Passion, Victoria 4: Beth's Saviors (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Passion, Victoria 4: Beth's Saviors (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 4

by Becca Van

  Tom decided it was time to change the subject. Beth was looking uncomfortable over telling him what she had, but he was glad he had gotten her to open up even if it was only a little bit. But now he understood why she’d had to be so strong.

  “Are you hungry, baby? What do you want for breakfast?” Tom headed back to the kitchen.

  “You don’t have to wait on me. I can look after myself.”

  “I know you can, Beth, but I haven’t eaten yet and thought I may as well get us both some food.”

  “Sorry.” Beth pushed to her feet and followed him around the counter to the kitchen. “I don’t mean to be so petulant, but I’ve been on the defensive so long it’s become a habit.”

  When he glanced at her he realized she hadn’t meant to reveal that little tidbit. She looked a bit shocked.

  “Don’t worry about it, baby. I was going to scramble some eggs. How does that sound?”

  “Good, I’m starving.”

  Tom and Beth worked companionably and then sat down to eat. They talked about inconsequential things but he was pleased to see that with every minute he spent with her she relaxed a little more. Hopefully it would only take her a day or two to be totally comfortable with him and open up completely.

  The days passed quickly and Tom loved spending time with Beth. She was opening up with them a little more each day. But when a week had passed and Beth still hadn’t talked to him, Zach, or Noah about her ordeal he began to get more frustrated. She still had nightmares every night and one of them would go and wake her up but as soon as she was awake she would tell them that she was fine and to leave her alone.

  But she wasn’t fine and she looked about ready to collapse. She was still skittish around them all but Tom couldn’t work out why. She seemed a lot calmer around them and she didn’t appear scared but when they were near her, she seemed to get nervous and started fidgeting.

  Maybe it was because she was attracted to them all. Tom often caught her looking at Zach and Noah with desire and longing and they’d told him she looked at him the same way. Was she scared of how they made her feel? Tom wanted to ask her outright but knew that wasn’t the best way to approach Beth. If she was fighting her attraction, confronting her head on about it would only make her more distant and that wasn’t what he wanted.

  He’d expected her to try and escape but she had surprised them all and seemed more than content to stay where she was. Beth had been reading a lot and when he found out she’d been working at the library, he understood she would be missing working with books and the kids she had read to everyday.

  He thought back to the previous evening when he, Zach and Noah had been playing a game of scrabble with Beth. Noah had placed down the letters F.E.D.G.E. Beth had snorted and then looked up at Noah.

  “What the hell is that?”

  “Fedge?” Noah smiled. “Don’t tell me you’ve never heard of a fedge before.”

  “Come on, Noah, that is not a word.”

  “It sure as shit is.” Noah smiled even wider and waggled his eyes brows.

  “All right, Mr. Smarty-Pants, what does it mean?”

  “A fedge is a combination of a fence and hedge. You know, a big hedge is used as a border around a property instead of the normal fence.”

  “Oh my God,” Beth snorted and then she laughed so hard that tears rolled down her face. That was the moment Tom felt Beth worm her way into his heart. She’d looked so damn happy and he loved the sound of her laughter. She didn’t titter or snicker it was a full-bodied belly laugh. He found himself joining in her laughter and it didn’t take Zach or Noah long to laugh along with her too.

  Tom had decided he wanted to hear her laugh some more. So when it had been his turn again he placed the letters S.Q.U.I.D and G before and E and R.

  Beth hadn’t even asked what the word was but had started laughing right away. Zach had been the one to question him on the word.

  “What the fuck, man? Squidger? Are you for real?”

  Tom chuckled and then raised an eyebrow at his brother. “What? Haven’t you ever heard of a left-handed can opener?”

  Beth had laughed so hard she had doubled over and clutched her stomach.

  It had been a fun couple of hours but he still wasn’t sure she wouldn’t try to take off again. He’d caught her looking at the door a few times and it looked as if she as trying to will herself to get up and walk through it.

  Even though she hadn’t tried to leave, Tom still had a feeling she would. His instincts were screaming at him that she was trying to make him, Zach, and Noah complacent and then she would make her move.

  He just hoped that they could stop her before she did. He needed to protect her and keep her safe just like Zach and Noah. In the week he’d been in Passion, Tom had fallen head-over-heels in love and he was going to make damn sure that no one was going to get to Beth.

  Chapter Three

  Beth woke as soon as she heard Zach and Noah come into her room. When she peeked, Noah gave her that sexy grin and she quickly shut her eyes again. That man could send her blood heating just by the twitch of his lips.

  She’d nearly yelled the house down the night before and Tom had crawled into bed with her again. The only decent sleep she seemed to get was when one of those men held her in his arms.

  Usually as soon as she woke up from her nightmare, she told them to leave her alone, but only after she’d been held in their arms and her racing heart had slowed and her breathing was back to normal. Tom had been the first to hold her. The next time it had been Noah, and then Zach had held her until she was drifting back to sleep.

  No matter how hard she tried to get them to leave her alone she always ended up clinging to them.

  Tom’s big body was still next to hers in bed and even though she wanted to open her eyes and look at them all, she kept them closed. She was so damn comfortable and even though she hadn’t slept the whole night through, she felt more refreshed, better than she had in more than twelve months. She’d felt secure and safe sleeping in Tom’s arms. Not that she’d ever admit that to him though. Beth imagined if she gave these men an inch, they would take a mile.

  They were all very smart men but Tom kept his feelings and cleverness hidden behind humor. Noah was more serious that the three of them but she loved talking with him. The other night she had been sitting on the sofa reading and Noah had sat down beside her with his own book. When she’d glanced at the cover and seen the book was written by Sidney Sheldon and one that she’d read they had gotten into a debate over the book. Noah was intelligent and she decided that he’d won their debate but he was also a humble man and wouldn’t concede to winning and told her that she had won.

  And then he’d looked at her with such hunger that Beth had found herself leaning toward him. Noah had put the book down, reached up and cupped her face between his palms, and started kissing her.

  Beth was lost the moment his lips had touched hers and felt herself softening against him. When another set of hands had landed on her shoulders she’d tensed for a moment but Zach had whispered to her putting her at ease.

  “Relax, hon, it’s just me.”

  How the hell she was supposed to relax when she’d ended up sandwiched between two men was beyond her, especially when they were making her body burn from the inside out. Noah had broken the kiss and then he had turned her toward Zach. Zach had pulled her up close against his body and devoured her mouth. She’d whimpered when Noah had stepped away from her but then Tom had come up behind her and she’d sighed with relief. Her body had been aching so much for their touch and even though their kisses made her ache more she didn’t want them to stop touching her.

  By the time Zach weaned his mouth from her lips she’d been so turned on she could hardly stand upright or see straight. Tom turned her by her shoulders and then he had kissed her hungrily. The kiss was hot, wet, wild, and carnal and Beth knew if she didn’t stop them she would end up in bed with them. She didn’t know if she could go through with her plan to
leave if that happened so she had stopped the kiss with Tom and scurried from the room.

  Beth had felt a little guilty over that. The poor men were probably confused by her mixed signals just as much as she was. She wanted and needed their touch and kisses but was scared they would come to mean too much to her. She came back to the present when Tom shifted and it was only then she realized that she was breathing too fast.

  She knew they knew she was awake and her breath hitched in her throat when the covers were pulled down and three sets of hands began touching her. She should have opened her eyes but she didn’t want to break the sensual spell they had begun to weave over her. Beth had wanted this for so long and now that it was actually happening, she didn’t intend to stop them. She couldn’t deny the ache deep inside anymore or the way she was becoming to care for each of them. The more time she spent with them the more she felt.

  Large, warm hands were running up and down her body, coaxing her thighs apart as they slid along the length on her inner legs. She moaned and arched her lower body then moaned again as more hands joined in and began to caress her. Their hands seemed to be everywhere, on her thighs, her hips, stomach, and breasts. She moaned again as they massaged the small, firm globes of her breasts, then gave a gasp of pleasure as fingers plucked and pulled at her sensitive nipples through the silk of her lacy bra.

  The cups of her bra were pulled down and her nipples were enclosed in warm, wet mouths and she pushed her chest up for better contact. She felt her panties being pulled down her legs and off over her feet. Another pair of hands spread her legs wide, then a large, gentle finger ran the length of her inner folds, gathering the cream weeping from her body, and then another finger moved to her clit where it circled the erect bundle of nerves. Around and around with ever-decreasing circles the finger rubbed, until she was writhing with the exquisite pleasure.

  Another thick digit pushed its way inside her wet sheath and she nearly screamed when the finger on her clit was removed to be replaced by a hot, wet tongue. Her mouth encountered warm soft masculine lips and she opened with a sigh then whimpered as the tongue thrust in to tangle with hers.

  Tom was kissing her. Noah was between her legs and Zach was paying homage to her breasts. She was on sensation overload. Hands and mouths caressed her whole body and she lay shaking with her desire. Never had she experienced anything like this and she wanted them to continue touching her.

  “She’s so wet and damned tight,” Noah said in a deep voice, and Beth wanted to open her eyes but they were weighted with desire and wouldn’t obey her command.

  “Are you a virgin, Beth?”

  She was a little embarrassed that Noah had figured out her little secret but that didn’t really matter right now. All that mattered was that he, Zach, and Tom continue touching her.

  “Yes,” she groaned.

  “Oh yeah, she’s ours. No one else is going to ever see this delectable bald pussy and sexy little body,” Zach rasped.

  “Beth, open your eyes, babe.” Noah demanded.

  She opened her eyes and met a pair of blue orbs staring at her with hunger. Noah was kneeling between her spread thighs. The mattress beside her dipped and she shifted her gaze to either side of her, meeting a pair of hungry, soulful brown eyes and then heated, amber-flecked brown eyes. Zach and Tom were lying beside her.


  “We want to pleasure you, Beth. Will you let us make you feel good?”

  Beth stared at Noah uncomprehendingly for a moment and then felt her face heat with arousal when she realized what he’d asked. She’d thought they were already pleasuring her and had been wondering why they had stopped. She was so tired of being alone and lonely. Beth was sick and tired of fighting what she felt for these three men. Being on the run had been such a tiring feat and now that she had found a place to call home and men she was attracted to she wanted nothing more than to give up control and let them touch her, love her, cherish and protect her.

  No Beth, not love. Love has nothing to do with this. It’s just sex.

  She thought about refusing Noah’s request but she didn’t want to. She needed to feel alive and wanted, even if it was only in a physical way and for a short time. She needed these three men touching her, loving her, making her feel desirable.

  “Yes,” she finally answered Noah’s question and hoped she didn’t end up regretting her decision.

  Beth moaned when Noah caressed her wet labia and only just realized her panties and bra had been removed. Of course she had felt them being taken off, but she had been so caught up in the pleasurable sensations of being touched, it hadn’t really registered that she was totally naked.

  Zach leaned over her and brushed his mouth back and forth over her lips. He didn’t force his way into her mouth but instead asked and coaxed by licking across the seam of her lips. Beth gasped and opened to him. She mewled when he pushed his tongue into her mouth and explored every inch of her interior. When a hot, wet mouth closed around one of her aching nipples, she groaned into Zach’s mouth and arched her chest up, silently begging Tom for more.

  Noah pushed a finger back into her pussy and she couldn’t help but clench around the thick digit. Her whimper was muffled by Zach’s mouth as he slid his tongue along hers and she reached up to clutch at his hair, holding his head to hers as she lost herself in his kiss, his manly taste. She’d never experienced anything like this, the exquisite pleasure of having three men touch her, love her, was beyond anything she could have imagined, and she wanted so much more.

  Noah’s finger began to thrust in and out of her pussy, stroking her inner walls, and her body flamed hotter. She cried out when Zach broke the kiss and began to lick and nibble his way down her neck. He licked his way across her collarbone and then down over the top of her breast until he reached her hard peak. She couldn’t believe how good it felt having both Zach and Tom suckling at her breasts. Each pull of their mouths at her breasts sent zings of pleasure straight down to her pussy.

  Noah withdrew his finger from her cunt and just as she was about to protest, he was back and pushed two fingers up inside her. She panted for breath as the delicate skin of her pussy opening stretched and gave way to admit him into her sheath. Beth didn’t know what was happening to her. Pleasure assailed her, bombarded her from all sides, and her womb began to ache and contract as more juices leaked from her vagina.

  She sobbed with joy when Noah’s tongue laved over her throbbing clit and bucked her hips up trying to push her pussy further into his mouth. Hands gripped her hips and another large hand splayed across her lower abdomen. Pressure began to build inside her and her internal walls got tauter and tauter.

  Noah’s fingers stroked in and out of her faster, harder, and deeper, and the fire burning inside her flamed hotter, brighter, until she was on the precipice of a crescendo so big it frightened her. A slight pinch caused her to wince but the pleasure overrode the discomfort and she tried to arch her hips up to get Noah’s fingers inside her further.

  Tom released her nipple with a soft pop and then his mouth covered hers. The kiss was hot, wet, carnal, and intimate. He tongue glided along hers and then he twirled it around in her mouth as if trying to taste every inch of her. Beth’s whole body felt like it was shaking from the inside out and although she was wrought with tension, she was also a boneless pile of goo. Her womb heated to massive proportions and the fiery sensations traveled down to her pussy and encompassed her lower extremities. Then all of a sudden the pressure became too much and she blew.

  Beth screamed. The sound was muffled by Tom’s mouth as her pussy clenched down hard on Noah’s fingers, buried in her cunt to the hilt, and released again. Her muscles contracted and let go over and over again as rapture swept over her and cream dripped from her pussy.

  The only sound in the room when she came down from her climactic high was of the four or them breathing heavily. Even though she was aware that they watching her, Beth kept her eyes closed. She was embarrassed over her decision to
let these three men touch her now that her desire had been appeased. She should never have agreed to let them pleasure her, since she had no intention of hanging around. Guilt assailed her and she didn’t want to look at any of them. If she did, she was scared that they would see her contrition. The only way she could think to react was by attacking in a defensive manner. Hopefully they wouldn’t see through her façade.

  She opened her eyes and glared at Noah. “What the fuck? Oh my God. What did you do to me?” Beth felt heat creeping up her cheeks. She held up her hand when she saw Noah open his mouth to speak. She thanked her lucky stars they were all dressed except Tom, who was sitting to her left in a pair of form-fitting knit boxers. She still couldn’t help letting her eyes wander over his delectably cut body.

  When she looked at Zach and Noah she had to hold in a whimper as her just satiated desire began to smolder once more. Every time they moved, the muscles in their arms and shoulders bunched beneath their shirts and she wanted to strip their clothes off of their bodies and run her hands all over them. Beth shifted her gaze back to Tom and she closed her eyes when she saw the way his boxer shorts were tented. It didn’t help one little bit. She could still see the way his large, erect cock had been pushing against the material of his underwear. The image seemed to be imprinted onto the back of her eyelids. She couldn’t deal with them right now and the only way she could think to get them to leave her alone and not ask any questions was to be an out-and-out bitch.

  “Oh God. What have I done? I can’t believe I let you do that.” Beth buried her head in her hands. “Please, I need to be alone.”

  She felt the three men looking at her but she had no intention of meeting their eyes. Although she felt terrible over how she was acting, she was confused and so overwhelmed, she didn’t know what to do. They had given her pleasure and she was hiding from them like she was ashamed. She wasn’t ashamed, but she was bamboozled and feeling very emotional right now.


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