Jewels And Panties: (Book 1-15) Billionaire Romance Series

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Jewels And Panties: (Book 1-15) Billionaire Romance Series Page 34

by Brooke Kinsley

  Berger joined them, his IV drip wheeled along beside him as his bare ass was exposed to the high winds that drifted over the top of the building.

  He was struggling with his ligther, unable to light his cigarette as his gown flapped open.

  "I think I should start paying you," I joked. "You've flashed your dick at me three times in the last two minutes."

  "Don't count yourself lucky," he said. "I do that to everyone."

  "You really know how to make a guy feel special."

  We both laughed and he slapped me on the back. At last, the end of his cigarette was ablaze and a ribbon of grey smoke billowed over the tops of the nearby ferns.

  "Nice place this. Would make a nice beer garden."

  He was talking to me but looking at Etta. I knew what he was thinking. She was gorgeous. The most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. Even though she smashed a vase into the side of his face.

  "Your kitchen was busted up," he said. "Those fuckers in the helicopter really did a number on your windows."

  "Ah, it's cool. I kinda wanted to redecorate anyway."

  The three of us fell silent and stared out over the railing to where the mountains lay in the distance like sleeping giants.

  Now that I was here, I found that I didn't know what to say. I shifted in my seat and took Etta's hand in mine.

  "So... What areyou gonna do when you get out of here?" I asked.

  "Think I'm gonna take early retirement."

  "What? But you lived for your job!"

  "Yeah, and it almost cost me my life. Anyway, I'm not really feeling it anymore. Lost the trust I had for the force. Lost the joy I used to get from holding my badge."

  "You can get that back," I insisted. "Don't let a few bad eggs ruin it for all the good people. You areone of the good ones, Berger. You know that, don't you?"

  He sucked on his cigarette and winced in pain.

  "I thought I was."

  "You still are. Don't quit," I insisted. "The force needs more people like you."

  He gave me a sly smile and shook his head.

  "Well look at you. Not that long ago you hated my guts and now you're being all nice. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy."

  He was trying to joke his way through his misery.

  “I suppose I could get one of those jobs cops get when they quit early. Go into security or drive a taxi.”

  We fell silent again and he tossed his cigarette butt over the side of the railing. He watched it drop until it was out of sight, carried away on the wind like so many words I wanted to say.

  “Look, I just wanted to come see that you were okay and-“

  “Know if I’m gonna tell everyone you were the Normont Ripper all along?”

  He laughed, for real this time before coughing into his fist.

  “Don’t worry about it,” he said. “Your secret’s safe but I’d get rid of that laboratory of yours soon. Never know when someone’s gonna come crashing into the side of your house again.”

  He stood up and wrapped his gown around him tight in an attempt to maintain his modesty.

  “Seriously. I won’t tell a soul. I know you were one of the good guys. Even if your methods were a little, how do I put it, unorthodox.”

  Etta stood up and slapped her thighs.

  “Well, it’s all over now. We can all start sleeping again.”

  She looked down at me, her hand tigthening around mine in a not so subtle hint that we had to leave.

  “We’re going to Venice,” I blurted out to Berger. “Wanted to see you before we left.”

  “The pleasure’s mine. I guess.”

  We shook hands like men are supposed to before making our way back down to the ward, the metallic clank of his drip stand the only sound between us until we departed.

  “I’ll come visit when we’re back. You’ll look after yourself, won’t you?”

  As soon as we were back and he was out of hospital, I was writing him a hefty check that would make sure he’d not only be able to live in comfort for the rest of his life but would almost ensure he’d keep his mouth shut.

  “I will,” he assured me. “Ride a Gondola for me.”

  He winked at Etta before sliding back into bed.

  “See ya later, doc.”

  “Bye detective. Take it easy on the nurses.”

  “Hey! It’s theother way round. With a beard like this they’re queueing up to get in here!”

  I waved through the window one last time before striding away, hearing the nurses’ whispers all the way to the elevator as I dreamed of Venice.


  We were halfway across the parking lot when a voice boomed in my ear and a hand slapped my shoulder.

  "Bosworth! Jesus, where have you been? I've been hearing all these stories about you!"

  I spun round to see Harold, still in his scrubs with his usual gray hoodie hanging loose from his skinny frame.

  "Harold! Buddy!"

  I wasn't the type to hug a guy but it was great to see him. After everything we'd been through it felt good to see a friendly face.

  "You okay?" he asked. "I heard something happened."

  "That's one way of putting it. One day I'll get you a beer and I'll tell you everything. Right now we're in a bit of a hurry."

  His eyes moved over to Etta.

  "Not going to introduce us?" he asked and raised an eyebrow.

  "Etta, this is Harold. Worked with him for years."

  "Yeah, I've seen you around," she said and shook his hand.

  He gave me a look of pure jealousy and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't filled with a little swell of pride.

  "You're a lucky man, Bosworth."

  "Absolutely. I'm still pinching myself."

  Etta gave us both a shy smile and lowered her head. She never was good at taking compliments.

  "When are you back in theater?" Harold asked, changing the subject. "I've sure missed you."

  "Soon," I said. "Once we're back from Venice."

  "Venice? As in Venice, Italy?"


  He shook his head and thrust his hands into his pocket.

  "You sure are a man of mystery. Wish I was getting away on a vacation. Guess I better get working on my best selling patents so I can get as rich as you, right?"

  He laughed awkwardly, his giant Adam's apple bobbing up and down.

  "Anyway, catch you later. Was awesome to see you. And it was a pleasure to meet you Etta."

  He jogged away toward the back entrance, waving as he ran.

  "Nice guy," said Etta.

  "Oh yeah, Harold wouldn't hurt a fly."

  Chapter Five


  "You know you should really start acting like a billionaire."

  "And what exactly does a billionaire act like?"

  He laughed and gave me awink as we halted at the stop light.

  "Like, I dunno, flashy and stuff."

  "Not my style," he replied.

  "But why not?"

  He frowned and checked his reflection in the rear view mirror.

  "I'm just not the type of guy who likes to sun my ass on a luxury yacht with a troop of supermodels. I'd rather stay in and read a book, enjoy a nice dinner with great company..."

  He reached over and squeezed my thigh.

  "Is there a problem with that?" he asked.

  "Of course not."

  "I can't help but sense there's something wrong."

  The light turned green and we edged our way through the slow rush hour traffic. In the trunk of the car, our suitcases lay packed, mine almost overflowing. I couldn't believe we were finally leaving this damn place and going to have some fun for once like a normal couple.

  "There's nothing wrong," I said, looking out the window as the dense city streets leaned in on me.

  "Are you sure? Something tells me I’m not living up to your expectations of the perfect billionaire boyfriend. Next you'll be telling me you want a pet tiger or a solid gold Rolls Royce."

  I touched t
he tulip between my breasts. It was extravagant in its own way but modest too, just like Lincoln was.

  "I'm sorry. I'm not explaining myself very well."

  I struggled to find the right words and found that my throat was tightening up.

  "It's just that other people like you have security teams!" I finally blurted out.

  He tensed up beside me, his brow pulling itself into a line of fierce concentration as he rounded a bend with a touch too much speed.

  "Security teams?" he asked. "Like meatheads talking into earpieces watching every move I make?"


  "Why the fuck would I want that?"

  "Because you need it!"

  He slowed down once again as the traffic piled up and let out a long exhale as he touched his hand to his forehead.

  "Need it?"

  "Yeah! You think you could have been captured if you had proper security like all the other billionaires in existence? Living on a mountain may be peaceful and secluded and it may stop some people getting in but it's made you vulnerable. If no one can find you then no one can help you!"

  He remained silent, watching exasperated as the traffic reached a stand still. At this rate we weren't going to make it to the airport for another hour and I was starting to fidget in my seat like a kid on their way to Disneyland.

  "You understand why I'm worried, don't you?"

  He nodded and pursed his lips.

  "Sure. I get it. You don't want a repeat performance of the other night."

  "I sure as shit do not."

  I leaned my head onto his shoulder and hugged him tight, felt the warmth of his cheek against mine and the smell of his cologne on his neck. I kissed the sensitive spot behind his ear that always softened him up. As expected, he couldn't refrain from smiling.

  "I'll look into it," he said at last. "As soon as we get back."

  "That's all I'm asking."

  We pulled away and I realized we were driving through Broadwood. Neither of us said a word but we didn't need to. We pretended we didn't notice a thing and that the neighborhood we were passing through was just like any other. But we couldn't deny there was a smell in the air as though things had changed. The place was in mourning, the people looking sadder and lonelier than they usually did.

  We passed a street corner where a group of teenage girls perched against a phone booth in clothes that would have been inappropriate for women twice their age. I wondered where they would be sleeping tonight.If they would be sleeping at all. I wondered where all the lost girls would be going now without Phaedra to give them a bed. I turned back to Lincoln and shook the thought from my mind.

  "Why did you never want people looking after you?" I asked.


  "Like a team? Bodyguards?Minders? I thought rich guys liked all that stuff."

  "Correction, somerich guys like all that stuff. I'd rather have my privacy. Couldn't stand the idea of having someone looking over my shoulder every second of the day making sure I'm not going to get kidnapped."

  "But you were kidnapped."

  He sighed and gripped the steering wheel tighter.

  "I was. You're right. You've proved your point. Like I said, I'll look into it when we get back."

  I could tell that if I didn't change the subject soon he was going to grow irate. Touching the tulip again, I reminded myself of how much we loved each other and how blissful we were earlier. Now we just had weeks of lying in bed, caressing each other beneath the Venetian stars.

  "I'm just so worried about you," I said. "Men think their indestructible at the best of times and rich men think they're invincible, but you're not. You're a human and you're vulnerable like the rest of us. Look, I’ve said my piece and I won't mention it again. Just... Get some freakin' security."

  He slinked his hand over my shoulder and kissed me.

  "Yes, mom!" he rolled his eyes and laughed. "I'll do it, but what am I supposed to do? Have a bodyguard beside me when I'm operating on someone?"

  He laughed again, his voice light and airy. In the distance, I could just about make out the shape of the highway and only a few minutes beyond that, the jet was waiting to take us away. I closed my eyes and felt as though I was going to explode with joy.

  Lying back, I thought about all the things we would do in Italy. All the places we could see, the sun we could feel on our faces and the luxurious wine we could get brought up to our decadent suite at the Centurion Palace, a hotel Lincoln had assured me I would love.

  "Hey! Shit. The house is foreclosed."

  My eyes flashed open.

  “What house?”

  Beside the car, the Waters House loomed up, empty and hollow. In the front yard, a sign was in the middle of being hammered into the ground by a sweaty bald guy in a suit that was two sizes too small for him.

  "Don't," I said, but Lincoln was already parking up. "Don't!"

  Chapter Six


  "Seriously? This place is for sale?"

  The chubby guy looked up and wiped the back of his hand across his brow. There was a flicker of recognition in his eyes as they flashed up with dollar signs.

  "Lincoln motherfucking Bosworth!" he declared and struck out a hand for me to shake. "What in the Devil's name are you doing in this neck of the woods?"

  Etta was leaping out the car to tug on my arm.

  "We're just on our way to the airport," she said. "Going to Italy."

  "Italy!" the guy beamed. "The land where my good old grandma hailed from. Anyway, since you asked. Yes, the house is for sale. Gone into foreclosure. Seems no one will touch the place and the Waters Foundation is eager to, erm, distance themselves from the place."

  I looked up and saw the small golden name plaque above the front door had been removed.

  Etta tugged on my arm again and glared at me, begging with her eyes.

  "Linx? Come on. Didn't you say we were gonna be in the air by dinner time."

  I looked down at her then back up at the house.

  "Okay if I take a look inside?" I asked.

  "Absolutely!" the guy grinned, unable to hide his pleasure. "Let me give you the grand tour."

  "Linx! No!"

  "I'll just be two minutes," I told her. "Promise."

  Her face looked as though it would catch fire. She let go of me and threw up her hands.

  "Fine, whatever."

  Inside the house, the guy smoothed down his mustache and gestured for me to enter the lounge which was in a state of disarray. It looked as though a tornado had passed through it, tore up the carpet, taken the furniture but for some reason left every single book behind.

  "What happened in here?"

  "Looted," said the guy.


  I walked over to the bookcase and leaned against the wall, imagining Roberta sat in the seat by the television. Now, all that remained was a dusty floor scattered in garbage. As I turned, my foot grazed the overturned trash can. Inside,lay the biography of Charles Manson.

  "Can I see the kitchen?" I asked.

  Etta was still lingering in the hall with her arms folded.

  "Just two minutes," I assured her again but she took a step back.

  "I'll wait in the car," she huffed.

  "Don't be like that. Come on, let's look around."

  "Why? I'm no stranger to this place."

  The guy looked over his shoulder and sensing the oncoming argument, tried to lighten the mood.

  "As you can tell, the place needs a little cosmetic upgrade."

  "I can see that," I said.

  "You know much about the house?" he asked.

  "Not really."

  He grinned again and rubbed his hands together.

  "Excellent. I mean, that's cool. There's not much to know really. Old lady lived here. Was a home for runaways.That kinda thing."

  The three of us stood in the kitchen looking at the opened cupboards with the doors hanging off the hinges.

  "I'll take it," I said.

p; Etta let out a scream.

  "Lincoln no! I mean, why!"

  "Fantastic!" said the chubby guy and once again he stuck his hand out for me to shake.

  His fingers felt like sausages in mine as he couldn't stop the smile that twitched up the edges of his mustache, a single gold tooth glinting in the corner of his mouth.

  "Terrific! Just fantastic! You're doing a really good thing taking this place."

  I could feel theheat coming from Etta beside me. Turning my head, I saw her just in time as she stormed out.

  "Sorry. I'll just be a moment," I said.

  "No worries. I'll get on the phone and arrange for the paperwork to be drawn up."

  I dashed out and caught up with her at the front door.

  "Etta, wait up."

  Catching the back of her coat, I pulled her into the lounge and closed the door.

  "What the hell are you doing?" she cried.

  "I'm... I'm doing a good thing."

  "What? How exactly is buying this hell house a good thing? We're supposed to be getting away from it!"

  She had a point but I had an idea, one I was hoping she'd get on board with.

  "What if we turned it into something really good, a children's home where we could oversee everything and put all the terrible things to right."

  She cradled her head in her hands.

  "No. No. No."

  "Think about it. There's been so much suffering but we could turn it around, turn the house into what it was always supposed to be. A safe haven."

  She looked through her fingers. Anger always made her cuter and right now I wanted to bake her into a cake and eat her up.

  "I suppose that could work," she said. "Maybe. But can we get going now? We can sort all this out when we're back."

  Down the hall, the realtor was talking on the phone a hundred words a second. No doubt gibbering about how he'd lucked out on the billionaire who just walked in off the street and offloaded his biggest problem.

  "Just imagine it!"

  I stretched my arms out. The room looked grim right now but in my head it was a wonderland, a children's paradise filled with fun and laughter.


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