Broken Horizon

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Broken Horizon Page 25

by Charles Nall

  “Now?” Jacob asked.

  “Yes,” Suzuki said. “We will begin our invasion in a few days. Confederation support will be arriving over Epsilon soon. We will send our entire fleet at them. If we take Urbania, we take the Union.”

  “The entire fleet?” Trevor asked.

  “Yes, we will leave a skeleton crew behind,” Kelly said.

  “They won’t be protected at all! We can’t abandon them!” Jacob said.

  Suzuki shook his head. “We aren’t abandoning them. If we don’t strike with all of our might, we will not succeed. The entire galaxy is doomed if we don’t take Urbania. The ISF forces will not bother with taking Epsilon if Urbania is under attack.”

  “Well, what’s the battle plan?” Jacob asked.

  Suzuki tapped on a small panel on the table. A holographic projection showing many ships appeared over the table.

  “Unfortunately, the combined Resistance and Confederation does not have that many ships available for the attack,” Suzuki said. “But we may have enough to take Urbania. We have a small group of Resistance ships hiding in Kappa Velorum. We’re going to hit Urbania from three sides. The Confederation, the biggest section of the assault force, will travel from Epsilon directly to Urbania and hit them from this side...”

  The projector showed the positions of the planets and all of the vectors of assault.

  “Other Resistance forces will take Artemis before moving coreward to Urbania. The Resistance force in Kappa Velorum will hit them from this other side.”

  “Kappa Velorum? I’m not sure if it’s safe to hide there,” Elijah said.

  “Why is that?” Kelly asked.

  “We met a Double-Crescent there once,” Jacob said.

  “Well, if it’s lurking there, we haven’t found it. We’re not sure if the ISF has means of detecting the stealth hyper-drive systems of Confederation hyperships as of yet, but there will be one with the main Confederation force and our force,” Suzuki said. “We have to assume they will detect us on our approach into Galactic Union space. We have to move as quickly as possible.”

  “They should be able to detect the stealth hyper-drive wake. We provided the information on how to detect that to our government,” Trevor said.

  “What will our battle group consist of?” Jacob asked.

  Kelly answered, “It’s a much smaller battle group than the Confederation force. Our group consists of Amaterasu, Empyrean, the destroyer Kouzui Maru, the battleship Okinawa, and a Confederate hypership that will arrive in this system soon. In addition, we have two former Galactic Union warships accompanying us.”

  “And we can trust the Galactic Union warships?” Trevor asked.

  “I believe so,” Suzuki said. “If we are going to take Urbania, we must have trust. I have to trust Empyrean as well.”

  “You don’t have to worry about us,” Elijah said. “We’re with you.”

  Sharon Rose Turner entered into the ready room. “Sorry I’m late. Mia wanted to look out the windows onto Epsilon.”

  Suzuki grinned. “Oh, Hello. Mia, is it?”

  The little girl peeked out behind Sharon’s legs. She grinned and then nodded.

  Suzuki walked over to the little one. “Hello, Mia. I understand you will be going back down to Epsilon to live with your grandparents.”

  Mia giggled.

  “Oh, she’s precious. Where did you find her?” Kelly asked.

  “A friend saved her life.” Sharon started to choke up. “He was a good man.”

  July 31, 0271 AC – 19:00

  Captain’s Quarters, USS Empyrean

  Orbit of Epsilon

  Liam Fornax answered the link request with Jacob. “Oh! Jacob! I didn’t think you would ever send a link my way.”

  “Yeah... I guess I need some fatherly advice.” Jacob took a deep breath. “I can’t stay long, this isn’t the most secure of lines and I don’t want the ISF listening in. I am now the commanding officer of Empyrean.”

  “Oh! Congratulations.”

  “Everything is happening so fast. I’m overwhelmed.”

  “I understand.”

  Jacob was linking with Liam on his computer in his new quarters. He was alone. He had not told anybody about the vampirism or the revelation of his past. He had not even told Sharon.

  “I’m now part of the Resistance,” Jacob said. “I will be attacking the ISF. I’m not even sure if I am doing the right thing.”

  Liam nodded. “I am no fan of the current state of things. I think you are going to make real change.”

  “Liam,” Jacob said. “At some point, do you think you could give me my memories back?”

  “They are false memories.”

  “Yes, but they were mine. I am empty without them. Fake or not, they were my childhood.”

  “That’s...” Liam smiled. “Very commendable. I think I can get that for you.”

  “But I also want to get to know you and the experiments. I want to know what I am, who I am. What is my purpose?”

  “I’m not even sure about that, Jacob. Michael insists on calling you a weapon. I think it’s because you are practically the cure for vampirism. Your disease would overwrite the standard vampirism. In fact, we believe it’s a breakthrough for humanity. Your pseudo-vampirism practically makes you a superhuman. There seems to be no negative effects. You are amazing. The first of your kind.”

  “A weapon...”

  “Michael was always a bit theatrical.”

  “Who is Michael?”

  “If I knew the entire story, I would share it with you. He was the one that came up with the entire project. He even picked you to be... taken from your parents. I’m sorry, I know that sounds bad.”

  “Do you have any idea who my parents were? I know you said they were dead. Do I have any living relatives? I’m just curious.”

  Liam sighed. “Well, as you said, things are happening so fast. I know... You know what? Never mind.”



  “What were you going to say? Tell me,” Jacob insisted.

  “I’m not so sure you should know this,” Liam said.

  “Tell me,” Jacob said.

  Liam sighed. “You have a brother, Jacob.”

  “I have a brother?”

  Liam slowly nodded. “His name is Drake Mabus... King of the Blood Dynasty.”


  August 7, 0271 AC – 13:45


  Contested Space

  There was only one ISF cruiser stationed over Artemis when the Resistance group arrived. The lone cruiser jumped away as soon as it could.

  The Union did not seem worried about losing Artemis. Long range scans showed no ships approaching to take back Artemis. The Galactic Union hopefully did not detect the Confederation force sneaking into their territory. The next phase of the attack would begin soon. For now, the Resistance forces waited over Artemis.

  Jacob and Sharon took this opportunity to head down to the surface of the moon. They wanted to see Rapture again, but it was gone. The old salvage shop was nonexistent. Arnold’s dad must have moved somewhere else.

  Jacob and Sharon then decided to take the trip to Vis again. They followed the same path as before. It brought back memories.

  They finally reached the makeshift sheet metal door of the shack. Jacob knocked on it.

  “Come in,” an old woman said.

  Jacob and Sharon entered into the shack. It was like Jacob remembered; the shack was filled with books and artifacts from every major religion.

  The woman’s weathered face beamed. “Welcome back. I knew you were coming. So, the revolution has begun?”

  “Something like that,” Jacob said.

  “Vis, do you have anything to tell us?” Sharon asked.

  “Please, sit down, my children.” Vis gestured to some stools. “No, I do not have anything to say... But you do.”

  “What do you mean?” Sharon asked.

  “There are things that are bottling
up inside of you. You have to let it go or it will destroy you,” Vis said.

  Jacob laughed. “What do you mean?”

  “You know what I mean. You must be honest with each other.”

  Sharon fought back tears. “I’m sorry, Jake. I... I have been thinking about something.”


  “I have never told you. No, nothing, never mind.”

  “Child, speak,” Vis insisted.

  Sharon took a deep breath. “A long time ago I cheated on you.”


  “I’m sorry. It was after my dad died. I was just so alone and I lashed out at you. I don’t know why. I was so stupid. One thing led to the other and then me and... Please, it was only one time and I felt sick afterwards. Jacob, you are the only one for me. I mean that.”

  Jacob walked over to Sharon and hugged her.

  Sharon started crying. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I should have told you before.”

  “I love you, Sharon. I... I feel sick now, too. We’ll work through this.”

  “I love you so much, Jacob. That makes me feel so much better. Oh god, it’s a relief to get this off my chest. I’m horrible.”

  Jacob wiped the tears from Sharon’s face. “We’ll work through this. We made it through nearly drowning, a Double-Crescent, and a Confederation attack over Artemis. We’ll make it through this.”

  “I don’t deserve you, Jacob,” Sharon said. “Do you have anything to tell me?”

  Vis looked over at Jacob.

  “Well, not really,” he said.

  Vis frowned and stared into Jacob’s eyes. Jacob could tell that Vis wanted him to say something to Sharon. Jacob glanced away and tried not to make eye contact with the old woman.

  “I figured as much,” Sharon said. “I’m so sorry.”

  “The only thing I need to tell you is that I love you,” Jacob said.

  Vis sighed. “There are things that must be revealed. But perhaps now is not the time. All will be revealed in time.”

  “Will this attack on Urbania succeed? Do you know?” Sharon asked.

  Vis pondered a moment. “It will succeed, but not in the way you expect. There must be sacrifices. I’m sorry.”

  “Sacrifices?” Jacob asked.

  Vis slowly nodded. “Yes. It must be so to retain the integrity of the perfect strand.”

  “Huh?” Sharon said.

  “There will be losses on both sides,” Vis said. “The head of the snake will be cut off, but the wound shall be healed.”

  Jacob and Sharon continued visiting with Vis, but the majority of what Vis said was a mystery. Eventually it was time to leave. The assault on Urbania would begin soon.

  August 10, 0271 AC – 13:50

  Bridge, USS Empyrean

  Hyperspace, Galactic Union Space

  The heavy cruiser Empyrean was accompanied by the Resistance strike force in hyperspace. A Confederate hypership provided the conduit that the ships were using. The warships were approaching the Urbanian system.

  “What’s the ETA to Urbania?” Trevor Reynolds asked.

  Navigations Officer Aiden Alexander replied, “Fifteen minutes before we reach Urbania, sir.”

  Jacob paced the lower level of the bridge. “Has the ISF set out the welcoming mat yet?”

  Alexander chuckled. “We don’t have hyperNEP access. Your guess is as good as mine. We have established contact with the Confederation fleet. Both forces should rendezvous over Urbania in fifteen minutes.”

  “What about the Kappa Velorum group?” Jacob asked.

  Alexander shook his head. “I’m sorry, sir. I’m not detecting anything.”

  Jacob stopped pacing and pondered to himself.

  Trevor walked up behind him. “Do you think they are coming? Or did the Double-Crescent...”

  Jacob shrugged. “I don’t know. All I know for sure is that if we don’t establish contact with them soon, we probably won’t have enough forces to take Urbania.”

  “Let’s hope they show up,” Trevor said.

  Jacob nodded.

  Jacob and Trevor walked around the bridge. Sharon Rose Turner worked on the engineering station and Lance Hydrus worked on the communications station. Ensign Stewart tapped commands into his console of the tactical station.

  The holographic projection in the middle of the bridge projected a three-dimensional image of the conduit that was cutting through hyperspace. The warships were represented by small computer generated models in the conduit. The warship’s names, as well as status readouts, were hovering next to the warships.

  The Confederate hypership Hashi led the charge. The majority of the firepower would be provided by the Amaterasu and Empyrean. The Resistance warships Kouzui Maru and Okinawa were also traveling through the conduit. The former Galactic Union warships Dolos and Missouri rounded out the invasion force.

  Suddenly, the destroyer Dolos disappeared from the holographic projection.

  “No, that can’t be right... I just lost Dolos on my sensors,” Hydrus announced.

  “Sharon? Did something happen to the conduit?” Jacob asked.

  Sharon shook her head. “Looks fine here. No turbulence and the jumpship’s drives are running smooth. I’m reporting no drive errors in our systems. I think Dolos decided to drop out of hyperspace on her own.”

  “Should we turn around for them? Did they have a problem?” Trevor asked.

  Hydrus shrugged. “Cold feet?”

  Jacob thought a moment. “I think—”

  The entire ship shook violently from a sudden blast of turbulence. Lights flickered and metal groaned. The force of the sudden stop of Empyrean knocked Jacob and Trevor off their feet. The marines that were patrolling the bridge also struggled to remain standing. A warning siren began blaring.

  Jacob jumped back up to his feet. Trevor struggled to stand.

  Jacob yelled, “What just happened?!”

  “I’m not sure. All shield generators are offline,” Sharon said. “All engine systems offline.”

  Alexander sighed. “We’re in the middle of nowhere.”

  Lance Hydrus lifted his head from the console. He had bashed his head against the console during the violent turbulence. Blood ran down his face.

  “Are you okay, Lance?” Trevor said when he finally got to his feet.

  A crew member ran up to Hydrus with a first aid kit and began treating the wound.

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m okay,” Hydrus said. “Busted my head pretty good. I’ll be... Shit. I’m detecting three vampire Cerberus-class cruisers and one Mjolnir-class destroyer approaching. One of them is requesting a link with us.”

  “Great,” Jacob said.

  “This doesn’t make any sense,” Sharon said. “There was no turbulence. I didn’t detect any anomalies! Unless...”

  “Dolos,” Jacob said.

  “Shit!” Alexander cursed. “Do you think...”

  Four Blood Dynasty warships approached. Green energy arced between the tentacle-like protrusions on the front section of the cruisers. The five structures enveloped the main bow area of the ship. The charging beams focused onto a large cannon on the bow.

  The vampire cruisers unleashed their forward beam weapons, cutting into the invading force. Two of the beams tore into Missouri, obliterating the starship. The other beam blew through Kouzui Maru, destroying it. The debris from the explosions collided against the hulls of the Resistance warships. The warships shuddered from the rain of debris.

  Dolos jumped into standard space... next to the vampire ships.

  “Answer the damn link,” Jacob said. “Go to Con-1 across the entire ship! Get those fighters out there!”

  Drake Mabus’ smirking face appeared on the holographic projection. “Do we have your surrender? Or shall I continue destroying your little ships? I do enjoy watching them explode.”

  “Engines and shields back online, Jake,” Sharon said. “But we lost Kouzui Maru and Missouri. We hit hyper-pulse dimensional mines, they knew we were coming. They kn
ew exactly where we would be!”

  “The girl is correct,” Mabus said. “The captain of Dolos is a good man. His information also spelled the doom of your little force in Kappa Velorum. The Confederate ships will be destroyed shortly as well. What did you expect to accomplish against the might of the Interstellar Federation? I’m not sure how you took command from Devereaux, but soon it won’t matter. Surrender your ship to me. I’d rather not have to destroy such a pretty warship.”

  “You are going to have to, Mabus,” Jacob said. “Launch all fighters and load every single weapon we have. Action Stations! We’re taking back the galaxy!”

  Elijah “Ghost” Shepherd called out to pilots running by him in the hangar. “This isn’t a drill! Let’s get out there!”

  Cane “Skids” Venatici jumped into his Peregrine starfighter. “Time to kick some bloodsucker ass!”

  The fighters from both sides of the conflict began emerging from their respective warships. Corvettes also launched out of the cruisers. The forces began trading mass driver fire.

  The bridge erupted into activity.

  “Hydrus, get on the link with Suzuki,” Jacob said. “Coordinate the battle with him. Weapons free!”

  “They are charging their fore beam weapons again,” Sharon said. “The enemy force consists of four vampire warships: Abaddon, Iblis, Leviathan, and Sagitta... and the destroyer Dolos.”

  “What’s the battle plan?” Trevor asked.

  “I’ll let you know when I come up with one.” Jacob said.

  Aiden Alexander called out, “The bloodsuckers fired another beam blast across our forces... no damage. They were absorbed by the shields of Okinawa and Hashi. They won’t be able to take that sort of hit again.”

  Jacob pointed at the holographic projection, now showing a detailed three-dimensional model of the battlefield. “Tell Hashi to maneuver to a safe location and provide any sort of firepower she can muster. All of our forces need to go to full burn; we can’t sit here.”

  “Relaying the orders.” Hydrus listened to the response on his headset. “Suzuki agrees. He suggests Amaterasu and Empyrean focusing on each warship one by one. Okinawa will be tasked to try to take out Dolos.”


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