The Final Fight

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The Final Fight Page 30

by JB Salsbury

  Unable to stand another minute and fearing I might ruin my tux pants, I take AJ’s hand with my bad one and bring it to my belly. “Take me out.”

  In what seems like seconds, she has me rock hard, in her hand, and guiding me between her legs, just as eager for me as I am her.

  I tug her panties to the side. “I don’t have a condom.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “Fuck.” I lean my forehead against hers and try to find some scrap of sanity, search for clear thinking, but it’s impossible as she uses my dick to pleasure herself. “I want to take care of you, but I’m physically incapable of moving from this spot—don’t stop, that feels so good.”

  My phone buzzes in my pocket, but it’s merely a background distraction, easily ignored.

  She continues to torture me, and my hips flex into her hand. “Please, Braeden.”

  “You sure? I’m clean. I haven’t been with anyone since you, baby.”

  “Me either . . .” Her words fade on a groan.

  But I freeze and look down at her. “You either what?”

  “You were my last.” Her eyes are closed as she continues to rub me against her.


  Her lids lift at my stern calling of her name. “Are you saying you never had sex with Moneybags?”

  “No. I couldn’t. I was still in love with you.”

  In love with me.

  With that, I thrust hard, past the grip of her hand and straight fucking home.

  She gasps as her body swallows me up in a tight grip. “Yes.”

  There’s no going slow as her words tumble through my head. She loves me. This girl fucking loves me!

  I reach down and grip her thigh, pulling up her leg to open her—

  She hisses in pain.

  “Oh fuck, I’m sorry.” The scar, her hip. Slow the hell down, prick! I cover her neck and jaw in apologetic kisses, forcing myself to an unhurried pace. “This better? You okay?”

  She nods, and within seconds, it all becomes too much. Memories of our time together flood my vision: her smile when we first met, the sound of her laughter when we’d lie in bed for hours talking, the taste of her tears. All of it mixes with the new memories we’ve made—her stubborn refusal to give up on me. God, how did I not see it before?

  We are pathetically and completely in love.

  It’s on that thought that I hit deep within her, making us both detonate. She moans and falls limp into my hold as I continue to move, bringing her back slowly while emptying myself inside her.

  My phone buzzes again, but it could burst into flames for all I care.

  I run my lips along her throat to her jaw, long tendrils of her hair tickling my face. We’re both breathing heavily, and when I pull back, I can’t help but grin. I messed up her hair, smeared her makeup, but AJ looks sated as a slow smile curves her lips.

  “I, uh . . .” I use my good hand to try and tuck those silken locks back into place and wipe pink lip gloss from her chin. “I’m sorry I fucked up all your hard work.”

  She giggles and then gasps as I slide out of her and tuck myself back into my pants. “I don’t mind.” Her body falls heavily back against the wall, and I do my best to put her dress back together. “I’ve been waiting a long time for that.”

  Her husky southern drawl brings me back to her mouth for another long kiss. “You said you love me,” I whisper against her lips.

  “You said it first.”

  I look her in the eyes and search for something, anything that might tell me this isn’t real, that she’s lying or that I misunderstood, but all that shines back is truth.

  “Are you sure, AJ? I’m far from perfect, and I’ll never be what you deserve.” I trace the shape of her bottom lip with my thumb. “Am I really who you want?”

  “More than anything. Since the first night we were together, you’ve been the one. I know I—” Her eyes dart down to my pocket. “Are you going to get that?”

  My motherfucking phone is jackhammering between us. “No.”


  “You’re all I care about right now. I don’t give a fuck who—shit.” My phone buzzes again.

  “I think you should answer it,” she says through a small rumble of laughter.

  “Fine.” I rip the device from my pants and hit accept. “What!”

  “Uh . . . Uncle Brae?”

  I drop my head back and breathe at the sound of Axelle’s voice. “Yeah, kiddo. Sorry. What’s up?”

  “Blake said you were on your way, but that was thirty minutes ago.”

  I watch as AJ watches me. “I’m picking up AJ now. We’ll be there in ten.”

  Axelle breathes a sigh of relief. “Okay, no worries, I just wanted to make sure nothing happened.”

  “Ax, babe, you don’t need to worry about me. Nothing in the world would stop me from being there to stand up for you. See you soon.”

  “’Kay. Love you.”

  The phone line goes dead, and I shove the device back into my pocket while moving to the door. “That was Ax.”

  Her eyes widen, and she scurries off toward the stairs. “Give me a second. I just need to get cleaned up and um . . . change my panties.”

  I tilt my head and allow my gaze to follow her sexy ass up the stairs. Knowing I’m the reason she’ll need new panties makes my chest swell, and my mind immediately conjures up plans to dirty the next pair.

  While she’s gone, I find a small bathroom downstairs and put myself back together, wash my hands, and splash some cold water on my face. I hear AJ’s hurried footsteps coming down the stairs and meet her at the front door.

  Whatever she did up there makes her look even more beautiful than she did when she answered the door. Maybe it’s her flushed cheeks or the sultry smile on her face that says she’s carrying a naughty secret; the combination is hot.

  “Hey.” I snag her elbow and pull her in for a soft peck on the lips. “We’re not finished talking.”

  She blinks up at me, and her eyes flare when I lick her gloss from my mouth. “I know.”

  “After my girl gets married off, you and I are gonna finish what we started.”

  She pushes up on her toes and kisses my jaw on my scarred side where she whispers, “Or are we going to start back up what we never had the chance to finish.”

  I’ve got no money.

  No future to offer a woman like AJ.

  But I did the selfless hero thing with her once.

  I’m not making that mistake again.

  I love her. I’m not giving her up.



  Sitting in Braeden’s car as he pulls out of my condo parking lot, I can’t help but wonder if this is what people mean when they talk about having emotional whiplash.

  My body still warm from having his pressed against me, inside me, my cheeks hold a permanent blush. It all happened so fast. He told me he loves me. I told him I love him too, and BAM, seconds later I’m pinned to the wall by Braeden.

  I press my thighs together to squelch the hunger that lingers between them.

  He loves me. Braeden loves me—

  “You okay, muffin?”

  Muffin. My inner lovesick girl squeals with excitement. “Never better.”

  It’s hard to tell since his scarred side is facing me, but I’d swear he smiled. He adjusts in his seat, and my eyes are drawn to the crotch of his slacks, which seem a tad too tight. The last thing he needs is to embarrass himself walking into his niece’s wedding.

  “Are you?”

  He adjusts himself in his seat. “Great.”

  I clear my throat. “Where are we headed?” It’s a genuine question, and maybe talking will help diffuse the sexual tension growing between us.

  He checks his rearview mirror before merging onto the freeway. “A little chapel at Paris. Ax and Kill have history at the place, I guess.” He hits the gas, making the engine rumble. “Reception is there too.”

  My hands knot together in my lap as I con
sider being in a room with all of Braeden’s closest family and friends. What if they ask me questions about who I am or rather what I am to Brae.

  Do I say we’re just friends?

  Even though we both know we’re so much more?

  “You over it now?”

  Confused, I look over to find Braeden darting his gaze between me and the road ahead. “Over what?”

  He nods to his left where the Las Vegas strip lined with bigger-than-life hotels and casinos looms in the distance. “The AJ I remember couldn’t peel her eyes off it. Now, seems like you can barely stand the sight of it.”

  I make myself look and he’s right. After a few seconds, I’m forced to turn away. I hate it. “It’s not real. The lights, the casinos, the grandeur, it’s all part of the illusion.”

  He doesn’t take his eyes off the road. “You fell. Shit happens. Doesn’t mean this place isn’t still brimming with opportunity.”


  “Are you, uh . . . still working for Señor Millionaire?” It sounds as if he’s speaking through clenched teeth.

  “No. Just before I moved out, he gave me my two weeks’.”

  His head whips around to scowl at me. “Wait. He fired you? Because you broke up with him? Is that legal?”

  “Do you want me to still work for Andre?”

  “Fuck no! But I don’t think it’s cool to fire you just because he’s butt hurt.”

  I shrug. “He didn’t really fire me, but he quit for me. It’s not like I care. I hated sitting behind a desk all day. It hurt my hip.”

  “But I thought you said moving hurts.”

  I turn to look at him. “Now you understand my problem.”

  He doesn’t acknowledge that with more than a look of focus as he exits the freeway to take us to the strip.

  “How about you?” I pick at the lace of my dress. “Any big career plans?”

  “I’m still trying to figure that out. Hard to get a job when I have minimal use of my hand.” He down shifts, and even though he’s made such progress as to be able to drive, he winces a little at the movement. “But, thanks to you, I don’t think I’m ready to give up trying.”

  My chest swells with warmth. “You know a wise man once told me that, if you work hard enough at something, even failure is success.”

  The side of his mouth ticks up a little. “That man sounds like a stud.”

  Now it’s my turn to smile. “He’s alright.”

  “Bet he’s got a big dick, though.”

  Heat flashes over my body, my thighs tingle, and my cheeks burn. “Yeah, I was just reminded of its size quite recently.” I have to turn away to keep him from seeing the ridiculous smile and blush I’m sporting.

  “For the sake of keeping up my reputation, you’re going to be reminded of that again real soon, muffin.”

  “Good thing I stashed spare panties in my purse.”

  His low and rumbling chuckle lightens a little of the tension just in time for him to pull the car up to the valet at Paris.

  With his chin down, he grabs his tuxedo coat and drapes the tie over his neck before tossing the valet his keys. I wait for him at the curb, and when he rounds the car to me, he grabs my hand.

  Startled by the contact, I stare at our connection.

  He acts like he doesn’t notice my pause and tugs me through the doors into the casino. “Come on, muff. Let’s go have some fun.”



  “I don’t like it.”

  Layla smacks my bicep while I glare at the newlywed couple spinning circles around the dance floor as if they’re the only two people in the world. “Shut up. You love Kill.”

  “I do.” I lean back in my chair but keep my eyes on the groom and his grabby hands. “I think Kill’s a great guy. I just don’t like him with my niece.”

  Blake rubs a hand over his face and groans. “If he doesn’t take his hand off her ass in ten seconds, I swear to God—”

  “She’s his wife!” Layla’s stares at her husband in disbelief.

  I swirl my straw in my Coke. “I say we throw a pillowcase over his head, toss him in the trunk, and drop him off in the middle of the desert.”

  Blake crosses his arms over his chest. “That’s actually not a bad idea.”

  “I’m sorry.” AJ leans forward. “I know I’m new here, but what am I missing? Killian is so sweet! I mean did you hear his vows?” She grips her neck, her eyes filling with tears.

  Layla nods, her lips turning down as she stifles the waterworks. “I know! And he wrote those himself. The part about her being the air in his lungs . . .”

  AJ nods and blinks, fighting off tears. “And when he said he knew from the moment he saw her that his life would never be the same again, ugh!”

  “I know; it was so romantic.”

  “Ladies, please.” I fold up my napkin and drop it on the table. “Those are just words. Deep down inside he’s a man who wants to . . .” I hold up my good hand. “I can’t even say it!”

  “Make love to his wife.” Layla says, wiping her eyes.

  Blake bristles. “Good Lord, Mouse! Don’t say that out loud.”

  I’m recovering from a wince. “No shit!”

  “You guys are horrible.” AJ puts her hand over mine, which has been placed possessively on her thigh for most of the night.

  I can’t help but touch her when she’s close. An irrational side of me wants to mark her neck with hickeys like some high-school hard-on so anyone who looks at her will know right away she’s mine.

  When I’m not close enough to touch, I can’t take my eyes off her. Standing at the head of the chapel listening to the JOP as she married Ax and Kill, I was fixed on AJ. She wiped her eyes repeatedly, and I was blown away that she’d have that kind of emotion for people she hardly knows. It only made me love her more.

  “So now that we’re on the back nine of this shindig, I can call you a dick for being late.” My brother’s voice pulls me from thoughts of the sexy woman at my side, who tenses at Blake’s words.

  “I wasn’t that late.” I squeeze AJ’s thigh, hoping to reassure her.

  “Blake, stop it.” Layla hisses into her champagne while watching Jack who’s been playing with Jonah and Raven’s daughter, Sadie, all night.

  When we showed up a little late to the chapel, Layla’s smile lit up so bright I thought her jaw might snap. I can’t explain how I knew, but I did. I knew my sister-in-law was on to us. Whatever she saw in our faces gave us away. AJ was mortified and asked if she had her dress on straight. I reassured her it was only because we were holding hands that Layla seemed so happy, even though I knew better. That freshly sexed-up look was written all over us.

  AJ shivers, and I rub away her goosebumps.

  I lean in close, and my breath on her bare shoulder causes her to quake again. “You cold?”

  “A little.”

  “Want to dance?”

  Her gaze tangles with mine. “Are you serious?”

  I trace the shell of her ear with my fingertip. “I was going to offer you my coat, but I’d rather keep you warm with my arms. Figure the best way to do that is on the dance floor.”

  “I’d love to.”

  There’s a soft sigh from across the table, and when I glance up, I find Layla curled into Blake’s side, smiling at us.

  I roll my eyes, earning a glare from her, then take AJ’s hand and guide her to the dance floor.

  Pulling her tiny body into mine, I rest my right hand on her hip and wrap the other around her back. I inwardly curse my bum arm, wondering if I’ll ever be able to hold AJ again the way I used to.

  She stares up at me. “This is a great song.”

  I tilt my head, listen, and groan. “Fucking Layla. She raised Axelle on this shit. Brainwashed the poor girl.”

  “Skid Row is not shit.” She sways to the song and sings along with the chorus. “I remember you . . . ya know, this song reminds me a lot of us.”

  I pull her closer. “
Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah . . .”

  “I looo-oove you,” I sing softly along with Sebastian Bach.

  She laughs, and there’s a softness to her smile just like when she was talking about Kill’s vows. “You do know this song.”

  “Who doesn’t. It’s a classic.”

  “I love you too, Braeden Matthew Daniels.”

  I know I look like Michael Meyers—sans mask—but the way AJ stares up at me makes me forget how fucked up I look. My feet still, and my smile falls so that we’re standing motionless in the middle of the dance floor. “I think we’re done here.”

  She looks around at all the couples flooding the dance floor. “What do you mean? I think the party’s just getting started.”

  “Ax and Kill said their I-dos, we ate, had cake, first dance happened, and now I want to take you home.”

  She swallows hard. “Your home or my home?

  I lean down to whisper in her ear, giving her my undamaged side, but she ducks and pushes up to take my scarred cheek against hers. I stall for a breath and then graze her jaw with my own. She melts into my arms. Fuck if that doesn’t make me feel like a man again.

  “AJ . . .” I whisper, and so much need and hunger hang on those two simple letters. “Wherever you are will always be home to me.”

  She nuzzles my neck, breathing me in and pressing her lips there. “Then what are we waiting for?”



  Leaving a big event like a wedding always takes about an hour.

  After hitting all the right tables and saying our good-byes, we managed to pull the bride and groom away from each other long enough for a quick hug and congratulations.

  Maybe it was just my paranoia, but I couldn’t help but feel like everyone knew we were running off to get naked. I suppose it could’ve been the way Braeden never took his hand off me unless it was to shake someone else’s. I got the sense that every time he had let me go, he got more and more frustrated, so I switched sides and looped my hand around his right arm.

  As we walk through the casino to the valet, he tugs me back to his left side and presses my body in close. With every step we take, the nervous excitement builds, and once we climb into his car, it skyrockets.


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