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Viking Page 16

by Fabio

  But what most haunted Reyna was a nagging doubt, at the back of her mind, that now arose to torture her. If her stepfather, Wolfgard, hated Viktor the Valiant so much, then why had her enemy been able to penetrate the longhouse tonight and capture her with such ease?



  Back at his village^ Viktor chose to confine Reyna in the small hut that served as the village smokehouse. He selected the structure because it was one of the few in the village made entirely of stone. With a strong bolt on the heavy door, the little building provided a stout fortress. He ordered his men to remove the slabs of salted beef and pork, and to bank the fire at the center of the chamber. They left Reyna on a pallet on the packed dirt floor, with only the fire, a steatite lamp, and a chamber pot to keep her company throughout the night.

  She screamed and screamed.

  Viktor stood outside in the cold, damp darkness with Svein, listening to Reyna's bloodcurdling cries, remembering the savage look in her eyes when he and his men had rolled her out of her drenched blankets onto the floor, untied her feet, and retied her hands before her.

  He turned to Svein with a grin that was mostly bravado. "She roars like a dragon, does she not? Quite a little banshee we have captured, my blood brother."

  Svein grimaced and shook his head. "She sounds like a berkserker straight from Hel. Let me go in and gag her foul mouth, jarl. Twill be my pleasure."

  "Nay," said Viktor. "She is like a she-wolf caught in a lair. She will cease her howling when she grows hoarse and realizes no one will come to set her loose."

  "She will be loose herself in no time, jarl," Svein warned. "You should not have tied her hands before her—she will surely gnaw through the bonds with her teeth—"

  "You speak of her as if she is some rodent," Viktor scolded.

  "She is no better than the squirrel Ratatosk, gnawing away at the World Tree."

  "If I restrained her hands behind her, she could not see to her needs," Viktor argued.

  "So let her lie in her own filth," Svein retorted. "She deserves no further consideration."

  Viktor was dismayed by the depth of Svein's contempt toward Reyna. Convincing his people to accept this Valkyrie as their queen would not be easy, he mused.

  "Do not fret, my blood brother," he said in reassurance. "Even if she gets loose, what can she do, penetrate walls of solid stone?"

  Svein shuddered as a particularly harrowing scream rang out. "She is cable of anything. When provoked, the Ravisher is more powerful than Fenris the wolf."

  "She must grow accustomed to her restraints, just as a wild horse will at first kick against a corral."

  "The kick she inflicts will be square in your face, jarl" Svein told him.

  Viktor clapped a hand on Svein's shoulder. "Go get some rest, my friend. You well need it, as I do. Then tomorrow I will go a-courting."

  Svein was still shaking his head as the two men parted company.

  "Good morning, sweetheart'

  Feeling rested and equal to the challenge of confronting his future bride, Viktor thrust open the door to Reyna's prison. Sunlight spilled across the floor, outlining the girl as she lay crouched on her pallet, watching him warily. Her hair was disheveled, her gown dirt-streaked, her eyes bright and feral. She appeared a totally wild and captivating creature.

  Garnering his fortitude, Viktor flexed the hand Reyna had so savagely bitten last night He had scrubbed the laceration well with soap and then had bound his hand, yet still the wound throbbed. He would have to pray that infection did not set in.

  As Svein had predicted, Reyna had broken the bonds on her wrists. At least she had ceased her screams. Indeed, she now seemed to be giving him the silent treatment.

  "You rested well, I presume?" he asked, hoping to rouse some comment from her. Instead, he observed her calculating gaze flicking to the spike of sunlight that hovered between his body and the doorjamb. No doubt she was assessing her chances of escape.

  He crossed his arms over his chest. "You wish to leave, Reyna?" He grinned. "You have only to get past me."

  That roused her—and stunned him! With a raging howl, the Valkyrie was up, vaulting across the room. Viktor was at first so taken aback that she almost succeeded in sailing past him. Then he reacted, thrusting oat his broad arm and grabbing her around the waist, wrenching a stunned gasp from her as he clamped her writhing body against his hip.

  She began to struggle in earnest. Grimacing, Viktor bore her flailing body across the hut and hurled her onto her pallet. She landed on her belly, flipping over to glare up at him.

  Calmly, he strolled back to the doorway, turned, and grinned at her. "Round two, milady?"

  The Valkyrie was game! With a demented cry, she sprang to her feet and hurled herself at him. Seizing her again and battling to contain her, Viktor was amazed by her strength, courage, and tenacity. Three more times she tried to get past him ... and three more times Viktor bore her resisting body back to the pallet and flung her down. Finally, panting from her exertions, she rose to her knees with fists doubled up and regarded him with blazing hatred.

  Viktor was feeling utterly perplexed when he heard Sibeal speak behind him. "Master, I bring nourishment for milady."

  Viktor stepped aside to allow the woman to enter. "By all means."

  Sibeal swept inside with her tray. "How fare ye, my lady?" she asked.

  Reyna totally ignored her servant and would not even look at her.

  Sibeal set the tray down beside Reyna and turned to leave.

  Observing the thrall's troubled countenance, Viktor touched her arm. "She will come around in time," he whispered.

  Reyna had evidently heard him. After Sibeal left, a loaf of bread sailed across the hut and hit Viktor squarely in his mid-section. With a grunt, he caught the missile, then turned to regard the little she-devil.

  "You should not be so careless with your food, my lady,' he taunted. "If you seek to defeat me, you must take nourishment, and conserve your strength."

  She said nothing, but her eyes were eloquent with malice.

  Viktor tossed the loaf back at Reyna, She caught it, tore off a chunk with her sharp white teeth, hurled another glare at him, and began chewing.

  Stifling a chuckle, Viktor lounged against the doorway and watched her, taking a certain perverse pleasure from her defiance. "You are a little hellcat, Reyna, but you will be tamed in time."

  That remark won him a savage glower.

  "Your courage rouses my admiration," he continued, then winked at her. "But you might be well advised to remember that your feistiness also stirs my desire."

  For a moment, still staring at him, she went motionless, though her nostrils flared slightly, as if she were sharply catching her breath.

  "We will marry, milady," he said with calm determination, "and together, we will end this feud."

  Her eyes smoldered and she began chewing viciously.

  "We shall have a good life together," Viktor pressed on, now rather enjoying the one-sided conversation and having her as his captive audience. "In time, we will improve the quality of life for all our peoples. Once peace comes to Vanaheim, I will build greenhouses and grow more fitting delicacies to tempt you with—lush fruits and tasty vegetables."

  She ripped at the bread with her teem.

  "You know, Reyna, you are quite beautiful, even in your current disarray," he mused. "One day we will have beautiful children together.'

  Still Reyna did not speak, but this time a spoon, encrusted with porridge, sailed across the room to hit Viktor on the thigh. He picked it up and smiled.

  "You put up a good front, Reyna," he remarked. "But I know what you are really like." He gazed into her eyes, "I know you, you see."

  Her eyes flared with emotion.

  Encouraged by her response, he continued earnestly. l know how truly vulnerable and fragile you are inside. You've had to erect strong barriers to shield yourself against a brutal world. But you will not need those barri
ers with me."

  Just when Viktor hoped he was meeting with success, she hurled a tankard full of buttermilk at him.

  Although he managed to sidestep the missile, his leggings were spattered with the sticky liquid. He ground his jaw. "Your manners are atrocious, Reyna. A less patient man might thrash you. But perhaps I shall be kinder, and gentle you with my kisses.'

  This time, following an enraged roar, the entire tray was flung at Viktor. He leaped back, dodging flying dishes and spewing food as best he could. The bowl of porridge and the tray crashed to the earth behind him—

  He turned to glare at the little vixen, and at last the Valkyrie spoke, while waving a fist—

  "Son of Nidhogg! Never will I wed you so you may triumph in your bargain with my evil stepfather! Never will you subjugate me or make me your pawn to end this feud! And verily, you will never get close enough to kiss my feet, you foul pig!"

  Now Viktor was furious, too. Oh, but I shall, Reyna—you hellion I I'll kiss your feet if I choose to—and any other part of you that I desire to touch. Indeed, I think I shall demonstrate—now."

  He charged across the room to grab Reyna, but she was ready, heaving herself to her feet and kicking out at him viciously. Jerking back with a cry of mingled pain and rage, Viktor grabbed his wounded shin and glowered at her. She stood just inches beyond him with her fists raised, and was smirking at him vindictively—

  "You were saying, Viking?" she asked with poisonous spite.

  "You little bitch," he ground out as he straightened. "I should strip off that shift and soundly beat your bottom."

  Not in the least daunted, she hauled back a fist to punch him. He ducked the blow, grabbed her around the midsection, and tried to heave her over a shoulder, only to stagger beneath a rain of vicious blows. Viktor howled curses and grappled with the unholy terror. At last he managed to dump her once again on her pallet. He landed on top of her and forced her writhing body down to the mat She straggled and screamed deprecations. He seized her wrists and pinned them high over her head. Her body wiggled frantically, ineffectually—and in an unconsciously sensual manner that all at once set Viktor's blood on fire. Driven to ruthlessness by her defiance, he felt more determined than ever to kiss her and teach her a lesson. Even as his conscience tried to rise to stop him, his wounded male ego cried out that she had asked for this.

  "You were saying I would not touch you, Valkyrie," he told her with fury and triumph. "Weil, you are not so smug now, are you? I vow that sooner or later, every inch of you will know my touch—and love it!"

  She screamed her outrage. Viktor silenced her lips with a savage kiss. Even as out of control as he was, the touch of her soft mouth, the feel of her curves squirming against him, aroused him terribly. Lust mingled with anger hardened his loins; he yearned to part her sweet lips and thoroughly plunder her mouth.

  Then her teeth sank into his lower lip, and he pulled away amid a roar of pain.

  "Daughter of Hel!" He drew back his hand and realized he was within a hairbreadth of slapping her haughty face. Even in the face of this threat, she betrayed no fear, only cruel satisfaction.

  He grabbed her face with determined hands, holding her immobile beneath him. "It's a damn good thing I was caught up on my tetanus shots before I came here," he forced out fiercely. "Hear this, Reyna. I am going to kiss you again— now—and if you bite me, I am going to sink my teeth into your pretty behind until you scream for mercy."

  For once, he had managed to shock her Reyna's eyes went wide, and her mouth fell open on a gasp. "You would not, Viking!"

  "I will!" he vowed. "And I swear to you, I will leave a mark you will carry to your grave.”

  He watched an intense struggle grip her features— consternation, anger, and finally fear. At last Reyna glared at him in trembling bravado, and Viktor knew she believed him. Thank God, he thought, since he never could have followed through on such a cruel threat.

  She would let him kiss her! The very prospect drove him mad with desire. Perversely, he wanted to stretch out the moment, to torture her for having abused him so. He drew his index finger teasingly over her cheek, her rebellious lips, smiling at her low gasp, the hot emotion blazing in her eyes.

  Leaning closer to the fuming girl, Viktor brushed his lips across hers; she flinched as if a flame had stroked her. He deliberately took his time, lightly caressing her mouth with his, instinctively knowing that a more subtle approach could prove far more devastating to this proud girl than a brutal kiss.

  Although Reyna might be as untamed as a wildcat, Viktor found the taste of her was sweet. He kissed her gently, nuzzling and cajoling rather than ravishing. She held her lips tight, immobile, but she wisely did not bite him.

  Her resistance further fueled Viktor's passions. "Open your mouth, Reyna," he whispered, still coaxing her with his lips.

  Her eyes, now huge, defied him. "Nay!"


  As Reyna would have protested again, Viktor seized his advantage, locking his mouth on hers and thrusting powerfully with his tongue. Her eyes flew open and strangled, incoherent sounds rose in her throat—

  Viktor opened his eyes, too. He and Reyna stared at each other, eyeball-to-eyeball, sheer defiance meeting fiery determination, with his tongue all the while deep in the hot, wet velvet of her mouth.

  The intimacy of the kiss, the starkness of their eye contact, were both incredibly sexy; heady lust engulfed Viktor. Then he felt her teeth close on his tongue, if tentatively—

  He pulled back and spoke hoarsely. "Bite my tongue, woman, and both of your pretty cheeks will bear the mark of my ownership."

  She appeared horrified. "You would bite my face, Viking!" she gasped

  He laughed heartily, and pinched her behind to drive home his point. 'Those aren't the cheeks I'm referring to."

  She froze in shock. "You call my nethers cheeks? You are depraved!"

  He grinned. "Yea, I suppose I am."

  He leaned toward her again, while she lay beneath him warily. Inhaling the dusky scent of her hair, he licked her soft, warm cheek with his tongue. A sound much like a sob rose in her, and she thrust her face away. He followed, tickling her chin and the comer of her mouth with his teasing tongue.

  Reyna clenched a fist and pounded it helplessly on the floor. "Nay ... nay," she pleaded.

  "Yea," Viktor whispered perversely.

  When her eyes beseeched him—wild, desperate, but also passionate—he claimed her lips again. She whimpered, her sweet mouth trembling on his, and this time he knew she was responding! He gentled his kiss and thrust slowly with his tongue. She writhed, making a desperate, drowning sound, but he did not retreat. Pressing a hand to her warm thigh, Viktor seduced her with deep, deliberate strokes of his tongue until he felt her fists uncoiling against his chest—

  He pulled back and grabbed her hands. "Kiss me, sweetheart Wrap your lovely arms around my neck. Love me, angel."

  She stared up at him, bright-eyed and uncertain.


  Svein's voice at the portal jerked Viktor to awareness. At once he rolled off Reyna and stood.

  "What is it?" he called with ill humor.

  Svein glanced with obvious embarrassment from his scowling jarl to the flushed, disheveled girl on the pallet. "Orm and Rollo are fighting over a misplaced broadsword. You must come settle the dispute or blood will flow."

  'Tell them I will be right there," Viktor snapped.

  Svein coughed. "Yea, jarl."

  After his man left, Viktor turned back to Reyna. "We will finish this later."

  She had recovered herself and was glaring at him with loathing. "We will finish nothing. I would just as soon kiss a swine as kiss you, Viktor the Valiant."

  He lifted a brow. 'That is not how it seemed a moment ago."

  "I only cooperated to keep you from savaging my nethers with your teeth," she retorted.

  He grinned. "You will grow accustomed to my touch, Reyna—and my kisses. There will be no escaping me, I assure you." He
drew his gaze over her meaningfully. "As to your lovely, firm nethers—they will enjoy my caresses, too."

  She waved a fist at him. "Pig! You lie, evil son of Loki! I shall escape you—when my stepfather comes to rescue me and carves out your vile heart!"

  "So Wolfgard will come, will her Viktor mocked. "You know, Reyna, last night when we took you, we made enough noise to wake the dead, but no one came to defend you. There were only a few scattered sentries posted at the wharf and outside the village. Most foolish of Wolfgard, and most odd. Your stepfather must have been eager to be rid of you, don't you think?"

  She said nothing, but her eyes were bright, her lower Up quivering. He had gotten to her, and in a way, Viktor was glad. The sooner Reyna accepted her destiny, the better.

  He left, slamming and barring the door.

  Striding off to go settle the dispute between Orm and Rollo, Viktor was not entirely pleased by his behavior with Reyna. True, the Valkyrie had taunted him remorselessly, but his reaction had perhaps been too close to the edge. He realized he could far too easily revert to a primitive man and become a Viking indeed. Of course, he could have some fun with this physical courtship, provided he did not take things too far—

  He grinned as he remembered the kisses they had shared. Ah, it was glorious, especially when Reyna had responded that first little bit.

  The Valkyrie was a creature of splendid, intense passion. She might hate him with all her heart right now, but one day she would love him with equal strength. And that was the day he would live for ...

  In the hut, Reyna trembled on her pallet. She felt confused by the feelings the hated Viktor had stirred in her. When he had kissed her, her breathing had quickened, her heart had thumped wildly, and she had felt such a strange, wild fluttering in her blood, in her nipples, even between her thighs. She recognized this as the primal urge to mate—the same twinge she had felt last night when Viktor's hard, heavy body had landed on hers, and previously when he had stolen her ankle bracelet.

  What had the Viking meant when he had claimed he "knew" her? They were strangers, and yet, ever since he had returned from Valhalla, she had felt some sort of mystical bond with him—partly physical, but also spiritual.


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