Worth The Fight (Worth It Series Book 1)

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Worth The Fight (Worth It Series Book 1) Page 3

by Breanna Mansfield

  When I pulled into the parking lot of Hudson’s Blueprints, I scanned the area before I got out of the car. I didn’t want to run to the doors and draw attention to myself, so I walked at a brisk pace to look like I was only running a bit behind schedule. The secretary behind the front desk looked up at me with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. She was a tall blonde that looked like she stepped off of the runway to sit behind the desk. Some people shouldn’t be able to look like that.

  “Hello, how can I help you today?” Blonde asked.

  “Hi, um I’m here to meet with Andrew about building me a house?” I replied.

  “Oh! Bridget, yes!” she smiled widely. What a complete one eighty to the bored girl that I walked in on. She looked back up from her computer and said, “Please go ahead and have a seat on the sofa and someone will be right there to take you to the conference room.”

  “Thank you very much,” I answered.

  “Can I get you anything while you wait? A coffee or tea or water, maybe?” she asked professionally.

  “Oh no, thank you though,” I smiled.

  The lobby of Hudson’s was sleek with marble floors, open floor plans, and windows for the outside walls. The couch was black microfiber that looked like I was the first one to sit here. I almost wondered if they got a new one every week. This was pretty upscale for Carrollview, not to mention a construction company. I had no idea that this place was a big corporation. I am glad I wore these shoes now.

  Another tall woman walked in, but this one was a brunette. She spoke with Miss Perfect Number One, and then headed over to me.

  “Hi Bridget, I’m Ashley, and I am Andrew’s assistant. It will be you, him, and two members of the building team today in the conference room. They are a great group of guys to work with so it will be super exciting. They are ready for you now; are you ready?” she asked. I gave her a nod. “Okay, wonderful. I will be escorting you there,” she said as we walked to the elevators.

  I bet she escorted people all right.

  Was I being petty? Yup. I’m not above that, as long as I keep it to myself anyway. Why? I’m wearing my supremacy shoes and this girl is making me feel like I’m in a pair of flip flops. Not cool at all.

  We entered the elevator and she pressed the button for the 16th floor. When the doors opened we walked out onto a beautiful foyer. Sleek grey marble floors and a light grey color on the walls. The trim is black and they have grey microfiber couches up here. This whole area is very nice and sophisticated, but it also screams manly bachelor. Andrew must be single, I thought to myself.

  We headed down the hall to our right and Miss Perfect Number Two opened the first door on our right. I walked in and notice the long conference table. Miss Perfect Number Two walks in and her eyes latch on to a man at the table. When I look in the same direction, I almost groan out loud. This has to be a joke that fate is playing on me.

  “Andrew, this is Bridget. Bridget, this is Andrew, and then these are the two builders I spoke of. Aaron and Dave,” she formally introduced.

  When I didn’t jump to offer my hand to Aaron or Dave, to shake or even gasp out a verbal response, she shot me a look like I was crazy. I had to play this correctly; I wouldn’t let him know I was affected by him. I smiled warmly after a second and nodded my head. I looked at Andrew who had the same eyes as Aaron, and introduced myself.

  “Hello, I’m Bridget and thank you for taking your time to meet with me today. I can’t wait to get started.” I held my hand out and shook his hand.

  “Thank you Ashley, we will let you know when we are finished here,” he replied to Miss Perfect Number Two. I think I saw affection in his eyes as he spoke, but when he turned that gaze on me, it was gone. Huh, that could be interesting.

  “Bridget, like Ashley said, this is Aaron and Dave, two of the best builders Hudson’s has. As you are aware, I am on the design team and I am also the one that deals with the budgets and costs of the building projects along with Aaron,” he said while pointing at him.

  Dave stands and shakes my hand with a very warm smile. Then Aaron gets up and grabs my hand and gives it a firm shake while staring me down with a mischievous grin on his face. I can feel the heat starting to rise in my neck, and I hope everyone else doesn’t notice. He lets go and as he sits back down, those heated eyes never leave me.

  “Please, have a seat and we will begin with tossing around ideas,” Andrew says.

  I clear my throat and sit in the chair across from Aaron, with Andrew to my left and Dave to Aaron’s left. I curl my hand into a fit and shove it in my lap. My hand felt cold without his touch there. There was this warmth from him whenever he touched me that I never felt before. It started at the point of contact, and then moved its way through my whole body, down to my bones. It made me feel whole inside and made me think he could be what I’ve been missing all my life. That warmth that makes you feels safe.


  No, I won’t think like that. I won’t let this get to me. I will go through this whole meeting as if this is the first time I’m meeting him. He is nothing but a stranger. A very hot, sculpted, sex on legs, mouthwatering, stranger.

  “Okay, Bridget what do you have in mind?” Andrew asked

  “Well, I kind of was thinking a bungalow style house. I love the look and open floor plans,” I said in a very detached, formal, professional voice. That was more like it. Supremacy shoes, let’s do the damn thing.

  Chapter Six

  This whole meeting has done nothing but piss me off. When she walked in her face looked shocked to see me. Hell I was shocked to see her, but this whole meeting she has acted like she never met me. At first I thought maybe she was just being professional, but every time I asked a question there was no warmth in her eyes when she looked at me to answer. I’ll be damned if I let her go and pretend to herself that our embrace last night didn’t happen. That she didn’t feel anything at all. That she didn’t give me that beautiful needy moan. Damn it, I was prepared to never see her again. That would have been a good thing. But now? Now I was going to make her mine. She will be mine in all forms of the word. There is something about her, and I’m going to explore what that might be. And I’ll have fun doing it too.

  “Alright, I think we have a very good start. It makes it so much better when our clients have done their research as to what they want,” Andrew said with a laugh.

  “I am very excited to start with Hudson’s. Where do we go from here?” she asked with genuine warmth and true excitement.

  “We go to your existing home and see what it’ll take to clear out the land. Then we write up a contract and have you sign, along with us, and then we keep you updated with the progress. After the building is constructed we will get together and order interior items,” I replied.

  “Okay, you’ll let me know when you want to go over there?” she asked with a slight tremble in her voice.

  “Actually, how about we go over there now? I’m free the rest of the afternoon. How does that sound?” I asked her, knowing that I did in fact have shit going on this afternoon. I tried to keep most of my bullshit with Chris away from my brothers, but they weren’t stupid. They knew I had my hands dipped here and there. But as long as I kept my hands clean, they didn’t give two shits. Hell, they would all jump on the bus if I told them all the bullshit that’s going on right now with Brandon, Hudson’s ex.

  “That sounds good to me; however, you’re going to have to take this one on your own brother. Dave and I have to head to the East site and make sure everything is going according the plan since the changes,” Andrew said.

  Her eyes flashed with knowledge at Andrew’s choice of name for me. So she’s smart as she is beautiful. Not too many people can figure out we are brothers without us telling them. She seems a little bit nervous at the thought of going to her place with me alone, and she should be if she only knew the visions I had of her right now. Like how badly I’d like to bend her over this table and make those perfectly round ass cheeks of hers pink fo
r sitting there acting like she’s never met me before. Just the thought of it makes blood rush into my cock.

  “Sounds good to me, Drew. I’ll send you an email with my findings,” I replied as I stood up from the table.

  Andrew stood up and shook Bridget’s hand, and then Dave followed with the same. When her eyes found mine again I saw the uncertainty in their depths. I understand I kissed her senseless and then walked away from her, but that was before I knew I’d ever see her again. I really wanted to stay away from her and protect her from the bullshit I have to go through, but here she is. Thrown into my lap like a cruel twist of fate. I honestly don’t know if I would have walked away from her completely before, I do however know I won’t be now. Do I deserve her? Probably not. Am I selfish? Yes.

  “After you, ma’am” I said with a wave of my hand towards the door.

  As she walked through I gave her a big smile. To the outside world it looked like I was being a gentleman holding the door for her, but I knew it was the perfect opportunity to get another glance at that perfect ass of hers.

  Once out of the conference room we walked side by side to the elevator. As the doors opened I let her enter first, once again to sneak a peek.

  “So, how was the rest of your evening?” I asked her as we rode down to the main level. I hated small talk. Ugh.

  “Alright,” she responded.

  Her short answer only annoyed me more than I was already. So I decided to just keep my mouth shut the rest of the way until we got outside.

  “We will take my truck over there, and then I’ll drop you back off here after so you can collect your car,” I informed her.

  “Why can’t I just drive myself and then split ways as soon as you get done?” she asked, but I was already walking away towards my truck.

  I really didn’t need her in my vehicle, and we usually don’t drive with our clients. We just meet them there, but there was something about her. I just wanted to be around her. I do realize that makes me sound like a soft asshole, but I don’t care at this moment.

  “Because I would like to discuss plans with you a little more in detail on the way over. And you’ll also be walking through the damaged house with me,” I answered coolly.

  Her eyes flashed at the tone of my voice. She wants to talk impassively? So will I. I’m not above making her feel how I feel.

  Childish? Yup.

  “Fine,” she says.

  Once we exited the parking lot, I asked her for her address for the GPS.

  “If you would have just let me drive you could have followed me there,” she snaps.

  “I can follow directions just fine, I’m not a typical male,” I replied like the smartass I am. Her attitude made me have an attitude. I was nice to her. I saved her from the douche she was clearly afraid of. What the hell did I do to deserve her backlash?

  Now I sound like a hurt puppy. Damn it. This woman did all kinds of shit to my soul.

  She snorted at hearing my response. I looked over and raised my eyebrow.

  “You’re a typical man alright,” she taunted.

  What the hell was that about? She looks legitimately furious, and has no reason to be mad. Annoyed maybe, but pissed at me? I’m honestly clueless. Surely giving her one kiss isn’t pissing her off that much?

  “Now what on earth did I do to deserve your wrath today?” I drawled out.

  She turns those angry blues on me and raises her eyebrows.

  “You have to be kidding me right?” she replies.

  I am truly baffled on what the hell I did. Just yesterday she thought I was some Prince Charming. I mean, I’m far from that, but she doesn’t know a damn thing about me. And what pisses me off the most is the fact that I’d do damn near anything to get her to stop looking at me like that.

  “I can assure you, I am not kidding in anyway what so ever. So please share what’s on your mind?” I reply while giving her my honest expression.

  “Let me spell it out for you, Aaron. Last night. You kissed me. Not a friendly, hey, kind of kiss either. A full on thigh throbbing, wanting to climb up your body kiss.” Her eyes widened like she couldn’t believe she just said all of that.

  “Yeah, and?” I drawled out, still completely confused as to why she’d be mad. I mean, for me, that was nearly a life changing kiss. A single damn kiss about had me exploding, I can only imagine what she was feeling.

  “While I appreciate you helping me out with the issue that was at hand, I don’t appreciate guys who are involved with other women kissing me, let alone kissing me like that.”

  I am blown away. What the hell?

  “I have no idea what gave you the impression I’m involved with a woman, but I can assure you, I am not,” I replied with honest confusion. “If I was, I would not have kissed you, and just beat his ass instead and risked going to jail. I do not kiss other women besides my mother and sister while I’m involved with someone. Where the hell did you get the idea I was with someone?” I ask with all the strength I have, not just demanding answers. The GPS has announced we are in the area of her house, and I don’t need to ask which one it is because there is only one burned-the-hell-down-house out here.

  “Well, after you left me with just your name I looked over a little later and saw you kissing some other girl on her head while she was wrapped up in your arms. So, I’m sorry if for some crazy reason I thought you were seeing her!” she snaps before she flings the door open and gets out of the truck before I even put it into park.

  Oh hell no.

  I’m out of this truck and to her side before she even shuts her door. Oh fucking no she doesn’t.

  I have her boxed in and she lifts that beautiful chin up and glares at me right in the eyes. Her fire is what has my body craving to have her. Her crisp blue eyes pierce through me.

  “First off, I was not kissing her at all like that pretty little brain of yours suggests. I kissed her on the temple because she had a hard day and was leaning onto her best friend and big brother for support.” At the flicker of uncertainty, I continue. “That’s right, she’s my sister. As a matter of fact, I don’t normally kiss the women I’m involved with. Let alone kiss like that. You know, not the friendly hey kiss, but the kiss that had my cock standing at attention for you. The kind where I wanted to lift your pretty little ass up my body so I could feel your skin on mine, that kind of kiss. So next time you see that beautiful little brunette, you will know her name is Hudson; she’s the woman who means the most to me, and she will love you because of your blunt honesty. I can almost guarantee that you will meet her again, and I can also guarantee that you will love her as much as she will you.”

  I ended my rant a little more breathless than I thought. Just looking into her blues had me wanting to kiss her again. My eyes dropped to the rise and fall of her chest. She was affected by me as well. And with that knowledge the hard-on I seem to always have when she’s around was even harder. I am pretty sure that it could bust my zipper seam at any moment.

  She sucks in a breath at our closeness, and when I bring my eyes back to her ocean blues, I see a little bit of vulnerability mixed with her desire and her strength.

  “You had a boner because of me?” I barely heard her. I’m not sure if she whispered that to herself or not, but it blows me away to see that this stunning woman does not know what she does to a man.

  I take her hand and guide it to my front and place it over my dick.

  “Still have a hard-on for you, baby girl. Something about you gives me one if you’re in the same room with me, let alone looking at me like you want me to eat you alive.” At my words her eyes change to one of challenge, and she grips me through my jeans. Hard. I hiss a breath through my teeth and grip the sides of my truck behind her. I turn my face to hers and find her watching me, her desire just pouring out of her. I take her jaw in my hands and kiss her. Not the soft exploring kiss from last night either. I slam my mouth on hers, demanding her body to show me how she feels, since her words fail. She lets out a little
whimper that has my already hard dick getting harder. I lick the seam of her lips, wanting her to open up. She obeys my silent command and her hand goes up to my hair and tugs it, bringing my face down a bit lower. I reach around and cup her perfect ass and she grinds herself on me. If we don’t stop this now, I will have her here, right next to her burnt down house. I’m glad her house is secluded for the most part. No one can see us out here unless they come right down her drive.

  She breaks the kiss and is breathing hard. She looks at me like she’s not sure if she should speak or push me away. To be honest, I’m not sure either.

  I lift her and press her back into the truck more and she wraps her legs around my waist. I stare into her eyes and she presses her forehead to mine.

  “One day, Bridget, you will be mine. I will have you, and I’ll have you many times. But this shit hole of a place isn’t it. Not to mention this timing sucks. And when I do have you, you need to know you will be only mine,” I tell her.

  She lifts her head and looks at me and I can see her defiance at war with her desire. There is that fire that I hope she never loses.

  “I’m a lady you know. Demanding things from me won’t get you very far. I refuse to be controlled.” She is feisty. I love it.

  I swoop in for another kiss, so demanding, and we both fight for control. It’s a war of lips, teeth, and tongue. Little bites and nibbles. After a few minutes, I break away and grind my hips into her, making another needy little moan escape her.

  “I’m simply telling you what we both already know. Don’t fight me on this, baby girl, you can’t tell me you don’t feel this brewing between us. I am not demanding anything from you. Because trust me, when the storm that’s brewing between us is ready to rain down on everything, I won’t have to demand a thing. You’ll be begging for it baby girl.” She tries lightly to get loose from me, so I push her into the truck a little harder and guide her face to meet mine. “I also never said you were not a lady. That is why I’m not ripping these pants off of you and making you bend over in those fuck me shoes. I’m going to do right by you, little lady.” I kiss her forehead and let her down while I adjust myself. She’s looking at my cock while licking her lips and I don’t think she realizes she’s doing it. When she looks up into my face, I smirk and watch her face flush red, matching her hair. Oh, she’s going to be fun.


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