The Council of the Cursed

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The Council of the Cursed Page 18

by Peter Tremayne

  ‘Did anyone else in the community know of it?’

  ‘I don’t think so.’

  ‘So tell me how she came to disappear. Was it on the night Abbot Dabhóc was killed? Or did you see her afterwards?’

  ‘We were told at morning prayers about the abbot. And I was told that Valretrade had left while we were on our way to morning prayers.’

  ‘Tell me what happened.’

  ‘Well, there is not much to it, really. That night, Valretrade put a candle on the windowledge there,’ she indicated with her head, ‘which was what she did whenever she arranged to meet Brother Sigeric. When she saw the answering candle in his chamber window, across the courtyard…’ The girl paused and frowned as she glanced out of the window. ‘Why, there is a candle burning across there now–in Brother Sigeric’s cell. What does that mean?’

  ‘That is to guide me to the right room,’ explained Fidelma. ‘Go on.’

  ‘I saw his candle alight that night,’ continued the girl. ‘Valretrade put on her robe and left to meet him.’

  ‘She didn’t return?’

  Sister Inginde shook her head.

  ‘She left her clothes and belongings here?’

  ‘That was a curious thing. They were here when I went down to the wash house first thing in that morning. I was wondering why she was so late back. When I returned–they were gone. I presumed that she had come back while I was at my ablutions and had taken them.’

  ‘And she departed from the Domus Femini without saying goodbye to you but finding time to write a note to the abbess?’ Fidelma spoke in a tone of disbelief.

  Sister Inginde shrugged. ‘What else could I think?’

  ‘When were you told that she had left the community for good?’

  ‘At the midday meal. That was when Sister Radegund told me that Valretrade had left a note and gone.’

  ‘How long had you known Valretrade?’

  ‘Since I came here a year ago.’

  ‘And you had always shared this chamber with her?’

  ‘Since my arrival,’ confirmed the other.

  ‘Therefore, you must have thought it odd that she had left without a word to you. Also, didn’t you think it strange that it was at the same time as the abbot was killed?’

  ‘From what we were told, the abbot’s death had nothing to do with Valretrade.’

  ‘Did Sister Radegund show you this note that Valretrade had written?’

  Again came the shake of the head.

  ‘Did you ask to see it?’

  Sister Inginde chuckled softly. ‘You don’t ask questions of Sister Radegund and certainly not of Abbess Audofleda.’

  Fidelma could agree with the girl’s statement.

  ‘Did she give any indication of why she wanted to see Sigeric that night?’

  ‘Surely that much is obvious, Sister? They were lovers.’

  ‘Nothing else? There was no other concern?’ She noticed the slight hesitation. ‘Go on,’ she urged. ‘There was something then?’

  ‘It was just her attitude,’ replied the other. ‘I think there was some air of excitement when she came to the chamber that evening, something on her mind. I am sure that she had heard or seen something that had…I suppose “upset” is the word I am looking for. Yes, that had upset her. I asked her what the matter was but she refused to say.’

  ‘Would you agree that if she was leaving the abbey of her own free will, she would have mentioned it to you or spoken to Sigeric?’

  ‘So far as I suspected, she had met up with Sigeric and they had run off together. I did not know that she hadn’t until Sigeric came to the community a few days later to enquire where she was.’

  Fidelma frowned. ‘I thought Sister Radegund was the only one who knew that?’

  ‘I was near the doors and overheard him speaking to her.’

  ‘Didn’t it make you suspicious?’

  The girl shrugged. ‘Valretrade was from Autun. She had a blood sister living here. I thought she might have gone there and waited for a time when she could have contacted Sigeric. I know nothing else.’

  Fidelma sat silently for a while, turning the information over in her mind. She felt that there was nothing more to be gathered from Sister Inginde. It was disappointing. There seemed no obvious link between the death and disappearance that she could see.

  ‘Thank you, Sister Inginde,’ Fidelma said, rising. ‘There is no need to tell you that this matter must be kept strictly between ourselves.’

  ‘Are you going to try to find Valretrade?’ asked the girl softly.

  ‘Yes, I shall try,’ Fidelma replied grimly. ‘I promised Sigeric that I would do what I could.’

  ‘I hope you may be successful. Remember, Abbess Audofleda is powerful. I would be careful of her.’

  ‘I intend to be,’ Fidelma replied as she moved towards the door. ‘If you need to contact me urgently, the only way I can think of is by the same method that Valretrade used–the candle in the window.’

  ‘I shall remember. But only if it is urgent.’

  ‘Thank you, Sister Inginde. You have been very helpful.’

  Fidelma turned out of the chamber and moved back to the stairwell. The Domus Femini was silent. Nothing stirred. She returned to the door to the vaults without incident. As soon as she came down the stairs and entered the vaults, Eadulf and Brother Sigeric came forward anxiously.

  ‘Did you see her? Did you see Sister Inginde?’ demanded Brother Sigeric immediately.

  ‘She confirms that Valretrade vanished last week,’ Fidelma said. ‘She says that she did not return that night, having set off to meet you.’

  ‘Did not return?’ Brother Sigeric was aghast. ‘But the signal was made that she had been at our meeting place and was returning to her chamber.’

  ‘I think we should return to the scriptorium where we may discuss things more comfortably,’ Fidelma advised. ‘It is better than discussing it here.’

  Brother Sigeric reluctantly picked up the lantern and led the way back out of the abbey’s catacombs.

  Once in the scriptorium they seated themselves in a corner while Fidelma recounted the conversation she had had with Sister Inginde.

  ‘So, according to what Sister Inginde was told by Sister Radegund, Valretrade was supposed to have left a note with Abbess Audofleda explaining that she was leaving Autun,’ she concluded.

  Brother Sigeric’s reaction was immediate.

  ‘Lies!’ he snapped. ‘I swear she must be a prisoner in the Domus Femini. It is some fiendish punishment of that woman Audofleda.’

  ‘We can ask to see this note,’ Eadulf suggested. ‘I suppose Valretrade had the capability of writing it?’

  Brother Sigeric frowned. ‘Of course she could write.’

  ‘Ah yes.’ Eadulf suddenly remembered. ‘I am sorry. You told us that she had worked in the scriptorium with you. So, would we recognise her handwriting?’

  ‘All scribes write with their own peculiarities,’ Sigeric said. ‘She wrote with a distinctive hand, and with the letters “b” and “d” she had a tendency to put a short diagonal line across their stem.’

  ‘Very well,’ said Fidelma, ‘we must remember that and see if we can have sight of this letter.’

  ‘Letter or not, she would not leave without communicating with me. I insist that she did not leave of her own accord.’

  ‘Are you saying that she was abducted?’ Eadulf asked.

  ‘That is precisely what I am saying. There are rumours…about other women and their children…’

  ‘Rumours?’ demanded Fidelma. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘They say that wives and children have disappeared from the Domus Femini.’

  ‘You mean the wives and children of some of the brethren here?’

  Brother Sigeric nodded and Fidelma exhaled in irritation.

  ‘Why was I not told before? Never mind! When did you hear such rumours?’ she asked.

  Brother Sigeric ran the fingers of one hand through his hair as if the
motion would spark off memory.

  ‘I am not sure. They began during the last two or three weeks. Some of the brethren were speaking of it. Valretrade once mentioned that some of the married women had decided to leave.’

  ‘Can you remember her precise words?’

  Brother Sigeric thought for a moment. ‘Not really–I’m sorry.’

  ‘Did she know of any reasons for their leaving? What did these women say?’

  ‘They were gone before any of the community knew they were leaving so she never spoke to any of them.’

  Fidelma’s eyes narrowed. ‘Do you mean that they disappeared from the Domus Femini in the same manner as Valretrade?’

  The young scribe stared at her, trying to read a meaning in the question.

  ‘Disappeared?’ he echoed.

  ‘How many married women and children are, or were, in the community?’

  ‘Brother Chilperic would know the correct number,’ began the scribe.

  ‘An estimate,’ snapped Fidelma. ‘You can surely give us that.’

  ‘I suppose about thirty or more of the brethren had liaisons or were married, and there were about a dozen children.’

  ‘And these brethren–have they left here?’

  He shook his head. ‘No, the brethren are still here in the abbey. They were mainly the ones who decided to obey Bishop Leodegar and divorce their wives–like Brother Chilperic.’

  ‘So, how many of their wives and children were still left in the Domus Femini? Fidelma’s jaw had tightened and she banged her fist on the nearby table, startling them both. ‘Information! Sine scientia ars nihil est!’ Without knowledge, skill is nothing.

  ‘I don’t understand,’ ventured Brother Sigeric.

  ‘I cannot conduct an investigation without information. Had I known about these stories of wives and children being missing, then I could have asked relevant questions.’

  ‘But it was just rumours,’ protested Brother Sigeric. ‘Except…’

  ‘Except what?’ demanded Fidelma.

  ‘One of the brethren was speaking to a merchant from the city. The man was buying some of our surplus farm produce. He said that he saw three of the female religious with a foreign man. He was surprised because he knew them to be from the Domus Femini and formerly married to some of the brethren before…’ He ended with a gesture.

  ‘And when were they seen?’

  ‘Just over a week ago.’

  ‘Where? In the city?’

  ‘They were seen entering Lady Beretrude’s villa.’

  Fidelma did not comment for a while and then she said: ‘I should have known this so that I could verify it. If stories of the disappearances are true…’ she blinked tiredly, ‘then there are many questions to be asked.’

  Chapter Twelve

  The next morning, after prayers and the breaking of the fast, Fidelma and Eadulf found Brother Chilperic waiting for them outside the refectory. He seemed anxious.

  ‘Bishop Leodegar requests that you attend him in his chambers as soon as possible.’ The steward’s tone matched the tense expression on his features.

  ‘Abbess Audofleda has protested,’ muttered Eadulf.

  They found the bishop in an angry mood.

  ‘I have received a complaint from Abbess Audofleda.’

  Fidelma was unperturbed by his belligerent manner and, in fact, assumed a sad expression, shaking her head as if in sorrow.

  ‘Indeed, I wanted a word with you about that woman before we send our report to Rome.’

  ‘She tells me,’ Bishop Leodegar fumed, ‘that you have been insulting and forget your—’ He halted and frowned. ‘Send to Rome? Explain yourself.’

  ‘I wanted to discuss the matter with you immediately, but it so happened that I encountered an old friend of mine, the Bishop of Rome’s emissary to the council.’

  ‘The Nuntius Peregrinus?’ Bishop Leodegar’s demeanour changed slightly. ‘Do you know him? He did not tell me.’

  ‘Of course. I was going to discuss the abbatissa with you, but after speaking with him, I felt it was a matter that I should bring to his attention and forward my complaint to Rome.’

  Bishop Leodegar was bewildered. ‘Complaint? Complaint? But it is Abbess Audofleda who complains of you.’

  Fidelma shrugged with a tired expression. ‘Well, she would, I suppose. It seems a good defence to do so. But I feel that I cannot overlook this matter.’

  ‘You cannot overlook…? What are you saying?’

  ‘I believe you have mentioned that this abbey–that both communities, in fact–have already adopted the Rule of Benedict?’

  Bishop Leodegar nodded slowly.

  ‘Then I suggest you instruct Abbess Audofleda as to that Rule, for does it not say that abbatissa ought always to remember that they are representatives of the Christ and must be mindful of the tremendous judgement that awaits them if they do not carry out their work in the manner of a poor and unworthy toiler in the field? From the start, her arrogance surpassed my imagination. And when I told her that we spoke in your name, for you have conceded authority to us to investigate and come to some conclusion on the unnatural death of Abbot Dabhóc, she refused utterly to co-operate. I asked myself, who is in charge of this community? Is it you, or is it Abbess Audofleda?’

  Bishop Leodegar flushed. ‘Abbess Audofleda is in charge of the Domus Femini but under my jurisdiction,’ he said defensively. ‘This is not what she told me.’

  ‘Of course not,’ Fidelma said. ‘I suggest that her position and the Rule are carefully explained to her, for she has shown disrespect to you as her superior.’

  ‘Abbess Audofleda said—’ began Bishop Leodegar, trying to salvage his original complaint.

  ‘I am not interested in what she said,’ interrupted Fidelma. ‘It is annoying that she should so far forget her position and duties as head of the female community that she feels able to disobey the authority you gave us. Is it wise that a woman of her background, without any formal training or previous life in the religious, should be put in charge of the Domus Femini?’

  Fidelma normally would never have mentioned the background of a woman in such a manner, but she did nothing without a purpose.

  Bishop Leodegar was flustered now, trying to cope with an unexpected situation.

  ‘Abbess Audofleda,’ he began again, ‘says—’

  ‘And I said that I am not concerned with Abbess Audofleda’s protests! But I am most irritated by her actions, and have decided that she is in grave error. When the Nuntius Peregrinus leaves for Rome, I shall ask him to report the situation here to my good friend, the nomenclator to His Holiness.’

  Bishop Leodegar’s mouth slackened. He ran his tongue over his lips.

  ‘The nomenclator?’ he croaked.

  ‘The Venerable Gelasius. When I was in Rome, I conducted an enquiry for him. I thought that you knew that? I shall be asking the Nuntius Peregrinus to take a letter to the Venerable Gelasius to inform him of the conditions that I found here and which I feel should be considered.’

  Bishop Leodegar’s features showed his concern.

  ‘Venerable Gelasius?’ he muttered. He clearly knew of the reputation of the nomenclator of the Lateran Palace.

  ‘I presume that you know him?’ pressed Fidelma.

  Bishop Leodegar shook his head. ‘I have received instructions from him on the running of this council…letters he sent on behalf of the Holy Father.’

  ‘As nomenclator, he receives all complaints and petitions and advises the Bishop of Rome how to act upon them. I felt that the Venerable Gelasius should know how the head of one of the communities acts, especially when that community is currently the centre of an important debate on the future of the western churches. Were these facts known, it could well be that the authority of this council would be called into question.’

  Bishop Leodegar spread his hands plaintively. His voice was unnaturally subdued.

  ‘I am sure there is some misunderstanding, Sister. Perhaps you have misint
erpreted Abbess Audofleda’s attitude?’

  Fidelma appeared surprised. ‘On the contrary, I thought Abbess Audofleda expressed herself very concisely.’

  ‘She may have been under a misapprehension,’ the bishop coughed. ‘I had not personally told her of your authority. My steward, Brother Chilperic, may not have set out the situation clearly to her.’

  Fidelma was not mollified.

  ‘I thought that she was most forceful on the subject. After all, you also explained our position at evening prayers on the day we arrived here.’

  Like most autocratic people, as Fidelma had already surmised, the bishop was in awe of those with greater powers and autocracy.

  ‘Perhaps if I explained again to Abbess Audofleda?’ he said persuasively. ‘This time, I will do so in person. Can we not rescind the idea of this letter to the Venerable Gelasius? It would be untimely in view of Rome’s interests in the outcome of this council. I know–let us wait on a decision on the matter until the time is ready for the Nuntius to commence his journey to Rome. What do you say to that?’

  At this point, Eadulf, inwardly smiling, decided to play his part: ‘Perhaps Bishop Leodegar is correct,’ he said heavily. ‘Perhaps the Abbess Audofleda behaved wrongly due to ignorance but there is no need to bring down censure on the entire community here. I am sure we can leave it to the bishop to point out the error of her ways.’

  Bishop Leodegar began to look hopeful.

  ‘I think I will be able to persuade Abbess Audofleda to be more cooperative and will certainly censure her on your behalf.’

  ‘And allow Brother Eadulf and myself the freedom of the Domus Femini to pursue our investigation?’

  Bishop Leodegar inclined his head in submission.

  Fidelma still seemed relcutant. Then she sighed.

  ‘Very well. For the time being, I shall put this letter of complaint aside. We will review the matter when the time comes to make reports to Rome about this council. By the way, one of the witnesses that I have consulted is the scribe Brother Sigeric. He has been most helpful. I would not like anything to happen to him.’


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