Prison Fling

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Prison Fling Page 61

by Cassandra Dee

  “Sweetheart, you look beautiful,” I growled.

  Smiling, I pulled the girl close and gave her a hug. She smelled like roses. The scent would permanently linger in my nostrils after inhaling that sweetness.

  “Hi Tyler,” came her soft murmur.

  Fully clothed, the girl was shy. A blush broke out across her face the minute I released her, but Kane and Mason went in for their embraces then. None of us could keep our hands off her, but we were trying to act like gentlemen in public. No need to let on to the horndog thoughts racing through our heads.

  “Hey Mason, hey Kane,” she breathed with a genuine smile. But Kane’s had to get extra.

  “Katie, you’re gorgeous,” the man growled while pulling her close for a second time. Dude, this guy was plastering the girl against his hard body, those boobies smashed against his chest. What the hell? Hands off, asshole, we’re just getting started.

  But Kane backed off then.

  “Where are you taking us today?” he drawled.

  The brunette smiled weakly, still trying to catch her breath.

  “Well, um …,” she stammered, shaking her head. Got a problem, sweetheart? Can’t remember your own name after you’ve been with us? Welcome to the ways of alpha billionaires. But finally, she gave one last shake and was able to manage some words.

  “Knox has a lovely old mansion called Wayland Manor. It’s a landmark in the city. It’s had a lot of functions over the years, but last year was granted historic status. I think you’ll like it.”

  If we were with Katie, then I liked it already.

  “Let’s get this show on the road then,” came my growl. And once outside, the doorman got us a cab. We squeezed into the yellow vehicle, our big frames practically exploding outwards like a clown car. A limo would have been better, but Katie had nixed the idea. I didn’t blame her. All that space would have been a prime opportunity for a repeat of last night, given her tempting curves.

  Because usually, we’re assholes when it comes to women. But Katie’s different. She’s so sweet and innocent, like a flower waiting to be plucked. And yet there’s mystery too. Why was she a virgin? Why was she so shy sometimes? It was like day and night, light and dark, all mixed into one intriguing female. I wanted to know everything about her, what made her tick, what made her angry, what made her laugh. So uncharacteristically, I did something extraordinary. I asked her about herself.

  “So what do you do for work? What gets you up in the mornings?”

  Innocent enough, at least when you’re from New York City. In Manhattan, it’s all about the job. Before people even know your name, they want to know what company you’re at and what you do day-to-day. Connections and networking are the name of the game where I’m from.

  But my question seemed to catch her off guard.

  “Oh, um … I work for a women’s magazine. I’m a copy editor.”

  Mason craned his head from the front seat.

  “How is it?” he drawled, one eyebrow up.

  She offered a small smile.

  “Well, how do I say this? It’s a little boring, if I’m being honest. The advice we offer isn’t that helpful, and it’s pretty repetitive most times. I mean, how many articles on losing weight can you read in a month? Or tips on how to catch a guy?” she finished with a wry smile.

  If we weren’t in awe of her before, I think that response really won our hearts. Most women lived or died by the advice in women’s magazines, it was practically the Bible to them.

  “Sweetheart, surely you don’t believe that stuff. You don’t need help catching a guy or losing weight. You’ve caught our attention and look smoking hot in everything you put on.” I leaned closer and dropped my voice before uttering the next sentence, so the driver couldn’t overhear.

  “Plus, we all know you don’t need to be wearing a damn thing to be sexy as hell.” She blushed furiously and looked at her lap before softly offering her gratitude for the compliments.

  “Thank you, Tyler,” were her soft words, accompanied by a blush. “Thank you.”

  But Mason hadn’t heard that exchange, so he continued in a normal voice.

  “So if not magazines, then what would you rather be doing?” he growled from the front seat. “What makes you get up in the mornings, sweet thing?”

  All three of us looked at her then. We were interested, for sure. What was it about this girl who was contradictions galore, yet enticing all the same?

  And immediately, Katie straightened her shoulders and took a deep breath, as if confiding a secret.

  “I really want to start a non-profit where I can support children from low-income families. There are a lot of them here in Knox, you know,” she said biting her lip. “We’re in the South, so things might not be as fancy as up North,” she continued hesitantly. “I’m just not sure how to make it a reality. My job doesn’t pay that well and these things cost a lot to set up,” she bit her lip. “But it’s for kids, real kids who have nothing.”

  My bros and I shared a look. We were billionaires; we could make her dream come true with the snap of our fingers. Literally, we could be like fairy godmothers. Any and every resource was at our disposal. A simple phone call could get her a job at any charitable organization, or we could simply set her up with a non-profit of her own. It was no big deal and a tax write-off for us to boot.

  But it was too soon to go down that road right now. Sure, we could lavish her with gifts, but it would overwhelm the poor thing, like getting dunked with a gallon of water when all you needed were a few sips. So slow was the name of the game.

  “You’re amazing,” I growled with genuine emotion. “Most people don’t care about anyone but themselves.”

  Kane stared at her too.

  “Yeah, a real giver. Not too many of those in the world anymore,” he added reflectively.

  And Mason topped it off.

  “What can we do, sweet thing? What can we do to help?”

  Katie was silent for a moment, collecting her thoughts.

  “Right now, nothing,” she said quietly. “I’d say give money, but the thing is there aren’t any local non-profits doing this work. Even if you gave me money,” she added ruefully. “At this time, I wouldn’t know how to deploy it. It’s important to be careful with how you spend because sometimes you can do more harm than good.”

  And I was speechless, which doesn’t happen often. Because often people are only too happy to take your cash with no accountability. But Katie was the opposite. She was actually rejecting our overtures in order to do the right thing the right way.

  I was curious about one thing though.

  “I know you were born and raised in Knox, sweetheart, but have you ever thought about moving away? You know in a major metropolis like New York City? There’s a lot of infrastructure and a deep talent pool to help you on your way. You could talk to a lot of people with experience, tips and tricks working in the non-profit sector.”

  The girl was silent for a moment, merely contemplating the question. But then she lifted big brown eyes to me, sincere and genuine.

  “I know what you’re saying Tyler,” she began slowly. “A lot of people move out of Knox and head to bigger cities for the opportunities, the excitement, the way of life. And I don’t blame them, there’s a lot that New York offers that Knox will never have. But there are a lot of people in need right here too. A lot of kids who have no one and nowhere to turn. If I join the exodus, what happens then? Who will look after them? Who will think about them?”

  Her answer blew me away because most people say something about friends and family, how they couldn’t possibly leave for the big city because they’d be too lonely without a support network.

  But Katie’s answer had none of that. Her answer was all about other people, low-income children no less.

  “You can do a lot of good no matter where you’re at,” I rumbled deep in my throat. “Trust me, someone with a heart like yours can do a lot from anywhere in the world.”

Katie smiled softly at the compliment.

  “But I can do my best work for these kids here,” she said, taking a dep breath. “There are a lot of folks looking out for the kids up in New York. But what about the children here? If I leave, who will look out for them?”

  And again, her response took our breath away. Because Katie selflessness was incredible, her ability to give like a well that would never go dry.

  And what could I say to that? Katie is worth more than me, Kane and Mason put together. Scratch that, she’s worth more than all of us times ten. Fortunately, the taxi pulled up in front of a stately, nineteenth century mansion right then, conversation cut short for the moment.

  And Wayland Manor was magnificent. Surrounded on all sides by a garden overflowing with rosebushes, the building was well preserved. High stone walls gave a sense of permanence, opening to a gracious courtyard below.

  Taking the girl’s hand, I helped her from the car before guiding her to a ticket office in a nearby cottage. As the female made arrangements, the three of us looked at one another.

  “You know, I thought I’d seen everything,” ground out Mason. “But Katie threw me for one hell of a loop just now.”

  “Yeah,” grunted Kane. “She’s really selfless. Fucking unbelievably selfless, if you ask me. Is it crazy that I’m curious to know more about her? Like not just boning her, but actually getting to know her?”

  We stared at each other for a moment. Those words were a startling admission, but the answer was crystal clear.

  “Naw,” I replied. “Absolutely not weird. After all, it’s not like every chick is like this. Katie’s smart, fucking sexy as all get out, and kind with a real good heart. How many girls are like that? All the way down to the core, genuine and caring?”

  But the conversation was cut short because Katie sashayed back, all smiles.

  “Here,” she said, handing us tickets. “Tour’s starting now, come on!”

  And we quickly made our way to the fountain in the courtyard, where the tour guide, a distinguished looking older man, took charge. Leading us into the mansion, he began to speak.

  “As you can see, many of the furnishings from the late 1860’s have been preserved. Please adhere to the rules posted and stay behind the velvet ropes,” he admonished, bowing like a butler. Then turning, the elderly man proceeded to the next room, already droning about this or that.

  It wasn’t bad, to be honest. I’m no furniture expert, but this stuff was real nice. Chairs with matching pillows, everything color-coordinated. Don’t ask me about interior design, I don’t know much, but it looked good.

  But the thing is, there was just too much to see. The group kept getting ahead of us, moving like quicksilver through the mansion. We could hear the guide’s voice through the walls, but pretty soon, it was just the four of us in a gilded bedroom.

  And as our sweet female bent over a dresser, examining the ornate trim, Kane shut the door with a click. There was the unmistakable sound of the lock sliding into place.

  “This is beautiful,” she breathed, still examining the knobs on the dresser. “Cut glass shot through the blue dye. Just exquisite,” Katie murmured, never taking her eyes off the dresser.

  But we were after something else entirely.

  “Sure thing,” growled Kane, staring at that big rump bent over. “Exquisite is the right word.”

  “And juicy,” drawled Mason. “Juicy with a side of bacon.”

  Who cares if his words didn’t make sense? Because Katie jerked upright then, the change in our tone sounding alarms. Immediately her eyes flew to the locked door, our three forms surrounding her on all sides.

  “What are you doing?” she breathed, still as a doe. “What are you doing?”

  But it was totally obvious what we were doing.

  “What do you think?” I drawled. “This here bed looks pretty good. Old, but it’s solid oak. It’ll do.”

  Katie threw a glance at the bed.

  “No,” she whispered, even as her breath came quick, those big boobies heaving. “We can’t! We’re on a tour, people will notice our disappearance. More groups will come through and they’ll wonder why the door’s locked.”

  Her hands were held in front of her chest in an attempt to keep us away. But resistance was futile because in an instant, I pulled that curvy form towards me and branded her with a fiery kiss. Kane came up on the other side and dipped his head to glide his tongue along her throat.

  “We just want to have a little fun Katie,” I rumbled against that peachy pout. “No one’s going to miss us, trust me. Just be quiet and they’ll never know.”

  Katie threw her head back a little, eyes closed as Kane trailed his tongue up that swan-like throat.

  “Ohhh,” she murmured, already lost. “Ohhhh.”

  “That’s right,” I rumbled again. “Quiet, just like that and we’ll be good to go.”

  And with that, it was on.

  Mason stalked toward the girl’s left side and immediately began toying with her earlobe as Kane suckled her neck. Once that happened, she was defenseless. Three against one broke down the women every time, the sensations just too good. And Katie’s soft little pants and moans were no exception, the sweetest music ever.

  “Oh,” she moaned again, arching her back a bit. “Oh god.”

  Slowly we began to undress her, stroking the clothes off, leaving them pooled on the floor. Pretty soon, the sweet female was dressed in nothing but skin, big boobies out, dripping wetly from her slit.

  But there was more because she needed to get prepped.

  “Last time we popped your cherry,” I growled throatily against her lips. “But you have another cherry too. Will you let us pop that one as well, Katie cat? Will you give us your ass cherry, right here, right now?”

  Her eyes flew open at that.

  “What?” was her gasp. “My ass? Here? Now? We can’t possibly …” her voice trailed off.

  But nothing’s impossible when you’re a billionaire, so ignoring her words, I kissed those sweet lips again before moving to her ear, growling sensuously.

  “Remember how good Mason’s finger felt in your bottom last time?” I whispered suggestively. “Remember? It’ll be just like that but better.”

  That made Katie go stock still.

  “Yes,” she breathed, eyes wide now. “Yes, it did feel good.”

  Smacking her tight butt, I smoothed the flat of my palm across that wide expanse to soothe the sting.

  “Up you go,” I growled, nodding at the mattress. “Upsy daisy, sweet girl.”

  And without asking twice, Katie knew exactly what to do. Nude and lush, the girl climbed onto the mattress so she was on all fours, ass pointed our way. And what an ass. The big shelf of white was giant with a tempting crease down the middle, brownie beckoning at the top.

  “Spread ‘em,” grunted Mason then, dick already out, eyes hot on those curves. “Head down, ass up,” he commanded.

  But today I would get to do the honors. As Katie obeyed, lowering her face to the mattress, my dick leaked like a faucet. Oh shit, oh shit, she was so beautiful, those huge boobs pressed against the coverlet, knees parting to reveal the expanse within.

  And the girl did us one better. Balancing on her shoulders, she reached both hands back, grabbing a soft cheek in each fist before pulling that creamy flesh apart.

  “Like this?” she breathed. “Like this, big boy?”

  Aw shit, my dick practically exploded from that alone. Because the puckered rosette of her asshole winked at me then, beckoning hotly. And unable to resist, I leaned down and licked that tight bud.

  “Oh!” she squealed, back jerking a bit. “Oh oh!”

  I grunted deep in my throat.

  “That’s right, sweetheart. No place is off limits. If we want to lick your back hole, get our tongues deep up your rectum, then it’s gonna happen,” I growled. And to demonstrate, I did just that. I ran my lips over those pleats, tasting the sweet female musk, before forming my tongue i
nto a point and slowly snaking inside.

  Aw shit, her anus tasted good. It was all salty, sensuous female, her rectum so fucking dry and tight and tempting. My dick quivered and jerked down below, a spurt of pre-cum jetting onto the coverlet.

  But Katie was an ass virgin, and the last thing any of us wanted was to hurt her. After all, she was gonna take us again and again, there was no reason to incapacitate the female after one go. So yeah, lube and primer were needed big time.

  Fortunately, I had a few ideas. As Kane rubbed her clit, I hocked deep in my throat and let the spit drip onto that dark star. Man, it was delicious, the saliva bubbly and warm, Katie yelping a bit as it landed on that sensitive spot.

  But lube is lube, and I began to massage the warm spit into her asshole. The female moaned louder.

  “Does that feel good?” I crooned, finger penetrating her asshole. “You like pretty baby?”

  Only the tip was inserted, prying her open without drilling deep just yet. And the girl loved it for sure. Moaning into the mattress, she wiggled that big ass like she wanted to get more in. I was only too happy to oblige. Hocking once more, I spit again, working my finger in up to the first knuckle this time.

  “Good girl,” came my harsh rasp across the skin of her butt. “Good, we’re stretching you open, slow, slow.” And true to my words, my finger eased in until it could go no further, completely buried in that dark hole.

  “Just like last night,” I coaxed, dick standing up straight. “I want you to take the lead, Katie. Push back and forth on my finger, get used to the feeling.”

  For a minute she panted without moving, but our sweet thing is a slut. Because with a soft cry, she shifted her weight and pulled her ass off my finger before pushing back onto it.

  “Unnh!” came her mewl, eyes closed, head thrown back. “It feels so good!”

  I chuckled deep in my throat, ready to burst already.

  “Yes, just like that, you’re doing good, baby girl. Keep going.”

  And shit, but our female is a whore. On her own, she humped my finger a few more times, slowly pulling away so that the digit reappeared from her ass cheeks before slowly pushing back, swallowing me whole.


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