Prison Fling

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Prison Fling Page 18

by Cassandra Dee

  But now that I knew the truth, I didn’t know if I could go through with it. I couldn’t sign on the dotted line, not when I still loved her so much.

  In short, I’d fucked up big time. Real bad.

  And now, the finale had come.

  Slowly, I picked up the envelope and slid my finger under the seal, a harsh rip sounding out. Reaching inside, I pulled out a thick wad of legal papers. I’d seen them countless times before, but now they were signed.

  At the bottom of the page was Laney’s signature, right beside mine.

  But she’d used her maiden name. No more Laney Evercore.

  Because the female’s doesn’t belong to me anymore.

  She’s no longer mine, and pain ripped through my heart.

  Oh shit.

  This was really happening.

  All I needed to do now was file the papers and then we would be done.

  That was it. No more us.

  I’d be a single man once more, free to date and fuck whoever I’d like. Things would go back to the way they were before I was sent to prison. I could have any girl wrapped around my finger, bent over and begging for it.

  But I didn’t want anyone else.

  I wanted Laney.

  Suddenly, I threw down the papers in a rage, pacing around the room.

  I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t divorce Laney.

  Why would I want to divorce the woman I loved?

  I couldn’t give up on her without a fight.

  So maybe she hates me right now. Maybe she’ll always think of me as the asshole who broke her heart, but still, I couldn’t throw in the towel just like that. There had to be a way. If only I could get her to listen to me – to give me a chance – things could be different.

  I could fix this.

  After all, I was the one who had fucked up. I made the mistake. So it was my responsibility to make things right.

  But how?

  I ran my fingers through my hair in a rage, still pacing around the room.

  There had to be something.

  Maybe, if I just explained myself to her, she would understand. I could tell her that my impetuous actions were a result of my past. Before, I had never cared about anyone. Women came and went. They were a quick source of pleasure, but that was about it. I would fuck them, give them a pat on the ass, and show them the door.

  They didn’t matter.

  All those girls I fucked and not one of them mattered the same way Laney did.

  There was no emotional connection. It was all about lust. And frankly, if they hooked up with other guys before or after, it made no difference. I didn’t care.

  But Laney was different.

  She was the only woman who’d gotten through to my heart.

  So when I saw the photos, I lost it.

  Of course I did. She was my woman, and the only woman I’d ever truly felt deeply about. The only one who’d ever moved my soul among a long list of females. It was no surprise I went ballistic. It was the possessive predator inside, unleashed and raw.

  And yet, that dominant, possessive instinct that was supposed to keep Laney safe and sound in my arms, was the reason our marriage crashed and burned.


  I needed to do something.

  I had to get my womn back.


  Pulling up silently, the Maserati slid up the curb outside her house. The lights were on and I could see a gorgeous, curvy silhouette moving along the window.

  While driving, I had come up with this big, elaborate plan to make her mine again, but now that I was actually here, it vanished into thin air.

  I’ve never been one to doubt myself. As master of the universe, the decision come easy, my actions decisive and confident.

  Not this time.

  For the first time ever, I was afraid.

  Petrified, frankly, of rejection.

  Because what if Laney slammed the door in my face or said she never wanted to see me again? I hadn’t contemplated those possibilities, but now, they seemed all too real. I was almost sure she’d kick me to the curb. Hell, she’d probably call the police for stalking.

  But that didn’t matter.

  I needed to talk to her. I needed to make her understand.

  So taking a deep breath, I got out of the car. And with long strides, my big body approached the cottage like a panther stalking its prey. It was ridiculous actually. Her house was tiny and pink, like gingerbread come to life.

  Oh shit, oh shit. I was losing it.

  Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to knock.


  My heart pounded like a fucking drum in my chest. Oh shit, oh shit. What if she ignored me? What if she told me to take a hike? I wouldn’t blame her.

  Soft footsteps approached.

  Laney’s beautiful eyes appeared in the window, peering through the blinds. I lowered my head so she couldn’t see my face, but it was obvious that it was me.

  She disappeared.

  For a few agonizing moments, nothing happened.

  Was she just going to leave the door unanswered?

  I was about to knock once more when it swung open.

  The brunette gazed at me, caramel eyes wide in shock. She stepped back, nearly tripping over her welcome mat, fingers so tight around the knob that her knuckles turned white.

  “Mason,” she stammered. “What are you doing here?”

  Thankfully, the girl didn’t sound angry, only surprised.

  I stepped forward, yearning to fold her into my arms and never let go. But I held back, knowing that this was my one chance at salvation. I couldn’t fuck things up.

  “Laney, I came to apologize.” I started. “I was such an idiot. A giant, fucking idiot. I should’ve just asked you about the guy first. But I was so caught up in my old ways, where I never dared to trust anyone, that I didn’t even think of trusting you – the woman I loved. I was so sure everyone was out to get me, that I even suspected the only woman I ever cared about. When you came into my life, Laney, you took it by storm. I’d never met a girl like you. Sexy, sweet, and innocent all at the same time. You were everything I ever wanted in a woman and I fell madly in love with you.”

  Shit, the words came in a torrent, like a flood escaping its source. And desperate to touch that soft flesh, I stepped into her home, taking her hands in mine.

  The girl didn’t move an inch, her eyes wide, searching mine.

  I continued to apologize. The heartfelt words spewed of my mouth, with no way to to stop. I needed to get all this off my chest or it would slowly suffocate me.

  “I should’ve asked you about the photos, Laney,” came my raspy growl, squeezing her hands, praying that she would believe me. “And I’m sorry that I didn’t. I was an idiot for jumping to conclusions, but I’m a proud man and the second I saw you with someone else, anger got the best of me.” I paused, taking a deep breath. “I’ve never reacted so strongly before. Usually, cool as a cucumber is the name of the game, but with you,” I smiled ruefully. “With you, everything’s different.”

  The brunette looked at me, expression softening. But I could tell that she was still guarded.

  “Mason,” she began slowly.

  I cut her off.

  “Before I met you, there was no ‘settling down,’ no thought of marriage. Dating was just a game and women were pawns on the chessboard. They didn’t matter to me, and frankly, I didn’t give a damn. They were nothing but fucktoys, playthings if you will.”

  She winced slightly, and my heart tore open once again. But as difficult as these words were, I had to say them.

  “But you?” I moved closer, my big body hard and urgent. “You were different. You’ve always been different. From the second I laid eyes on you, something happened. I don’t know how to describe it. It’s like the world changed colors, everything going out of focus but you.”

  I pulled her closer, hands on her hips, our bodies nearly touching.

  “Please listen baby. Please believe me. I
love you more than life itself. You were my salvation in the hell hole that was San Remo. Fuck, you were my guardian angel, the only thing that kept me sane. And that’s why, when I saw those photos …” my voice trailed off.

  She tilted her chin at me, eyes soft and gentle.

  “Yes?” Laney breathed. “Yes, then what?”

  I took a deep breath, summoning my courage.

  “And that’s why when I saw those photos, I went ballistic. You’re my one and only sweetheart, and I lost it. Completely. I’m so sorry, baby, it was the possessive male in me taking over.”

  The house fell into a soft hum as we stared at one another, not quite breathing.

  And slowly, I reached into my pocket, fingers tightening around the small box hidden there. Taking a deep breath, I dropped down to one knee, still holding her hand in mine, squeezing gently before letting go.

  Laney stepped back, confusion painted on her face, brows furrowed. “Mason what are you doing?” she breathed, genuinely confused.

  It hadn’t dawned on her yet.

  But that wasn’t going to stop me. I pulled out the box and opened it the giant diamond ring glittering like a midnight star.

  Laney gasped. But before she could say anything, I spoke again.

  “Will you, Laney?” was my low growl, blue eyes intense. “Will you marry me again?” I caught her gaze with my own, our connection immediate. “I won’t you divorce me,” was my hoarse declaration. “No.”

  Laney stared at me for a moment, her eyes glassy. Oh shit. What if she said no? My heart pumped with nervous energy, the diamond throwing glints all over the room.

  And then the beautiful female broke down.

  “Oh Mason,” she sighed, slumping forwards, body going limp.

  Quickly, I caught her in my arms.

  “Sweetheart,” I rasped urgently, sweeping her up. “Sweetheart, are you okay?”

  Oh shit. Was it time to call 9-1-1? My heart pumped with fear once more. This woman was going to kill me.

  But then Laney came to and pulled on my hand, slowly lifting her head.

  “Careful…” I growled, holding that curvy frame steady, hands on her hips. “Are you okay? What happened?”

  “Yeah… I just… this is all…” She bit the inside of her lip. Clearly, she wanted to say something, but was holding back.

  “Laney. Just tell me. What is it?”

  She stalled a moment longer before biting her lip uncertainly, big brown eyes flaring as they met mine.

  “I’m pregnant, Mason,” she said softly. “I’m having your child.”

  Holy shit!



  Holy fucking cow! This was the best news ever!

  “Wait… you’re…?”

  She nodded. “Pregnant.” The word landed in the room like a bomb, resonating in the silence.

  My big form stood stunned with shock, radiating ecstatic happiness.

  But what about my girl? She ducked her head, tears slipping down those cheeks again.

  “I’m just not sure,” she whispered. “I’m not sure if things can still work out between us after everything that’s happened. But I think, for the sake of the child, we should try. No promises,” she said, taking a deep breath. “Because we’ll give it a try.”

  I nodded, pulling her close.

  “Of course,” I vowed, voice deep and filled with emotion. “I’ll support you every step of the way. You and the baby will always be taken care of, sweetheart.” It was only then that I noticed her stomach because there was definitely a small bump under the baggy clothing.

  How long had she known?

  How long had my girl been keeping this secret?

  I placed a square palm on her stomach, our eyes locking. “Is it a boy or a girl?” was my heartfelt growl.

  “We don’t know yet,” she whispered. “But I hope he or she looks just like you.”

  My heart swelled with love, hope and gratitude.

  “A surprise then,” I rasped, blue eyes seizing hers. “Our child.”

  She nodded again, eyes brimming with tears.

  “Our baby,” she said. “Always.”

  And with that, I leaned forwards to take her sweet mouth in a kiss while slipping the ring on her finger. Because fuck, things were going to work out. Sure, there were no absolutes right now. No promises that we were going to ride off into the sunset in a flaming chariot.

  But this was our best hope. My girl, and my baby, with me for the moment, and maybe even for keeps. Because going forwards, I was going to do right by them. I was going to do my best, no matter what, and always give my loved ones the benefit of the doubt.

  Because we’d come so close to screwing it all up. We’d come so close to the edge, almost plummeting off the edge of the cliff and dying long, agonizing deaths on the desert floor. But instead, here I was now with my best girl in my arms, that curvy form plump and sweet, heavy with my child. And I swore right then and there … Laney would be my one and only, and I’d never let her get away again.



  One year later …

  “Harder!” I moaned, head tilting back in ecstasy.

  Mason growled in my ear, pulling at my hair as he fucked my ass, pummeling the tiny hole. “Do you like that baby girl?”

  “Yes! I love it!” I clutched at the sheets, toes curling.

  But then my lover eased off, kissing the top of my shoulder with warm, sensual lips.

  “Shh, you’ll wake the baby.” Mason slowed his pace, teasing even as his cock throbbed in my back end.

  I whimpered, adoring the deep penetration.

  “Mason, please,” came my helpless whisper, looking over my shoulder. “Please.”

  But Mr. Evercore always gets his way. Because suddenly, he pulled out and flipped me over. Large, warm hands fell on my tits, squeezing and massaging the sensitive flesh.

  Oh god. It felt so good. I arched my back, raising my torso off the mattress while spreading my legs wider, offering myself to this man. Because he’s my everything, my one and only, and through this hard ass-fucking, we were demonstrating our devotion again.

  “Someone’s excited,” the billionaire mused before leaning down and pressing a kiss to my nipple. As always, a shock ran straight from breast to cunt, making me sigh breathlessly. Mason and I have gone at it countless times now, and yet each time it somehow felt like the first, full of excitement and nerves and oh-so-much pleasure.

  “I always want you,” was my soft admission, wrapping my legs around his waist, pulling that massive male form closer. I could feel his cock pressing against my pussy, tantalizing in its proximity.

  God. I wanted it.

  “Please Daddy,” I murmured, shooting him a sultry look even as my pussy tried to catch him inside. “Please.”

  I thrust my hips into the air, begging for it, but the alpha just grinned down, an amused look on his face.

  Oh fuck, I knew that expression.

  He was going to tease me until I begged.

  I bit my lip, eyes pleading once more, but that white smile flashed ruthlessly.

  He started at my neck, kissing it slowly, letting his lips trail along my skin. When he reached my collarbone, he nibbled lightly, leaving love bites behind. All the while, his hands roamed all over my body, rubbing and teasing my sensitive areas, but avoiding my puffy crevice.

  I was soaking wet, juices flowing like a wild river, pooling on the sheets. Oh shit, there was a huge wet spot under my rear end, the evidence of our lust.

  Why did he have to torment me like this? Why couldn’t he just go back to fucking my ass the way I liked it? I was the alpha’s sex toy after all. His plaything and also his wife, two opposites melded into one for a perfect blend.

  Because in the beginning, it wasn’t easy. I wasn’t ready to forgive him for obvious reasons. Wariness surrounded me like a cloud, my every movement hesitant.

  But slowly, Mason earned back my trust. It was damn hard. At f
irst, I wouldn’t respond, and he’d try again. Or I’d ignore him, leaving the billionaire to stew.

  But Mr. Evercore is made of patience now, and he never gave up. Like a rose opening gradually to the sun, my petals unfolded. And after a year, we’re familiar with one another again, loving and trusting our partner wholeheartedly.

  In fact, the alpha consults me on many things these days. Where and when we would buy a house. Where to go for dinner. Which nanny to hire. The billionaire is gentle and careful, making sure I’m included. And slowly, my responses became natural once more, gentle and loving.

  The dark man kissed me tenderly, his hand resting on my hip.

  “I love you sweetheart,” he breathed into my ear, idling caressing my skin. “I can’t wait to get out of this city.”

  “What? You don’t like your NYC penthouse?” I teased. “This place has a view of Central Park and the reservoir. Not many people would say no to a pad like this.”

  He shrugged, flashing a charming smile.

  “Of course sweetheart. But this is a bachelor pad. You and the baby deserve better. I’ll call my lawyer in the morning and tell him to hurry up with the contract. Imagine it, sweetheart. In three months’ time, we’ll be safe and snug in our new home.”

  I smiled.

  It was a dream come true.

  And reading my mind, the billionaire reached for me again, big hands caressing my curves. Because Mason is protective, for sure. He looks out for us always, a male protecting his females.

  But there are nuances now. He’s not just a man who jumps to conclusions. His actions and reactions are measured and thoughtful, tempered with time.

  Because we beat the odds. Our love was formed in prison, behind bars with skeptical eyes doubting. And yet, it flowered into something true and long-lasting, enduring through multiple struggles.

  And now, we’re a married couple with a baby. Getting ready to live life to its fullest, a family in all respects.

  But never underestimate the billionaire. Because in a second, he had me on all fours. And his cock, already rock-hard, plunged into my ass, making me scream. Oh god, how does the alpha do this?

  But Mason was unstoppable. Reaching beneath my torso, those big hands squeezed my tits as he went to town, fucking me hard and fast.


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