Trillion Dollar Economists_How Economists and Their Ideas have Transformed Business

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Trillion Dollar Economists_How Economists and Their Ideas have Transformed Business Page 45

by Robert Litan

  Sandel, Michael

  Sandor, Richard

  Sarbanes–Oxley Act (2002)

  Sargent, Thomas

  Savings and loan crisis

  Scarcity auctions and

  Julian Simon’s skepticism about (see also Congestion pricing)

  Schmidt, Eric

  Scholes, Myron

  Schramm, Carl

  Schroeder, Alice

  Schultz, Paul

  Schultze, Charles profile of

  Schuman, Mary

  Scorecasting (Moskowitz and Wertheim)

  Second Machine Age, The (Brynjolfsson and McAfee)

  Second-highest bid auction

  Securities Acts of 1933 and 1934

  Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

  Securities. See Financial policy; Investing

  Semiconductor industry, optimal pricing and


  Shadow Financial Regulatory Committee (SFRC)

  Shadow prices

  Shale formations. See Energy, deregulation of

  Shapley, Lloyd profile of

  Shapley value

  Shenefeld, John

  Sherman Act (1890)

  Shiller, Robert profile of

  Shoven, John

  Siegfried, John

  Silver, Nate

  Simon, Herbert

  Simon, Julian

  Simplex solution method

  Sims, Christopher

  Sinquefeld, Rex

  Siroker, Dan

  Sloan, Alfred P.

  Smith, Adam

  Smith, Vernon profile of

  Smith, William French

  Snowball (Schroeder)

  Social regulation, distinguished from economic regulation

  Social safety net programs. See Public policy entries

  Solow, Robert

  Sonmez, Tayfun

  Southwestern Bell


  Sports analytics


  Squadron, William

  St. Louis Cardinals

  Stable matching concept


  Staggers Rail Act (1980)

  Standard of living, economic growth’s benefits to global

  State Street Bank v. Signature Financial Group

  Statistical analysis. See Regression analysis

  Steagall, Henry

  Stein, Herbert

  Stigler, George

  Stocks. See Financial policy; Investing

  Strategic Planning Associates (SPA)

  Straus, Eric

  Street Smarts (Brodsky and Burlingham)

  Strike price

  Strom, Robert

  Structured early intervention and resolution (SEIR) reasons for failure of

  Structured investment vehicles (SIVs)

  Structured mortgage securities

  Strumpf, Koleman

  Subprime mortgage lending

  Sunstein, Cass

  Super Crunchers (Ayers)

  Supply curve, energy deregulation and

  Supreme Court

  Surowiecki, James

  Survivorship bias, in experimental results

  Systematic Thinking for Social Action (Rivlin)

  Tail risk, in investing

  Taxes: cancelling of Bush-era cuts

  negative externalities and

  proposed on carbon

  proposed on consumption

  public goods and

  redistribution and

  Telecommunications AT&T’s breakup’s benefits

  AT&T’s natural monopoly’s end

  history of communications

  origins of regulation of

  rate-of-return and price cap regulation

  spectrum allocation and economists

  use of electromagnetic spectrum

  Telecommunications Act (1996)

  Television, electromagnetic spectrum and

  Terrorism prediction market

  Tett, Gillian

  Thaler, Richard

  Thickness, market failure and market design

  Thinking, Fast and Slow (Kahneman)

  Thorp, Ed

  Thorp-Kassouf options pricing formula

  Tinbergen, Jan

  Tirole, Jean

  Tobin, James

  Transaction costs, investing and

  Transportation industries, deregulation of impacts on new business platforms

  impacts on prices

  regulation’s origins

  Transportation problem, performance optimization and

  Travel services, conditional offer of purchase and Priceline

  Travelers Insurance

  Trial and error method

  Trucking industry, deregulation of impacts of

  origins of regulation of

  TSP (Time Series Program)

  Tullock, Gordon

  Ultimate Resource, The (Simon)

  Ultrahigh frequency (UHF) spectrum bands

  Unemployment: Great Depression and

  inflation and

  natural rate of

  public policy and

  wage insurance and

  Unver, M. Utku


  Upside of Down, The (McCardle)

  Utilities: incentive regulation and

  Ramsey pricing and (see also Energy, deregulation of)


  Value-added tax (VAT). See Consumption, tax on


  VAR (vector autoregression) models

  Variable costs

  Varian, Hal profile of

  Veach, Eric


  Very high frequency (VHF) spectrum bands

  Viard, Alan

  Vickery, William

  Vickery auction

  Viner, Jacob

  Virtual currency

  Volcker, Paul profile of

  Volcker rule

  Wage insurance

  Walker, Jay

  Wallich, Henry

  Walras, Leon

  Warren, Elizabeth

  Wasserman, Noam

  Weiler, Em

  Weinberger, Casper

  Wertheim, L. Jon

  Western Electric

  Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates (WEFA)

  Wharton Models

  Wharton School of Finance, at University of Pennsylvania

  What Money Can’t Buy (Sandel)

  White, Lawrence

  Wilson, Robert

  Winkler, Matt

  Winston, Clifford

  Wisdom of Crowds, The (Surowiecki)

  Wisdom-of-crowds approach, to forecasting

  Yergin, Daniel

  Yield management

  Zimbalist, Andrew


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