Scent of a White Rose

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Scent of a White Rose Page 16

by Tish Thawer

  The next thing I heard was Meredith's voice. "From the look on your face and from the company that you keep, I think you know exactly who I am. Or should I say...what I am. I'm a demon Rose; the very one in fact that infected your friend and killed your mother."

  Double fuck. This was not good, but apparently my psychic ability paid off again. By having Rose return home, we now knew exactly who the demon was. Rose had been right, and now it sounded like she might just end up paying for it with her life.

  I listened to the "whoosh" of air leave Rose's lungs. She must have fallen onto the floor in shock from Meredith's confession. "Why? Why did you kill my mom? And, is that why you're here? Did you break into my house again so you could kill me, too?"

  Good girl Rose. In a flash I was racing towards her house. With my preternatural vampire speed, I would be there in minutes. Hang in there, baby.

  Once I arrived at Rose's house, the only two lights on were the one upstairs and the other down. It only took a moment for me to focus my hearing and pinpoint Rose and Meredith's voices coming from the back part of the main floor.

  I raced around the back of the house and found the backdoor open. This must have been where Meredith had broken in. I silently made my way towards the room that contained the love of my life and the demon who was threatening her.

  As I started to open the door, I heard Meredith say, "You will help me win back your father, or I'll tell him that you and your vampire friends were responsible for your mother's death."

  How did she think that would work? I'm sure Mr. Reynolds would believe his daughter over his girlfriend. And talking about vampires would only cause him to think she was crazy. But then she continued.

  "Don't you remember that I can control a vampire once they bite me? All I would have to do is have another vampire bite me and then force them to reveal themselves to your dad. He would have no choice but to believe me if he came face to face with a vampire, now would he?"

  Damn, I guess she had a point. How in the hell was I supposed to protect Rose when I couldn't bite Meredith without becoming infected. I knew nothing about how to defend against a demon. Oh well...I guess it was time to learn.

  The moment I opened the door and flew to Rose's side, Meredith's eyes began to glow red. "How dare you interfere? This has nothing to do with your kind."

  "You involved my kind the second you infected Terrance, you bitch. And there is no way in hell that I'm letting you hurt Rose. I may not be able to bite you in order to kill you, but I can certainly rip you limb-from-limb. And trust me, now that we know your kind exists, my clan will make sure we destroy every single one of you. You're never going to use us or hurt anyone we love again."

  As I watched the red light radiate from Meredith's eyes, I considered just grabbing Rose and speeding away from the house. But since we had no idea why she was so interested in Rose's dad, I just couldn't leave him alone without knowing if she would kill him.

  "I may not be as strong as you, but after I killed Rose's mom I became a lot stronger than your average human. I'm sure it came from drinking in her essence like my ancestors used to do, and now...I think you'll find me a lot harder to kill." It sounded like she wasn't sure of her abilities, but she certainly wasn't backing down either.

  She launched herself across the room, grabbed Rose, and flew out the door. Damn, she definitely had some speed. I raced after her and caught up with them in the living room, but to my surprise, she wasn't hurting Rose, but instead was whispering something in her ear that left Rose completely limp with shock. I didn't have time to wonder what they were discussing because I was too worried that any moment Meredith would snap Rose's neck.

  I sped around and grabbed Meredith from behind I was able to restrain her, but it was taking quite a bit of effort. "Rose, grab the poker from the fireplace. You're going to have to kill her. And hurry, I can't hold her for much longer."

  * * * * *


  The moment that Rose's vampire arrived, an idea formed in my head. I knew that I wasn't going to be able to beat him in a fight or outrace him if I tried to run, so instead I thought that I would take this opportunity to set both of them up.

  I heard Jeremy start to stir upstairs, so I knew it would only be a matter of time before he came to find us all. So the moment I saw the opportunity, I grabbed Rose and sped towards the living room.

  I hadn't lied to Christian. When I had drunk Loraine's blood, it definitely had an effect on me. I was so euphoric when I felt her essence flow into me, but what I failed to share was that in addition to the euphoric feeling, it had also infused me with her actual life force.

  After I killed her, I had traveled to my grandmother's house to ask her about the old ways. She'd informed me that the demons of old drank human blood to not only absorb their essence, but because it actually lengthened their lifespan. Through the drinking of blood, the ancient demons had gained strength, speed, and the ability to defy death. Drinking human blood had started to make them immortal. But the transformation hadn't been completed and when they were faced with the extinction of their race, the old ways were lost. We had never consumed human blood because it was uncertain how it would affect us.

  I had been the first to risk it, and now it looked like I was going to be putting the rest of the myth to the test as well. I had hoped that by drinking Loraine's blood I would start to become immortal or at least a little less destructible so when Rose "killed" me, I wouldn't really be dead. I didn't see any other way as Christian had already threatened to hunt me down from this point forward. So, honestly, what did I have to lose?

  Once I had gotten Rose alone in the living room, I knew I only had a couple of seconds before Christian was going to be on us again. I may have gained in speed and strength, but I would never be as fast as a vampire.

  "Rose, you wanted to know why I was so interested in your dad? It's because he's a demon too. And so are you." I felt her go limp with shock, just as Christian entered the room. "If Christian finds out, his clan will kill you both."

  Christian sped around behind me and held me in place as he instructed Rose to do exactly what I wanted her to do.

  Jeremy was rounding the bottom of the stairs just as Rose followed Christian's directions and grabbed the fireplace poker.

  She ran back around and positioned herself in front of me, and with a rage-filled look on her face, she took aim.

  * * * * *


  I couldn't believe what Meredith had just whispered in my ear. Me and my dad were demons too? That was why she had been interested in my dad and killed my mom.

  Just as I had started to scream at her in denial, Christian raced into the room and grabbed Meredith from behind. "Rose, grab the poker from the fireplace. You're going to have to kill her. And hurry, I can't hold her for much longer," I heard him say.

  I could barely process what he was saying, but the malicious smile that spread across her face was enough to propel me into motion.

  I was so angry that I could almost feel the heat radiating from my face. "I don't care if you're lying or not, I will not let you hurt my family anymore."

  I had never thought that I would be capable of actually killing someone, but the moment that Meredith had confessed that she was the one who killed my mother all I could think about was her demise.

  I slammed the poker into her stomach and watched her collapse into a bloody heap on the floor. That was when I heard my father scream.

  * * * * *


  Clean Break


  I met Jeremy's eyes just as his daughter rammed the poker through my stomach. His eyes went wide with shock and he screamed.

  I collapsed into a heap on the floor and laid as motionless as possible. The stab wound definitely hurt and I'm sure it looked fatal to everyone in the room, but I could already tell that it was starting to mend itself. I guess the theory of my demon immortality was proving true. I laid there listening to
my plan fall into place as Jeremy started screaming at his daughter.

  I knew she wouldn't try to explain that I was a demon, and that Christian was a vampire. So my secret was safe until I decided to share it with Jeremy. So right now it just looked like his precious Rose was guilty of attempted murder. Perfect!

  "What have you done? My God Rose, what have you done? You've killed her!" Jeremy kept repeating his panicked questions as he made his way over to me.

  "I...I'm sorry. I...Dad, she killed Mom." Rose had no way to prove it, so I hoped that Jeremy would blow it off as an excuse of a desperate girl who had just tried to kill her dad's girlfriend.

  "I don't understand! Tell me what happened. Please, honey, tell me exactly what happened!" He was screaming by the time he knelt down next to my body.

  * * * * *


  I had no idea what to say to my dad. There was no way to explain that Meredith was a demon, and that Dad and I were, too.

  I saw Christian watching me while my dad approached Meredith. I think he was trying to remain out of the way in case he needed to react in a hurry. I'm sure he was just waiting to see what I was going to do before he spoke up. I wasn't sure what was going to happen next, but looking at Christian an idea suddenly formed in my head. Since I was planning on becoming a vampire soon, this seemed like the perfect opportunity to make a clean break from my old life.

  I hated the idea of leaving Dad with this image of me, but since there was no way to explain what had truly happened here, I decided that I didn't have much of a choice.

  "Dad, I promise that what I did was for the best. For you, for me, and whether you believe me or not, for Mom. I hope you don't call the cops on me, but I'll understand if you feel you have to."

  I saw Christian shaking his head at me trying to get my attention. When I looked at him, he licked his fangs and motioned to my dad. Oh my god, he was going to bite my dad and use his sedative. I couldn't let that happen. According to Meredith my dad was a demon and would infect Christian if he bit him. How the hell was I supposed to get out of this? My eyes widened and I shook my head "no" at Christian. I'd have to explain myself to him later, but I was thankful that he was letting me take the lead on this.

  Resolved to the fact that running was my best option, I moved to hug my dad. He was still kneeling next to Meredith, shocked into silence with a panicked look on his face. I leaned down and hugged him tight. "I love you, Dad. Please don't ever forget that."

  I couldn't stand to stay and hear his response. I knew he'd plead with me to stay and that we would figure everything out, but I'd made up my mind. It was time to start my life with Christian. I looked at him and nodded my head towards the front door. In an instant we were running for his car, and we peeled out as soon as we were both inside. By the time we hit the end of the block, the ambulance was already blaring down the street towards my house.

  I buried my head in my hands and began to cry. I knew Christian probably thought that it was because I was leaving my father with the impression that his daughter was a murderer, but in reality, it was because deep down, I knew that Meredith was right. I was a demon, and if Christian found out, he and his clan would want to kill me.

  My life was over.

  * * * * *


  As I laid there listening to Rose break Jeremy's heart, I knew that my plan had worked. Jeremy had seen his sweet, precious daughter "kill" me, and now she and her boyfriend were on the run. I knew that Evangeline would hide them so I'd have to convince him not to press charges and just try to let her go. I already had an idea of how to do that, and if I was right it would guarantee my spot back in Jeremy's life.

  I wasn't sure when or if I would reveal our shared heritage to him, but I knew that my life was about to begin with the man I loved. Today had been a good day to die.

  * * * * *


  As I knelt next to Meredith, I couldn't help but feel all the emotions I had once felt for her surging back to the surface. When I had heard voices downstairs, I first thought that Rose had invited her boyfriend over to pick up his car, but then I had heard Meredith's voice, and the sounds of violence.

  As I raced around the corner, I took in the scene before me. Rose's boyfriend had Meredith by the arms, holding her in place while Rose prepared to drive a poker through her stomach.

  I had screamed, and then watched in horror as my daughter pierced my ex-girlfriend through the stomach. Meredith had collapsed to the ground, blood gushing from her wound.

  I raced to Meredith as I tried to process how my little girl could have done something so heinous, so criminal.

  "I...I'm sorry. I...Dad, she killed Mom."

  I was so shocked I felt like I couldn't function. "I don't understand! Tell me what happened. Please, honey, tell me exactly what happened!" I screamed.

  What she said next will haunt me until my dying days. "Dad, I promise that what I did was for the best. For you, for me, and whether you believe me or not, for Mom. I hope you don't call the cops on me, but I'll understand if you feel you have to."

  I sat there completely stunned. I realized that I was truly in shock and that was why I couldn't get my brain to work. I wanted to cry out and grab her as she hugged me, but instead I felt rooted in place. In the next instant she was gone. My little girl was gone.

  Suddenly, I heard a breath escape from Meredith and that kicked my brain back into gear. I jumped up and dialed 911 and then immediately returned to her side. All my attention was focused on her as she slowly opened her eyes. Thank God she wasn't dead. I tried keeping her still as she started to say something. I couldn't quite make it out so I lowered my head, straining to hear what she was whispering. "Don't report Rose. Protect her."

  I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Here was this woman bleeding to death in my home and she wanted to protect my daughter...the person who had just tried to kill her. How did I ever think that leaving her had been the right thing to do?

  Before the EMTs made their way inside, I grabbed the fireplace poker and wiped it clean, then placed Meredith's hand on the handle. I had made sure to meet Meredith's eyes as I nodded and mouthed, "Thank you."

  After stabilizing Meredith's vitals, the EMTs stopped the bleeding and bandaged her wound. While loading her into the ambulance they had said the wound wasn't as bad as it looked. I climbed into the ambulance with Meredith and we headed to the hospital.

  When I grabbed her hand her slight smile and the gleam in her eyes radiated love. I couldn't believe that I had almost ruined this relationship.

  "I'm so sorry." I hoped that she understood that I was apologizing for everything: for keeping her a secret from Rose in the first place, for me breaking up with her, and most of all, for my daughter just attempting to kill her. I would gladly spend an eternity making it up to her if she'd let me.

  "It's okay," she whispered. "I love you. It will all be okay."

  Once we arrived at the hospital, the nurses started an IV and the cops arrived to begin their questioning. I made sure that I was close enough to Meredith so that she could hear my responses. I figured that if we were all going to get out of this we'd better have our stories straight.

  With Meredith listening, I lied and told them that we were having dinner and decided to follow it up with some dessert in front of the fireplace. We had started to move some of the fireplace equipment out of the way so that we could make ourselves more comfortable on the floor, and that's when Meredith tripped and impaled herself on the poker.

  My God, what was I doing? I hope this worked, because if it didn't, not only would my daughter go to jail for attempted murder, but I would be right behind her for conspiracy. I couldn't believe this was happening. One wrong move and my life was over.

  After running Meredith's fingerprints to verify my story, the cops ruled it an accident and thanked us for our time.

  By that time Meredith had started to drop into unconsciousness from the pain medication in her IV drip. B
efore she fell asleep, I quickly leaned in and whispered, "I love you, too."

  As I settled in the chair of Meredith's hospital room, I tried to come up with a plan to go after Rose. Now that I knew she was still seeing Christian, obviously that was where I needed to start. It stung to know that Rose had kept seeing him behind my back. If I hadn't been so crazed with keeping her safe I might actually know more about this guy, like where he lived or who he really was. But instead, I knew nothing about the boy who just stole my daughter from me.

  That was something that I was going to change very soon.

  * * * * *


  Our New Life


  By the time we reached The Rising Pit, my eyes were dry. I literally couldn't cry anymore. Just a few hours ago, everything had been so perfect. My dad had broken up with that demon bitch, I had finally gained back my freedom, and we were going to go buy me a new car the following day.

  But in a flash, everything had changed. I found out that my mom had been murdered by a demon who was after my father because apparently he was a demon, too. And not only was I a demon as well, but now...I was also a murderer.

  I hadn't thought twice about killing Meredith when Christian told me to do it. Not only had I wanted revenge for my mother, but also I had to keep her from telling Christian that I was a demon.

  I had no idea how I knew it, but when Meredith had admitted to killing my mother, I had felt the rage inside of me rise to the point that something physically had changed within me. It was like I had almost felt my DNA shifting. So when she told me that my father and I were demons, I knew that she was telling the truth. I also knew she was telling the truth about Christian's clan wanting to kill me if they found out I was a demon.


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