Home to Stavewood (Stavewood Saga Book 3)

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Home to Stavewood (Stavewood Saga Book 3) Page 15

by Nanette Kinslow

  Mark awoke in the midday and lay awake in appreciation gazing around the room. He had only rested for a few hours, but his sleep had been healing and soothing as opposed to sleeping on a frozen dirt floor which had only worsened the pain in his arm and neck.

  He sat up on the bed and took a deep breath. He was home and he swore to himself he would never take that for granted again.

  He pulled open the wardrobe where all of his clothing was arranged - freshly pressed shirts and slacks, neatly rolled handmade stockings and finely polished leather boots. He shaved carefully and donned a fresh white shirt and one of Rebecca’s soft wool cardigans. He lifted Colleen’s scarf reverently and laid it across the bed. Now that he was home there was one thing he felt must be done as quickly as possible. He must marry Colleen.

  He hurried down the stairs, wondering where the girl might be. In his exhaustion he had surrendered her to Rebecca’s care. But he knew that everyone at Stavewood was a stranger to her and he thought he ought to see that she was comfortable.

  Timothy looked up from his paper in the parlor and smiled broadly. “You look much better. We are going to have lunch soon.”

  “I’m starved.” Mark smiled at his father with warmth in his eyes.

  “Well, that hasn’t changed,” Timothy laughed. “So while off worrying us half to death, I see you found yourself a pretty lass. Fiancée, eh?”

  “Yeah.” Mark sat across from his father.

  “She’s really special, Pa. Colleen saved my life. I’ve been living in her barn while she hid me away from the man that killed Sam, from the hill people, the law and even her own father.”

  “From me as well, apparently.” Timothy scowled. “Her father? Does he know you brought his young daughter all this way?”

  “He passed away on Christmas Eve. He had a heart attack. Colleen took it really hard but there was nothing we could do for him. We left a note for the sheriff about him.” Mark hung his head for a moment, considering his words carefully. He took a deep breath and looked his father in the eye. “There’s another thing, Pa. Sam and I, we didn’t do that to that girl. I want you to know that.”

  “I know,” Timothy sighed. “Roland and I talked about it and I’m going to hire some investigators to find out who did.”

  “I can give you some names they’ll want to look into.” Mark took a deep breath.

  “This girl, is this what you want? Just because she saved your life does not mean you owe her a commitment like marriage.”

  “Remember when you and Rebecca were being chickens?” Mark smiled.

  “Ah, yes,” Timothy chuckled. “When you thought we were falling in love but we were too afraid. Yes, I remember.”

  “I love Colleen. It’s more than her saving my life. She saved much more than that.”

  “I’ve had a bit of that myself, son. Then take care of her. She seems like a wonderful girl.”

  Colleen stretched in the lofty bed and pulled the downy quilt up to her chin. She felt deliciously elegant, her skin clean and soft and her hair silky and shining. Throwing off the blanket she sat up and slipped to her feet, curling her toes in the plush carpet.

  She heard a soft tap at her door and called out, “Come in.” She hoped it was Mark. Although she was barely dressed in the thin nightgown she wanted to see him badly.

  Rebecca stepped inside, beautifully dressed, her hair done up fashionably.

  “Hello.” Colleen was a bit disappointed, but smiled genuinely at Rebecca.

  Rebecca saw through her. “Mark is downstairs and we’re going to be joining him for lunch. Could I help you dress?” she asked sweetly.

  “No, I can manage.” Colleen reached for her apron.

  “I have a better idea.” Rebecca’s eyes twinkled. “I have a few things that I’m sure would be perfect on you. In a day or two we’ll get out to the dressmaker’s, but this should do in the meantime.”

  Rebecca pulled a smart dress from the armoire, the shade a dusty azure, and held it up to the girl.

  Colleen’s eyes flew open and she gasped.

  Rebecca had thought the dress matched Colleen’s eyes perfectly and she smiled that her suspicious were exactly right. There were several gowns she had let out when she was expecting. Now she was pleased they might fit Colleen’s curvier figure.

  “Oh, Mrs. Elger…Rebecca!” Colleen blushed and felt the fine fabric.

  “Let’s see if it fits.”

  Rebecca handed the girl soft bloomers and undergarments and then slipped the gown over her arms and stood behind her, fastening the buttons. Colleen gasped at her reflection in the mirror. Her skin was glowing and her hair gleamed in soft curls.

  Rebecca looked at the dress critically. “Let me put in a tuck here, and another here.” She grabbed her needle and thread and moments later the dress fit perfectly around Colleen’s slender waist, complimenting her curves and flattering her bustline.

  “Let’s put up your hair.” Rebecca pulled a long ribbon from the dressing table and arranged Colleen’s curls on top of her head, ringlets tumbling around her sweet face.

  “Mark will barely be able to keep his hands to himself,” Rebecca smiled fondly.

  “I can’t believe it’s me there looking back.” Colleen had never felt beautiful a single moment in her life, but at this moment she felt exquisite. She turned from side to side in amazement and then to Rebecca and smiled warmly, her eyes filled with appreciation.

  “Maybe I do deserve Mark after all,” she giggled. “I was just too dirty to realize it.” Colleen and Rebecca laughed.

  “Come down when you’re ready.” Rebecca slipped from the room, smiling proudly.

  “A good choice, Mark,” she said to herself as she descended the stairs.

  “She thought you were with the sheriff, Pa. We both believed they were going to throw me in prison. She couldn’t have known.”

  Colleen stopped outside of the parlor as soon as she heard their conversation and considered going back to her room.

  “You have to face them,” she whispered to herself and she took a deep breath and stepped into the doorway.

  “Colleen!” Mark stood up and looked at her with surprise and appreciation.

  Timothy stood up as well and raised his eyebrows.

  “You look…amazing,” Mark’s voice trailed off.

  “Indeed,” Timothy agreed and Rebecca smiled.

  Colleen blushed and squared her shoulders. “I’m sorry, Mr. Elgerson.” She wrung her hands nervously. “If I had any idea that you were Mark’s father I would have taken you to him right away. He wanted to be home so badly…” She swallowed hard.

  “Colleen,” Timothy faced the girl. “I know that. Mark explained it to me. Please don’t feel bad. Mark said you saved his life and for that I am entirely grateful.” He bowed slightly.

  “You look great!” Mark grinned. He walked around her and Colleen felt very self-conscious.

  “It’s nearly lunch time,” Rebecca announced, taking Timothy’s elbow and hastily escorting him out of the room. “You join us when you are ready.”

  Chapter Fifty-Six

  Colleen smiled shyly as Mark admired her. She was thrilled that he thought she looked beautiful, but she felt as if everything at Stavewood would take a bit of getting used to.

  She noticed that he looked very handsome as well, his hair falling soft and clean against his neck. It was clear that he had enjoyed a hot bath as well.

  “Come here,” he gestured to the settee and she sat beside him.

  “You look so beautiful. Like the night I first saw you in the barn. Like an angel. I have some things I want to say to you and I don’t want to wait too long.” Mark cleared his throat.

  Colleen studied his face seriously.

  “I know you came here with me on so much faith, Colleen. You always believed in me, even when everyone was saying that I was a murderer. You never questioned me.”

  “I did,” she admitted. “I asked myself what if I was falling for you and it was all a

  “And now?” he asked expectantly.

  “I asked myself, but I always believed. I never imagined all of this though.”

  “Always believe in me that way, please,” he asked.

  The knocker at the front door banged. Mark frowned and excused himself.

  “Bernadette.” Mark stood in the doorway and took a deep breath.

  “Oh, you’re home! Oh, Mark it’s so good to see you home!” Bernadette flung her arms around his neck and kissed him ardently as Colleen stepped out into the foyer.

  It was clear that the young woman was expecting, and very happy to see Mark.

  “Bernadette, this is my fiancée, Colleen.”

  Bernadette stepped back. Her face was tense and confused.

  “Hello,” she coughed. “Mark, I need to speak to you alone.”

  “I’ll go in for lunch,” Colleen volunteered. “Nice to meet you Bernadette.”

  Mark watched her walk towards the dining room and sighed deeply.

  “She’s very pretty.” Bernadette looked at Mark and tried to smile. “I wanted to talk to you about Sam.”

  “What do you want to know?” Mark pulled his eyes away from the dining room door and faced the young woman impatiently.

  “Did he come back with you?”

  “What? No, Bernadette. Sam is dead.” Mark fought his emotions, wishing the girl would leave.

  “But, I thought since you were back maybe everyone was wrong.”

  “No. His family had a funeral, didn’t they?”

  “I know,” Bernadette said, “but it’s so hard to believe and I thought if he was alive and with you maybe I could see him.”

  “No,” he sighed. Mark thought he was a fool to imagine that maybe the girl came to apologize for her accusations.

  “Oh, okay.” Bernadette considered her alternatives. Jude was gone and she didn’t expect him back. Now she had to accept that Sam really was dead. But, she thought, Mark was here. He had that girl he was calling his fiancée, but he wasn’t married yet and maybe he could care for her again.

  “Are you in love with her?” Bernadette leaned to look past him.


  “More than you are with me?” She looked up at him expectantly.

  “Bernadette.” Mark rubbed his chin. “I’m not in love with you. I never told you I was, even before. I’m going to marry Colleen as soon as possible.”

  “But what about the baby?” Bernadette asked.

  “That’s not my baby.” Mark looked at her sadly.

  “It could have been if we…”

  “But we never did. It wasn’t that way with us.” Mark sighed.

  “Are you that way with her?” Bernadette began to become angry.

  “It doesn’t matter. You need to go now.”

  “Does she know about us?” Bernadette swept past him towards the dining room. She flung the door open and before he could stop her she called to Colleen.

  Colleen stood up and set her napkin on the table. Rebecca and Timothy stood as well.

  “Mark says he’s in love with you,” she blurted out.

  Colleen looked from Mark to Bernadette in confusion.

  “Are you?” Bernadette turned to Mark.

  “Yes, very much.” He ran his hands through his hair.

  “Jude told me that there were probably other girls and that was why you wouldn’t make love to me. He said that you had them everywhere. He said all rich men kept women no one knew about. Does she know that?”

  “Bernadette,” Mark shouted. “What are you talking about?”

  “Well, good luck to you,” she screamed to Colleen and ran from the house.

  Timothy stomped towards the foyer and closed the front door.

  “What the hell was that about?” he asked, as he reentered the room.

  “I wish I knew.” Mark sank into a chair. “Colleen, I’m sorry. She’s wrong.”

  Colleen sat back in her chair dumbfounded and then stood up suddenly.

  “Is that your child, Mark Elgerson?” Her voice was clear and challenging.

  “No, no. It’s not mine. We were friends, but not that way. It’s complicated.” He rose to his feet.

  “Are you beholden to her in any way?” Colleen’s temper was up, and although she knew it would often get her in trouble, she needed to know the truth.

  “No, not in any way.” He stood and faced her squarely. “She is not carrying my child and I owe her nothing and I’m in love with you and I’m going to marry you.” He faced her across the table. Rebecca looked at Timothy in confusion.

  “Fine. Then let’s eat.” Colleen sat down firmly and returned her napkin to her lap.

  Mark remained leaning across the table, his brow furrowed.

  “Well?” Colleen asked. “Are we going to eat or not?” She had decided that if she were going to marry Mark Elgerson and have some competition then she was ready to take it on.

  Timothy lifted a brow and smiled. He sat down in his chair and gestured to Rebecca to do the same. Timothy Elgerson thought that Colleen Muldoon was going to be an interesting addition to the household. He picked up his utensils and dug into his lunch.

  Chapter Fifty-Seven

  Mark twisted his finger in one of Colleen’s curls and then ran it slowly along her neck. Rebecca and Timothy had ridden to the Vancouvers’ to retrieve the children from their visit and the young couple now stood in the hallway outside of Colleen’s room on the third floor.

  Mark knew that no one would bother them, alone up there, and he had found Colleen so fetching he wanted some privacy with her.

  She slipped her hand around his neck and teased the buttons on his shirt.

  “So how many women are we talking about?” she whispered.

  “Only you,” he smirked.

  “I’m not one that’s too fond of expectant mothers arriving with wild acquisitions.”

  “I don’t want to talk about Bernadette. She’s the reason I left and I want to be done with her. I want you.” He tried to change the subject and enjoy his time alone with her.

  “I am an only child,” she said, prying open one button, “and I’ll not share.”

  “That sounds perfectly wonderful, Colleen.” He turned his head and kissed her hungrily. He pulled her close and she could feel his desire for her. Colleen had never been with a man, but as a farm girl she had a very clear understanding of males.

  “If you never made love to her, then to who?” she asked, whispering in his ear as he kissed her neck.

  “No one,” he replied.

  “No one?” Colleen pulled away slightly. “You’ve never…?” She was sure there had to be someone.

  “Never.” He cleared his throat. “Is that a problem?”

  Colleen smiled devilishly, enjoying the idea that there would be no comparisons to anyone else.

  “So there is no reason to yell at me over lunch ever again.” He looked down into her eyes seriously.

  “Ah, there’ll probably be other reasons,” she teased.

  “There are none right now.” He kissed her neck again and she let her head fall back in surrender.

  “Colleen,” he whispered. “This is not a dirty barn, and you smell delicious.” He pushed open the bedroom door and pulled her inside.

  “Hello.” Louisa stepped into the doorway and looked up at the couple.

  “Hello,” Colleen gasped as Mark turned away, clearing his throat.

  “Why are you up here?” Louisa was sure they were up to something, she could tell by their faces.

  “We came up here to spend some time together,” Colleen replied frankly.

  “When are you going home?” Louisa asked.

  Mark turned back to face the females and frowned at his sister. “Loo, Colleen is not going home. This is her home now.”

  “No one asked me.” Louisa stuck out her lip and stomped down the hallway.

  “I guess your family is back,” Colleen smiled.

  “Mark?” Timothy cal
led up the stairs and Colleen laughed.

  “Coming.” Mark glared at her in mock anger.

  Colleen checked the door to her room to see if it bore a lock. After she married Mark Elgerson she had every intention of using one.

  When she followed Mark downstairs she saw that there were two lawmen in the parlor and her heart stood still. She looked at Mark in terror and he took her hand and nodded in reassurance.

  “Sheriff Carson, Deputy,” Mark nodded. “Please meet my fiancée, Colleen.

  “Miss Muldoon?” Ben Carson nodded to the girl.

  “Yes.” Colleen stood perfectly still.

  “Let’s sit down,” Timothy said, gesturing to the settee. “Ben is here because, well, frankly the authorities in Barite were concerned. They suspected that you, Mark, used Colleen to escape the area and they didn’t know what became of her. They wired the sheriff’s office looking for her.”

  “I’ll let them know she’s fine and left of her own free will,” Ben interjected.

  “I have hired investigators to go to Barite and find out who killed that girl down there. Mark says he has names. Once they catch them and can prove your innocence this will all be over,” Timothy continued. “I also need to know everything that led up to the situation.” He looked at Mark sternly.

  “I’ll tell you everything, Pa.” Mark nodded.

  Mark began to tell the story of his time in Missouri, frankly admitting that he and Sam visited the still, drinking heavily on several occasions. He described the location clearly and the two McHerlong boys.

  Colleen, Timothy and the lawmen sat quietly. They could all see that there were many aspects of the adventure he was not proud of, but he relayed the details openly and honestly, even including the forward advances by Swallow.

  When he told of the night he had been shot, Mark stumbled over the words, emotional over the loss of his friend.

  “I crawled into the building at the Muldoon’s,” he nodded to Colleen. “I blacked out. I don’t know how long.”


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