Prison Fling

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Prison Fling Page 66

by Cassandra Dee

  “I was so blinded by their charm and the great sex and their sweet talk. I was so dumb,” were my bitter words.

  Because only someone naïve and idiotic would have missed the signs. There had been no promises, no nothing from the get-go. The billionaires didn’t sign a contract. They didn’t shake my hand, or offer themselves as potential boyfriends. It was just one hot moment after another, dreams of love a figment of my imagination.

  And it was as much my fault as theirs. Because I’d told myself to have fun and go with the flow, to break free and be the new Katie. But now, look what had happened. I was sitting on my sofa crying my eyes out over a trio of men that didn’t give a damn. The revelation just made me sob harder.

  Elaine clucked again.

  “So you’re not a good time girl, Katie. Some chicks can do it, they can waltz off and not care after a session of hot sex. But that’s not you, okay? Remember that the next time temptation comes around.”

  My head shook sadly, voice tremulous once more.

  “The thing is, I was so determined to see them as knights in shining armor. You know, three alphas who rode into town who made me feel sexy and attractive. Doesn’t happen to someone like me,” was my piteous explanation. The hot tea stung as I tried to swallow. “Should have known it was too good to be true.”

  “Stop beating yourself up,” Elaine soothed. “What happened is natural. You’re a young, innocent girl who was overwhelmed by three much older men. That’s all. Could have happened to anyone.”

  But it got worse in my case.

  “I was a complete idiot though, because I fell in love!” came my frustrated cry. Burying my face in the throw pillow, the tears started pouring then, drenching the fabric, sobs wracking my frame. God, how could I have been so dumb?

  Elaine had nothing to say, merely wordlessly rubbing my back in circles. Finally, I sat up, a sobbing mess.

  “I shouldn’t have, but I did,” my eyes met hers. “Who falls in love with three men? What sane person does that? Tell me.”

  My friend’s expression was kind and she shot me a sympathetic smile.

  “It’s okay. Stop worrying. You’re just inexperienced and new when it comes to guys. You thought that sex meant love, that the physical and emotional are one and the same. It happens to everyone at first, mixing up these two. You’ll learn, sweetheart, you’ll learn.”

  But that didn’t make me feel better. Because right now, I had a broken heart and how were words going to help? How was anything going to help, for that matter?

  But before either of us could say more, a loud banging sounded at the door.

  “Should I answer it?” Elaine looked at me concerned. Clearly, I was in no state for visitors. But maybe it was the FedEx guy with a new shipment of much-needed Kleenex, given the balled wads strewn all around. So I nodded, still lost in a personal pity party.

  And then I felt, rather than heard them. A shiver ran through my spine, every hair standing up on my arms.

  “Katie,” bit out Elaine, an edge to her tone. And as I turned, there they were. Kane, Tyler and Mason loomed large in my tiny living room, devastatingly handsome, dark and possessive. Of course, Elaine was glaring daggers but they ignored her, calmly cool and collected.

  “Do you want me to stay?” my friend spat, glaring like a hellcat. “Seriously honey, I don’t mind. Someone needs to make things right.”

  But I shook my head, hollow and numb on the inside. After all, how much more could they hurt me? My emotions were a wasteland, my heart a blackened piece of coal.

  And after grabbing her purse, Elaine pushed past the men, giving each a dirty look on her way to the door.

  “Call me if you need me Katie,” she called, still bristling at the intruders. “I’ll be over in a jiff.”

  And slowly, the door swung shut behind my friend’s form. Oh shit, did I make a mistake? Should I have kept reinforcements close? It wasn’t too late to ask Elaine to come back.

  But the men locked the front door then, turning to look once more at me, blue eyes clear and penetrating. I swallowed hard, unsure how to start. But why did I need to start? They were the ones who’d come to find me.

  Finally Tyler spoke.

  “Sweetheart,” he began.

  Bile rose in my throat again, literally making me nauseous.

  “Don’t call me that,” I snapped. “Don’t ever call me that again. I already told you once.”

  Tyler held his hands up to placate me.

  “Okay, okay,” he said quickly. “Just listen, okay? We know you’re angry, but we want to make things right.”

  But like a she-cat with a score to settle, I leapt to my feet, hissing wildly.

  “Make it right, how? Are you going to seduce me again? Stroke my boobies and touch my asshole? Are you going to buy me off? Give me money to start a second non-profit, wiping your conscience clean? I don’t think so,” were my furious words.

  The billionaires looked at each other, stricken.

  “Naw honey, that’s not what we had in mind,” said Mason quickly.

  “Then what?” I screeched, uncaring if I came off like a hyena. “Then what? What’s going to make this okay? You were going to take off without saying goodbye! If that doesn’t sum up the state of things, I don’t know what does!”

  This time, Kane stepped in.

  “We never should have done that,” he apologized. “I’m sorry, that was wrong.”

  But my hurt was so great that I couldn’t hear. I couldn’t even look at them right now, the pain still so fresh, so raw.


  They waited for me to turn their way. Slowly, I raised glaring brown eyes to meet theirs.

  “We’re sorry Katie, for everything, and we want to make it up to you. We want to try,” Kane offered. For a minute, I could only gawk before snapping once more.

  “What makes this time different? You just stood there before when I confronted you. You’ve done this with other girls before, you can’t deny that. So what’s different this time? What makes me different?” I crossed my hands over my chest, waiting for an explanation.

  Silence. I was met with nothing but silence again.

  Oh god, no.

  Please let them say something.

  Please let them make it right.

  But no words were forthcoming, and my heart plummeted into the ground, burying itself ten feet deep. Because I thought maybe, just maybe, the billionaires would say something about feelings or love. Maybe, just maybe, they’d give some indication that they wanted a relationship, something that was more than a fly-by-night gangbang.

  But there was nothing.

  Silence rang loudly through the room.

  And I resolved to kick them out. Get them gone so I could lick my wounds in privacy. After all, they couldn’t even tell me what set me apart from all the other girls. I was just another notch on their bedpost, another name in their black book. And as the rage in my chest grew, Mason spoke.

  “As we got to know you, we fell in love, Kitty-cat. We love you.”

  “You’re so beautiful and giving,” Tyler took over from Mason.

  “So innocent and wholesome. The way you selflessly give with such a pure heart,” finished Kane.

  But I was hardened now. Words are words, and I’d practically forced them to say these phrases. Clearly, it meant nothing. So I turned away, eyes dead.

  “Thanks, but no thanks. It’s not necessary. No need to dress things up.”

  But the alphas didn’t get to where they are without tenacity and persistence. They don’t give in, not that easily.

  “You’re an amazing woman and we were a bunch of fucking idiots for not seeing it sooner,” Kane bit out. “I’d shoot myself in the head if it’d make a difference.”

  I snorted again.

  “No thanks, not necessary,” were my words. “No need to be dramatic.”

  Man, it felt different being on the front foot. For the first time in our relationship, I had the upper hand, confident
and proud. Or maybe it was all a mirage. Maybe Mason, Kane and Tyler were letting me feel like I had the upper hand in order to get what they wanted. My head spun with confusion.

  But the billionaires persisted.

  “We want you Katie, we care about you so much. Will you give us a chance?”

  They stood, three in a row, a massive dark wall in their black suits. But there was hope as well. For the first time, there was something boyish about the men, standing with their hands in pockets, waiting for my words to drop.

  And I wanted to be kind, I really did. Even after everything that had happened, there was no reason to stomp them into the ground. That’s no way to treat human beings. But I had to be direct, it was the only way to be true to myself given the circumstances. After all, I’d been hurt badly, and that doesn’t just go away with a couple sweet words.

  So taking a deep breath, my gaze met theirs. Oh god, the blue swept over my curvy form, knees going weak. I almost gave in, throwing myself into the vortex once more. But common sense prevailed, and I uttered my truth into the silence.

  “I’ll think about it,” were my soft words. “I’ll think about it.”

  The billionaires didn’t move for a second, completely stunned. Obviously, they’re used to getting what they want with women, so my response was unexpected. What the hell? The three shared a glance, brows drawn, big forms tense.

  But it was necessary. I couldn’t just fall back into their arms because they said they were sorry. Sorry only goes so far, and it’s action, not words that count.

  The men sprang into motion then. Like three hungry lions, they circled my form, big bodies possessive.

  “We’ll help you get to yes,” Mason ground out, eyes trailing fire over my curves. “The old-fashioned way.”

  “You’ve never been able to say no to us,” growled Kane. “And this time will be no exception.”

  “Why resist?” added Tyler. “You know you want it, baby girl.”

  And want it I did. Despite everything that had happened, I was powerless when it came to the physical with these men. Because in an instant, we were nude, four of us on the carpeted floor, going at it like mad.

  If anything, the session was even more impassioned, our bodies struggling, writhing, heaving with desperation.

  “Unnh!” I screamed as Mason thrust his cock into my sweetly creaming slit. “Unnnh!”

  “Hold still baby girl, there’s more coming,” Kane ground out from behind. And in the next second, he pushed his dick into my asshole, the double penetration complete.

  “Unnh!” I screamed again, throwing my head back, stuffed so full both ways. “Oh god!”

  But Tyler wasn’t missing out.

  “Open pretty girl,” he growled. “Open for Daddy.”

  And my pout parted just as the man spurted. Oh yeah, hot globs of cum blasted between my lips, and like a slut, I took it all, swallowing and gulping like a madwoman.

  “Mmmph, mmmph!” came my muffled cry, body fucked so good, three holes crammed full. “Mmmph!”

  But the heightened emotion got to me. Because after a few seconds of relentless fucking, I lost control, my frame overcome by tremors. Orgasm swept through my curves like an earthquake, pussy and ass clamping and squeezing uncontrollably, milking the cocks within. And the pressure was too much because Mason and Kane came as well.

  “Unnnh!” came the masculine roars, massive bodies jerking and spurting furiously. “Aw FUCK!”

  And oh shit, but I was completely doused with cum then. It poured down my throat, up into my pussy, and into my rectum in hotly virile splashes. I was sprayed full of male DNA, a cumslut for the ages.

  “Oh!” came my helpless cry, curves seizing and jerking between the three men. “Oh god, oh!”

  But the thing is, nothing good ever lasts, at least not for me. Because as we descended from the high, reality reappeared in the mist. And it was brutal, all sharp black and white edges, unforgiving and harsh.

  And as the men exited my body, a wave of loneliness and loss crested over my form, limbs huddled into a fetal position. Hot tears fell from my eyes even as the billionaires picked themselves up, unsure what to do.

  With the hazy fog of lust no longer clouding my mind, I could only remember everything that had taken place earlier: Elaine telling me about Mason, Kane and Tyler using women, and how they’d used me. Except it was worse now because knowing all that, I’d let them take my body once again. I’d given them everything, and was now filled with hot male spunk, the evidence of my weakness.

  The tears came even harder then. Turning to my side, I buried my face in my hands and wept. Kane reached out and tried to stroke my back, but my body flinched away. He’d just been inside me, the man’s hot cum seeping down my thighs, and it was too much to bear.

  “Please,” came my agonized whisper. He drew back his hand as the three men hovered uncertainly. “Please don’t. Could you just go? I need to be by myself.”

  My face was shielded I sobbed, but it was clear the alphas were at a loss, milling around uselessly.

  The shuffling of clothes was all that could be heard as I lay there on the carpet, curled in a ball, quietly crying into a cushion. And slowly, heavy footfalls sounded, the door closing with a snick. They were gone finally. All gone. I was alone. Still, I lay there for a few minutes more, unable to move, my limbs heavy.

  Had that really just happened? Was I that desperate? Was that some kind of good-bye fuck, hot and irresistible?

  Shame coursed over me once more, but there was no other way to describe it. Because still, no promises had been made. Sure, they’d said “I love you,” but what’s “I love you” without any action? They lived in New York, and I was here. I’d be in Knox forever, working at my little job as the billionaires took the world by storm.

  But that’s just how life is sometimes. Questions with no answers. Hard problems with no solutions. And moving numbly, I hauled myself up to stumble to the bathroom. Shamefully, cum coursed from my pussy and asshole, the tang of semen unmistakable in my throat.

  But again, this was my life and there was nothing to be done. After a long, hot shower, I climbed into bed, praying for peace and darkness. Please God. Please just let me pass out so I don’t have to face this nightmare. Please, please, please, just let me fall asleep.

  And finally the darkness descended, taking everything with it.



  “What the fuck just happened?”

  As we entered the hotel suite, Kane threw his jacket onto the ground in frustration. Both Mason and I sympathized. The car ride back to the hotel had been completely silent. Because while sex with Katie is always incredible, we were still reeling from the fact that she’d pretty much rejected us. What the hell? What woman says no to hot billionaires?

  So we overwhelmed her. Surely after some mindblowing sex, the female would change her mind.

  But instead, she’d broken down in tears after the session. With our semen still dribbling from her sweet spots, the female had broken down into tears and ordered us out. Not exactly what any guy wants to see.

  “Fuck!” Kane raged again, stomping over the mini-bar. The alpha poured himself a generous dose and downed the fiery liquid in one gulp.

  “Easy cowboy,” I grunted, sitting on the divan. “Self-medicating is good, but too much of that shit is dangerous.”

  Kane nodded stiffly, eyes looking off into the distance. The three of us just sat in silence again, brooding, unsure what to do.

  Because no woman has ever told us that she needs to “think about it.” What does that mean, even? What is there to think about? Any female of ours will have plenty, her closets overflowing, a fancy car to drive, whatever makes her happy.

  But Katie was showing us exactly how different she is. Full of sass and fire, as well as genuine emotion, this girl was something special. Because usually, we make people wait for our decisions, and not the other way around. But Katie had us flummoxed, completely at a lo
ss. Shit, this woman was squeezing our balls and wasn’t afraid to make it painful.

  I scrubbed a hand over my face in exasperation.

  “What now?” came my growl. Was I addressing Kane and Mason or simply venting frustration to the universe? Because what could we do? My brain was fried, fizzling with a flat zero. We went over there to win Katie over with a heartfelt apology and it didn’t work. Fuck me.

  Mason slumped in a chair.

  “I have no idea, bro,” he rasped, looking hopeless, suit rumpled. “No idea.”

  We sat around the living room dejected. Surely, Katie realized how great things could be with the three of us. She’d seen that anything was possible with us on her side: a non-profit to run. Three men to make her shiver at night. Billionaires on call to do her bidding.

  So what the fuck was missing?

  What did she want?

  Our souls?

  Our hearts?

  Our everything?

  Fuck me.

  Suddenly, clarity struck my brain like an electrical bolt. Resting my head against the back of the sofa, I began to laugh. Mason and Kane stared my way as if I’d lost my mind.

  “We’re assholes,” I managed, still sputtering with laughter.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you bro?” Mason growled, glaring.

  “Spit it out,” Kane rumbled, looking like he wanted to punch me in the face.

  Sitting forward and resting my elbows on my knees, I snorted once more.

  “We’re still treating Katie like other woman we’ve fucked and tossed away.” I shook my head. “So what we promised her the non-profit? It’s just money. We did nothing special but offer her money and the services of our underlings, the bankers, the lawyers, the accountants. We haven’t offered her anything of ourselves.”

  My bros were stupefied.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” grunted Mason. “The non-profit’s what she wanted.”

  “Sure,” I said. “But don’t you see? Katie’s looking for something real. She wants more than just a flash in the pan. She wants more than just a visit here and there, us flying in to fuck her silly. She wants us. Three men committed to a relationship, giving her our souls.”


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