Christina and the Rebel Affair (Scandalous Series Book 6)

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Christina and the Rebel Affair (Scandalous Series Book 6) Page 13

by R. Linda

  I took a deep breath and sipped my wine.

  “We were at a party one night. Bailey was home studying. She didn’t party as much as everyone else. I saw Chace take a girl upstairs, and it hurt, you know? I felt like he was betraying me. It should have been me going upstairs with him, not someone else. And I know how bad that sounds, believe me. But at the time, I didn’t give Bailey a second thought. All I cared about was what his actions were doing to my feelings. I was jealous. So jealous. I stormed up the stairs and walked straight into that bedroom. Chace had the girl on the bed, and he was kissing her. She was mortified when she realised I was in there. I told her she had three seconds to get the hell out before I let the entire school know what she was about to do in that room. She bolted out the door so fast and never returned.”

  “What happened next?”

  “Chace was pissed. He’d been trying to get in Bailey’s pants for a year, and he’d finally given up hope and decided to just hook up with a random girl, and I ruined it. I was calm, collected, as I stepped into the room, closed the door, removed my clothes, and told him he could have me instead.” I swallowed the lump in my throat as my stomach bubbled with sickness.

  “I lost my virginity to Chace in a bedroom upstairs at a party while my best friend, his girlfriend, was at home studying. It didn’t stop at the one time. It happened all the time, at every party, every time we went out anywhere Bailey didn’t go. I didn’t care, because I finally had the attention of the boy I loved. The boy I would do anything for. And because Chace was getting what he wanted from me, he spent more time hanging around me than he did with his girlfriend. So, that meant the less time Bailey spent with Chace, the more time she had to hang out with me. In my eyes, it was the way it was meant to be. I had my friend back, and I had the boy of my dreams sneaking out of my bedroom window every other night.”

  Bennett whistled and blinked a few times. “That’s, uh…quite a story.”

  “That’s only the beginning.”

  “There’s more?”

  “Well, that’s the part Bailey doesn’t know and can never know. I’ll never forgive myself for how I was in high school. I know it is no excuse, but I was young, and only ever saw Chace. I wasn’t used to not getting my way. At home, all I had to do was ask for something, and it was handed to me on a solid gold platter. And I’m sure you know the rest. How Chace broke up with her, and we made our relationship official after a couple of weeks.”

  “And how you caused her so much grief?” Bennett asked.

  “It’s going to sound crazy, but even though I had Chace, I was still jealous. It still didn’t feel right. I lost my best friend because of him, and then to see her move on and be happy with Ryder and not miss me at all, it hurt. I wanted to make her suffer just a little of what I was suffering when I lost her.”

  “You lost her through your own actions.”

  “I know. I didn’t say I made any sense in the way I thought back then.”

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “Telling me why.”

  “Does it change your opinion of me?”

  “No. I still don’t think you’re bad. A little misguided when you were younger, but not bad.”

  I groaned. “Where were you when I was seventeen?”

  “Really want me to answer that?” He laughed.

  “No, probably not. That’s a little weird to think about.”

  Chapter Twenty



  “Are you ready for this?” Audrey bounced down the stairs to me with a big smile on her face.

  “No. Are you?” I frowned at her. She was terribly cheery, considering what the day entailed.

  “Yes, actually. I feel great.”

  “What happened? What have you done to my Audrey?” I pinched her cheeks and made a show of examining her eyes and face.

  “You’re an idiot.” She slapped my hands away and stood back to do a twirl. “Like?”

  I took in her full appearance for the first time. And, shit. She was in a dress that exposed her chest and shoulders, her scars on full display for the entire world to see.

  “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” She ducked her head and smiled shyly.

  “What’s the occasion?” I joked.

  “You’re not funny, Bennett.”

  “I’m hilarious.”


  “Devastatingly good looking.”




  I clutched my heart and winced. “Ouch, bro, that cut. Deep.”

  “You’ll get over it. Now, are we going or not?”

  “Don’t you want to see me twirl?” I asked her with a frown.

  “Go on, then.” She rolled her eyes.

  I spun around slowly on the spot so she could take in my appearance too.

  “Well, what do you think?” I asked when I turned to face her.

  “Eh…you scrub up all right. I guess,” she said with a playful smile.

  “All right? It took me forever to pick my outfit and get my hair just right. I look sexy.”

  “Your hair is in a bun, like always.”

  “What about the suit, Audrey?”

  “The suit is nice,” she deadpanned, and then she started giggling. “You look very handsome, Bennett. Now, can we go?”

  “Where is everyone else?”

  “They already left. We’re going to be late.”

  “What are they going to do? Give us detention?”

  “No, but they might not let us graduate.”

  My eyes widened. It was D-day. I had to graduate today. There was no other option. If I didn’t, I might combust. Burst into flames.

  “Let’s go, then. Stop wasting time to admire my body.”

  “You’re impossible.”

  “I’m endearing.”

  She groaned and grabbed my hand to drag me out the door. “Come on.”

  The school parking lot was full when we arrived. I had to circle around twice before I found a space because Ryder had stolen my spot at the front. When I complained about it to Audrey, she laughed.

  “That was Ryder’s spot when he was here. Guess he has first rights to it.”

  “We’ll see about that.”

  I grabbed her purse out of the car and our gowns and caps from the back seat. “You didn’t pack your hoodie?”

  “I can’t wear that thing with this dress. It’ll look terrible, and Kenzie would kill me.”

  “But there’s a lot of people here tonight.”

  “I know. But I have you, and Brody and the wolf pack will be in the audience. I’ll be okay. I’ve hidden away for so long. Don’t you think I should go out with a bang? It’s our last time walking through these halls, Bennett. I want to do it with confidence.”

  I smiled at her and wrapped my arms around her waist, lifting her into the air and spinning us around until she laughed. “I’m so proud of you. Let’s show them why we’re together.”

  “We’re not together.”

  “But they don’t know that. Let me show you off.”

  “Okay.” She linked her fingers through mine, and we walked inside, me in my suit, and Audrey in her revealing black dress. She held her head high and tightened her grip on my hand. I could feel her trembling, but she walked with confidence and ease.

  Fake it ’til you make it.

  The whispers started almost immediately, and the stares followed us through the halls until we made our way to the gym. Audrey took a deep breath and smiled up at me.

  “You did it. You okay?”

  “Piece of cake.” She winked, letting her shoulders relax when she realised the whispers weren’t bad. No one was saying anything about her scars or calling her names. The whispers were out of shock and awe, admiration.

  “Audrey, you look beautiful,” Tina said.

  “I love your dress.”

  “Wow, you look amazing

  Not one person looked at me, and that was more than okay. They were all mesmerised by the beautiful girl under my arm.

  Audrey was doing great.

  Christina walked into the room and announced, “We’re starting in five minutes. Be ready.” She approached us and smiled at Audrey. “You look lovely, Audrey.”

  Audrey gasped, her eyes wide with shock, and brushed her hand over her dress. “Thank you, Ms. Brown.”

  With a heated gaze in my direction, Christina turned and sauntered away. I followed the sway of her hips greedily with my eyes. Only a few more hours to go.

  “Focus.” Audrey slapped me on the chest.

  “Sorry.” We’d had a brief discussion about what today meant, other than graduation. And while Audrey still didn’t understand why I wanted to bang our English teacher so bad, she was backing off and letting me make my own decisions, on the condition I didn’t break her heart. Audrey’s heart. Not Christina’s. And that was the easiest promise to keep.

  I placed her graduation gown over her shoulders and the cap on her head before doing the same with my own. One day, someone would design a nicer looking graduation gown. We looked like wizards in robes.

  “All right, places, everyone,” Christina called out, and we all moved into the gym to take our seats.

  I walked Audrey to her seat, placed a kiss on her cheek, and said, “Good luck. I’ll see you on the other side.”

  She smiled and nodded shakily. The nerves were creeping in. “You can do this,” I whispered and walked off in search of my seat.

  “Bennett.” Christina approached.

  “Ms. Brown, what can I do for you?” I smirked as she flushed pink.

  “There’s been a slight change to the schedule. Your name will be called immediately after Audrey.”

  “What? Why? It’s alphabetical. She’s D. I’m S.”

  “I’m well aware of that. I had the change made so you can be there with her if she needs you.”

  I smiled. The fact she did that proved she was better than everyone gave her credit for. “You did?”

  “Yes. I know how hard this must be for her to get up in front of the gym full of people and thought it would be best.”

  “Fuck. I really want to kiss you right now,” I said quietly, my voice almost a growl.

  “Later.” Christina’s eyes flashed with desire. “Go be with Audrey. She’s going to need you.”

  “Thank you, Ms. Brown.”

  “You can thank me later.”

  “Oh, I’m going to thank you.” I lowered my voice to a whisper. “All. Night. Long.”

  “Can’t wait,” she said with a serious expression before turning and walking away.

  I ran back over to Audrey and took the seat beside her as she began rocking back and forth. “What are you doing here?”

  “Ms. Brown put me on the schedule right after you. For support in case you needed it.”

  Audrey’s head whipped around, and she sought out Christina. “Thank you,” she mouthed, and Christina nodded with a smile.

  “I can’t believe she did that.”

  “Told you she wasn’t so bad. You okay now?”

  “Now that you’re here, yes. Have you seen Brody yet? I can’t find him.” She craned her neck to look around the gym.

  “Hang on.” I climbed onto my seat so I could see over the crowds of people pouring in to watch us all graduate and spotted Brody, the Kellermans, Indie and Linc, Kenzie and Jeremy, Harper and Nate, Bailey and Ryder, Sage tucked against his chest a few rows behind the rest of the students. I reached down to Audrey and pulled her up onto her chair. “Here.”

  I pointed in the direction they were sitting.

  “I can’t see them,” she said.

  “I am not lifting you on my shoulders.”

  She frowned.

  “They’re there. Trust me.”

  “But I want to see.”


  I put my fingers in my mouth a whistled as loudly as I could. The entire gym fell silent and looked my way.

  “Oh, my god, Bennett, everyone is looking.”

  “You want to see them, don’t you?”

  She nodded.

  I turned back to face Brody, cupped my hand around my mouth, and shouted. “Hey, stand up.”

  Brody stood and blew a kiss at Audrey.

  “And the rest of you,” I called again.

  One by one, they all stood and waved at Audrey, so she knew they were there.

  “Mr. Sawyer, Miss Davide, please sit down.” My father’s voice boomed from the podium on the stage.

  We quickly dropped into our seats and faced the front, trying not to laugh.

  The ceremony started, and most of the first twenty minutes was my father talking shit. I swore he loved hearing the sound of his own voice. I didn’t pay much attention; I was too focused on Audrey’s bouncing knee beside me.

  Leaning in close, I whispered, “Relax,” and grabbed her hand. “We’ll do it together.”

  They began calling the students’ names, one by one, to come to the podium and collect their graduation certificate. The closer they got to Audrey’s name, the more she bounced nervously beside me until my father’s voice echoed through the speakers, “Audrey Davide.”

  Audrey froze. The bouncing knee no longer bounced. Her breaths became shallow, and panic marred her features.

  “I’m right behind you,” I reassured her, but she still didn’t move.

  My father called her name again, and I shot Christina a look that said “do something.” She darted across the stage and whispered in my dad’s ear. He nodded and surprised me by speaking again. “Audrey Davide and Bennett Sawyer.”

  I jumped out of my chair and held out my hand for Audrey. She was trembling, but with one arm around her waist and the other holding her palm to my chest, I led her to the stage and over to the podium to collect our certificates.

  “Congratulations, Audrey.” My father reached out to shake her hand, but she wouldn’t remove it from my chest. I had to pry it away and place her hand in his.

  “Congratulations, Bennett.” He shook my hand and smiled at me, the first genuinely proud smile he’d ever given me. I nodded my thanks.

  And then, doing the only thing I could do, I scooped Audrey up into my arms and spun her around as I had just done outside. “We did it, bro!”

  Cheers and whistles echoed through the gym, and I turned Audrey to face the crowd, where the entire wolf pack were standing and clapping and shouting out congratulations to her.

  She smiled and buried her head in her hands in embarrassment, and that only made them cheer louder. I picked her up again and ran off stage with her.

  “You okay?” I asked once I’d set her down in her seat.

  “Yeah, thank you. That was so embarrassing. I froze.”

  “You did amazing. I’m so proud of you,” I reminded her.

  We fell silent and watched the remainder of the ceremony. There were more speeches from the class captains and whoever graduated top of the class. I wasn’t sure because all my attention was focused on my English teacher once again.

  After it was finally over, I walked Audrey to her family, where they all congratulated her and showered her with hugs and kisses, before turning and doing the same to me. I had no one in that audience who cared, so I was touched by their gesture. They were great people.

  “Now,” Jeremy said, “the after party.”

  “There’s an after party?” Audrey looked around.

  “Of course. At the roadhouse. The whole class is invited,” Indie answered.

  “Why didn’t I know about that?”

  Kenzie laughed. “Surprise.”

  “Let’s go and celebrate.” Brody grabbed her hand and tugged her to the door.

  I hesitated, wondering whether it would be a bad idea to drag Christina into the locker room and rip her dress off so soon.

  “Bennett, hurry up!” Audrey called over her shoulder, making my decision for me.
  She wanted me at the after party. So, Christina would have to wait.




  My steps were slow, controlled, as I walked toward the roadhouse, but my breaths were heavy, laboured with anticipation of what was to come later that night.

  The countdown was over. Bennett was officially no longer my student.

  Sure, we could wait until the dust settled, but I had waited long enough.

  Ten weeks was too long.

  The music echoed through the parking lot, and the neon sign above the diner cast a purple glow over everything.

  Ten minutes was all the time I was giving myself in there because I knew who was there and was sure none of them wanted to see me. Besides, students didn’t want to hang around with the teachers, anyway, with the exception of one student in particular.

  Bennett caught my attention the instant I walked through the doors and began weaving his way through the crowd to me.

  “Bennett.” I smiled, still trying to act cool.

  “Ms. Brown. Glad you could make it.”

  “Oh, I’m not staying long. Just popped in for a moment, and then I’m out.”

  “Oh.” He folded his arms across his chest and grinned. “Big plans?”

  “You could say that.”

  We stood there staring at each other, sharing secret smiles, knowing exactly what was going to happen the second I walked out those doors.

  “Well, be sure to say goodbye before you leave,” Bennett said.

  “I will.”

  Bennett sauntered away, leaving me staring after him pathetically, and I didn’t care.

  “Christina,” a voice said behind me. Taking a breath, I turned slowly on the spot to see Indie scowling at me. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m a teacher. I’m supposed to be here.”

  “I don’t like it.”

  “You don’t have to. I’ve spoken with Bailey, and we’ve decided to move on and leave the past in the past. I’m not here to cause any trouble, Indie, I swear.”

  “If I find out that—”


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