Prison Fling

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Prison Fling Page 59

by Cassandra Dee

  But it was too late to back-out. Besides, I’m not a quitter. I won’t be, not now. So maybe a stroll in a nearby park would be nice. It was nothing special, but it did have a fancy fountain in the middle that commemorated Korean War veterans. It wasn’t New York’s Central Park for sure, but hey, what’s a girl to do? Hopefully, the greenery wouldn’t bore them out of their minds.

  Sitting in my car, I made myself take a deep breath. Why were my nerves so shaky? Mason, Tyler and Kane had already seen everything about me, doing all sorts of dirty things. It was a little late to act the shy, virginal girl.

  So turning to the mirror in the sun visor, I scolded myself.

  “You wanted this, so stop acting scared!” came my stern voice, brows drawn. And taking a quick inventory, I stared at myself fiercely once more. Curls reasonably neat. Make-up not smeared. Good, we were good to go.

  Exhaling a deep breath, I got out of the car and walked into the hotel. It was all going to be fine.

  A concierge behind the desk in the lobby greeted me.

  “Hello, may I help you?” said the kindly old man.

  I smiled weakly before forcing myself to act confident.

  “No, I know where I’m going, thank you,” came my authoritative voice. Man, that was impressive! Clearly, I was getting good at this.

  After all, the boys were staying in the swankiest hotel in town, and there was no reason to let on that I’d never been here before. Yes, I’m a small town girl, but small town girls can make their way up in the world, right? So taking a deep breath, I got into the elevator, the gold reflective doors sliding shut with a hiss.

  Kane asked me to meet them at his room. Stay calm, the voice in my head said, trying to make my heart stop fluttering. Stay real calm. They’re men, just like all other men.

  But my nerves wouldn’t stop because they weren’t like other men. They were alpha billionaires, and three of them at that. I’d done three men at a time, and who does that really? This is real life, not a movie, and I couldn’t afford to get caught up in thinking I had a movie-star existence.

  So heart pumping fast, I stared at my reflection in the gold walls. The elevator seemed to ascend in slow motion before finally coming to a smooth halt. The doors opened, and I stepped out hesitantly onto cream colored carpet covered with gold scrolls. Man, my leather shoes looked scuffed next to this opulence, like they didn’t belong.

  But I did belong.

  I was invited here.

  Me, Katie Evans, not someone else.

  So taking a deep breath, I forced my feet forwards. A quick perusal of the hallway revealed there was only one room on the whole floor, and the nerves came screaming back then, my stomach churning. Holy cow! Who’s able to rent out the entire floor of a hotel? Again, I was over my head, into the deep waters with these guys.

  But there was no way but forwards. So step by step, I made my way to the huge marble door. Biting my lip, it took a minute before I found the courage to knock.

  Was this the right thing to do?

  Should I turn around and go back, before things got even more complicated?

  But before I could act on the second thoughts, the door swung open and Kane stood there with a smile. God, the alpha was devastatingly handsome. He looked every bit the billionaire in an expensive suit and perfectly styled hair, flashing those pearly whites.

  “Hey! Come inside,” the big man said warmly, moving his massive body so that I could see beyond.

  I took one tentative step into the room before coming to a full stop. Because it wasn’t a room at all. This place was a massive suite that had several entryways leading off from the living room. And the living room was utterly magnificent, done with cream-colored low-slung furniture, modern with sky blue accent pillows. Was that a Monet in the hallway? I squinted my eyes, looking at the swirling colors and came to a conclusion. Yes, it was a Monet. The water lilies were unmistakable. Kane was living in a suite that came with artwork worth more than my entire apartment building put together.

  “I thought this was your room,” came my voice on a stammer.

  But the billionaire wasn’t perturbed at all. Flashing that smile again, he jerked his head.

  “Yeah, the hotel only had the one suite, so Tyler, Mason and I had to share,” he growled, rolling his eyes. “Can you believe it? We’re forty year-old guys sharing a place. I haven’t done this since I was in the Cub Scouts.”

  A laugh escaped me then, a big breath of oxygen entering my lungs. Cub Scouts? I couldn’t imagine this handsome, dominating man dressed in khaki shorts with a red bandanna, holding up his fingers in the “Scout’s Honor” pledge. It was too hilarious.

  But Kane shook his head again, grinning all the while.

  “That’s right, I was a Cub Scout,” he said. “Made it all the way to Eagle, as a matter of fact,” he said, voice going serious. “I believe in giving back to the world, and the Boy Scouts helped me hone my philanthropic urges. It makes a big difference you know. Back then, I was happy to give ten dollars to a worthy cause, and now it’s a lot more,” he said with an easy grin.

  I nodded, impressed. So these guys were definitely more than corporate raiders, take-no-prisoner business titans. There was a sense of generosity and graciousness that permeated the air, making them human beings with multiple sides. How in the world did I get so lucky?

  And at that moment, Tyler and Mason entered the room. But my sense of calm was short-lived. Seeing the three gorgeous alphas together sent my body temperature skyrocketing. Suddenly, the spacious living room was too small and heat pulsed through my frame as three pairs of blue eyes ran over my curvy body.

  “Well now that we’re all here, should we head out on the tour?”

  My voice sounded silly to my own ears, high-pitched and funny. But still, I’d offered a tour and was gonna deliver.

  Mason sank back on a plush couch, one big hand balancing a drink. What was that? Brandy? Bourbon?

  He grinned then.

  “Where are my manners?” the big man growled. “The lady needs a drink as well.”

  And sure enough, Tyler strode to the wet bar then.

  “Get you something, honey?” came that smooth, deep voice.

  A flush made me hot. Wasn’t it a little early in the day for a drink? Cocktails usually start at five, right? But the devil on my shoulder put in an appearance then. That was the old you, the voice scolded. Stop being such a fuddy-duddy. Have a drink. Who gives a damn what time of day it is? You’re the only one watching the clock.

  So I smiled brightly, taking a deep breath.

  “Sure. Why not?”

  And drinks were poured for everyone, a clear amber that swirled in low glasses. Man, the liquor was almost hypnotic to watch, moving from side to side like the sea.

  And whatever it was, it was strong. The scent of honey mixed with cinnamon, oak and alcohol permeated my nostrils and throat, liquid courage pulsing down my throat all the way to my stomach.

  Man, it was needed.

  Another swallow made my insides burn.

  But there was no respite because the question I’d been dreading was asked then.

  Clearing his throat, Tyler took me in.

  “So why are you still a virgin?” that low drawl came. “No judgment,” he said, holding his hands up prisoner style. “We’re just curious, that’s all.”

  I gulped awkwardly, the fiery burn almost making me choke. How to answer without completely humiliating myself? Suddenly, my clothes felt constricting. I wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol or the question making me nervous. But there was nothing to tell but the truth. No embellishments. No lies. Better to get it out there. So I was honest.

  “Boys have never been interested in me,” came my voice slowly. “I guess I just wasn’t anyone’s type.”

  Unable to meet their eyes, the bottom of my glass held my attention as embarrassment threatened to choke the air from my lungs. But the three men never stirred. Their stares were like lasers on my skin, lighting a fire in
side. It also gave me the courage to continue.

  “I’m a big girl. Most don’t find my figure flattering,” my voice came again, slow and hesitant, hands tightening around the glass. “I wish it was different, but it’s not. So I’m … you know, a virgin.”

  Pure silence.

  Oh god, did they hate me now?

  Or more accurately, did they think I was undesirable, the leftovers that no one wanted?

  But it was the opposite.

  “A man knows what a beautiful woman looks like,” Kane said smoothly, sliding closer to me on the sofa.

  “We all think you’re gorgeous,” agreed Tyler as he took the glass from my hand, sitting on my other side. And the next thing I knew, Mason was kneeling in front of my legs. Oh god, oh god. What was happening? Moistness dripped between my thighs even as my heart fluttered. They had to be able to smell the scent of my steaming pussy, heavy and pungent in the air. Oh god, oh god, this was so embarrassing.

  But the men weren’t embarrassed. Slowly, Mason slid his hands up my skirt and stroked against my pussy briefly, making me squirm and mewl.

  “Oh!” came the gasp unbidden from my mouth. “Oh oh!”

  But Mason wasn’t deterred. With smooth, swift strokes, he pulled off my sopping panties before rubbing his nose in the damp cloth, savoring the smell of aroused female.

  “She’s ready,” came his low voice, vibrating with need. “She’s real ready.”

  Kane cupped my chin in his hand and turned me to face him then.

  “Katie, we want to make you feel amazing. We want to be your first. It’s your choice. Are you ready baby girl? Are you good to go?”

  My face flushed from his words. They were leaving the decision in my hands. I was completely in control, the woman in the driver’s seat.

  And it felt good to be honest. I hadn’t expected this to happen again so soon. Nor did I expect to feel empowered and in charge, ready to control my future.

  But the old Katie was still there.

  “I …”

  The stammer was stuck in my throat. This was my opportunity. I could walk away and never see them again, or I could walk forwards and embrace the unknown. What would it be? Sheer insanity? Or a lonely bed forever, rotting with a dozen cats at my side?

  And the answer was only too clear. My gaze met Kane’s directly.

  “Yes,” I breathed. “Yes, please.”

  Kane’s lips came crashing down onto mine then. His kiss decimated my defenses, taking control and exploring every crevice with absolute mastery.

  “Mmmm,” I mewled deep in my throat, hands going to stroke that hard column of a throat. “Mmmm.”

  But Tyler and Mason were just as quick. In short order, my clothes were gone, ripped away in rags, and their hands roamed my hills and valleys like old friends. Squeezing and caressing, they made me move lustily, eyes falling closed, lips parting. Yes. Yes, this is right. This is the new Katie Evans, the one who’s desirable and a hundred percent female, wanted by not one man, but three.

  Meanwhile, Mason was doing just more than a few caresses here and there. His nimble fingers danced to my thighs and adeptly spread my legs, skimming up that sensitive flesh. The blue eyes took in everything, lingering on the feast spread before him.

  “She’s so fucking wet.”

  His voice was laced with awe as one finger ran in a circle through my labia, coating the digit in my juices. Like a man mesmerized, he tapped his fingers together, testing the tackiness, the sweet, wet heat that was all female.

  “Oh fuck,” came his low rumble. “Fuck fuck fuck.”

  Then like a dying man, Mason dove in face first and began to lick. Oh god! It felt so good. My cunt ran warm and wet like a stream, and Mason didn’t let a drop get away. Opening those lips, the river poured down his throat as he suckled on my clit, alternately licking and biting.

  “Unnnh!” came my helpless squeal, hips jerking back and forth. “Oh oh!”

  Meanwhile, Tyler leaned sideways over my torso, blue eyes scorching my flesh.

  “Your nips are so fucking hard. Aw fuck baby. Come to papa.”

  Slowly, he rolled one tit between his hand while massaging and squeezing the other. I almost passed out. Between kissing Kane, Mason lapping at my pussy, and Tyler’s breast play, I was ready to fly off to heaven right now. But the men weren’t done, not by a long shot.

  “You ready honey?” rasped Kane. “You ready for some penetration?”

  My eyes flew open then. So fast? We’d only started the foreplay. Wasn’t there was more?

  But old Katie was still shy, so I nodded, eyes wide, glued to his.

  “I’m ready,” came my small whisper, punctuated by a twist of my hips as Mason licked my clit once more. “Oh!”

  But Tyler could sense my confusion.

  “Naw honey, not penetration from dicks. Baby, we’re ten inches each. We’re not gonna sic thirty inches on you without more prep. You’re a virgin, sweetheart, and virgin holes can’t take thirty inches without getting loose first.”

  My eyes went wide then, going between the male bodies. Because during my ecstasy, the three men had disrobed, shucking their clothes in messy piles on the side. And yeah, all three shafts were out now, glorious and beautiful. But they were huge, leaking cum with pulsing veins along the sides, making me hungry but also making me scared.

  Could I do it?

  Could I take three shafts into my pussy, stretching out that virgin hole?

  Would I come out of this alive?

  But a warm gush poured between my thighs then, heartrate accelerating, everything going loose inside. Because I wanted it desperately. I wanted to try at least, to put myself up to the ultimate challenge.

  And my eyes flickered to theirs, the soft brown hungry.

  “Yes,” came my murmur. “Yes, give it to me.”

  The three men chuckled, stroking their hard rods. Oh my god, those man cocks glistened under the light, already streaming pre-cum. In fact, Mason already had a wet puddle beneath him on the rug, there was so much semen dripping off the head of his fuckshaft. My eyes widened again. It was being wasted! I needed every drop of that within me!

  But the men chuckled hoarsely again.

  “Naw pretty girl,” grunted Tyler, popping off a tit once more and making me squeal. “You gotta get stretched first. Ain’t no virgin pussy ready to handle us.”

  And at that moment, Kane’s big digit slipped up my channel. Oh my god, it was incredible. With Mason working my clit with his tongue, Kane’s finger toyed slowly with my lips, circling the little hole where their dicks would go before snaking its way up.

  “Ummh!” came my helpless moan, muffled by his lips on mine. I writhed on the couch, my body a feast laid out for these men. “Ummm!”

  And Kane wiggled his finger inside then, testing my smooth walls.

  “Aw fuck she’s tight,” he ground out. “Real tight. It’s gonna take more.”

  And slowly, without missing a beat, Mason slid his finger in right next to Kane’s. That’s right, during my second sexual encounter, I had two men sliding their fingers into my vag simultaneously. Not one in, and then one out, but rather two fingers from two different men stroking my inner channel, coaxing the cream to run even faster and harder.

  “Unnnh!” came my wild moan, brown curls tossing this way and that as I writhed on the couch. “Unnnh!”

  But the billionaires meant business. It was important to get my pussy in shape for a fucking, otherwise this was all gonna be for naught. So slowly, they began a series of exercises. They stirred my pussy clockwise, then counterclockwise. Then came a series of scissor-like motions, stretching that virginal hole. And then came the serious finger-fucking. Both digits in, hard, before sliding back out, then in once more, making sure I could take the penetration.

  “Ahhhhh!” came my wild scream, back almost arching off the couch. “Ahhh!” I was gonna burst into a million colors and shapes, exploding into a rainbow of sensation.

  “That’s it,”
ground out Kane. “Let that pussy fly.”

  “Keep with it,” urged Tyler. “Let’s get you loosened up.”

  And then Mason jumped into the mix. Because as Kane and Tyler worked my pussy hole, the third billionaire slid down covertly until his index finger pressed against my anus. I jumped reflexively, my pleats closing on themselves. No one’s ever touched me there before, not even my own fingers. That place is taboo.

  But Mason grinned, his touch gentle but insistent, stroking my sensitive rim.

  “That’s right, honey. It feels weird, I know, but a lot of virgins love getting some ass play too. It helps loosen your cunt if both holes get stroked, know what I mean?”

  In fact, I had no idea what he meant at all. There were three men diddling my holes right now, going like nobody’s business between my legs. How could this be happening? It was so wrong, so taboo, and yet so right.

  And finally, they deemed me ready. With slow sucking sounds, Kane and Tyler pulled their fingers out, the digits emerging from my vaginal channel shiny and glossy with juice.

  “Mmm,” growled Kane, sucking his fingers, blue eyes never leaving mine. “She’s sweet like a ripe plum.”

  “Yeah,” grunted Tyler. “This pussy juice is filled with vitamins.”

  I almost melted then, sliding right off the sofa. But then Mason did something so nasty that every muscle in my body went stiff, nerves going haywire. Because the big man didn’t just stroke my rim. He pushed his thumb inside, sampling my rectum, and then pulled that thumb out and held it to his nose. Blue eyes bored into mine as he sniffed deeply.

  “Oh god!” I screamed, mouth open, eyes shocked. “Oh god, no!”

  Because was he going to? Was he really going to?

  Oh yeah, he did.

  Kane popped that thumb into his mouth, savoring my musky ass taste, loving the sensuousness of my back end.

  “There’s no part of you that’s off-limits,” he rasped hoarsely, gaze devouring mine. “We own every inch of this delectable body.”

  “Yeah,” added Kane. “Every inch of you is ours. Now up, pretty baby. Up because you’re gonna ride.”

  My limbs were like jelly as the men watched me expectantly, huge tits quivering, a river running between my legs.


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