Begging for Hale

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Begging for Hale Page 2

by Marie James

  A low hum was all I could manage when his fingers skated over my clit and slid inside me.

  “Fuck, Lorali. You’re drenched. So ready for my cock. I can’t wait to be inside you. Bend over and grab the counter, baby.” His husky voice was my undoing; his command governed my actions rather than free will.

  I leaned over the marble of the counter and watched him in the gilded mirror. He looked down as his hand guided his thick cock into my hungry pussy, tongue on his bottom lip, concentration marked his brow. I took in the look of pure pleasure as my drenched core pulled him in and griped every inch he was giving me.

  We maintained eye contact in the mirror while he took me with slow, deliberate thrusts; my eyes were heavy from the feel of each stroke that found the end of me and every delicious retreat when he pulled out.

  I purposefully clenched around him.

  “Don’t!” He hissed through gritted teeth.

  I smirked at him in the mirror and did it again. My eyes go wide when he raised his hand up and smacked me on the top of my ass. I didn’t know what surprised me more, the fact that he smacked me or that I really liked it. I pushed my hips back and tried to encourage him to speed up. When he didn’t, I squeezed him again. The second time he smacked me I detonated around him, my core tightened on him like a fist. I threw my head back and moaned.

  “God damn it, Lorali!” He started thrusting in earnest. “Fuck!” A few well earned strokes later and he spurted in me filled my pussy with his hot come.

  My whole body was quivering when he finally pulled out of me which caused me to whimper from his loss, my greedy body already wanted more of him.

  “Are we dirty enough for that bath now?” I asked as he wrapped himself around me from behind. He had his eyes closed in reverence, but I could feel the nod of his head on my shoulder.

  “Every day I love you even more,” he whispered in my ear.

  I giggled. “You love my pussy!”

  He turned me in his arms abruptly and peered into my eyes with a look of seriousness. “I love you more than life itself, Lorali. Your pussy is just a bonus!” He kissed me passionately and I felt everyone ounce of love and dedication pour into me.

  “And what about my mouth.” I smirked at him.

  “That’s a double bonus. Get in the tub.” He said as he smacked me on the ass again.

  Chapter 1


  I guess if anyone deserves to find her true love it would be my best friend Lorali. As much as I hate to see her leave the apartment, I know the only thing she could say when Ian asked her to move in with him was yes. They’ve been inseparable since they got back from Paris. I still feel a bit of lingering shame with how I spoke to Ian when we thought he was some sort of drug lord, the idea is totally absurd now.

  I’m almost nauseous with the waves of affection rolling off those two, always touching and kissing, giggling and whispering in each other’s ears. Yick! No thank you! Don’t get me wrong, this is what works for them, but it’s not what I have in mind for any part of my near future.

  I’m excited that today is moving day if only because I heard Lorali mention that Ian’s stunningly sexy cousin Garrett is coming over to help move the boxes. I’ve had several brief interactions with Garrett, but he seems to be immune to my sexy charms; a problem I’ve never had before. I’ve all but said “fuck me” to him and he seems stand offish. It’s not like he isn’t into women. I see him flirting to a much higher level than he needs to just for good business and club promotion. I don’t stick around for the club to close, because I can only tolerate rejection to a certain level, but I’ve heard from a few of the waitresses that I’ve become friends with that he periodically will have a woman wait around at closing and they leave together.

  Lorali and Ian went back to her room, saying that they’re going to wrap up the packing in there but the sounds coming from inside sound more like ‘one last go before I move’ than ‘let’s get this shit boxed up.’

  I busy myself in the kitchen. We moved from Fort Collins together after high school and bought the majority of the stuff in the apartment together from various shops around Denver, but she’s only taking personal and sentimental items with her because Ian’s house is fully furnished. I give in and pour a glass of wine. It’s five o’clock somewhere, right? If I skipped work on a Friday to help Lorali get moved then it’s perfectly acceptable to drink any time after noon.

  A firm knock on the door has my heart skipping a beat and it has nothing to do with being startled. This crazy attraction I have to Garrett is quite foreign to me and I know that the tiny flutter in my chest has a lot to do with seeing him outside of his club. I’m usually on his territory and now he’ll be on mine. Yum. Maybe being taken out of his element will work in my favor for once.

  I wait for him to knock a second time because hey, a man is supposed to wait for the woman and also so I don’t seem over eager, even though I am.

  I pull the door open and take him in from head to toe. He’s dressed in a dark gray, form fitting t-shirt and a pair of designer dark washed jeans that rest on his hips in a way that makes me want to lick him around the waist band. I bite my lip to prevent the moan that wants to escape at the sight of him. His stylishly messy brown hair is just long enough to curl your fingers into for a good tug and his topaz eyes conjure pictures of the sun set and warm melting butter.

  “Hey.” I grin at him, when I see a look of appreciation in his eyes. I’ve dressed in a pair of skin tight jeans and a low cut tank top today just to try and catch his eye. It seems that it’s working. “Aren’t you a sight for undersexed eyes?” I bite my lower lip and make sure he sees me checking him out.

  He smirks at me. “You’re looking good enough to eat this afternoon as well, Alexa.” He walks past me into the apartment and I can tell he purposefully leaves a wide birth as to not touch me when he passes; his words and his actions contradict each other.

  “You know we could always slip back to my room. Get to know each other better.” I wink at him. “Seems Ian and Lorali had the same idea, so they won’t even miss us for a while.”

  “Which room are they in?” He says, ignoring my suggestion for a quickie, which seems to be his thing. I offer, he denies by neglecting to acknowledge me. I guess it’s kind of become our thing.

  “Second door on the right.” I inform him and head back to the kitchen for my glass of wine. I’m mumbling under my breath when I notice he has followed behind me. My cheeks blush when I realize he probably heard me complaining about not being good enough to be fucked by him.

  I do my best to regain composure and offer him a drink. He accepts a beer and leans against the counter, smirking at me around the mouth of his beer. I roll my eyes at him and huff, turning my back to him and working on emptying the dish washer. Josie always does this, but I need something to keep my hands busy. I’d love nothing more than to keep them busy by taking his clothes off but it appears even out of his own territory, he’s still doesn’t want me.

  “You seem annoyed, Alexa.” He says, his voice cocooning me. I close my eyes for the briefest of moments. Why does this man continue to turn me down?

  I get back with the program and shrug my shoulders, not giving him a verbal response.

  “Do I agitate you?” I can hear the smile behind his words, and the humor he finds in my frustration pisses me off. I turn towards him and almost stumble. The smile on his face is utterly amazing; the full grin and flash of perfect white teeth make me want to take my panties off and throw them at him.

  “No.” My voice sounds more sure than I actually am. “I’m pretty much indifferent to it all.”

  His knowing eyes lower to my lips and his mouth twitches causing me to run my tongue over my bottom lip, “Is that so?” He’s toying with me, enjoying every second of my frustration; it’s obvious that I’m not hiding it well.

  “UmmHmm.” My palms have grown sweaty and even though we’re several feet away from each other I feel as if his body’s somehow con
trolling mine.

  “Oh Garrett! Thanks for coming!” Lorali’s voice knocks us both out of the moment when she comes bouncing into the kitchen. I love her, but I could kill her for interrupting whatever game of wills we were just playing.

  Her cheeks are flushed and the huge smile on her face says she has been doing more than packing. The dampness around the edges of Ian’s hair when he slides in behind her and wraps his arms around her waist conveys the same message.

  I seriously need a good lay. I have no clue what’s going on with Garrett and I seriously wish I could understand my body’s obsession with him. I know it’s become more than an issue of chasing the rejection, if only to prove to myself that I could have him if I want him. His taunting and teasing is what keeps bringing me back. I wish we could just get it over with so I can move on to my next series of hot guys.

  I’m not pining for the man or anything, but the few sexual encounters that I’ve had since meeting him have been nothing to write home about and that’s usually not the norm. Most times when I land a hookup the guys actually do me right, but lately the sex has been less than mediocre.

  What’s most upsetting is I know Garrett would be a fantastic fuck. I can tell by his confident walk and even now with the way he’s holding his beer, his thumb rubbing up and down the side that he invests one hundred percent in the pleasure of a woman when he takes her. Too bad he has no interest in me other than sending mixed signals.

  “Hey, it’s no problem.” He breaks his eye contact with my mouth and looks over at the glowing couple. “Ian, you ready for the heavy stuff? I was able to get a great parking spot and my truck is backed in, tail gate down, and ready to go.”

  Ian kisses Lorali’s neck and nibbles her ear before he leads Garrett back to the bedroom to start grabbing boxes. We stand to the side and watch as they carry box after box down to the truck.

  Garrett walks past me and I can’t help but comment on his blue collar work. “I didn’t think rich guys got their hands dirty.”

  He stops in front of me shifting the weight of the box in his hands, closer than he has ever been and whispers in a panty drenching voice, “I love getting my hands dirty.” He winks at me and walks out the door to deposit the box in the bed of the truck.

  It’s that shit right there that keeps me coming back for more! His incessant comments are making me want to tie him to my bed and ravish him. I think he gets a thrill out of seeing me flushed and flustered over his comments.

  Before long, they meet Lorali and I back in the living room. “Hey babe?” Ian says getting Lorali’s attention. “Can you make one last sweep and make sure we have everything? I think we’re done and if so Garrett and I plan to go to the house and unload all of this stuff. He only has a few more hours before he has to get to work.”

  “Sure, honey!” She jumps up and makes sure she plants a wet kiss on his lips before she walks past him. I roll my eyes at the disgustingly sweet show of attention. Garrett catches my actions and grins, giving his head a slight nod as if saying ‘I know right! Enough’s enough!’

  “Hey, Ian, you guys plan on making it to the club tomorrow? Bangarang goes on at ten.” He asks in a nonchalant way.

  “Yeah, I know Lorali wants to see them live, so I’m sure we’ll be there.” Ian is checking his phone when Garrett slides up beside me.

  “You’re coming too, right?” He questions.

  I shrug my shoulders like I haven’t decided, knowing full well I’m unable to avoid any interaction with him. “Well if you do, wear something slutty.” I gawk at him as he walks away and out the front door continuing his air of nonchalance, like he didn’t just say that to me. I can’t help but smirk. Prick.

  Lorali sashays back in and assures Ian that they have loaded everything she plans to take. A brief make out session later and Ian is out the door. I mean seriously, like they didn’t just spend the better part of a week in Paris and another week holed up at his house alone together.

  I grin, watching Lorali watch Ian’s every step out of the apartment. I’m so happy she has found someone who loves her the way she deserves. After that piece of shit Sean burned her in high school, I’d wondered if she’d ever open herself up to someone again. It had taken years, but Ian was apparently the one meant to bring her back to life.

  “Look at that grin on your face!” She’s standing with her hands on her hips, foot kicked out to the side. “What were you and Garrett up to while Ian and I were packing?”

  “Packing? My ass!” I give her a knowing look, and walk back to the kitchen, suddenly in the mood for another glass of wine.

  She follows me, her eyebrow quirked up. I hate that she can read me so well. “Nothing really. He wasn’t here very long before you guys decided to wrap up your ‘packing’” I say using air quotes. She grins at me but doesn’t respond. “Don’t you guys get enough of each other at home?”

  Her light laugh tells me ‘Apparently not!’

  “Are you sure you’re okay with me moving out?” She walks to the small dining table, pulls out a wooden chair, and takes a seat.

  “I mean I hate that you won’t be here, which means we won’t get to see each other as often, but I’m looking forward to not having to share a bathroom. And being able to relax in the tub is going to be excellent.” I pour myself another glass of pinot and join her at the table.

  “You don’t think we’re moving too fast?” She’s asking if only to reassure herself that she’s made the right decision.

  “Do you love him?”

  “Of course I love him!” She says excitedly.

  “If he wanted you to stay with him and not leave for a week, what would you do?” I inquire and take a sip of wine.

  “I would stay with him, of course. I’d want to be with him, always.” She grins, knowing where I’m going with the conversation.

  “Then you need to move in with him, so I can have the bathroom!” She grins from ear to ear.

  “I guess you’re right!” We hug and she gets up to leave.

  “So you don’t mind if I meet you guys tomorrow for the Bangarang set at Ampere?” I ask as I stand and put my glass in the now empty dish washer.

  “Of course not! Want us to swing by here and grab you?” She’s pulling on her coat as she speaks.

  “That’d be great. Keeps me from having to self monitor my alcohol intake!” I see her to the door and hug her before she makes her way outside to her car.

  Garrett was much more interactive today and it leaves a smile on my face. I look at my watch and wonder if I have time for a quick wax, wanting to be prepared for every scenario going into tomorrow night. Maybe I’ll get lucky and Garrett will cave.

  Chapter 2


  That woman is driving me crazy! She’s tenacious, I’ll give her that. I don’t know how much resisting I can do. She has all but thrown herself at me and I can honestly say Ian’s demand that I leave her alone is pissing me off.

  We’re almost to his house to unload Lorali’s boxes and since he’s a captive audience right now, I figure it’s as good a time as any speak my case.

  “Getting pretty serious with Lorali huh?” I keep my eyes on the road as I talk.

  “Just about as serious as I can get, man. I love her more than life.” I almost gag at his sentiment; maybe she has a magical snatch or something.

  “I’m just going to be straight with you, Ian. I seriously want to hook up with Alexa. I’ve stayed away because you asked me to weeks ago, but she’s pretty hard to ignore.” I cut my eyes to him to try to gauge his reaction.

  He smiles. “She sure does seem smitten with you.”

  “Smitten? What is this? Texas in the forties? I highly doubt that, but you know how I am.” I don’t have to explain any further.

  “I mean do what you want. Lorali and I are pretty damn strong now so I doubt you hooking up with Alexa would cause too many problems unless you string her along.” He looks over at me to make sure I understand him.

  I chuckle. �
�Ian, she’ll know the score long before we fuck.”

  “She's getting under your skin?” He grins, like he knows something I don’t.

  “No. I just think I would enjoy sleeping with her and she keeps offering it, so I figure what the hell.” I shrug and keep my eyes on the traffic as we near Ian’s home.

  “Yeah, that’s how I felt about Lorali. Watch out Garrett or we may be moving Alexa’s things to your place next.” I wish I could reach over and smack the grin off of his damn face.

  “Fuck that shit! I’m not interested in any type of relationship much less domestication with some chick!” I’m amazed how quickly his tune has changed on the subject.

  “You know, not every girl is Jamie. Not everyone you meet is going to fuck you over royally.” I grip the steering wheel until my knuckles turn white.

  “My eagerness to fuck Alexa has nothing to do with Jamie. I have no desire for the kind of shit you’ve landed in. That’s not my future; it’s not where I’ll end up.” This is the second time he has tried to convince me to change the way I deal with women and it’s just as annoying as the first time.

  “Ok, man. I guess I’m just inside this love bubble and want everyone else to have the ability to experience it. I’m not saying you should go out and look for love in every woman you bang, I’m just saying don’t discount the possibility or you may miss her.” His smug look is even worse than the words spewing from his mouth.

  Never. As much as I don’t want to think that Jamie still has bearing on my life now, if I’m honest with myself, the shit she pulled over ten years ago still affects almost every decision I’ve made about women in my life. It’s left me protected and fully in control of my situation and I aim to keep the status quo. It has served me well thus far.

  It only takes about half an hour to get the truck unloaded and get out of there as fast as I can before he starts spouting shit about true love or trying to read the lines on my palms to determine my future.


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