A Little Harmless Secret

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A Little Harmless Secret Page 8

by Melissa Schroeder

  “How was Seattle?” he asked.

  “’K and I have a new friend,” Alana said with a smile.

  Evan put the last lei on her. “I heard. Now I have another princess to spoil.”

  “Yes.” Alana clapped. “And we can swim in Dev’s pool.”

  “You always know what’s important,” Evan said.

  Devon and Micah brought up the rear, duffle bags in their hands.

  “Hey, Bra,” Micah said. “How are things going at the club?”

  “Pretty good. Although, I’ve told Danny if he wants to take over running the club and give up being a doctor, we would be happy to hire him.” Evan looked at Devon. “I heard you had some issues.”

  “Just a few,” Devon said with little emotion.

  “Someone chased us out of our house,” Bridget said.

  He looked at her then he squatted down to her level. “That wasn’t very nice. But, you have a new friend and you’re in Hawaii, so that’s good. And, like Princess Alana said, you can go to the pool.”

  She smiled at him. “Yes.”

  He looked up at Alicia and winked again, then he straightened. “Are y’all ready to go?”

  “Got a couple more bags,” Devon said.

  “Let’s get off this tarmac,” Micah said. “Devon and I will load up the bags.”

  Evan turned and headed to the SUV.

  “How’s May?” Dee asked as they followed him.


  “I’m telling her you said that. She’s pregnant with your child, you should be nicer.”

  “Too late. I’m in trouble for calling her feet fat. I was showing her concern and told her to call in to work today and take off. You would have thought I ran over her favorite dog or something. Then, she called her father how is now threatening to disown me. So, not sure you telling her that is going to hurt me anymore than that.” Her father said something about disowning me because she called to cry to him.”

  Dee laughed. “I don’t blame her. May is Evan’s wife and my best friend.”

  When they got to the massive vehicle, there were two child seats in the back seat. He easily got Alana settled and turned for Bridget.

  “Oh, I can take care of that,” she said.

  He shook his head. “No worries.”

  He had both girls settled easily, then he sat between them.

  “I can sit there, Evan. You don’t look that comfortable.”

  He smiled at her. “See, you don’t know me or you would know that as long as I’m surrounded by women, I’m happy.”

  She opened her mouth to argue, but Dee shook her head as she took the seat on the driver’s side.

  “Let it go. He is really telling the truth.”

  Inwardly she shrugged and took the other seat in the second row.

  Micah and Devon were there within a few moments, and they were on their way out of the airport. She sat back and watched the lush Hawaiian landscape fly by. She would feel better once they were settled at Devon’s house. She knew there was a lot to be done…and even more they would have to work out. But getting to the bottom of all of this was more important. After that, maybe she and Devon could come to some understanding.

  With a sigh, she shook her head. Her brain was just too jumbled to think straight. She would worry about other things once she knew her daughter was safe.


  Devon and Evan went up to the house first. They surveyed the surrounding area, then Devon unlocked the front door and disarmed the alarm. They walked through house, making sure nothing had been disturbed. When they were both satisfied with the house, Devon started back to the front door.

  Evan stopped him.

  “Do you need anyone around to help?”

  Devon shook his head. “Ali has training, and with this system, we’ll be fine. Besides, May is too far along for you to leave her for too long.”

  “Yeah, but there’s always my brother-in-law Danny.”

  He thought of the younger man who had a reputation at Rough ‘n Ready for liking older women.

  “I appreciate it, but we don’t need the help.”

  Devon resumed making his way to the front door, ignoring the nagging voice in his head. It wouldn’t hurt having the man there to help out, but he just couldn’t do it. He didn’t want another man around Ali at the moment. It was stupid, but every time they encountered a man—even ones like Evan and Micah—he had to deal with his need to beat the hell out of them.

  He didn’t know how to deal with the jealousy. It was new and annoying. Since his time in high school, he’d never really been a man who got jealous. Women were important to him; he respected them and enjoyed them. He never understood the emotion. It seemed like a waste of energy, but at the moment, thinking of the young fire dancer hanging around Ali made him want to tear off the man’s arms and beat him over the head with them.

  “Okay, but let me know if you change your mind.” Evan tossed Devon a knowing look. “And for your peace of mind, I’ll let you know he doesn’t poach.”

  Devon stepped out the front door and snorted to cover his embarrassment. Evan was a little too close for comfort.

  The older man said nothing as he walked to the SUV, but Devon got a glimpse of the knowing smile curving his lips. Evan and Micah could get on a man’s nerves. Now that they were both happily married and producing offspring, they always thought they knew best. It was more than a little aggravating. Evan went around to the back to get the bags as Ali stepped out and helped Bridget down. They walked quietly up to the house.

  Evan sat the bags down. “I better be getting home. I have some making up to do with May before she heads to Dupree’s and makes Chris cry.” He turned to Ali and Bridget. “E Komo mai.”

  “Thank you.”

  He nodded toward Devon and walked back to the SUV.

  They watched him drive away and Ali said, “You don’t lack for characters in your life, that’s for sure.”

  He followed them into the house, shutting the door and setting the alarm. Bridget said something and Ali leaned down so she could whisper in her ear. Ali nodded and turned to Devon.

  “Where’s your bathroom?”

  “Down the hall on the left.”

  She nodded and walked down the hall with Bridget. When she returned, he noted the dark smudges beneath her eyes. He was sure he didn’t look much better, but he hated seeing her like that. It was a stupid thought, one that spoke of a connection they didn’t have. It didn’t quell the overwhelming need to give her comfort.

  “Is she okay?” he asked.

  Ali nodded. “She’s fine. A little overwhelmed, but I think that has more to do with the fact that she just had her first plane ride—that she can remember at least—and the fact that we are in Hawaii.”

  She turned around, looking at his living area. It hit him; he had no idea on what to do next. The only women he had in his house had been his sister and her best friend May. He hadn’t felt the need to bring a woman back to the house because he hadn’t had a date in months. For some reason, in his own mind, he had been waiting for this woman. It was insane, but for some reason, it was one idea that he kept coming back to.

  He was still pissed, but some of that had faded. Now, the need he had always had for her rushed through him. One night, almost five years earlier, and he still wanted her. In fact, he knew without a doubt that even without the situation—including Bridget—he would have done just the same.

  “You’re making me nervous,” Ali said, breaking into his thoughts.

  He glanced at her. She had one arm across her chest, her hand clutched her other arm. It was an awkward look for a woman who always looked so self-possessed. He knew she rarely showed any kind of vulnerability to anyone.

  “Sorry. Just, now that I have you here, I don’t know what to do with you.”

  For a long moment, she didn’t say anything. Then, slowly, her lips curved into a seductive smile. “You didn’t have a problem with that before.”

ll the air between them seemed to thicken and the breath evaporated in his lungs. The sultriness of her tone shot straight to his gut. It was as if all the years they had been apart dissolved. Heat surged, his stomach tightened, and his cock twitched. Just like that, he wanted to strip her down and fuck her until they were too tired to talk.

  Her face flushed and her gaze darted away. “I apologize. I don’t know why I said that.”

  Again, he was surprised by her. Seeing her so unsure of herself touched something in him. It was there that night in Vegas and it was there now. She presented herself as an independent woman who had a backbone of steel. But just like when they first met, he sensed a vulnerability beneath that hard-edged surface. It made him want her even more.

  He wanted nothing more than to be her soft place to fall, but he knew they had issues. Mainly someone was trying to kill her and their daughter. But, when they were through with it all, he would be there. He wasn’t quite sure what he wanted but he knew he wanted Bridget in his life…and something more with Ali.

  He smiled and stepped closer. He lifted his hand—hoping that she didn’t see the way it shook—and brushed her hair back from her face. “No, don’t be sorry.”

  Even he heard the way his voice deepened over the words. Standing this close her, Devon caught her unique scent. He breathed it in and his head spun. His heart hammered against his chest as he leaned closer. Just a taste, it was all he needed.

  “Devon,” she said, but he barely heard his name. It filtered over his flesh and sunk down into his soul. Something teased his senses. After a long moment, he realized it was her. What scared the hell out of him was the thought that it would always be her. Just her.

  He was less than an inch away, so close he could feel her sweet breath on his lips. The moment before he could close the space between them, Bridget came bouncing back into the room.

  “Mummy,” she said running toward them.

  The two of them sprang apart as if they had been committing a crime.

  Devon stepped back, drew in a deep breath and had to get his body back under control. Jesus, his blood was still humming with need. He shoved both his hands through his hair.

  “Did you wash your hands?” Ali asked.

  Bridget held her hands up as she nodded.

  When Devon felt as if he wouldn’t embarrass himself, he turned to face them.

  “I think Bridget would like a bath, wouldn’t you, poppet?”

  Bridget smiled up at her mother, then at him and nodded.

  “Of course. There are a couple of rooms up here with a Jack and Jill bathroom that I thought would work.”

  He grabbed their suitcase and Ali grabbed another bag that had their toiletries. They follow him up the stairs.

  “Did you build this house?” Ali asked.

  “No. It had been on the market for a few months when I found it. I wasn’t really looking at buying a house here, but after Dee had Alana, I wanted to be close by. We’re the only blood family that each of us trusts.”

  “But you didn’t want to stay with them?”

  “I did a few times, but I like my privacy.”

  “I can understand that.”


  “I was an only child who spent a huge part of her childhood in foreign countries. With my training, large crowds irritate me.”

  “You can never be too sure with lots of people around,” Bridget said in a tone most kids would use to repeat grammar rules.

  Ali said nothing as they walked down the corridor to the room. He decided to fill the gap.

  “Being in a house with Dee…there is no privacy. She’s been like that since we were kids. She’d just barge into my room without knocking. Still does.”

  When he reached the first room, he turned and found her smiling at him.


  She shrugged. “I think it’s nice you have someone like that. I would have killed for a sibling when I was growing up. My parents were surprised by me, so there were no others.”

  He heard the wistfulness in her voice. He wanted to comfort her, but he didn’t have that right. Bridget ran into the room.

  “It looks like a princess room!”

  He nodded and smiled. “The house came with all the furnishings.”

  Ali smiled. “And you kept it because Alana would like it.”

  Admiration filled her tone, and he suddenly felt his cheeks heat up. He was fucking blushing. Good lord.

  Before he could embarrass himself further, his phone went off. He knew the number.

  “I have to take this. Let me know if you need anything.”

  She nodded and he walked out of the room.

  Then he answered. “Stryker here.”

  “I hear we have a situation,” Conner said.

  “More than one, but this one seems to be controlled at the moment.”

  “Maura’s been working on the threat assessment. She wanted to come over here because she felt she failed Alicia.”

  Conner’s main office was in Miami, where his sister and his partner ran the main part of the business.

  “There really is no need for that. In fact, that system is why Alicia and Bridget are still alive.”

  “That’s good to hear, but we also helped Alicia with monitoring her security in the virtual world. We had no idea she had been spotted by someone.”

  He thought back to that day he saw her and the way he found her.

  “I wonder if they used security footage to zero in on her?”

  There was a pause. “You know, with the right kind of programs and enough help, whoever is after her could have done that. That will make it impossible to figure out who did this.”

  “How long have you known who she was?” Devon asked.

  “From the beginning. She knew if we started to dig for her, that we would find the layered identity. Only Maura, Rory, and Zeke, plus me, know about her true identity. The three of them worked on her case exclusively, and we didn’t let anyone else know about it.”

  That was interesting. Conner was always a little overzealous when it came to security. The fact he was so strict about Ali’s case told Devon he knew how serious the situation was.

  “I think we’re fine right now, but how about a meeting in the morning? We can go over some of the assessments,” Devon said.

  He heard some tapping against keys as he waited for Conner’s answer. “There’s one person I want to bring with me. Sean Kaheaku has been doing some consulting for us, and I think he would be very good to help.”

  “Are you sure you can trust him?”

  “Yeah. He can be an ass, but he’s one of the best in the security business. He’s related to Eli St. John in a round about way.”

  St. John owned and operated a cattle ranch on the Big Island. His previous career had been in the Australian Army.

  “I would rather he didn’t know too much before he got here.”

  “No problem. Truth is, I would love to have him working for me full time, but he doesn’t like to settle.”

  “Okay, how about nine tomorrow? I would start earlier, but we’re all pretty tired.”

  “No problem. See you then.”

  Conner hung up without saying goodbye. Devon smiled. Conner had always been a little different. FBI to his core, he had a long connection with Dee and for that Devon had put up with him. But, he also found the man to be a solid security expert.

  He thought they needed some more food and decided to see if the girls needed anything. Devon stopped. Girls. It was a term that Micah had used on more than one occasion when talking about Dee and Alana. That proprietary air…his girls.

  Dammit, now he wanted that. He wanted the right to call them his girls. He had known about Bridget less than four days, but he already felt a connection to her—and Ali…well, she still made his knees go weak.

  He shook those thoughts away. He would deal with that as soon as they solved their main problem. Wanting to head out and get the food so they could get Bridget to bed,
Devon hurried up the stairs.

  * * * *

  “This house is really big,” Bridget said as she followed Alicia into the bathroom.

  Alicia didn’t correct her daughter’s assumption. It was probably a mansion for Hawaii where land was scarce and expensive. For a girl who grew up on an estate in England, it wasn’t that big. Of course, it was bigger than the house they had in Seattle. She just hoped they could return soon.

  Alicia shook those thoughts away and walked to the French doors. Opening them, she drew in a deep breath.

  It was breathtaking.

  Leave it to Devon to get a house with a view like this. They were in a bay, which gave the house a sense of tranquility she assumed was hard to find on Oahu. There was an old wooden dock where a canoe was tied up. The pool was big and oval, included a waterfall, and some kind of turtles painted on the bottom. There was a hot tub.

  “I want to go swimming.”

  She chuckled as she smoothed her hand over her daughter’s golden hair. “First, I don’t have a bathing suit for you. You need a new one. And it’s late. Bath first tonight, then we’ll have a snack and you can go to bed.”


  The disappointment was easier to take than the fear that was quickly returning. She knew that someone had breached the levels of security she had spent years constructing. It wasn’t someone who just happened upon the information.

  “Hey,” Devon said from the doorway.

  “Hey, Devon. Mummy said I can’t go swimming tonight.”

  Devon looked from her daughter to Alicia. “Why not?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Because, she doesn’t have a bathing suit that fits. We can get one tomorrow.”

  He shrugged and looked pitiful. “Sorry, kid. Gotta listen to your mom. Is there anything you need from the grocery store?”

  “Could you make sure to have some oatmeal? It’s Bridget’s favorite for breakfast.”

  “Your wish is my command. Do you want anything, poppet?” he asked.

  Hearing her pet name for her daughter should have made her angry. It was private, the name only she used for Bridget. Instead, it sounded right, even in his horrible American accent.


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