The Djinn Trials: Azazel

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The Djinn Trials: Azazel Page 11

by Jack Thanatos

  “I’m unconvinced as well. The devil disguises himself in many masks, but I doubt that using his own name would happen. I think I may have seen this guy once. Well, maybe twice. I remember a dream about a year and a half ago that I saw this man, about six feet tall, dark hair, well dressed, and more charismatic than most people I’ve ever talked to. He told me of a substantial plan, something far bigger than us, something far bigger than even him. One of the weird things about this guy was that he had a glow to him, like a literal glow. It was like he was exuding red smoke. Then I saw this man outside of my dream, days afterward. I knew it wasn’t a dream the second time, yet, the feeling remained of his familiarity. Only this time he didn’t have that glow.”

  “You’re sure it was the same man both times?”

  “Yeah. Usually, I don’t remember my dreams, so it was awesome to actually remember one so vividly.”

  “Do you remember what the dream was about?”

  “Yeah, but it didn’t really make any sense. I could tell you, but it wasn’t pieced together right. It was like fragments thrown into my head.”

  “I may have had the same occurrence.”

  Azazel thought of one night over a year ago where he could have sworn someone similar to Eris’s recollection inhabited his dreams. He didn’t pay close attention to it, and even drank the memories of that interaction away. It wasn’t until listening to Eris’s story that the image returned.

  “I also had a brief meeting with him inside the Kushiel tunnel, but it was dark and he disappeared before I could see his face.”

  “Sounds about right.”

  They pulled in front of Teri’s riverside home, and walked up to the front door.

  “Do we just knock?” Azazel asked.

  “I guess. Aren’t we just here to deliver that present?”

  Without further instructions from Lucifer, Azazel tapped the doorknocker and a moment later, a blonde in a robe and a pair of sweats answered. “Can I help you?”

  “Yeah, we’re here to deliver this to you,” Azazel said, then recognized who he was talking to. He didn’t ring a bell, but her face was a dead giveaway.

  “Thomas. My, has it been a long time.”

  “Wow, so you’re the Teri Vera.”

  She was beautiful on the outside, but a treacherous beast resided within. A sexual harassment queen, one who flirted with men and at the moment of rejection, she contorted into their worst nightmare. Azazel remembered his close call, but was able to sneak away without incurring the wrath as she turned her energy to his co-worker, Ralph. One and the same as the Ralph targeted earlier. At the time, she was the foreman’s wife, but Azazel couldn’t remember the details of how she and Ralph mingled together without her husband knowing. That man was a beacon for unnecessary drama, much of which Azazel wanted to steer as far away from as possible.

  “Would you like to come in? Have a beer?”

  “Well, I just recently stopped drinking, but I wouldn’t mind a little catching up.” Azazel was almost proud that maybe, just maybe, he’d be able to kick the alcoholic habit. This may just be the beginning.

  Teri showed the two inside and they sat around a kitchen table. The room was small and dark, lit by an overhead sink light. Azazel felt instantly uncomfortable, especially under Teri’s gaze. Any other time, he’d probably have a go at Teri, but today was his redemption day, and besides, Eris was at his side. He was comforted by Lucifer’s decision to allow her riding along as moral support.

  “Very well, and who is this?”

  “Eris,” she answered, and they shook hands.

  Teri instantly redirected her full attention to Azazel. “It has been a long time since we’ve talked. Quite unusual for you to stop on by.”

  “I know, it’s a weird one for me as well. I’ve been having to go through my closet and confront certain things. Apparently, you’re one of them.”

  “Oh, about that whole Ralph thing? Look, that guy was something else. I remember the day that we met. He was so impressive, until he turned out to be a complete asshole. Have you talked to him lately?”

  “You could say that.” Azazel almost laughed to himself, recollecting the events of this morning.

  “You know, we could have been a thing, me and you.” Teri smiled.

  “No, we couldn’t have. I was married.”

  She frowned slightly. “Well, that makes little difference. You were cute. What do you mean that you were married?”

  Azazel and Eris looked at each other with a complete understanding of what sort of woman Teri was. “Well, we were divorced, then she was murdered recently.”

  “Shame. I’m sorry to hear that,” Teri said casually and dismissively as she sparked up a cigarette. “I feel as if we have gotten off on the wrong foot. Listen, I don’t want to sound like a hussy, but I thought you took an interest in me back then.”

  “I was nice to you because you were a pleasant person, that’s it. It was common courtesy,” Azazel replied.

  “You’ll never understand how hard it is for a woman like me in a workplace like that. I was so lonely, sort of like now. Would your friend like to wait in the car so we can discuss this a little further?”

  “This is my niece, not my friend. And no, she will not be leaving us alone.” He shot a look to Eris, who was having a hard time keeping a straight face.

  “Oh, dear me, I haven’t offended you, have I? I just didn’t want to discuss the factory work as it would most likely be a boring topic for someone outside of the job. That’s all.” Teri smiled coyly.

  “Uh huh.” Eris rolled her eyes.

  Teri dismissed the gesture. “What’s in this package? Oh wait, it’s a surprise, right?” She smiled.

  “Yeah, for us all,” Eris said under her breath.

  Teri undid the paper wrapping. She lifted the lid and her mouth dropped. She looked up at Azazel, then to Eris, then back down at the inside of the package. She didn’t say anything, just stared into the box. Azazel and Eris looked at each other, curious about the possibilities. They knew it had to be important, but nothing but a deafening silence filled the room, broken only by the light country music radio sounds coming from the kitchen.

  “Please leave,” Teri softly commanded.

  Azazel and Eris wanted to ask so badly, but they refrained and walked out to the front porch. “You alright?” Azazel asked Teri.

  “You have no idea what was in there, do you?”

  “No, but I must say that your reaction has me a little worried.”

  “Would you mind if I ask who gave you this to give to me?”

  “Lucifer.” The name rolled off Eris’s tongue far too easily.

  She nodded. “Today was no social call. I wish I could apologize to your wife for what I did.” And closed the door.

  Eris silently mouthed the words, “What the fuck,” and seconds later, they heard a single gunshot and the sound of a large object hitting the ground. “Do we go and see?”

  Azazel’s eyes hung low, mind wracked with what Teri could have done to Lori. “I don’t think I want to. Be my guest, just don’t tell me.”

  Eris shook her head, “Na, let’s go.”

  It was a long, quiet ride back to the dilapidated Kushiel mental facility as Eris and Azazel reflected on Teri’s outcome. Curiosity turned to sadness, but whatever caused Teri’s reaction must’ve been far worse than anything they could’ve dreamed.

  “You know, it’s one thing to go after these people to right their wrongs, but to have someone kill themselves, I just…” Azazel trailed off.

  “I don’t get it either.” Eris blindly stared out the window. “So freaking crazy.”

  8 P.M.: Alejandro & Miguel Santos

  Lucifer was right on time, as usual, with the call. “Hello Azazel, was it nice catching up with Teri?”

  “One mention of your name sent her into a tailspin. What did you do to her?”

  “You should know by now that I had little to do with what actually happened there. I just made her co
nfront her biggest demon, figuratively speaking, of course. You didn’t have to whack anyone, and I’m sure you appreciated that.”

  “Yeah, but I might as well have pulled the trigger. I gave her something that made her quit on life.”

  “Wondering what was in there?”

  “I was until she closed that door. Now, I don’t want to know. I’m more curious as to what she did to Lori.”

  “If you checked the box, the reasoning would have been clear. But since not looking was a conscious decision, I’ll preserve the mystery.” Lucifer waited for Azazel to reply, but he had nothing to say. “Well, go over to the box with the symbol for “Djinn”. This one’s for you. I’ll remain on the line until you have another target picked out. It’s exciting. Your list is shrinking! Only four short hours to go.”

  “Short.” Azazel laughed. “Eris, go ahead and pick another envelope. I’ll look inside this. Is that what this strange symbol means? Djinn?”

  Lucifer replied, “Yes, but there’s a unique meaning to that symbol. It is a diversion of the traditional unicursal hexagram, which is used to depict continuous movement, or more appropriately, everlasting life. The line through the center represents a break in that continuity.”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “Just a theory. Don’t worry, it means nothing to your situation right now.”

  Azazel shook his head and hesitated as he placed his fingers on the box top. This one wasn’t wrapped like Teri’s was. He lifted the lid, and inside was a picture and a nine pound bowling ball. He looked at the picture and it was of his three children, Josh, Luke and Alana, all bowling together as children, and Azazel was there in the background. The picture was taken by his ex-wife Lori, and he vaguely remembered the day. He always thought that Alana was one of Lori’s friend’s kids, and it never dawned on him that she was his. He remembered this day because it was the last time he joined them in a game of bowling.

  This occurred about the same times he became completely complacent and apathetic towards life, enough as to not to give a damn about the finer things like spending it with his family. He tried remembering why he never noticed the pregnancy. Then it dawned on him, there was what he thought was a miscarriage. Lori never told him the delivery occurred as the child was raised by someone else. This was long before her encounter with Dr. Moloch and that botched abortion. It was unclear why she hid Alana, and even more mysterious what happened to Dr. Moloch and Lori’s child. Perhaps the doctor took sole custody of that baby, which Azazel feared to be true.

  “A bowling ball?” Eris asked as she handed the next target envelope to Azazel.

  Azazel looked up, eyes filling up again. “I really wasted my life. My little girl was there the whole time and I didn’t even realize it because I was too miserable in my own self-wallowing. I never asked, not once, who she was. I can’t believe Lori never told me. Fuck me! How’d she hide the pregnancy from me?”

  Eris nearly joined his breakdown, but maintained composure. “Look, this seems to be a great time to fix things, because that’s evidently what it’s all about.”

  “She’s right, Azazel,” Lucifer added. Azazel forgot he was on speaker phone. “I’d like to see you spend some time after today with your children, but that’s if you manage to accomplish the final tasks. Believe me, your random choices have left a few doozies to get through. I hope you’re ready. What is your next target?”

  “Alejandro and Miguel Santos.”

  “Oh yes, this will be a fun one. It’s time to get messy. The address is in the file. Go up two flights of stairs and I left you a wonderful surprise. Don your body armor and grab the MP7. Let me make a suggestion. Allow Eris the privilege of operating the item you find. The tactics are up to you.” Click.

  “I can’t wait to see what it is!” Eris beamed.

  They ran up the flights eagerly, and Azazel remembered that he was out of shape and tenderized. The memory of the early morning chest-to-steering-wheel impact was almost forgotten until now. They reached the second story and a rifle awaited their arrival.

  Eris smiled and began laughing hysterically, “Oh wow! Holy cow, do you know what that is?” She snatched the weapon up from the ground.

  “A gun,” Azazel replied, unimpressed.

  “No, not just any gun. This is banned here. This is a MSG90, a militarized sniper rifle that can hit a target nearly 1000 yards away!”

  “Seriously? How do you know this?”

  “I told you, I had a history and my love of guns got me into trouble. I tried to import an Atchisson Assault Shotgun, but it got intercepted by customs and I was given some time in juvenile hall for a bit.”

  “I thought shotguns were legal here.”

  “No, the AA-12 was able to unload up to 32 rounds within 10 seconds. It was crazy powerful.”

  “What exactly were you planning on doing with it?”

  “Put it in my collection. I love the power when holding them, and if the government ever tried to gain too much control, I’d be able to protect myself.”

  “Oh, so you’re an Anarchist?”

  “Not at all. I’m a realist. I’m not a fan of Anarchy reigning supreme. I like an order to things, just not the order that our government has in motion for us. Besides, weren’t you a thief once?”

  Azazel laughed, “Yeah, I was. How’d you know about that?”

  “Word gets around.”

  Azazel shook his head and was amazed with the impressive knowledge his niece had. It destroyed any preconceived concept of what he thought about her, especially of someone that had just left church. “Very well, you know how to shoot this thing?”

  “Sure do, although not this exact model. I’ve played around with similar, more street-legal, rifles. I’m hoping the kick-back and aiming will be relatively similar. I’m so excited!”

  “You do realize we’re going to eliminate someone this time, right?” Azazel asked.

  “Do you know who we’re going after? You should.”

  “The names sound like something I’ve heard before, but not anything recently.”

  “Do you remember my cousin Antonio? These guys were the ones who jumped him into their gang, but they beat him so bad that he became a paraplegic. They didn’t want him snitching on them, so they returned to the hospital room and slit his throat. I remember them very well, and today is a beautiful day for revenge.”

  “I can see why you were trying to change your life in church.” Azazel was almost appalled with her eagerness to kill.

  “Are you judging me, Uncle Tommy?”

  “Perhaps. I don’t know if it’s my place to judge, though. I’ve been no less an assassin today. Let’s go.”

  Eris and Azazel made their way towards the Ronove Apartment complex, located at 950 Merchant Street. They parked two blocks away and Eris found a nearby mattress/snack/tire all-in-one shop to climb up top. Azazel was still having some difficulty believing Eris was as well-prepared for these situations as she was. He waited until she texted him that she was ready to go. With the shroud of night cover, Azazel could only spot Eris’s position because he watched her climb the rear of the building.

  Azazel took a deep breath, and went inside to knock on the first floor apartment, but his approach was curtailed by four men stepping out.

  “Shit,” Azazel said as he ran out the complex entry door.

  “Who the fuck are you?” one of them yelled as they followed.

  As soon as the first man exited the doorway, a well-aimed round exploded his head against the brick wall as the body dropped, preventing the complex entry door from closing. Eris was able to get one more off, another head-shot, before the other two men ran inside. Azazel decided with this distraction he’d find a back way in. He ran to the rear of the building and searched for an open window.

  “This is crazy!” He shook his head as he pushed in an air-conditioning unit.

  The AC crashed to the floor of the bedroom, gaining the attention of the two men. They erratically shot out t
he window and Azazel was perched just below the window sill with his MP7 pointed up. As soon as the first man looked out, Azazel pulled the trigger and blood rained down upon him. The man hunched over the bottom of the window.

  “What do you mother fuckers want?” The last man asked. “I’m gonna come after you and your children and your wives! Believe me!”

  “You’re not the first asshole to threaten me this way today.”

  Just as Azazel was about to jump up to shoot into the window, the man unloaded a clip, showering the wall just above Azazel’s head. The bricks erupted into hail, covering him in the dust. He waited until the gun emptied and he returned fire through the window. The man reloaded, and Azazel ran around the front, back through the front door, noticing Eris running towards him.

  “Go back!”

  “Not a chance. I’m right in the middle of this with you.”

  “No, I mean go to the back and distract him.”

  Eris laughed at the misunderstanding and did as Azazel suggested. The gun she was carrying was a relatively large piece to be sprinting with, but she ran down the block to gain a better vantage point to aim into the window. Sirens from the emergency services began sounding from the distance, so time was very limited. Azazel ran into the first level apartment, disregarding caution as he rolled into the living room. He remembered once again that he wasn’t young anymore. The man panicked and shot aimlessly towards Azazel, grazing his upper arm once.

  “Get the fuck outta my house. I don’t even know you bitches! Look, the cops are on their way.”

  “That just means that you’ll get in trouble too.”

  “For what? I don’t even know why you’re attacking me. You killed three of my boys. Listen mo…” And the man went silent as a shot invaded from the darkness of outside.

  Azazel hoped that was the last of the people he had to eliminate as he ran out through the exit. Sirens were only a few blocks away and Eris was two houses down. The Jaguar was just a little too far, so the two of them ran hard.

  “Come on, old man!” Eris screamed as she flew by Azazel. He was jealous of her lung capacity and dexterousness.


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