The Feud

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The Feud Page 34

by Kimberley Chambers

  ‘Don’t shout at her, Eddie. I think she’s got her period or something,’ Jess told him.

  ‘I couldn’t give a fuck what she’s got! I’m not having all this for much longer, Jess. They both wanted to leave school at sixteen, so now they can go and get a fucking job. I was ten years old when I started work and I’ve always worked since. They’re a lazy pair of bastards. All they do is doss about – they don’t lift a finger in here. Going out on the piss all the time ain’t gonna get ’em far in life. Once they’ve spent their birthday money, that’s it, they ain’t getting no more. They expect continuous handouts and it’s as much as they can do to say thank you. Well, I’m putting me foot down from now on. Too soft we’ve been with ’em, and this is the fucking result of it.’

  Aware that Ed’s eyes had started to cloud over, Jessica quickly changed the subject. ‘I’m sure I felt the baby moving this morning, Ed. It’s the first time, I’ve really felt it. Shall we go shopping tomorrow? We can get the cot and a few other bits.’

  The mention of his unborn child put a smile back on Eddie’s face. He put his arms around Jessica from behind and gently fondled her stomach. ‘How about we choose some wallpaper and stuff and I’ll make a start on changing the spare room into a nursery.’

  Jessica turned around and threw her arms around his neck. ‘Oh, Ed, that sounds wonderful.’

  Frankie sat on the edge of her brother’s bed. ‘You can’t carry on like this, Joey. Why don’t you ring Dom? Talk to him.’

  Joey’s eyes filled up with tears once again. ‘I’ve tried. He keeps putting the phone down on me. I can’t understand it, we were getting on OK. Dominic always treated me well. He loved me, I know he did, and last week he even spoke about me moving into his flat sometime soon. It doesn’t make sense, Frankie. He hasn’t even been out to meet anyone else, yet he said he’s fallen for some other bloke.’

  ‘You don’t reckon it’s got anything to do with Dad, do you? Maybe he found out and threatened him or something.’

  Joey shrugged. ‘I doubt it. Surely Dad would have gone mental at me if he knew something. I wonder if Dom’s met someone at work; maybe a new bloke’s just started there or something.’

  ‘Why don’t you go up to where he works. Wait outside the building, you can see for yourself then. I’ll even come with you, if you want.’

  Joey and Frankie’s conversation was ended by a gentle tapping on the bedroom door.

  ‘I’ve made you a nice ham sandwich and cup of tea. You can’t keep starving yourself, Joey, you need to eat something, love,’ Jessica said, walking into the room.

  Jessica was as surprised as anyone that her son’s relationship had fallen to pieces but, in a way, she was relieved. At least she didn’t have to worry about Eddie finding out now.

  Joey refused the sandwich. ‘Go away, Mum. I’m not hungry,’ he cried.

  He couldn’t bear to speak to anyone apart from Frankie.

  Eddie crept up the stairs and stopped halfway, listening to the conversation.

  Jessica lifted up the plate and handed it to Joey. ‘Please, just eat half for Mummy.’

  ‘Stop treating me like a fucking child. I don’t want the poxy sandwich. Go away and leave me alone. If you keep on at me, I’m gonna kill myself.’ Joey screamed as he knocked the plate out of her hand.

  Hearing the plate smash, Eddie saw red. How dare he talk to his mother like that? The queer little ponce. Opening Joey’s bedroom door, Eddie picked up half the sandwich off the floor.

  ‘Eat it, you cunt,’ he ordered.

  ‘Stop it, Ed!’ Jessica screamed.

  ‘Leave him alone, Dad,’ Frankie yelled.

  Overcome by a vision of Joey having a big dick in his mouth, Eddie held back his son’s head and shoved the sandwich in there. ‘Eat it, fucking eat it!’ he yelled.

  As Joey began to make choking noises, Jessica pummelled Eddie with her fists. ‘If you hurt him, I’m leaving you,’ she screamed hysterically.

  Frankie jumped on top of her brother to shield him from their father. ‘Get off him, you bully,’ she shouted.

  ‘You’re no son of mine. Never was and never will be,’ Eddie spat as he left the room.

  Making sure that Joey was not hurt in any way, Jessica left him with Frankie and chased her husband down the stairs. ‘How dare you treat our son like that? What’s got into you, Eddie? If you ever lay your hands on him again, we’re finished.’

  ‘What’s got into me? I’ll tell you what’s got into me, shall I? How do you think that him sucking blokes’ cocks makes me look, eh? Every time I look at him, he makes me feel sick. I’m ashamed to call him my son. You knew all about it, didn’t you? You knew he was at it with that Dominic and you allowed it to continue. What type of mother does that make you, eh?’

  Jessica looked at Eddie in amazement. He had obviously known about Dominic all along. ‘It was you that ended their relationship, wasn’t it? What did you do, beat Dominic up? Threaten to kill him? Violence is all you know, isn’t it, Eddie? Well, that might be part of your world, but it’s not part of mine. I’m a good mother and I love my children whatever they are.’

  Eddie gave a sarcastic laugh. ‘Yeah, and you’ve done a fantastic job, ain’t ya? We’ve got a daughter out on the piss all night, shagging Christ knows who and a son who’s away with the fucking fairies. Well done, Jess, what a wonderful job you did. You see, when our next baby is born, I’m taking over the parenting and I mean that, Jess. Our next kid will be raised my way.’

  Jessica burst into tears, ‘You can be such a nasty bastard at times, Eddie, you really can.’

  Eddie picked up his keys. Usually, whenever Jessica turned on the waterworks, it tugged at his heartstrings, but not today. He was furious with her for allowing Joey to carry on seeing Dominic, fucking furious. ‘I’m going down the pub, don’t wait up,’ he said, as he slammed the front door.

  Hearing their dad’s car pull off the drive, Joey and Frankie both ran downstairs. They had been earwigging and had heard every word.

  ‘Well, at least I now know why Dominic finished with me. I’m just relieved he’s not in love with someone else. I’m gonna meet him from work next week, tell him I know that my dad paid him a visit. Maybe we can sort things out. What do you think, Mum?’

  Jessica smiled sadly. Joey had caused all this fracas, yet he was only bothered about himself. Frankie was the same – in fact, she was probably even more selfish than Joey was. Perhaps Eddie was right. Maybe she was a terrible mother and should let him bring up the next child, the way that he saw right.

  ‘Are you OK, Mum?’ Joey asked, aware that she was looking at him strangely.

  ‘Not really. I’m going to have a lie down.’

  Without even glancing back at her children, Jessica tearfully left the room.

  Not that far away, someone else was planning to cause a spot of bother. Jimmy O’Hara was well aware that Eddie Mitchell had been creeping into one of their local pubs recently. Michael Murphy was a cousin of Patrick’s and he spent half his life propping up the bar of the Optimist.

  Three days ago, on finding out his son was dating Frankie Mitchell, Jimmy had given Michael a ring. ‘As soon as Eddie Mitchell comes into that pub again, call me. I’ll make it worth your while, Mickey boy,’ Jimmy told him.

  Jimmy was feeding his chickens when his mobile phone rang.

  ‘Jimmy, it’s Michael. Eddie Mitchell has just walked in.’

  Jimmy smiled as he dropped the food and ran towards his pick-up truck. It was finally time for a bit of action.

  Eddie munched on a packet of dry-roasted peanuts and gulped back his pint. As his phone rang, he answered it and was surprised to hear Jessica on the other end. ‘What’s up?’ he asked abruptly.

  ‘Oh, Ed, I’m sorry. I’m having a lie down and I’ve been thinking about what you said. I have been too easy on the twins, I know I have. I’m gonna toughen up, you know. What you said this morning about them getting a job makes sense. They have too much time on their hands
and I think a bit of responsibility would do them the world of good.’

  Eddie smirked. He just loved being proved right. ‘No more hiding things from me about Joey, Jess. He either starts dating girls or he stays fucking celibate. I’m not having him make a fool out of me again. I’ll disown him next time and sling him out the house, I swear on my life, I will.’

  ‘Please don’t say things like that, Ed. Things are awkward for Joey, and I still think you were out of order earlier. You nearly choked the poor little sod. He’s probably just going through a phase, I’m sure he’ll grow out of it.’

  ‘Well, if he don’t, he’ll be moving to the fucking Hebrides or somewhere,’ Eddie said angrily.

  ‘All right, Eddie? Can I get you a drink, mush?’

  Telling Jessica they would talk later, Eddie ended the call and stared at Jimmy O’Hara’s ugly face. ‘No, I’m all right, thanks,’ Eddie replied.

  As O’Hara walked to the bar, Eddie cursed himself for drinking locally. ‘This is all I fucking need,’ he muttered. He couldn’t just get up and walk out – he would make himself look like a right mug. Letting the pikey bastard know that he bothered him was the last thing Eddie wanted.

  ‘So, how’s business?’ Jimmy asked as he sat down opposite Eddie.

  ‘Yeah, going well. What about you?’

  Jimmy smiled. ‘Good. I don’t do so much meself now. I’m happy pottering about at home doing a bit of buying and selling.’

  ‘How’s your wife?’ Eddie asked politely.

  ‘My Alice is fine. She’s a good woman, she is. What about your Jess?’

  ‘Pregnant,’ Eddie said smugly.

  ‘Well, I’ll be blowed. So is my Alice,’ Jimmy told him, smirking back.

  About to make his excuses and leave, Eddie was shocked to see the barman bring over a bottle of champagne and plonk it on the table. ‘I never ordered this,’ Ed said immediately.

  ‘I did. With our families getting it together, I thought me and you should have a little celebration,’ Jimmy said grinning.

  Eddie looked at him in bewilderment. Surely Ronny and Paulie hadn’t joined forces with the O’Haras. If they had, it would be the worst mistake they had ever made. He would be straight up the Flag and would kill the pair of them with his bare hands. ‘Whaddya talking about?’ Eddie asked.

  ‘Don’t you know?’ Jimmy asked, chuckling.

  Eddie was getting annoyed now. He hated being in the dark about anything, least of all with Jimmy O’Hara. With his expression getting darker by the second, Eddie felt his bottom lip curl up. ‘Know fucking what?’

  Jimmy was loving every minute of it. Mitchell was already losing his rag and he didn’t even know the full story yet, the mug.

  Jimmy smiled. ‘Your Frankie and my Jed. Well loved-up, they are. Your daughter’s always staying on my land in his trailer. Probably at it like rabbits as we speak – you know what these kids are like.’

  Unable to stop himself, Eddie leaped up and grabbed O’Hara by the throat. ‘Don’t lie. This ain’t fucking funny, Jimmy. Whatever problems we’ve had in the past, it’s nothing to do with my daughter.’

  Michael Murphy walked over. ‘Are you OK, Jimmy? What’s the problem?’

  Jimmy knocked Eddie’s hand away and poured two glasses of champagne. He hated the stuff, but had bought it out of devilment. Sipping the shit, Jimmy smiled. ‘On my Alice’s life, I’m not joking. My Jed and your Frankie are inseparable. They was even out five o’clock the other morning riding up and down on the horse and cart. Let’s not argue, Eddie. I mean they’ll probably end up getting married, so we have to try to get along for their sake!’

  Eddie picked up his glass of champagne and threw the contents into Jimmy O’Hara’s unsightly face. ‘Over my dead fucking body,’ he spat, as he stormed out of the pub.

  Approaching his Land Cruiser, Eddie took his frustrations out on the driver’s-side door. ‘I’ll kill the little pikey cunt, I’ll fucking kill him,’ Ed yelled as he repeatedly kicked the metal as hard as he could.

  Aware of Jimmy watching him out of the window, Eddie jumped in his motor and zoomed off.

  Eddie was absolutely livid. O’Hara had almost creamed himself while telling him the story. Loved it, the arsehole had, and Eddie sensed that it was probably true. It all made sense. The secrecy, the lies and an invisible boyfriend with a fucking pseudonym.

  As he drove for miles, Eddie felt like he had taken a dozen punches from a heavyweight boxer. He had no idea where he was going, the thought hadn’t entered his head. Spotting a pub, Eddie swung into the car park. He had to catch Frankie red-handed before he could do anything about it, but there was no point in him following her. She was too cute and he couldn’t risk alerting her that he knew.

  Making up his mind, Eddie took the business card out of his pocket and punched the number into his phone. ‘Gina, it’s John Smith. I’ve got another job for you, but I need you to do it first thing tomorrow.’

  ‘I can’t do it tomorrow, Mr Smith. I have another assignment I’m working on, but I can probably do it on Wednesday for you.’

  Eddie hated people saying no to him. When he wanted something done, he wanted it immediately. ‘Look, this is urgent. I’ll give you a thousand pound a day for however long it takes. The house you followed the boy from, I need you to follow his sister.’

  Unable to resist the money or the handsome Mr Smith, Gina succumbed to his persuasion. ‘OK, I’ll do it.’


  Unable now to stand the sight of either of his kids, Eddie rang Jessica to check whether they were at home or not.

  ‘They’ve gone out and both of them said they won’t be back till late. Why are you asking, Eddie? What’s wrong?’ Jessica could tell by the sound of his voice that something terrible had happened.

  As Eddie walked into the house, Jessica noticed the look of despair etched across his face. ‘Get me a drink and pour yourself one, too. Trust me, you’re gonna need it,’ Ed told her.

  Jessica poured Eddie a large brandy and herself a white-wine spritzer. She had never been a fan of drinking alcohol while pregnant, but she told herself that one wouldn’t hurt.

  Eddie downed his drink in seconds and immediately got up and poured another. He turned to Jessica, his face contorted with pain. ‘I’ve just found out why our daughter has been so secretive about this boyfriend of hers. Talk about fraternising with the enemy. Guess who she’s dating, Jess. Go on, fucking guess.’

  Worried, Jessica shrugged. Frankie told her very little and she didn’t have a clue. ‘I don’t know, love, honest I don’t. Who is it?’

  Walking towards the fireplace, Eddie picked up Frankie’s latest photograph and smashed it against the wall. ‘Jed O’Hara. Our wonderful fucking daughter has been staying on Jimmy’s land while shagging his pikey cunt of a son. I’m not having it, Jess, I won’t fucking allow it, and tomorrow, when I have the proof in my hands, I will fucking do something about it.’

  A couple of miles down the road, Joey had cheered up immensely since finding out that Dominic had only binned him because of his father’s interference.

  ‘So, what do you reckon, Frankie? Shall I wait outside Dom’s office tomorrow? Or should I give him a few more days to calm down? What would you do if you were me?’

  Not hearing a word her brother was saying, Frankie stared vacantly out of the pub window.

  ‘Frankie, whatever’s the matter with you today? You’re staring into thin air like a tit in a trance.’

  ‘I’m sorry, Joey, I was miles away. What were you saying?’

  Knowing his sister better than she knew herself, Joey moved next to her and put a comforting arm around her shoulder. ‘What’s up? I know you’re not yourself. Have you had a row with Jed?’

  Frankie shook her head. ‘No, it’s not that.’

  ‘Well, what is it, then? You know we can tell one another anything.’

  Without warning, Frankie burst into tears. ‘Oh, Joey, I’m in a right mess. Please don’t tell anyone,
but I think I might be pregnant.’

  Joey looked at his sister in astonishment. ‘For fuck’s sake, Frankie, please tell me you’re joking.’

  ‘I’m not joking. My period’s late, and after we were chatting in your room this morning, I was sick twice.’

  Joey held her in his arms. Frankie had always been there for him throughout his dramas, and now she needed him to do the same for her. ‘Sssh, stop crying. We’ll sort this, Frankie, I promise.’

  ‘How? I can’t tell Mum and Dad – they’ll kill me,’ Frankie wailed.

  Joey wiped her eyes with his cuff. ‘You stay in here and get us another drink and I’ll walk down the road and find a chemist. I take it, you haven’t done a test yet?’

  Frankie shook her head. ‘It was only when I was sick earlier that I thought about it. I checked my diary and my period is over three weeks late. I’m so frightened, Joey. I can’t tell Jed – say he says he don’t want a baby? He might finish with me or something, and I can’t lose him. I love him too much.’

  Joey soothed her until she finally stopped crying. ‘Don’t cry, Frankie. You’re probably worrying over nothing and it’s just coincidence. I mean, you’re not stupid. You and Jed have been using something, haven’t you?’

  Embarrassed, Frankie averted her eyes and stared at her lap. ‘Not all the time. Jed didn’t like using the rubbers – he said they made his cory itch,’ she mumbled.

  Annoyed by his sister’s naivety, Joey stood up. The quicker he went and got this bloody test, the better. ‘I’ll tell you something, Frankie, Jed will have more than an itchy cory to worry about if the test’s positive. Can you imagine Dad finding out that him and Jimmy O’Hara are about to become family? There’ll be murders, Frankie, fucking murders and I hope, for your sake, it’s a false alarm, I really do.’

  As Eddie knocked back drink after drink, Jessica vacced up the broken glass. The photograph of Frankie was ruined and she had slung it in the bin. ‘I know this is hard for you, Eddie, but you won’t find your answers in the bottom of a glass. Who told you all this, anyway? It wasn’t Ronny again, was it?’


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