would be rude to let it get cold. Enough horse play; time to eat. Come, children—let us sit and enjoy each other’s company.”

  In an instant, the three of them are up and straightening out their clothes. We all are about to sit when Papa tells Aiden, “You are the man of the house. You should sit at the head of the table.”

  “Papa, you are the head of this family. You will always sit at the head of the table, even in my house.”

  Placing the napkin over my lap, I can’t help but grin a little. The respect and love this family has for each other reminds me of the family I grew up in. I just know in my heart that our two families would have been such a joy together at gatherings or during holidays. Daddy and Papa would have hit it off. Mom and Mama would have shared all the wonderful memories of their kids growing up. Everybody would have loved each other. To my surprise, thinking about my family isn’t bringing me to tears. I’m actually smiling as I sit here remembering them. This feels right; they would want me to be happy, to go on each and every day. The best way I can honor my parents and brother now is to live with no regrets. Marrying Aiden, and into his family—my family, now—to have a full and happy life. I’ll tell my children of the wonderful grandparents and uncle they never got to meet. That is how I will show my love for them.

  The rest of the weekend we busy ourselves with planning the wedding. With all the help from everybody, everything comes together so beautifully.


  I am at my desk Monday morning, bright and early. Because it is Thanksgiving week, it will be a short one for us. The agency is closing at noon on Wednesday. When I left for work, Aiden was still asleep. Ever since he shared his past with the world, he has slept very soundly. He was afraid that nobody would want him representing their brands anymore. The effect was the complete opposite of what he thought. There are even more clients wanting him to wear their labels and do their ads. It seems that what Carla was trying to do backfired on her. Brandy indiscreetly leaked the information that it was Carla who released the old photos. Now no one wants her to represent them. They see her as a person who would use the pain of a child to get what she wants. The last thing Brandy told us was that she’d been spotted at the airport leaving for Ireland.

  Since it’s early when I arrive, there’s no one here. I make the coffee, go into Michael’s office, and take all the files from his desk to go through them. As I set them down on my desk and fire up my computer, I spot a red bird perched on the ledge of my window. Leaning on the window, I place my hand on the glass. The bird doesn’t seem frightened. As it hops closer, I stand there wishing these windows opened. We stare at each other for a while, then it just flies away. A single white feather slowly falls on the ledge. I know, I just know it’s a sign from my mom, dad, and Erik giving me their blessing. There are no tears, just the biggest smile on my face. Everything feels right. My heart is truly happy. I am married to the man of my dreams. In two and a half months we are once again going to exchange vows, this time in front of family, friends, and whoever watches it on TV.

  We agreed to let it be televised, although only the camera crew that is with Tracy Caltabiano and Channel Twelve will be allowed in the building. The rest of the news people will only be able to get pictures as we arrive and depart the church. According to Brandy, the pictures taken of us are going to be worth a lot of money. Everyone wants a picture of the wedding dress by the world-renowned designer Renata Rossi. Our wedding will be the event of the year. Everybody who is anybody in the fashion world will be there, along with some of the biggest celebrities.

  Since I’m still the only one in the office, I decide to turn on the radio for a bit to start my day. The first song that comes on is Secrets by One Republic. As I’m flipping through the first file, I sing at the top of my lungs. I don’t even notice Kathy standing at the door. I’m startled as she says, “It’s a good thing you’re beautiful, because you can’t sing at all.”

  We both laugh. “I made the coffee already,” I tell her.

  “Glad to see you at your desk. When are you leaving for Italy?”

  “At the same time Aiden’s parents are going, which is Monday. We decided to stay here in New York till the beginning of the year. There are photo shoots and commercials that Aiden is committed to.
I also would like to take care of my clients before leaving for a few months.”

  Noticing the time, I lower the volume of the radio. A couple songs later, “Fix You” by Coldplay comes on. An idea comes to mind. I’ll need Brandy’s help. I get on the phone and call her. After I explain it to her, she’s on board. I swear her to secrecy and tell her that I’ll fill Shannon in on what we’re going to do.

  “Oh my god, Alexis, you are going to give him the biggest thrill of his life.”

  “Ha, I did that the other morning.”

  “Really, I don’t want to know that about my boss.” We both laugh.

  “I’m sorry, I meant to say it to myself. It just came out too loud.”

  “Yeah, you think?”


  Next, I touch base with Lisa Smythe, the comedian we represent. We arrange to have a lunch meeting to go over what’s going on with her. I apologize for not being around to answer any questions she may have on a daily basis.

  Being as sweet as ever, she tells me not to worry about it. Julie has been doing a great job of taking care of her. We agree to meet at the Phoenix Park. Maybe the waitress that despises me won’t be there today. What was her name again? Gosh, I can’t even remember. Suddenly I snap: it’s Julie. Well, hopefully I won’t run into her.

  Thinking of her reminds me that I need to get Chris some kind of help. Get him to move on, to find happiness with someone else. I promised Aiden that I wouldn’t contact him alone. This is one promise I will not break.

  Before I know it, lunch rolls around. Aiden has called me twice to let me know how much he misses me. He’s also sent me a bouquet of red canna lilies. I let Kathy know that I’m going out for a lunch meeting. When I walk out, Anthony is waiting for me with the door open. I get in and tell him where I’m going. “Mr. Steffan informed me already.”

  “Of course he did.”


  As I enter the grill, I’m relieved that I don’t see any sign of the waitress. I spot Lisa and walk on over. She stands and we hug each other. The first question out of her mouth is, “How is Aiden holding up?”

  “He’s doing really good, thank you. Everyone is being so understanding and caring. The clients that he already has contracts with are all renewing them. Plus, there are new ones asking him to represent them.”

  “Aww, that’s good to hear, babe.”

  Thankfully, someone other than Julie comes to take our order. I am starving, so I order the double cheeseburger with a large order of onion rings. When the food arrives, I dig in. Lisa laughs. “Damn, the way you are attacking that food, you would think that you’re eating for two.”

  I giggle. “I’m just so hungry. I skipped breakfast.”

  After we’re both done eating and catching up on things, I ask her if she would be open to adding an extra night at the club where she performs. “Lisa, I know we have talked about this before, but it’s been a while since that. Have you given thought to doing a third night at the Comedy Cellar?”

  “I’m doing a third night already. Julie set it up for me. I’m sorry, I thought you knew.”

  “No, I should have known. It’s my fault for being away from work.”

  After the meeting, we hug and say our goodbyes. Before walking out, I tell her that I am sending her an invitation to the wedding. “Aww, that would be awesome. Thanks, babe.”


  Back at the office, I scan through Lisa’s contract and see that she is doing a total of three nights at the club. I could kick myself for going to the meeting unprepared. I hate that I’m letting the company down by not being here as much as I should. I decide that I need to step up my game, be here as much as possible, show Michael that I take my job very seriously. I gather Chris’s complete file and walk it over to Julie’s office. I knock, and after hearing her say, “Come in,” I open it.

  “Excuse me, did Michael tell you about working on point with Chris?”

  “Oh yeah, go ahead and give me everything that you have on him.”

  I set it down on her desk. “Hey, listen…I’m really sorry to give you more work than you already have. I don’t think it would be a good thing for me to work with him. I mean, you know how he and Aiden feel about each other.”

  “Don’t think twice about it, Alexis. Michael is hiring someone else to do his international clients, and I will be doing the local ones here with you. It’s a win-win for everyone because I don’t have to live out of a suitcase anymore.”


  The day flies by. It’s already five in the afternoon. As I’m setting up a photo shoot for Lisa, the phone buzzes. I pick it up. “Yes, Kathy?”

  I hear loud voices. Rising to go see what is happening at my doorway, I bump into Chris. It’s like hitting a wall. I take a step back. Entering, he slams the door shut and locks it.

  “Chris, what are you doing here?” I reach for the door, but he grabs my arm. Not releasing me, he instead grabs the other arm as well. “Chris, please let me go.”

  “No, not until you hear me out. Why are you doing all this to me, Lexie?”

  I can hear Kathy, Julie, and Michael’s voices. They’re all banging on the door.

  “What? What am I doing to you?”

  His grip on me tightens. Suddenly he releases my arms, only to wrap his around me, bringing his face inches away from mine. “It’s not bad enough that I lose you to him, now you won’t even work on point with me? Do you hate me that much, Lexie?”

  “No, I don’t hate you, Chris. I could never hate you. I think this is best for everyone involved. I don’t want to see you hurt anymore. Please let me go—you’re hurting me.”

  Michael is yelling for Chris to open the door. I can hear Kathy ask him if she should call the police. As scared as I am, I try to put on a brave front—not only myself, but for Chris too. When Aiden gets ahold of him, he will really hurt him. I scream out, “No, there is no need for the police.” Pleading with Chris, I say, “If you care about me at all, let me out of here. You need help, Chris. Let us get you help.” The banging has just become pounding.

  “Get your hands off my wife.” Things have just become as bad as they can get. Aiden is yelling my name. “Alexis, are you okay? Open this fucking door, Chris, before I break it down and kill you.”

  “Please, just let me out. This is not going to end well, Chris. Please.”

  At the sound of sirens approaching, he squeezes me even more, now with tears in his eyes.

  “Help me, Lexie. I love you. I can’t go on like this.”

  Letting me go, he grabs a chair and throws it at the window, causing it to shatter. He runs at it.

  “No, Chris, no!” I hold on for dear life to the back of his waist. “If you jump, you are taking me with you. Is that what you want, to kill me?”

  “Let me jump, it will solve all our problems. You’ll finally be rid of me.”

  Just then the door is broken down. To my surprise, Aiden stops the police from charging. They all just stand there watching us. Chris is crying, and I am crying holding on to him. After several minutes, we both calm down a bit, or least as much as possible given the situation. I release him, and the officers come and take him away. I am left sitting on the floor.

  Aiden picks me up, and we hug each other. I kiss him and cry into his shoulder. “Oh god. I was so scared. Thank you for seeing that he needs help. I love you. Take me home.” He carries me to the car where Anthony is waiting for us.

  Chapter 13

  At home, Aiden informs everyone that I had a busy day at work and we are going to bed early. We say our goodnights and head up to our room. Going directly into the bathroom, I sit on the floor and start to cry. Aiden sits in front of me, pulls me onto his lap, and begins to run his fingers through my hair, hushing me all the while. He rocks us back and forth, slowly repeating, “I’ve got you, baby. It’s going to be okay. I’ve got you.”

  He cradles me a while longer until the sobs ease.

  “How did this happen? How did we get to this point? It�
��s all my fault. I—we need to help him.” Moving the hair away from my face, he slips his fingers under my chin and lifts it.

  “Alexis, none of this is your fault. You didn’t do anything maliciously to get him to fall in love with you. Going to see him would send the wrong signal. I will go and talk to him. They weren’t going to arrest him—he was getting admitted into the hospital.”

  I blink at him. “They were?”

  “Yes, I told them he was sick and he was not himself.”

  “You said that?”

  “Does that surprise you?” When I don’t say a word, he chuckles. “I surprise myself sometimes too.”

  I throw my arms around him again. “Thank you, thank you, Aiden.”

  “Just so we are clear, I am going alone. You are not to go anywhere near him. Is that understood?”

  I nod, then pull back. “This is just another reason why I love you so much.”

  With me still in his arms, he stands and walks us over to the bed. After laying me down, he goes through the dresser drawers and pulls out one of his t-shirts. He helps me out of my dress and into his shirt, then pulls the covers over me and turns off the lamp by the bed. He kisses me on the forehead. “Try to go to sleep. It’s been a long day for you. I am going to take care of some things in the office, but I won’t be long. Ti amo.”

  As he closes the door, I turn on my side, fluff the pillows, and try fruitlessly to fall asleep. I keep picturing Chris throwing the chair at the window and attempting to jump. Oh god, if he succeeded, I don’t know how I could have handled that. I start to pray. “Please God, take care of Chris. Don’t let him hurt himself. Make him see that there is so much in life to live for. God, thank you for helping Aiden see that Chris needs help.” Shortly after, I doze off.



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