Red and the Wolves_A Dark Reverse Harem Romance

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Red and the Wolves_A Dark Reverse Harem Romance Page 5

by Zoe Blake

  As my tongue glided along the silky flesh of Rood’s sex, I thought of how this act was so much less severe than what the other men had done to me. If all I was expected to do was please the man with my mouth, I would surely hope the others wanted the same from me rather than to push into my tight pussy or my even tighter anus.

  “Push your ass out,” Rood ordered in almost a moan as I had just taken his entire length to the back of my throat. “Stick it out and don’t move.”

  I did as he asked, knowing that all eyes would be on my exposed bottom pressed out prominently and on display. But again, if this was the worst of my punishment, then on full display I would be.

  Once I was on all fours, with my ass out, and his heavy cock resting on my tongue, Rood said, “Canis, begin.”

  I had forgotten that Canis had been asked to assist Rood and was standing behind me with leather lash in hand. I was quickly reminded of his presence when a stinging blow rained down upon my bare behind.

  I screamed, though the sound became muffled by Rood’s mass filling my mouth completely. I scrambled forward, but really didn’t have anywhere to scramble to. Canis took hold of my hips and pulled me back into position. He used his hand to spank my behind once I was back in the precarious spot I was in before the surprising lash.

  “Suck me, lass. Don’t stop,” Rood ordered. “The whipping won’t stop until I’m satisfied, so you would be wise to make quick work of it.”

  Bobbing my head up and down, not sure what it would take to satisfy the man, I tried not to focus on the whipping as it began again. One, two, three—the leather fell upon my bottom. Tears fell from my eyes as I ran my tongue along the length of Rood’s shaft. Four, five, six—the whipping continued as my whimpers blended with the sounds of ragged breath and moaning. Seven, eight, nine—I cried around the cock that thrust to the farthest parts of my throat. Ten, eleven, twelve—I howled from my inner core, still sucking with all my might. Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen—I pleased, while I suffered. Rood looked toward the sky with his eyes closed, while Canis delivered the discipline.

  I continued to move my mouth up and down his salty shaft as I watched the intense pleasure blanket his face. Slowly his eyes opened as he looked down upon me. With a gentle touch—a complete contrast to what was occurring with Canis—Rood swiped at a falling tear with his rough thumb.

  “Have you learned your lesson?” he asked in a much less severe and stern voice than before.

  I nodded, but didn’t dare stop in sucking him as he had ordered.

  Just as I was about to pull my mouth away and plead for mercy, Rood said, “Come sit on my lap now.”

  To help me rise, Rood reached for my hair and yanked me up. I stood on wobbly legs, grateful to avoid any further whipping. Rood guided me onto his lap with my back to his chest. Lifting me slightly, he positioned his cock to my opening.

  “Oh you are nice and wet for me,” he nearly growled. “All the tears and whimpers were all a guise I see. My little sacrifice clearly liked every second of that lashing.”

  I shook my head as I made eye contact with Canis who still stood where he had been while whipping me. I protested the fact, but the ease in which Rood’s cock slid into me, revealed I was indeed wet. The moan escaping my mouth caused by my intense pleasure as he buried his cock deep within me also gave away how tantalizing the entire act of discipline by two men truly was.

  Yes, I was possessed by the dark force. It was the only explanation.

  “Ride me, little Red.”

  With Rood’s hands on my hips, aiding me in my up and down motions, I bobbed on his cock with my body like I had just done with my mouth.

  Pulling out just enough, to then push his thickness back in all the way with the weight of my body, I mewled in wicked delight. The other men watched on as I took my ride on Rood’s lap. Their eyes stood out with the light of the fire shining bright. I couldn’t hold back the feelings, the hunger, and the sinful lust that sent bolts of fire from every inch of my skin to my core. My pussy contracted around his cock as I cried out.

  “That’s right, Red. Cum for me. Allow that pleasure to rock your body. Coat my shaft with your juices.”

  I didn’t need his command to obey. My body acted on feeling alone. Just as a deep, powerful wave of energy vibrated through my pussy, I heard Rood release a low primal groan that blended with my own sounds of completion.

  Rood pulled me back enough so he could nibble on my neck as his deep breathing tickled the hairs around my ear. He whispered, “You are far more powerful than any dark force the villagers fear. With that simple act, you nearly slayed me, Red.” He released a deep breath and turned his nibbles into soft kisses. “Slayed me far more than any sword could do.”


  Rood held me in his arms by the fire, feeding me the berries I had refused to eat earlier one by one. In what truly was an act of kindness, Rood had first placed a berry in his mouth and ate one before he had expected me to. The fierce intensity of the amber in his eyes had dissipated as he had done so. I no longer saw the animalistic nature of before, but instead saw a protective and nurturing one. The other men went about their business around camp as they had once done, but Rood had remained with me, offering his warmth and affection. The polar opposite in actions had my mind spinning, yet I was not going to argue or resist in any way. Not because I was afraid of what would happen if I did so, but because I truly was enjoying every minute of his time.

  It was Grimm who eventually broke my spell of comfort delight. “Men,” he said harshly.

  Rood’s body tensed, and his fingers dropped the berry that he was about to put into my mouth. I could hear and feel him inhale deeply. I could see all the men stop what they were doing and lift their noses to the air, all smelling the cool forest air. I sat upright, tense as well but couldn’t smell or see anything. The only thing I did notice was that the sounds of the forest ceased. An eerie silence took hold, and I knew what that meant. It could only mean one thing. The calm before the worst kind of storms.

  “It’s coming,” Helm announced. “I can smell it…the dark force is near.”

  “The village. The dark force is going to attack the village now,” Beo added.

  All the men turned to look at me as Rood quickly rose to standing. He picked me up before I could even process what truly was happening and carried me to the depths of the cave. “You stay here,” he ordered. “You’ll be safe here. But no matter what, do not leave this spot. Do you hear me? Do not leave this spot.”

  He didn’t wait for a response but turned and joined the others instead. In an instant, I was left alone in an empty cave with only the howls of the wolves in the distance.

  Running to the entrance of the cave, I frantically searched for any signs of the men. There was no trace of them, not that I truly expected there would be. In the short time it took for me to reach the mouth of the cave, they were gone. Reaching for my clothing and dressing as quickly as I could, I tried not to overthink what I was about to do. Yes, I should stay like Rood ordered. Breaking his order would surely lead to punishment, but…

  No! I should run.

  This was my time to escape. They were all gone, and I could be safely out of reach before they returned but…but I couldn’t just leave. Was it the dark force pulling me toward them? Was this a trap that would end with my death? Whatever the answer was, I couldn’t resist running full speed toward the sounds of the howls, growling, and the high-pitched hissing sound that I remember to be that belonging to the dark force when it would come close to the village. I could hear the men so well. Why could I hear them so well?

  The shrill call of the dark force soon was joined by the warning bells of my nearby village. I didn’t have to be in the belly of town square to know that everyone was scattering to seek shelter. A call to arms was not needed, for we all knew the only ones who could beat the dark force were the wolves. All we would do is hide and weather the storm until the piercing sound of evil and the howls of the wolves vanished.
  Just before reaching a large clearing, I froze as I saw the men…the wolves. They had all changed into the wolves the villagers spoke of—the wolves I had originally expected to see—but the wolves I had yet to see. They had become beasts with thick fur coats, claws, fangs, muscled flanks, and those fierce amber eyes I had grown to almost understand in each one of them. They all were already in full battle with a dense, black, fog-like element laced with an evil green. A foul stench burned my nostrils and made my eyes water, but that was nothing compared to the sharp screams of the darkness that forced me to cover my ears in protection. The hissing grew even louder as it seemed the wolves were winning the battle with their large paws clawing at the thick black swirling vapor. With every bite from the wolves’ massive jaws, or slice with their sharp claws, the blackness pierced the sky with the most wretched sound imaginable.

  I didn’t exactly know what I was expecting I would be able to do once finding the wolves and the dark force. I had nothing to fight with, and even if I did have a blade or a spear, the dark force appeared to be unstoppable by the makings of a man. No…only the wolves had the power to fight off this malevolent presence.

  In the thickest part of the black smoke, the green shone brightly. I could see that the wolves were making their way to the center of it with a ferocious determination. They would be victorious. I could see this. I could hear this. I could feel it with my entire being. These savage beasts holding me against my will were also my saviors. They were protecting the village as they had always done for years. They were creatures of duty and honor, and seeing it right before my eyes was absolutely breathtaking. It wasn’t without effort that they were winning; the dark force swiped and knocked the wolves to the ground many times. Growls turned to yelps at times, but not one of the wolves stayed down. With grit and determination, they always rose and even would limp back toward the center of the black with the green illumination. My heart broke with every painful blow they encountered from this mythical evil opponent. I cried against my hand as I watched them be flung against the trunks of trees, or picked up high in the sky to then be dropped to the hard ground below. But each time, the wolf would stand. Each time the wolf would shake off the assault and attack again. These wolves risked everything for a village they no longer belonged to. To the one, they were sacrificing their entire being and body in order to keep the dark force away.

  Finally, the hissing stopped, the stench dissipated, and the black smoke turned to a fine mist and faded back into the depths of the forest. The dark force was no more. All that remained were five wolves who looked toward the sky and howled a cry of victory.

  I was so captivated in this display of raw beauty that I didn’t try to run when all sets of amber eyes turned to stare at me. Instead, I took the time to look each of them in the eyes and gave my silent thank you. If only they could feel the immense gratitude I had for them at that very moment. If only they could hear how hard my heart beat for them. If only I could show them how forever in debt I felt.

  I marched to what very well could be my death with five naked men. Men who, just moments ago, had been wolves. I had defied them. Defied their order once again. I knew what happened when I angered them. I knew what they did to me, and yet…I still walked quietly back to the camp with them without the slightest urge to run for my life. They still hadn’t told me what they were going to do to me. My future was still unknown, and yet for some reason, I had no fear of these warriors I had just watched save hundreds of innocent lives. I possessed only admiration and the desire to remain their sacrifice as The Selection had intended I be.

  “You’re hurt,” I said as we entered the cave and I saw a large bloody gash down Canis’ back. All the wolves had switched back to men, and in all their nude glory had walked back to the camp to gather their furs and leather clothes.

  “It’s nothing,” Canis said as he bent before me to grab his pants. The firmness of his ass, bent right before me, caused my breath to catch in the back of my throat.

  “I think I should clean that up,” I offered. “You don’t want that wound to get infected.”

  “It won’t,” he said as he turned to face me. “As wolves, we heal quickly.” His cock was large and on full display. I knew he saw that my gaze fell upon his manhood because he said, “But if you want to pay attention to my body in other ways, I won’t argue.”

  When I opened my mouth in surprise, followed with wide eyes, he was quick to give me a wink to show his jest.

  “Let her clean the wound,” Grimm said. “You know the slashes caused from the battles hurt like hell. Let her try to ease it for you.”

  Canis made direct eye contact with me and then nodded. “Fine.” He walked over to a pile of furs deeper in the cave and pointed to a jar sitting next to the wall of the cave. “There is a salve in there that we use to help with the healing.”

  Grimm walked over to me with a cup of water and a rag and silently went back toward the other men who were washing up and getting dressed again.

  Wanting to help, I followed Canis to where he waited for me. He never bothered to get dressed and sat on the furs completely naked with his back to me. His tanned and muscled torso was so perfect other than the long gash marring his flesh.

  I knelt down behind him and took the jar from his hand. “Does it hurt?” I was scared to touch the wound. I didn’t want him to suffer anymore than he already was.

  “It burns. The injuries caused from the dark force sizzle beneath our flesh for a few days. But it eventually goes away.”

  “And this salve helps?” I asked as I opened the jar. I could smell an herb I knew to be used to treat infections back in the village.

  “It does.”

  I dipped the rag into the water and gently began to dab at the bloody gash. “Thank you,” I said softly.

  “For what?” he asked, not even flinching in the slightest as I tried my best to clean out the lesion.

  “For fighting. I knew you protected our village, but until I saw it for myself…well, I had no idea the true sacrifice that was made on your part. Every villager would perish if it were not for you and the others.”

  “Yes, they would,” was his short and harsh answer. “Every single one of them would die. They would be no match for the power the dark force has.”

  By the tone in his voice, I feared I had angered him, which hadn’t been my intent. So rather than continuing on with a discussion that didn’t seem to sit well with the man, I tended to his injury in silence.

  Canis was the first to break the quiet of the cave after I had most of his cut cleaned out. “You shouldn’t have followed us. I remember Rood telling you to remain in the cave.”

  I swallowed hard, knowing that I had indeed broken a dictate of Rood’s, and also remembering what happened the last time I went against his wishes.

  “Are you one to not follow direction? Stubborn or a fool?”

  “A fool, I suppose,” I said weakly. “But I’m sorry. I don’t know why, but I couldn’t just remain as I was asked. Something pulled me to you all. I should have stayed. I know this. But I couldn’t resist the urge to run toward your howls. I have no explanation as to why.”

  He glanced over his shoulder at me, and my eyes locked with the amber color of his. I didn’t see the fierceness in his that I had seen when he’d taken the lash from Rood and whipped me with it earlier. This time, there was something different. A connection. A bond of sorts. I didn’t want to look away, and if anything, I wanted to be lost in them forever.

  “When I watched all of you fight,” I began, “I felt something. Something so strong that I wouldn’t have been able to break away and run even if I’d wanted to. A wise woman in my situation would have run away. Run back to my village and warned them the dark force was near. Or even run in a different direction in self-preservation. But I couldn’t. All I could do was stand and watch…to feel. I could almost feel you all. I could feel the energy you all exuded.”

  As I spoke, I didn’t hear the other men
walk up behind me. Helm’s voice had me turning in surprise to see them all in a line before me.

  “We felt you too,” Helm said.

  “You being there seemed to give us a different type of strength,” Beo added.

  “You shouldn’t have left the cave,” Rood said, “but we understand.”

  “We’ll leave you to be with Canis,” Grimm said. “But we want you to know that we felt you. We welcomed your presence, and even needed it. What this means, we don’t know. But we wanted you to know we aren’t angry with you for following us.”

  The men turned and left me to finish with Canis’ wound. Feeling a huge sense of relief that there would be no repercussions for my actions, and no punishment was in store, I released the tension I had been holding in my shoulders that I hadn’t realized up until now.

  I applied the salve with my fingertips as delicately as I could. When I was done smearing the creamy ointment on his skin, I closed the jar and said, “I hope this helps some.”

  Canis turned his body and took the jar from my hand. The connection of our hands sent a familiar tingle to my core. The fact that he was still completely naked was not lost on me, and as I glanced down at his hardened cock, I knew the sexual energy I was feeling was not one-sided.

  Again, his eyes locked with mine. Unlike before with the others when I had to be ordered to remove my clothes, or even to have them ripped from my body, I began to voluntarily disrobe before him. Removing my clothing in silence, I never broke my stare with this man. It was Canis’ turn. His turn to claim me. But this time was different. This time, I would offer my body as a sacrifice for all he and the others did for me and the villagers. I would forever offer this sacrifice if the men so desired it.

  Canis leaned forward and tenderly pressed his mouth to mine. Soft. Unexpectedly soft. With his tongue dancing inside my parted lips, he lowered me down to the pile of furs. Lying on my back with Canis towering over me, I felt no fear at all—only anticipation.


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