The Red Eye (The Red Eye Erotic Romance Series Book 2)

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The Red Eye (The Red Eye Erotic Romance Series Book 2) Page 4

by Phillips, Avery

  Where are you? I’m in the lobby waiting.

  I looked at the time. Holy shit! I’d overslept, and if I wasn’t quick, I’d be late for our follow-up meeting with Charles Daily.

  I threw on some clothes in a hurry and rushed downstairs. I’d have to grab a cup of coffee on the way to make up for the missed breakfast.

  “There’s my sleeping beauty! I was beginning to get worried about you.” Rick was sprawled over one of the chairs in the reception, looking as fresh as a daisy. How was it fair that he could look so good while I felt as though I’d been dragged through a bed of rocks?

  “Yes, well, I’m here now. Did you manage to put together the offer for Joe Clark?”

  “Got it right here.” Rick waved a sheaf of documents at me.

  “Good. I’ll look it over in the cab.” My manner was curt as I tried to cover my embarrassment at what had happened last night, but I knew that I wasn’t fooling anyone.

  “I got this for you.” Rick handed over a steaming cappuccino. “Just the way you like it.”

  “Thanks.” I took the cup from his hands and deliberately kept my focus on my coffee so that I wouldn’t have to look him in the eye. I’d done exactly what I said I wouldn’t do, and now I was paying the price.

  “Have you seen the papers?” Rick casually tossed the latest edition at me as we made our way outside to the corner to hail a cab. I stopped in my tracks when I saw the article in the middle of the page.

  It wasn’t unusual for Devon to be featured in the social pages. As one of the most eligible bachelors in New York, he was a favorite amongst gossip columnists. However, since we’d been dating, the paparazzi had been less interested in him once it became obvious that he was a one-woman man.

  Not anymore, it would appear.

  My heart sank as I read the article accompanying the photo of Devon standing hand in hand with a stunning redhead I wasn’t familiar with.

  New York socialite India Mays couldn’t stop smiling as she was snapped going out for dinner with Devon Caesar. Most recently linked with fellow attorney Rebecca Bevan, Devon was clearly looking to reclaim his title as New York’s most eligible bachelor, and fellow diners reported that the couple looked very much in love as they ate. When asked for a quote, Devon declined to comment, but if this writer is correct—and I always am!—it’s only a matter of time before we hear the sound of wedding bells for the most attractive couple to hit the New York scene.

  “Everything all right?” I was so angry that it was all I could do not to lash out at Rick. I felt like screaming, hitting, kicking, anything to release the wave of emotions crashing over me in the wake of learning that my boyfriend was cheating on me.

  A couple of days ago he’d asked me to move in with him. Now he was dating someone else. If that was his idea of love, he could keep it.

  However, I’d be damned if I let Rick know that he’d got to me, so I pulled on every ounce of professionalism I possessed and smiled brightly. “Absolutely fine.”

  “Really?” Rick raised one eyebrow. “Because knowing you the way that I do, I’d say that you were mad as hell. Given the news about Devon, it’s understandable, but—”

  “Shut up, Rick.” I spoke through gritted teeth. “Shut the fuck up.”

  He held his hands up in surrender and took a step back. “Hey. Don’t shoot the messenger. If you want my opinion, I think Devon’s an idiot—”

  “If I want your opinion, I’ll ask for it, and last I checked, my love life was none of your business.”

  I stalked ahead and wrenched open the door to a cab that was waiting outside of the hotel. I slumped onto the seat, slamming the door behind me, leaving Rick to walk round to the other side to get in. Wisely, he didn’t say anything, consulting his notes to prepare for the meeting, leaving me to seethe in silence.

  Gazing out of the window, I struggled to keep back the tears. Just because I’d turned down Devon’s offer to move in didn’t mean that I never wanted to move in, just not yet. How could he be so fickle?

  I made a decision. I’d see this case through to the end, and then when we got back to New York, I’d hand in my notice. I’d had plenty of firms make me offers over the past few months following my success with Douglas Leeson. I could have my pick of cities. Returning to California might be nice, and not only did it have sunshine, it had the added benefit of being a long, long way from Devon Caesar.

  Rick reached out and gave my hand a squeeze. “Come on, Rebecca. I’m sure it’s not that bad. I’m sure that if you spoke to him, there’s a good explanation for that article.”

  “Really?” I choked back a sarcastic laugh. “Because from where I’m standing, Devon’s holding hands with another woman and he looks rather happy about it.”

  “Yeah, but it’s the press. You know what they’re like. Anything to sell papers.” He took the newspaper from my hands and started turning the picture from side to side, looking at it from different angles. “Maybe they’re not holding hands. Maybe they took the shot at an angle and actually he’s trying to push her away.”

  I laughed despite myself. “Nice try, Rick, but I think you’re reaching. For whatever reason, Devon’s decided he can do better for himself, so good luck to him. If he can move on that quickly, then he clearly isn’t the man I thought he was.”

  I smiled sadly and turned to look out of the window for the last few minutes of the journey. It wasn’t so long ago that I would have collapsed in a blubbering heap at the wreck of my love life, but if there was one thing that Rick had taught me, it was that you never could know what someone else was thinking. I’d believed that Devon and I were falling in love, that we’d finally met our equal in each other, but perhaps he was just after someone to look good on his arm.

  Whatever. I didn’t need him.

  As we pulled up outside the offices of Andrew Clifton, I turned to Rick. “Would you mind taking point in this meeting? You seem to have a good rapport with Charles, and I’m really not sure that I’m up to hard negotiations this morning.”

  “Of course. Not a problem.”

  “But don’t forget. I’m still the—”

  “You’re still the boss. Got it.” Rick saluted and got out of the cab.


  I had to hand it to him. Rick might have been useless as a husband, but he was superb as a lawyer, and he had Charles Daily eating out of his hand from the moment he walked into his office. The morning was spent hammering out details of the offer they were going to make to Joe Clark, and when we broke for lunch, it really felt as though we were getting somewhere.

  One thing was clear. Rick didn’t need me.

  “Do you mind if I leave you to handle things this afternoon?” I put a hand to my forehead, faking pain. “I can feel a blazing headache coming on, and all you really need to do is rubber-stamp the final agreement. You can deal with that, can’t you?”

  “Sure thing.” Rick looked at me, a worried look on his face. “Are you all right, though? Can I get you anything?”

  “I’ll be fine. I just need to go back to my room and lie down for a bit. We’re meeting with Joe tomorrow and I’ll be there for that, so you can reassure Charles that he has the full backing of Caesar and Krause.”

  “Will do. You make sure you take care of yourself.”

  Rick saw a cab approaching and stuck his arm out to get it to stop before bundling me into the back.

  “You’ve got my cell, so if you do need me for anything, just give me a call,” I told him.

  Rick patted his pocket where he kept his phone. “Don’t worry. I’ve got your number if I need it, but I’m sure we’ll be fine. You just go back and get your head down. I remember what your migraines could be like, so take it easy and we can meet up in the morning before we see Joe.”

  “Thanks, Rick. I appreciate it.”

  The cab pulled away, and I could see Rick in the rearview mirror watching me leave, a strange look on his face.


  Hiding behind a fake headache migh
t not have been professional, but I’d hit a point where I didn’t care. I needed to get away from everything, from the demands of Charles Daily, who would, no doubt, be happier to deal with just Rick, good old Rick, who was apparently turning over a new leaf, and that no-good, cheating lowlife, Devon. Let’s not forget about him.

  When I got back to the hotel, I headed straight to the bar. I wasn’t sleepy, and sitting in my room would leave me with too much time alone with my thoughts. No, what I needed was a nice, strong drink. Or two. Or three.

  “Vodka and orange.”

  Since I was the only one at the bar, the bartender brought me my drink straightaway, and I sat, idly stirring the ice around as I admired his ass and wondered whether he’d be interested in coming up to my room after he’d finished work. Sex was always a good way of taking my mind off things, and there was no doubt that he was attractive. If it was okay for Devon to play the field the second I left town, there was nothing stopping me having my own little fun.

  “What time do you get off for the night?”

  The bartender grinned, knowing exactly why I was asking. “My shift ends at eight. And then my boyfriend is going to pick me up for dinner. It’s our anniversary.”

  Just my luck. “How long have you been together?”

  “A couple of years now.”

  “Pretty impressive. What’s your secret?”

  “Saying no every time a guest wants to hook up…” The words could have been highly insulting, but the way that he said them, the smile on his face, lightened the blow to my ego.

  “Touché.” I drained my glass before shaking it at him. “Another, please…” I squinted at his nametag. “Tim.”

  “Coming right up.” A moment later, Tim placed a new glass in front of me. “So what makes a nice girl like you want to drown her sorrows in the middle of the afternoon?”

  “What else?” I laughed bitterly. “Men.”

  “Men plural?”

  I nodded.

  “Girl, that’s half your problem right there. Get it down to one man and you’ll find that life is far less complicated.”

  “Ahhh, but that’s the issue. I thought I had, only it turns out that the second I left town, he was more than happy to jump into bed with someone else.”

  “Then clearly the guy’s an idiot and not worth wasting any more energy on.” Tim looked around to see if anyone was looking. “Here you go. That one’s on me.” He gave me another vodka, and I raised it in toast to him.

  A group of loudmouthed men in suits came in, and Tim cast me an apologetic look as he left me to go and serve them. Even though I wasn’t his type, I enjoyed the view as he bent over to fetch a glass from under the bar. It was about as close to any action as I was going to get that night. Call me picky, but I wasn’t about to be seduced by obviously married, middle-aged businessmen out for a bit of fun while the wife was at home. I might be depressed, but I wasn’t desperate.

  “So what’s a nice girl like you doing drinking by herself?” One of the suits separated from the pack and sidled up next to me.

  I rolled my eyes and slid my drink along the bar so I could turn my back on him. Undeterred, he came around to the other side. “Don’t be like that. Come on. It’s no fun drinking by yourself in the afternoon. Join us. I’ll make sure you have a good time.”

  As if he wasn’t insulting enough already, he rubbed his fingers and thumb together in the universal gesture for “I’ll pay you.”

  “Thanks for the drinks, Tim. I’ll catch you later.”

  I stood to leave. “You don’t have to go.” Tim looked concerned. “I can get them thrown out. I heard what he said.”

  “Hey, now, what’s the big deal?” The suit really didn’t know when to quit. “It’s pretty obvious why she’s here.”

  “Obvious, is it?” I picked up what was left of my vodka and orange and threw it on him. “Is that obvious enough for you? Thanks for the offer, Tim, but I’m done here.”

  I marched out, leaving his rude ass spluttering with outraged, flinging expletives at my retreating back. In a rage, I walked faster. I needed to get outside, and what better opportunity to spread my wings and explore the bountiful, bar-filled city, with hangout spots that didn’t have assholes in them. I was too close to exploding on the stranger.

  My heels clipped and clopped the pavement as I strolled in search of a lounge or nightclub where I could disappear anonymously with the rest of the nightlife. My body was tense, and as I walked, I rolled my neck to work out the kinks. My hips swayed side to side in an artlessly seductive stroll, though I barely registered the eyes that trailed me with interest. A soft smile flowed to my lips, replacing the scowl the suit at the other bar had inspired.

  Not far from the hotel, I found a quiet little place with a lot of character and enough patrons for me to disappear in the crowd. I sauntered into the bar and found a corner booth to slump into, eyes dancing around the establishment for a server. I held up slender fingers, snapping. “Vodka,” I murmured to the guy who came. He nodded smartly and turned away, but I thought better of it and grabbed his sleeve. “Give me an order of chips as well. Hopefully to soak up this alcohol.” He nodded again and scurried away.

  I sat back and surveyed the scene. Everywhere I looked, people were having a good time—dancing, drinking, chatting, flirting, making connections. I sighed. After a handful of minutes, my drink order and chips were placed in front of me, and I tried to drown my sorrows and eat the hole inside of me.

  Now that I was alone for the most part and away from any distractions, a wave of depression washed over me. How pathetic was I? My boyfriend had moved on without even bothering to tell me we’d broken up. There I was, stuck drinking by myself in a fucking bar while Devon was God knew where. I pulled out a few bills, left them on the table for the waitress, and decided to go back to my hotel, my fourth vodka untouched.


  Back in my room, I peeled out of my dress, slumped on my bed in my underwear, and flung my shoes across the orderly hotel room with a kick of my feet. Jesus, what was I doing here?

  I had just about enough self-awareness to know that it was the alcohol prompting me to boot up my laptop and email my resignation there and then. Thanks to the alcohol too, my legs were too wobbly to carry me to the writing desk to go through with the foolhardy idea. I dropped back on my pillows, the light fixture in the ceiling swimming above me. I closed my eyes and tossed an arm across my face. I decided if the mood to jump ship was still around in the morning, I’d start sending out my résumé to firms tomorrow. With any luck, I could have an offer lined up before I headed back to New York, and then I could tell Devon just where he could stick his job.

  My cell beeped.

  Meeting’s all over. Fancy a drink?

  I threw my phone to the other side of the room without bothering to reply. The last person I wanted to deal with right now was Rick. No, the only company I wanted right now was a bottle, so I crossed to the minibar and pulled out a drink. Not bothering with a glass, I slumped back on the bed and started to sip, hoping that I’d fall into oblivion before too long.

  My eyes were just starting to close when there was a knock on the door. “Go away!”

  “Come on, Rebecca, open up. I need to debrief you on the meeting.”

  Sighing, I pulled myself to my feet and made my way over to the door.

  “Sheesh, Rebecca. You look awful!”

  “Thanks, Rick. That’s just what a girl likes to hear.” I left the door open and went back to lying on the bed, throwing my arm over my eyes to block out the world, not caring whether he followed me or not.

  I heard the door click quietly shut, and a moment later, the bed beside me dipped a little as Rick stretched out next to me. “Come on, Becky. This isn’t like you.”

  “I thought I told you not to call me that.” I didn’t resist as Rick gently took my arm and moved it away from my face.

  “Don’t tell me that this is all thanks to Devon. I swear, Rebecca, the man’s not w
orth it.”

  Miserably, I turned to look at him. “And you are?”

  Rick cupped my face in his hands. “I told you. I’ve changed. I would never cheat on you, not now.”

  Impulsively, I reached up to pull him toward me and kissed him because I needed the physical contact, and he was right there offering all the things I wanted to hear but dreaded hearing. It had been years since I’d felt his lips against mine, but we fitted together as perfectly as I remembered. The petals of my lips blossomed open for him as if he was the sunlight. I groaned, pushing him back. I sat up, unzipped my dress, pulled it off, and threw it to one side to reveal my matching black lace bra and panties.


  “Shut up, Rick.” I straddled him, unbuttoning his shirt, gently kneading his satiny tanned skin and the rippling muscles of his chest as I slowly took off his shirt. He ran his hands up my slender thighs, lightly hooking his fingers underneath the lace of my panties, but when he tried to touch my slowly warming womanhood, I gently pushed his hands away. “Nuh-uh. I’m in charge here. And don’t you forget it.”

  “Yes, ma’am!” Rick’s grin said that he was more than happy to let me take charge as I undid his pants and pulled them down along with his boxers to reveal his impressive erection.

  “I always did love the size of your cock.” I circled him with my fist, slowly moving my hand up and down before running my hand over the head of his shaft. He shook and leaned back, eyes closed. I rolled my hand around and around, as if I were juicing an orange, and he was very juicy for me. I swallowed, imagining his taste. Snatching back my hand, I watched the expression of need flit across his face. “Now play with yourself,” I ordered.

  I stepped away from the bed as Rick slowly masturbated so that he could watch me undress. For a moment, I watched the way his large, meaty hand slid down his shaft, back up, rolled over the head of his cock, and slipped back down. He squeezed himself a little tighter, the other hand sliding down to his balls, which he cupped gently. I smiled, turning my back to him.


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