Home to Stavewood (Stavewood Saga Book 3)

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Home to Stavewood (Stavewood Saga Book 3) Page 19

by Nanette Kinslow

  “It’s the deed to the Weintraub ranch,” Mark looked up in confusion.

  “Well,” Roland gestured towards the papers. If you read the second page it is now the property of Mark and Colleen Elgerson.”

  Mark took a ragged breath and looked at Colleen.

  Colleen stammered. “Y-you bought him…us… that horse farm?”

  “I expect you’ll be decent neighbors.” Roland nodded.

  Mark and Colleen hugged and thanked the Vancouvers profusely, shocked at the generosity of their gift.

  “And, since you are likely to not want to return to living in a barn,” Timothy announced, “the carpenters will be out in two weeks to begin work on the house.” Rebecca handed Colleen a large folded paper.

  Mark helped his bride open the poster which bore an artist’s rendering of a lovely farmhouse, filled with wide windows and open porches.

  “I won’t expect you back counting at the mills for a while. I presume you’ll be too busy getting your new house built.” Timothy said, putting his arm around Rebecca shoulders.

  Colleen nearly swooned. “This is all too much.”

  Mark’s eyes clouded with tears and he swallowed hard and thanked his family genuinely.

  “I have a gift as well.” Mark announced. He took Colleen by the hand and led her to the front door, pulling it open wide. There stood a fresh young cow, eyeing them casually where she was tied to the porch.

  “A milk cow?” Colleen laughed.

  “Of your very own,” Mark smiled.

  Colleen tiptoed down the stairs and pet the young bovine softly on the head. The family all burst into laughter at the sight of the beautiful young bride in her white wedding gown inspecting the cow’s underside curiously.

  “I suppose we’ll have stock to put in our barns!” Mark laughed.

  “I have something as well. It’s not entirely from me,” Colleen announced as they all returned to the parlor. “Had I known how much everyone was already giving I would never have asked.”

  “It’s a wonderful idea and I’m glad you did,” Emma interjected.

  “Tonight we are spending our honeymoon alone.” Colleen looked with stern affection at the Elgerson family. “We will be honeymooning at the Vancouver cabin.”

  “For as long as it takes,” Roland commented and everyone laughed in surprise at the man’s remark.

  “Really?” Mark looked at Colleen, grinning. “All the way out there where no one can hear a thing?”

  Colleen sipped her champagne and smiled devilishly at her husband.

  Isabel nodded to Rebecca, knowing that the cabin would be a surprise for Colleen as well.

  Chapter Sixty-Seven

  The cell at the jail in Barite, Missouri was not the most comfortable place on earth, but it was heated and the food was tolerable, Lem McHerlong thought.

  The pain in his arm persisted, although it was better since the local doctor had visited. He figured he’d get some rest, out of the cold. There was nothing to eat at the wretched Muldoon farm anyway, and no wood to burn and that pretty milk maid had never come back. He’d just found the old man when the sheriff showed up but he hadn’t been the one to kill anybody, so being in the jail for a few days wasn’t so bad. As soon as he had told Sheriff Mason about what had happened to Swallow Catslip he expected it was only a matter of time before they found Buck, and his new still. He was sure once they had Buck he’d go free.

  “I need you to go to the telegraph office,” Sheriff Mason instructed his deputy. “Send this wire to Elgerson Mills. I’m sure those folks there will be glad to find out their son will have no further trouble from Missouri law.” He’d believed Timothy Elgerson every time he had insisted that his boy was not capable of killing the Catslip girl. Letting the man know they had gotten to the truth was part of what he liked about his job. Riding up into the hills to tell Mr. Catslip what had really happened to his daughter would be far less enjoyable.

  The story that Buck told when they brought him in was somewhat different than Lem’s, but the Sheriff had seen this kind of thing enough times to figure out what likely had happened. Lem had been having relations with the girl, feeding her liquor on a regular basis until she was too inebriated to care. Poor and ignorant, with no hope for a better life, Swallow was easy prey to men like the McHerlongs. Over time Buck decided that he deserved the girl’s favors as well, and Lem didn’t care as long as he had first go at her. From what Sheriff Mason figured, the girl took less of a liking to Buck and when she refused him he’d gotten violent with her. Buck had held her under the water, trying to get her to change her mind and Lem had watched, doing nothing to stop him until it was too late. There was nothing to the girl and the lawman had seen that when they had brought in her body. From the start, she never had a chance.

  He thought about the Muldoon girl. She was such a pretty lass, brought up with not much more than Swallow. John Mason knew that her father had struggled to raise the girl decently. Shane Muldoon was a good-hearted hardworking man. He might not have been around to see the girl get a break, but the sheriff was sure that whatever life she had with that Elgerson kid it was better than she would have had in Barite. Just the money that Tim Elgerson had spent on the detectives who brought in the McHerlong boys was likely more than Shane earned from his milk deliveries in a year. Colleen had to be much better off, John thought.

  “Since they both claimed the other did it, and there was plenty of evidence on exactly what had happened, I expect they’ll both be convicted,” Sheriff Mason explained to the hired investigators. “I wired your boss to let him know. It’s been a pleasure working with you.”

  John Mason watched the men ride out and nodded. Fine horses, good clothes and the best weapons. Timothy Elgerson meant business alright. The big lumberman had even made arrangements to bury Shane Muldoon in Minnesota so Colleen could hold a proper funeral for her father.

  Sheriff Mason would be arresting Elliot Catslip in the morning light. The man would face manslaughter charges and what was left of his life would likely be spent behind bars. With him and the McHerlong boys all put away and the Catslip girl dead, John Mason wondered if all of these events would finally put an end to the long feud. He considered all the losses he had seen in both families over the years and wondered what it would take before they saw one another for what they really were.

  The family at Stavewood was finishing their wedding meal, sitting together in the big formal dining room. It was brightly lit with massive candelabras that stood in every corner, and, although there was no tree, the family included what they had missed at Christmas in their festivities. Mark donned the scarf Colleen had made, swearing it was the most wonderful gift ever. Colleen blushed deeply and hugged him lovingly.

  “That’s the way to keep a wife!” Timothy had joked.

  When Louisa had mentioned that they would be celebrating another Christmas, Colleen had spoken to Mark, who had supplied her with bundles of fine yarns and she had crocheted warm scarves for every member of the family. There were soft colors for the children, lovely, bright hues for the women and deep shades for all of the men. She feared her gifts would be simple compared to the elaborate items from the family, although she had made them as finely as she could. But each was received warmly and it touched her heart that, by the end of the evening, every member of the Elgerson, Vancouver and Evens family was walking around swathed in her scarves. Timothy joked several times about how he must have overloaded the fireplace because it was so warm and Colleen teased back.

  “It’s all that champagne you’ve been drinkin’!” she joked.

  Mark saw his father’s knowing grin. “Ah, my lass!” he had teased back. “Just because you’ve married my son don’t you think you can be telling me what to do!” Timothy mimicked Colleen’s slight brogue.

  Colleen smiled. She missed her father terribly and Timothy’s jibe was soothing to her soul.

  Everyone showered Mark and Colleen with gifts for their soon-to-be-built home. Towels and linen
s, blankets, sheets and trinkets and gadgets of every kind soon piled up against the long wall of the room.

  There were gifts for the children, even Emma and Roland’s unborn. Louisa sat in the corner with a doll Mark had found for her, beautifully dressed in genuine leather shoes.

  “She is the most beautiful thing ever!” Louisa sighed when Mark sat privately beside her and asked what she thought of the doll.

  “I wanted something very special for you. I know it’s been hard for you to accept Colleen.”

  “It got easier,” Louisa tilted her head to one side and studied the doll.

  “What made it easier?” Mark asked.

  “Because she loves you as much as I do.”

  “And I love her as much as I love you.” Mark smiled at his little sister and Louisa grinned back.

  “And now you will live down at the ranch and never have to go away again.”

  “No one would be happier about that than me.” Mark nodded.

  Timothy answered the tap at the door and felt his chest tighten when he opened the telegram.

  To: Elgerson Mill Station, Billington City, Minnesota.

  Timothy Elgerson

  From: Barite, Missouri.

  John Mason, Sheriff

  Have arrested two men.

  Mark Elgerson no longer suspect.

  Best, John Mason

  His son home and now safe from prosecution, Timothy Elgerson looked around the massive foyer and took a deep breath. He had poured all of himself into Stavewood, wanting to make a home where he could raise a family with love. He whispered a quiet word of thanks and swallowed hard.

  Rebecca swept into the entranceway and studied his face. “Is everything alright?” She placed her hand on his arm.

  Timothy handed his wife the telegram and she read it carefully.

  “Oh, Tim,” she gasped and put her fingertips to her lips. Rebecca had been beside him when they had nearly lost the boy at twelve and she knew his heart was broken when Mark was lost in Missouri. She blamed herself for needing Timothy to return home without him. “This is indeed a happy day.”

  “I guess we’re not yet finished with gifts,” Timothy said, smiling down at his wife. He saw the joy in the depths of her emerald eyes and pulled her to him, kissing her fiercely, sharing his joy and relief.

  He stood upright and placed her hand in the crook of his arm and led her back into the dining room where the family was gathered.

  “I have one final gift,” he bellowed over the happy commotion of celebration.

  The families all stood quiet as Timothy Elgerson handed his son the telegram and Mark read the words aloud. There was a loud gasp through the crowd and everyone turned to one another with broad grins.

  “Yahoo!” Mark shouted and grabbed Colleen by the waist, spinning her around dizzyingly. “This day cannot get any better!” he whooped.

  “I expect it can!” Rebecca shouted. “I think it’s time you two headed out to get started on that honeymoon!”

  “Oh yeah!” Mark hollered. “I guess it can!”

  “All of you are going to be a very hard act to follow!” Colleen laughed and kissed her groom on the check affectionately.

  It was nearly an hour later that the couple was situated in the fancy carriage, following hugs and handshakes of congratulations and relief.

  Colleen’s gown rustled loudly as Mark helped her into the coach and the crowd hollered and cheered, waving enthusiastically from the porch. As the newlyweds pulled into the lane leading away from the estate the voices of the crowd faded in the distance.

  Colleen sighed, her feelings conflicted.

  “Is everything okay?” Mark looked at her lovingly.

  “I feel a bit guilty,” Colleen admitted.

  “Because of all of the gifts?”

  “No. I wanted you to myself so badly I sometimes wished your family away, just a bit. They are all so wonderful and love you so much. I want you all to myself, but they need you, and you them.”

  “They’ll be there waiting. I’m a bit excited myself to be going off alone. When we get to the cabin I’ll show you.” Mark winked meaningfully.

  Chapter Sixty-Eight

  Mark helped Colleen from the carriage, her gown rustling under her cape. The couple looked up at the sign that had been hung over the door reading, Congratulations!

  Colleen smiled and shook her head and then squealed when Mark swept her up into his arms, she wrapped her hands around his neck and he kissed her tenderly.

  “You have me entirely to yourself now,” he whispered and climbed the steps to the cabin. He pushed open the door and Colleen gasped.

  The cabin had been made up with warmth and love by the women and several of the staff from Stavewood. The fireplace blazed brightly and soft furs covered the furniture and the floor before the hearth. Twinkling candles burned warmly. A large plate of pastries and fruit was arranged on the table.

  Mark lowered Colleen and she tiptoed to the bedroom and sighed. “Look!”

  The room was filled with tiny candles, the bed piled with downy quilts, soft furs and lavish pillows.

  “They worked so hard,” she murmured.

  “It sure looks inviting. Maybe we should stay here until the house is done, all alone just the two of us.” Mark turned Colleen to face him and looked into her eyes.

  She looked back at him, her soft azure eyes filled with love and anticipation. Her gown rustled loudly and she giggled.

  “You look ravishing,” Mark smiled. “But that dress has got to go.”

  “I have something a bit quieter.” Colleen blushed. “You wait out here and I will change.”

  “I could help you out of it if you like,” Mark volunteered eagerly.

  “Not this time. Just wait for a moment.”

  Mark nodded and left the room, then paced the main room nervously.

  Colleen retrieved the package from the bureau and opened it carefully.

  Inside was a lacy nightgown and she smiled with anticipation. She slipped out of the wedding gown and unhooked her corset and slipped the nightgown over her shoulders.

  The gossamer fabric fell over her breasts and hips, softly fitted to her curves. Colleen pulled the pins from her hair and brushed it with the bristle brush that was included in the bundle. She touched a delicate perfume to her wrists and behind her ears. In the candle light she could see her silhouette in the gown and Colleen took a deep breath before venturing to the bedroom door.

  Mark jumped at the sound of the door opening and he turned to face her.

  Colleen looked sensual and inviting in the soft light, her cheeks rosy and her figure curved in a voluptuous outline beneath the sheer gown.

  He stepped to her, pushed her hair aside and kissed her passionately. Colleen melted into his arms, pliant in his iron grip. He pulled her to him, feeling her warm against him, free of her formal garments.

  Colleen pulled away and slipped his jacket from his shoulders and tossed it onto the chair. Then she began to unbutton his shirt methodically. He stood looking down at her mesmerized by her sensual beauty. Colleen slid his shirt from his shoulders and ran her warm hands along his bicep and across his chest. She could feel his strength and she wanted him to take her with every muscle.

  He pulled her to him again and kissed her hungrily.

  She reached to unfasten his trousers and he moaned softly.

  He stepped back and lifted the ribbon at the throat of her gown and peered into her eyes searchingly. Colleen nodded slowly.

  He pulled at the ribbon and her gown slipped from her shoulders, revealing her throat. He kissed her along her collarbone, slipping the gown away, down her arm. When he exposed her further he took a deep breath and kissed the rise of her breast gently. Colleen gasped and swallowed hard.

  When her gown fell from her Mark moaned at the sight of her.

  Colleen’s skin shone like fine silk in the candlelight, her breasts firm above her slender waist and curved hips. He’d seen pictures of scantily clad
women in burlesque magazines with the boys at school, but never anything like this.

  The young bride stood breathing slowly. She did not move to shield herself from his gaze. Her breasts rose and fell slowly and he gazed at her awestruck. “Colleen,” he whispered huskily. “You are so beautiful. I am a very lucky man.”

  She smiled shyly and stepped to him, kissing him hungrily. Mark pulled her to him, the heat of her breasts against his bare chest fanning the flames of his hunger for her.

  She freed his trousers from his hips with one hand and she could feel his desire as she pressed herself against him, firm and searing against her thigh.

  He lifted her to him, kissed her ravenously and laid her onto the fur and quilts upon the bed, then stepped from his slacks and knelt on the bed beside her. He ran his finger along her arm, her hip, her thigh, captivated by the vision of her in the bed before him.

  Colleen took his arm and pulled him down to her, hungry for him, and wanting to fulfill his desire, and her own.

  He lay against her, his thigh inside of hers and she arched to him, begging him to fulfill her.

  Mark buried his face in her tumbles of curls and breathed in the scent of her, struggling to keep control of himself. He wanted their lovemaking to last forever.

  Colleen pulled herself up to him. She reached down and touched him intimately and he thought he would lose his mind. He swallowed hard and lifted himself to look in her eyes. She did not move her hand, but held him for a moment and he groaned hoarsely.

  “I want you,” she whispered, her lips against his and she directed him to her.

  “Colleen,” he groaned as he entered her slowly, fighting for control. He wanted to be gentle with her, wanted her to feel only pleasure.

  Mark took Colleen’s lead when he moved into her slightly and she froze for a moment then pulled him closer. He felt the resistance and she gasped and moaned, biting her lip. He stopped there, fighting to focus on her need and she slipped closer to him and sighed.


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