Fast Pitch

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Fast Pitch Page 13

by Graysen Morgen

  "I've never seen so many cowboy hats and pairs of boots in one place," Whitney said.

  "I guess you've never been to Texas," Bailey said to her with a raised eyebrow. Whitney looked down at her tight jeans and boots realizing she fit right in.

  "Country girls," Whitney said shaking her head.

  "What's that supposed to mean?" Bailey said.

  "I've heard the saying there's nothing like a country girl. If you catch one hang on for the ride," Whitney said.

  Bailey laughed. "A country girl would rock your silly little world city slicker."

  Graham was listening to the two of them as she waited for the bags. She thought about commenting but knew better. Bailey did look smoking hot in her jeans and boots with her hair down in loose waves around her shoulders. For some reason the worn-looking t-shirt with the Central Oregon logo stretched tightly across her chest didn't make her stand out. In fact, she seemed to fit right in with the locals even taking the time to talk to a few people from other planes that were also waiting for their bags.

  "She's a pistol, who knew?" Whitney said nodding towards Bailey. Graham smiled shaking her head.

  Their bags began circling on the platform and everyone rushed to grab their own luggage as well as their batting bags. The coaches grabbed the rest of the team equipment and began loading everything on large metal carts. Once they had everything they pushed the carts outside to the large bus waiting along the curb that was similar to the ones they chartered for road trips. Each member of the team loaded her own bags and then helped load the remaining equipment.

  Graham sat down next to Whitney at the front of the bus for the short ride through the city to the hotel.

  "Are you okay sharing a room with Dashtin?" Whitney asked.

  "Yeah, I'll be fine. We've talked and although things aren't exactly peachy keen, we do want to remain friends. Thanks for asking," Graham said. "In the end, we're all friends and we're all teammates. That's what's most important next to winning the championship of course."

  "Spoken like a true captain," Whitney teased.

  Chapter 22

  Graham was excited to take the field for their first game against Michigan, a team she'd never seen play. Bailey was pitching like a pro and the rest of the team was right on the money scoring at least one run every inning. In the bottom of the sixth Graham hit a two run RBI that took the Pioneers up over the other team by eight runs invoking the mercy rule and subsequently ending the game.

  The next night they played just as strongly against Virginia Tech, another team they'd never played. Whitney and Katie both hit home runs with runners on base and Sarah pitched the first three innings to give Bailey's arm some rest. She went two and a half innings with no hits and then the other team found her weak spot and began getting hit after hit, so Bailey replaced her and closed out the game with mostly strikeouts before the other team could catch up to them on the scoreboard. The Pioneers shook hands with the other team and cheered all the way to their bus.

  "What a game, ladies!" Coach Walker cheered with them as she stepped onto the bus. "If we keep playing like this we'll be unstoppable."

  They arrived back at the hotel full of energy. The team was still cheering and celebrating their winning streak as they walked inside. Coach Walker and Coach Parker stayed outside with the bus driver talking to him about their schedule for the next day.

  Dashtin and Whitney went to check out the hotel bar while most of the team went into the dining room in search of late night snacks. It was already close to ten o'clock.

  Graham continued to the elevator shaking her head. She knew she was in for a long night with this group. Bailey jumped on before the doors closed.

  "You pitched a great game today," Graham said.

  "Thanks. Everyone is playing so well."

  The doors opened on their floor and they went to their separate rooms. Graham looked back over her shoulder in time to see Bailey enter her room. She opened her own door and went straight to the shower. The hot water helped relax her aching muscles. Squatting to catch a ball for the past eight years was starting to catch up to her. She finished her shower and barely had time to cover up with a towel before Dashtin barged into the bathroom like her hair was on fire.

  "What's wrong?" Graham asked pulling her towel a little tighter.

  "Get dressed. We're all meeting in twenty minutes and going to that honky-tonk bar downstairs," Dashtin said stripping her uniform and turning the shower on. Graham shook her head and walked out of the bathroom before Dashtin was completely naked.

  Graham dressed in a relaxed fit pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. She searched her bag for suitable footwear and was thankful she decided to pack her Doc Marten's. She was sure flip flops or sneakers weren't proper attire for a honky-tonk in the middle of Oklahoma. She put a little bit of gel in her messy short hair and sat in the chair by the window to tie her shoes.

  Dashtin emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later with her long hair freshly blow-dried. Graham had no idea how she could shower and dry her hair in record time, but she seemed to do it like it was second nature. Graham watched her pull on a pair of jeans, a polo shirt with the collar wide open, and a dark pair of shoes.

  "Ready?" Dashtin said.

  Graham nodded and followed Dashtin out of the room. As angry as she was with her best friend over the few weeks she was happy to have her back in her life. Most of the girls were also in the hallway. Graham saw Bailey talking to Whitney. Her hair was down around her shoulders and curlier than normal because she didn't have time to blow-dry it. She looked like the country girl that she was in boots, tight jeans, and a tight t-shirt stretched across her breasts that was short enough for the silky tan skin of her stomach to peak out when she moved a certain way. She was sexy; there was no doubt about it. Graham looked away.

  Country music was blaring when they stepped out of the elevator. Dashtin led the group into the bar. She and Whitney pulled a bunch of high-top tables together and the rest of the girls gathered around. Graham looked around and there were a lot of local people and at least two other softball teams in the small bar. The dance floor was packed with people line dancing.

  The waitress carded everyone and brought a couple of pitchers of light beer out to the handful that were old enough to drink. She filled their plastic cups to the top for the first round. The rest of the group ordered sodas. Dashtin held her beer up to toast the team after all of the drinks arrived. It had been a while since Graham was out and the cold beer rushing down her throat tasted better than ever.

  A few of the girls disappeared to the dance floor. Bailey squeezed right into the front of the line dancing group and began moving right along with them. Graham leaned against the table watching Bailey dance. Katie and Sarah were in the back trying to figure out the dance and had just gotten the steps down when the song was over. Another fast song started and the group began dancing a completely different line dance that apparently Bailey knew all of the steps to. She hooked her thumbs through her belt loops and spun around kicking and clapping in step with everyone around her.

  "No matter how hard I try I can't do that shit," Katie said breathless.

  Dashtin laughed. "Don't look at me. I'm from Seattle."

  The next song broke the group up into couples dancing along to the fast song. Whitney and Vanessa raced out to the floor to shake it with Bailey. They were smiling and laughing together as they danced. A bunch of players from the other two teams were also out there dancing.

  "Want to join them?" Dashtin asked Graham.

  "I'm scared to get into that crowd." Graham laughed.

  "Oh come on," Dashtin pushed her towards the wooden floor. They danced together, but kept their distance.

  The next song started and Bailey grabbed the front of Graham's shirt pulling her close. Graham looked down shaking her head no. Bailey grinned and moved against her. Dashtin and Whitney both raised an eyebrow and watched the younger woman work her magic teasing Graham as she rocked her hips back an
d forth. It took seconds for Graham to react. She wrapped her arms around Bailey's slender waist grinding their bodies together. She bent Bailey back with their crotches together and pulled her back up against her. They moved seductively like a scene from the movie 'Dirty Dancing', but stayed right on the beat of the fast country song.

  Graham stepped away from Bailey walking back to the table as the song changed to a slower one. She drank a long sip of her cold beer.

  "I never knew country music could be that hot," Whitney teased stepping up to the table next to Graham.

  Graham rolled her eyes taking another sip.

  "Maybe I can find a little country girl to rock my world while we're here," Whitney said eyeing the crowd. "Who's that with Bailey?"

  Graham turned to see Bailey standing near the dance floor with her arms around a girl that was a little bit taller than her with light brown hair. They looked a little too close for a friendly hug.

  "I have no idea," Graham said. "Maybe she has a new girlfriend."

  "It looked to me like you two were back together," Whitney said.

  "We're not," Graham said.

  The music changed again to a faster song and Bailey walked back to the dance floor with the mystery girl.

  "It looks like they definitely know each other," Whitney said watching the two girls dancing close. Bailey kept her distance not exactly grinding with the girl like she had done with Graham, but the girl tried hard to get closer to her.

  Graham grabbed Whitney's hand and pulled her to the dance floor. They'd rarely danced together, but Whitney fell right in step moving against Graham until she was tapped on the shoulder by a busty blond in short shorts and cowboy boots. Whitney laughed and backed away allowing the Daisy Duke look-a-like to step into Graham's dance space.

  Graham danced close to the stranger who made it a point to rub her large fake boobs on her. She was very pretty and by the way she was dancing on Graham like she was a human pole Graham figured she was probably a dancer at a local gentleman's club. She moved to the beat of the music matching every roll of the blonde's flirtatious hips with her own until the blond was replaced by a petite brunette with daggers in her green eyes.

  The song changed and everyone on the floor separated for another line dance. Graham walked back to the table with Bailey hot on her heels.

  "Where's the blond?" Dashtin asked.

  "Daisy Duke needed to get her ass back to Hazard County," Bailey sneered.

  "Who are you to say anything?" Graham looked at her.

  Bailey was about to put her in her place when the stranger she was seen dancing with walked up casually placing her arm around Bailey's shoulders. Graham raised an eyebrow. Bailey slid away from the embrace.

  "And you are?" Dashtin asked.

  "Sammy," the girl said sticking her hand out.

  "As in-" Graham started.

  "Yes," Bailey answered. "She plays for Texas A&M."

  "What a nice time for a reunion. It looks like you two are catching up right where you left off. Don't let me get in the way," Graham said sarcastically reaching for the pitcher to refill her cup.

  "I'm sorry I chased off your bimbo. Would you like me to go down the street to the titty bar and bring her back?" Bailey growled.

  Graham shook her head and grinned. She tried to walk away but Bailey stopped her near the table.

  "You've got a thing or two to learn about me if you think I'm going to let you mess around on me twice," Graham said.

  "I wasn't out there rubbing all over some nasty stripper!"

  "No, you were just grinding all over your ex-girlfriend because that's so much better," Graham countered and walked towards the dance floor.

  "How long have they been together?" Sammy asked listening to the heated conversation a few feet away.

  "A while," Dashtin said eyeing the stranger. She was obviously Bailey's age and pretty with light brown hair and brown eyes. "How do you know Bailey?"

  "We're from the same town. We went to school together," Sammy said watching Bailey follow Graham to the middle of the room.

  The fast song ended and a slow song began.

  "Dance with me," Bailey said pulling Graham into her arms.

  "Bailey," Graham said shaking her head.

  "One dance and I'll go my own way the rest of the night if that's what you want," Bailey said placing her arms around Graham's neck. Graham gave in wrapping her arms around Bailey's waist keeping space between them.

  They swayed back and forth slowly closing the gap as the song progressed. Bailey laid her head on Graham's shoulder facing her neck. Graham closed her eyes, holding Bailey against her felt so good. The scent of her floral shampoo sent chills down her spine. She missed the way Bailey felt in her arms.

  They pulled away from each other slowly when the song ended. Bailey reached up to wipe tears from her face and Graham's hand was already there. She looked up into blue eyes as Graham caught the tears pushing them aside gently with her thumb.

  "I'm tired of pretending I don't love you," Graham said bending her head and softly kissing Bailey's lips.

  Bailey opened her mouth to Graham deepening the kiss. She wrapped her arms around her as tears of sadness turned to tears of joy. An eruption of cheers broke their concentration. Graham and Bailey turned to see all of their teammates cheering for them. Graham wrapped her arm around Bailey walking back to the table with a huge smile on her face.

  "It's about time you two figured it out," Whitney said holding her cup in the air.

  "I think I'm going to call it a night," Graham said. "No more beer and don't stay here too much longer. We have a big day tomorrow and everyone needs to be fresh on their feet without foggy heads."

  Bailey grabbed Graham's hand walking out of the bar with her. They rode the elevator up to the fourth floor and stepped off together.

  "I want to take it slow. Is that okay with you?" Graham said.

  "Nothing matters as long as I have you," Bailey said.

  Graham kissed her a little harder than she meant to pushing Bailey back against the wall. Bailey ran her hands up Graham's back under her shirt. Both women pulled away breathless.

  "So much for going slow," Bailey teased.

  Graham grinned. "Goodnight. I'll see you in the morning," she said before walking to her room.

  Chapter 23

  The next afternoon Graham was late meeting the team for lunch and no one had seen her all morning because her socialite mother had her doing a phone interview for her high-society newspaper. She didn't want to do the interview, but she didn't feel like dealing with the wrath of her mother who was apparently way too busy with her social calendar to fly to Oklahoma to actually see her daughter play.

  Graham had just stepped from the elevator when she ran into Sammy coming out of the dining room.

  "You'd be surprised what a stroll down memory lane does to the mind," Sammy said.

  "What are you getting at?"

  "Bailey's already talking about getting together when she comes home for the summer in a few weeks."

  "Is that so? Let me tell you something, Sammy. If you want to be in Bailey's life you better get used to my name and used to seeing me around because I'm not going anywhere," Graham said stepping a little closer.

  "You never forget your first love, just remember that," Sammy snickered and walked away.

  Graham shook her head and walked into the dining room. Bailey was sitting with Claudia and Katie.

  "What's the matter, Graham? Country girl rock your world a little too hard?" Whitney said.

  Graham rolled her eyes and shot her a bird as she walked towards the breakfast bar. She methodically placed a turkey sandwich, a spoonful of macaroni and cheese, and a banana on her plate and sat down next to Dashtin across from Whitney.

  Whitney opened her mouth to speak and Graham picked up her banana pointing it at her.

  "If you say one more stupid remark I'm going to slap you with this," Graham said.

  "That bad?" Dashtin said.

nbsp; "I swear the woman thinks she's a Kennedy and she's more like the 'unsinkable Molly Brown' from the Titanic," Graham said.

  "I can't believe your mom made you do a phone interview for her newspaper," Whitney said.

  Graham looked at Dashtin. "Everyone kept asking where you were since Bailey was here and not with you. I said you were talking with your mother's newspaper."

  "It's not actually my mother's paper. It's more of a high-society news letter for the people of Oregon who think their shit doesn't stink. My mother's a pain in my ass," Graham said between bites of her sandwich.

  "I meant to tell you my dad finally made it. He was able to get out of going to Tokyo," Dashtin said.

  "Oh that's great that he made it for the finals," Graham said.

  "I can't believe the hometown favorite Oklahoma lost in the late game last night and now we're in the finals against Texas A&M for the championship," Whitney said.

  "I personally wish we were playing someone else," Graham said opening her banana.

  "How did the thing go with your mom?" Bailey asked taking a bite of Graham's banana from her hand as she stood next to her.

  Graham looked up at her and smiled. "Fine. I'm sure my interview will be on the front page," she said pushing her chair back to go clear her plate in the trash. "I ran into your old flame in the hallway before I came in here. She made some comment about hooking up when you go home for the summer."

  "Oh good grief," Bailey rolled her eyes. "Sammy's just trying to push your buttons. She can be an ass sometimes. I said we should get together for lunch one day to catch up when I'm home."

  Graham grinned. "I think I told her something along the lines of get used to me because I'm not going anywhere."

  Bailey kissed her cheek. "You have nothing to worry about. In fact, I may have added fuel to the fire the other night when I told her I was madly in love with you and planned to spend the rest of my life with you. That's why she came over and put her arm around me."


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