Scent of a White Rose

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Scent of a White Rose Page 12

by Tish Thawer

  "I don't really know how to start, so I guess I'll just state the obvious. I know that you are all vampires." I paused and hoped that Justin was right in his assumption that Evangeline wouldn't kill me for knowing their secret.

  Christian and Evangeline stared at each other for a few seconds before Christian collapsed into the chair next to me. It took him another moment to turn his head and glare at me. "How? How do you know? And how long have you been lying to me?"

  That was definitely a surprise, and not how I'd expected this conversation to go. His words hit me in the chest like a blow from a prizefighter. "I didn't lie to you. I just didn't tell you that I knew what you were." I had hoped that my confession would be a relief to him, but obviously it was not. "How and when I found out is the reason that I'm here."

  Christian looked at me like I was a complete stranger. I had hoped that by me sharing Terrance's deception he would see this as a good thing in the end.

  "I found out that vampires existed about seven and a half months ago. I was coming to meet my mom after one of her swim lessons and found a vampire feeding from her instead." I was so nervous to reveal who that vampire was, that in that instant I didn't know if I could do it.

  But just then Evangeline moved off her desk and came to kneel in front of me. "Rose, just tell us everything that happened. I'm not angry with you and you are in no danger from anyone in my clan."

  Even though it was Christian that I needed reassurance from, I was thankful to have received it from Evangeline as well. "Thank you. I never meant to deceive anyone. I was just trying to surprise Christian by becoming a vampire, so we could be together forever."

  I was hoping that little revelation would soften Christian's opinion of the situation, and from the look he gave me it had worked, if only slightly. The emotions warring across his face were caught somewhere between love and complete disbelief. "How were you going do that Rose? Evie is the only one who can create new vampires."

  "I know that now thanks to Justin, but before I was told something Terrance."

  At that point Evangeline actually fell backwards, flat onto her ass. "I knew it!"

  I continued in a rush, "I'm sorry I kept it from you, but he told me that if anyone found out that we knew each other or that I knew that vampires existed, that he and I would both be killed. I know now that wasn't true. As a matter of fact, I think everything he told me was a lie. But I just don't understand why he would lie to me. I'm so sorry that I didn't come to you sooner."

  Evangeline picked herself up off the floor and leaned against her desk again. "Why don't you tell us exactly how you two met and everything that he told you about us?"

  By the time I was done relaying all the lies and promises that Terrance had fed me, Christian and Evangeline both looked completely devastated. Evie had found it especially interesting that Terrance's price for this information was that he be able to continue feeding from my mom.

  "I'm sorry if you feel I've lied to you, but I swear I had no idea that what he was telling me was a complete crock of shit. I only found out the truth of how things really worked tonight, and I have Justin to thank for that." I took a deep breath because I had never felt so exhausted in my life.

  Evangeline smiled. "Rose, I don't blame you. Terrance was manipulating you, and I have a pretty good idea as to why."

  * * * * *


  Next Step


  "I've called Jillian's house and her parents said that they haven't seen either of them." I didn't know what I was going to do if I didn't find Rose soon. I was so panicked about where she could be and all the bad things that could be happening to her that I had almost called the cops. But thankfully Meredith was there and was trying her best to keep me calm. She had made us some Chamomile tea in an effort to settle my nerves and continued to remind me that Rose was a big girl. Something that I had refused to see for several months now.

  "I just can't believe that she ran off. I never imagined that she would actually leave and not come home." It was only about 9 p.m., but it was dark outside and with her last words ringing in my ears, "Maybe I'll see you at home," I was regretting everything that had happened

  "Jeremy, I'm sure she's fine. It's obvious that Jillian picked her up and since her parents said she hasn't broken her curfew yet, I'm sure the girls will return soon. I know you're regretting what happened today, but I really do think that everything will be okay."

  "Thanks Meredith. I know in my head that you're probably right, but it's convincing my heart that's the problem." I had started to calm down a bit and decided that I would try Rose's cell phone again, when suddenly my phone started ringing in my hand.

  "Hello? Rose?"

  "No, Jeremy, it's Adrienne Case. I spoke to Jillian and wanted to let you know that the girls are fine. They just finished having dinner with some friends and they asked if Rose could spend the night. I told them that would be fine, but I wanted to let you know in case you wanted to go pick her up instead."

  I sat there, relief flowing through my veins like warm whisky. I tried to think what my next step should be. I was so grateful that Rose was okay, but my first instinct was to rush over there and pick her up immediately so that I could see her with my own eyes and continue to explain about Meredith. Then I realized that I should just be grateful Jillian had checked in with her parents. Rose was obviously needing some more time to process everything.

  I turned to find Meredith beaming at me. There was no I told you so look on her face–just genuine relief and caring. "Thank you, Adrienne. I think it will help Rose to cool down if she can spend the night there, so I appreciate the hospitality. Please let her know that I will be by in the morning to pick her up."

  "Sounds good, Jeremy. I'll let her know, and don't worry, I'm sure this will blow over soon. You two never fight and are as close as can be," she replied. Her response was exactly what I needed to hear.

  Once I hung up the phone and reveled in the fact that my only daughter was safe, I turned to face Meredith once more. Suddenly I was overwhelmed with desire, and with Rose not coming home tonight it looked like I was going to break my own rule after all. "Thank you for staying with me through all of this. I never realized how much having you around truly grounded me." I walked to her, preparing to show her just how grateful I was. "Would you do me the pleasure of spending the night with me? Here in my home?"

  "I thought you would never ask."

  * * * * *


  Demon Downlow


  I'm not sure exactly how many times I almost passed out while listening to Evangeline. She explained what had happened to Terrance, and the first instinct I had was to run away.

  Infected by demon blood? How the hell was I supposed to process that? I thought I had handled the fact that vampires existed pretty well, but demons...come on.

  And from what Evangeline was saying it was obvious they thought my mom was the zôt that had infected Terrance. I actually think I threw up in my mouth a little bit at that revelation.

  "You have to be wrong! You have to be! There is no way that my mother was a fucking demon!"

  "Rose, please just calm down. We'll figure this out." Christian was kneeling in front of me, rubbing his hands over my thighs.

  I loved that he wanted to help, but I was nowhere close to being consolable. After lifting his hands from my legs, I pushed out of the chair and started to pace. "How am I supposed to calm down? You just told me that you think my mom was a demon, but I'm telling you, there's just no way it's true. She was just my mom. A normal, everyday, suburban mom who taught swim lessons for a living and took care of me and my dad." My dad, oh my God, I wondered if he had any idea.

  "Rose, we had initially thought that the woman who infected Terrance had done so maliciously, but from what you're telling us, it seems like it was a simple side-effect from him accidentally encountering her demon blood." I was glad that Evangeline was
no longer blaming my mother for what had happened. "I know this will be hard to deal with, and I'm sorry for having to put you through this, but it's obvious that Terrance is the one who killed your mother."

  I sank down to the floor and let Christian wrap me in his arms. I had seen this coming from a mile away, but it still devastated me. I just couldn't understand why he'd done it. Terrance had always treated my mom like something he cherished, so why did he end up killing her instead? Something just didn't seem to be adding up.

  Once I regained my balance, I explained that even though he did seem to be the obvious choice, I just couldn't believe that Terrance had been the one to kill my mom.

  "Honey, you have to face the facts. Terrance was addicted to the taste of your mother's blood. You said yourself that he told you it was unlike anything he had ever tasted before. He could have easily followed her home after feeding from her one night and found out where you lived and then returned whenever he wanted. I'm sure that as the poison spread, the need for her blood became more and more prominent. He probably just broke into your house to feed from your mom and finally lost control. Rose, I'm sorry, but you have to agree that it's the obvious answer and makes perfect sense." Christian had sped through his explanation. But he was right. Everything that he was telling me had wrapped my mom's death up in a nice little bow. Mystery solved.

  After a few moments of silence, I resigned myself to face the facts. "I guess you're right. But what I don't understand is why he didn't come back for me."

  * * * * *




  Meredith's and my night had been a whirlwind of passion, but when I woke up to find her sprawled in my bed with her blonde hair spilling over my dead wife's pillow, it had sent a jolt straight through my heart. We had slept together before and spent the night with each other multiple times, but it had always been at her apartment in Masen. So waking up here in the bed that I had shared with my wife for years was something that I clearly hadn't prepared myself for. I suddenly started to have major regrets and a major change of heart.

  "Meredith, I have to go pick up Rose. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave." I knew it sounded rude, and I realized that I was taking the coward's way out by using Rose as my excuse to get rid of her. But in reality, I just couldn't bring myself to look at the woman that reminded me of Loraine for a moment longer.

  I really don't know what I was thinking by getting involved with her in the first place. Rose was right. I had obviously gravitated towards Meredith because of her looks and how she had reminded me of Loraine. I guess I had been using her to fill the gap that my wife's death had left in my soul.

  "I don't have to be back in Masen until tomorrow. Are you sure you don't want me to stick around? I could help explain things between us to Rose, if you'd like." I could see that she was truly trying to be helpful, but I suddenly just couldn't stand the thought of her being around my only daughter.

  "No. Thank you, but I really need to speak to Rose alone." I was already heading towards the shower as I took in the hurt expression on her face.

  "Jeremy, is everything okay? Have I done something wrong?" Her voice was filled with trepidation.

  "Of course not. I'm just anxious to pick up Rose and clear the air between us. I'm sorry if it offends you, but this is something that I need to do alone." I was starting to get angry that I had to justify the fact that this was between me and my daughter. Yes, I knew it concerned her since she was part of the reason Rose had run off in the first place, but since I currently thought that our arrangement was quickly coming to an end, I just couldn't muster up the energy needed to make her feel better.

  "Look, Meredith. I'm grateful for the time we've spent together, but after seeing Rose's reaction at the café, it's clear to me that I have rushed into this. I think it would be best if we stopped seeing each other until I can get things settled between Rose and me and truly figure out how I'm feeling." I turned to continue my escape into the bathroom, and that's when I heard the crash.

  Seeing the broken vase on the floor alerted me to just how angry she was. "You have got to be fucking kidding me! After everything that I have gone through to be with you, you're going to let your daughter dictate how our relationship is going to go?" She was kneeling on the bed completely naked, which should have been enough of a distraction, but what really had my attention locked in place was the glowing red color that was emanating from her eyes.

  * * * * *


  Nowhere To Go


  "I'm not sure why Terrance didn't come back to kill you, Rose. It's a completely logical question, but I'm not sure that we will be able to get you an answer to it." Evangeline explained that because of the poison, Terrance was unable to focus on any of the time he'd spent with my mom, the demon. And now that he'd drifted permanently dark and seemed to only have malicious tendencies, Evangeline didn't think that he would be in a sharing mood, even if he could access the memories.

  "Couldn't we at least try? Maybe if he sees me and realizes that his deception is no longer a secret, he would open up about it." I couldn't imagine leaving here without some answers.

  After hesitating briefly, Christian stood up and took my hand. "I'll take Rose down to question Terrance if you want to stay here and explain to everyone what's happening."

  "I'm not sure that's a good idea. You saw how he launched himself at me last night, and I know that he would have attacked Tori earlier if she had gotten any closer." Evangeline was clearly concerned that Terrance was a threat to both Christian and me.

  "We won't get close to the cell. Besides, he's still in chains and has nowhere to go. I think it's important that I be the one to escort Rose to see him." Christian's eyes narrowed while he took in Evangeline's concerned expression. It was clear that the two were having some sort of private communication.

  "Alright. Come straight back up through my office once you're done. And for God's sake, whatever happens, please make sure you stay out of his reach." Evangeline hugged me and then quickly exited her office, leaving Christian and me standing alone, still holding hands.

  "I can't tell you how sorry I am that this is happening to Terrance, and apparently it's all my mom's fault." It was still a hard pill to swallow, but obviously one that I was going to have to get used to.

  "Oh, Rose, none of this is your mother's fault. Not really. It seems to me that Terrance just happened to cross paths with her at the pool. Honestly, it could have easily been any one of us." He lifted my face by gently placing his finger under my chin. "I don't blame your mother or you for anything that has happened. And to be really honest, I'm just so happy to hear that you want to become a vampire like me. The thought of spending eternity with you, makes me happier than you can imagine." He bent down and kissed me softly.

  I didn't have the words to express how relieved I felt. When this whole fiasco had started, I wasn't sure he was going to forgive me for keeping the truth from him. But now we were both excited to move forward with our lives. I threw my arms around his neck and increased the intensity of our kiss.

  "Come on. We have to get down to Terrance and get this over with before the club starts to get busy." He led me over to the book case behind Evangeline's desk and proceeded to push a button under one of the shelves. The bookcase separated, revealing a staircase that led down into a white tiled hallway.

  Once we made our way into the rising pit, he led me in the direction of Terrance's cell. I was nervous to see him again, especially now knowing everything I did.

  "Are you sure you're going to be up for this? You've experienced quite a few shocks tonight already." Christian stopped and rubbed his hands up and down my arms.

  "Yes, I'll be fine. I have to do this." I was tougher than people gave me credit for, and I was about to prove it.

  As we rounded the end of the hall and finally came to rest in front of Terrance's cell, we found him s
itting on the floor, his back against the wall. His hands and feet were still cuffed in chains. Once he looked up and caught sight of me, he immediately jumped to his feet.

  "Obviously you recognize Rose, and the fact that she's here in our pit should be a pretty good indication that your secret is out of the bag." Christian's voice held a sharp tone that had obviously set Terrance on edge. With wide eyes, he frantically kept looking back and forth between the two of us.

  "Terrance, why did you lie to me?" I guess if Christian was going to play the bad cop, I was supposed to play the good cop. Not that I wanted to, mind you. I would much rather be playing the bad cop right now. Because honestly, seeing his gorgeous face again and now knowing that he'd been playing me this whole time pissed me off more than I could explain. It actually felt like I was fighting a rising tide of lava that was preparing to explode from within me.

  "I'm sorry, Rose. I think she somehow made me do it." Terrance sounded so...normal. I had expected him to be foaming at the mouth and maybe yelling and screaming. But instead, he sounded like his old self: the nice vampire that had opened up my little sheltered world to one of imaginary creatures and the possibility of eternal life.

  "What are you saying? She made you lie to me, or she made you kill her?" I wasn't letting him off the hook that easily.

  As I waited for his response, I noticed Christian tilting his head with a curious look spreading across his face. I refused to discuss anything in front of Terrance, so I left it for later. "So tell me. Exactly what did my mother make you do?"


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