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Viking Page 21

by Fabio

  By now Viktor was so ravenous for Reyna he could not bear it! Never mind that the day was chill, and both of them drenched and cold. The fires of their shared passion kept them warm as the distant sun. Soon Viktor's mouth was on Reyna's again, mating brazenly, demanding all she could give even as he felt shudder after sweet shudder seize her. His impatient fingers raised her skirts, his strong thighs spread hers—

  At first she tensed, her eyes wide. But when he stroked her in just the right place, finding and teasing her tiny bud, she writhed beneath him. He slid his finger lower, entering her, and she gasped in mingled pleasure and pain. He touched her insistently, and she tried to wiggle away. He braced his free hand at the small of her back, creating a gentle upward pressure, and continued to torture her gently with his finger, sliding in deeper. She was so tight, so warm and wet! His lips drowned her incoherent moans, and when he felt her strong fingers caressing his shoulders, her mouth melting into his, her hips arching provocatively, he knew she was ready.

  Easing his finger out of her, he freed his stiff manhood and pressed against her. He stared down into her eyes, and she pushed to take him inside her, then cried out as his thrust was met by the resistance of her maidenhead—

  Her sob reached him, and all at once Viktor pulled back. Good Lord, what was he doing? There was too much at stake for him to take her now, even as desperately as he wanted her. He would not—could not—settle for having less than all of her. He had made that mistake once with Reyna's counterpart back in the present. He would not make the same mistake again with her here.

  "No," he said, and began fastening his leggings.

  "Nay? Why say you nay?" she cried with frustration and bewilderment.

  Although Viktor was literally trembling with unassuaged desire, he managed to stand- He yanked down Reyna's skirts and spoke fiercely. "Not until you are my wife."

  She sat up, furious. "Your wife? You care only for the bargain you have made with Wolfgard! You care only for winning!"

  "That is not true!"

  M Tis true!"

  Viktor's expression was unyielding, "You will marry me, Reyna, and then we will make love/'

  "Then I say nay, Viking! Nay! Nay!"

  He hauled the recalcitrant vixen to her feet. "Reyna, you are beyond maddening. First you vow you'll never marry me, and now you're furious because I won't bed you. Why don't you decide what in Hel you want!"

  She looked him over insultingly, her gaze lingering on the straining bulge in his leggings. Her tone was consummate with contempt. "I want to mate with you, Viking. You have tempted me sorely now—worse than Loki himself—and I find you pretty enough to take the pleasure you have offered. Afterward, I will cheerfully slay you."

  Viktor saw red. Here he had thought the little witch could not possibly insult him further! Now she was telling him in her own inimitable Dark Ages style that she wanted to use Aim as a sex object.

  "So you would use me for your pleasure, then kill me, would you?" he snapped. "At the moment, woman, I am within an inch of throttling you!"

  She flung a hand outward in fury. "Then slay me, Viking! Do it!"

  "If I don't take you back to the village right this minute, I surely will!" he retorted.

  Viktor grabbed Reyna's arm and dragged her to Sleipnir. Using a long length of leather rope, he bound her hands with one end and tied the other to his saddle pommel. He quickly retrieved his cloak from the wharf, tore off strips from it to wrap her bare feet in several layers, then draped the remainder of the ragged garment around her shoulders. They proceeded to the village with him riding slowly and her tugged along behind. It was, of course, a deliberate attempt to humble her—and to keep her from escaping on his mount. Nevertheless, had she proved the least bit biddable, Viktor would have gladly offered her his horse. At least she had the warmth of his cloak, such as it was, white he was still wet and shuddering from the chill of the waning day.

  Night was breaking by the time they entered the hamlet. At once Viktor's attention was seized by a large glow at the center of the village. Dozens of men and women were gathered around a fire, and 'Viktor could hear jeering and shouts of blood lust.

  Near the crowd, he dismounted, untied Reyna's hands and led her toward the blaze. Even in their agitated state, the villagers stepped aside to allow them to pass. When he and Reyna emerged near the fire, Viktor immediately saw what the uproar was about Restrained at sword point were two captives—Reyna's half brother, Ragar, and another young warrior from Wolfgard's tribe. Both men had their hands tied behind them, and appeared battered, with bruises and blackened eyes. Both were ashen-faced and clearly terrified.

  Reyna spotted the prisoners as well. "Harald! Ragar!" she cried, starting toward them.

  Hearing threats of retribution from the mob, Viktor caught her arm and held her back. "If you value their lives," he whispered intensely, "you will let me handle this."

  Reyna surprised him when she did not resist his order, but she held her ground, her own face white with fear.

  Viktor glanced at his men. "What is going on here?"

  Canute turned away from the fire and stepped forward, grinning broadly and holding an iron rod with a glowing red tip. "Jarl, we are glad to see you have returned and recaptured the Ravisher—for we have snared her kinsmen!"

  As a spiteful cheer went up from the other warriors, Viktor gazed at the two frightened young men. 'This is all who came to rescue Reyna?"

  'The others fled when the sentries converged on them north of the village," explained Orm. He stared with raw hatred at Reyna. "Now we will torture the Ravishers kinsmen and let the little bitch watch!'

  Viktor saw sick terror fill Reyna's eyes. Rollo waved a fist and cried, "Yea, we shall burn gouges on the soles of their feet, and carve out their entrails before their very eyes!" Another cheer of vengeance erupted from the crowd.

  Viktor was fearful that this situation could well be beyond his recall. All around him, his warriors were howling like animals and shouting insults, demanding the torture and death of both captives. Never had he seen his men so rabid with blood lust!

  As the frenzied mob began to converge on the prisoners, Reyna turned frantically to Viktor. "Please, you must stop them."

  Viktor addressed the gathering. "Men, wait!" When there was no response, when a cruelly laughing Canute extended the glowing rod toward a wide-eyed Ragar, Viktor bellowed at the top of his lungs. "All of you, stop this instant!"

  At last the warriors paused, turning to regard their jarl with rage and mistrust.

  "Why do you stay us, jarl?" demanded Orm.

  "I realize you are angered," Viktor said calmly, "but it is wrong for you to vent your ire on these innocent men. I refuse to allow this atrocity, and insist you release the prisoners at once."

  Shouts of mutiny and fury spewed from the men. Torches were waved and swords drawn.

  Canute charged up to Viktor, swinging his iron rod. "You are wrong, jarl, and to stay us, you must fight us all." He turned his wrathful gaze on Reyna. "Are you going to allow a woman to dictate your will?"

  "If you bow to the Ravisher, you are no better than a female yourself!" declared a furious Rollo.

  As the other warriors added their own fierce endorsements, Viktor turned beseechingly to his blood brother. "Svein, please make them understand that this is wrong."

  But Svein only shook his head. "Verily, you are in error this time, jarl, and I cannot stay your warriors." He stared hard at Reyna. " Tis the Ravisher's own fault for insulting and provoking your men. They take their vengeance out more on her than on her kinsmen."

  Viktor glanced at Reyna. Although he realized Svein was right, his heart ached at the stark terror on her face.

  "Please," she pleaded.

  He turned to the others. "Will you give us a moment?

  More loud resistance followed.

  "I beg you," Viktor beseeched his men.

  "Only if afterward, you will make the Valkyrie watch!" yelled Canute.

  As the
warriors stood waiting in frustration, Viktor hastily pulled Reyna into the shadows. Tears were streaming down her face, and he felt utterly helpless against her terrible fear.

  Viktor brushed a tear from her cheek. "You love your brother, don't you? I suppose it is good to know you care about someone."

  "Please," she begged brokenly, "you must not let your men slay Ragar or Harald."

  "What can I do, Reyna? Svein spoke the truth about the way you have taunted my men. If I try to stop them now, they will kill us both. Give me a reason that will convince them to spare Ragar and Harald."

  She hesitated for only a moment. "Tell them I will marry you."

  "What?" he cried.

  "I will marry you/' she repeated vehemently.

  For a moment, sheer joy filled Viktor's heart. At last he had Reyna where he wanted her—as much as he deplored the circumstances that had brought them to this pass. Then fear and mistrust assailed him. "Do you mean it, Reyna?"


  "You will marry me?"

  "Yea—to save Ragar and Harald."

  "Is that the only reason?" he asked bitterly.

  She glanced away.

  "Hell, I don't suppose it matters, with the lives of two innocent men at stake," he muttered, looking at the captives. "But will the ploy work?"

  She nodded. "Is it not what your men have wanted, to see me humbled?"

  "Is that how you see becoming my wife?" he asked sadly.

  She hung her head and was silent.

  Viktor groaned, "Very well, you will become my wife and then we will work things out. Right now we must act, and pray your concession will placate my men and save your brother and his kinsman."

  Viktor caught Reyna's hand and pulled her back inside the circle of men. "Reyna has agreed to become my queen, making it totally unacceptable for you to slay her brother and her brother's kinsmen," he announced.

  The warriors, clearly astonished, eyed Reyna dubiously and mumbled to one another.

  "No, Reyna!" her brother protested, "I will not allow you to sacrifice yourself for me!"

  "Nor will I!" said an indignant Harald.

  Reyna faced the two men with unflinching determination. " 'Tis done! I have already given my word! I will not allow either of you to die for me!"

  Viktor's warriors had grown broodingly silent, observing the tense exchange.

  Viktor stared down his men. "I insist you release Ragar and Harald at once."

  The men moved into a huddle to consult; then Svein spoke for the group. "The men are not appeased."

  "Why not?" Viktor demanded. "Think of the advantages. Reyna's capitulation will bring great shame to our enemy, Wolfgang and eventually may bring our two tribes to peace. Isn't that what we all want?"

  "Nay, the Valkyrie's consent is not enough!" cried Canute.

  Then what?" Viktor asked in exasperation.

  Canute came forward and grabbed Reyna roughly by the shoulders. "On your knees, woman!"

  To Viktor's utter amazement, Reyna did not hesitate; she slid immediately to her knees and bowed her head.

  "Humbly beg my pardon for ever insulting my manhood!" Canute roared.

  “I—I humbly beg your pardon," she whispered.

  "Pardon is given—though reluctantly," Canute barked. "Now swear your fealty to King Viktor and all his kinsmen. Vow you will never again lift a sword against any of us, and may Odin smite you if you lie."

  Woodenly, Reyna repeated, "I swear my fealty to King Viktor the Valiant and all his kinsmen. I vow I will never again lift a sword against any of you, and may Odin smite me if I lie."

  At last Canute threw his iron into the fire, then nodded to Viktor. "The Valkyrie's kinsmen may live."

  As the somber silence of the other warriors bespoke their own acceptance of Canute's concession, Viktor noted with gratitude the expressions of intense relief on the faces of Ragar and Harald. Yet, staring at his still-bowed future bride, he also realized that one more step was necessary to make their coming union work. He hated to force Reyna to endure any added humiliation, but he knew this was the only way to ensure her loyalty.

  He went up to her and said quietly, "Swear your fealty before God, Reyna."

  While the others looked on in hushed fascination, Reyna stared at Viktor with eyes stark and bright. The emotional struggle on her face was exquisite in its intensity.

  "You know I am Christian," she gasped.

  "Yes—and I am Christian, too/' He touched her cheek. "Now swear your loyalty to me before God. I'm afraid it is the only way."

  "I swear my fealty to you before God," she whispered brokenly, then solemnly crossed herself.

  A cheer went up from the people.

  Viktor assisted Reyna to her feet. To the others, he said, "Now, my kinsmen, go to your homes, and I will see to our captives."

  "You will not release them?" cried Orm.

  "It is the only honorable course," replied Viktor. When the others would have protested, he lifted a hand. "But first, the captives will be our guests at the wedding—so they may fully apprise Wolfgard of his own disgrace."

  At this pronouncement, several warriors cheered, and relief surged in Viktor as he realized that the crisis had at last been averted.

  "When will be the wedding, jarl?" demanded Canute, staring arrogantly at Reyna.

  "Yea, when will the little Valkyrie be shown her proper place as wife?" asked Rollo, while several warriors added bawdy comments.

  Viktor actually felt sorry for Reyna, who stood with her gaze lowered, helpless against her own indignity, when he dearly wished she could feel only joy.

  Wearily, he replied, "The wedding will be performed tomorrow, right before the Shieling feast."



  longhouse. The women were busy cooking for the night's feast; Sibeal's nimble fingers flew as she sewed a white silk garment for Reyna to wear at the wedding. Out in the village proper, the festivities had already begun; most of Viktor's warriors were swilling mead or ale and occupying themselves in games of archery, wrestling matches, or chess tournaments. At Canute's insistence, Ragar and Harald were being guarded at a shieling cottage in the hills; but on 'Viktor's orders, they would be brought down tonight to witness the wedding.

  'Viktor went into his chamber early to check on his bride-to-be. He first spotted Sibeal, sewing in a corner by the lamp, and then Reyna, seated on the bed scowling as she petted the female wolf, Hati. Hati's tail was wagging, her nose resting on Reyna's thigh. The males, Geri and Thor, lay crouched nearby on the floor, their expressions forlorn as they covetously eyed Hati's revered place. 'Viktor whistled to the male wolves softly, and the sleek beasts bounded up and rushed over to his side. He petted them affectionately while winking at Reyna.

  "Good morning," he began cheerfully. "I'm pleased to see you have warmed, to at least one of my pets. Geri and Thor no doubt feel slighted, though I can understand why you aren't feeling too kindly toward the male of the species at this moment"

  Her expression pouty, Reyna said nothing, still stroking the female.

  Viktor turned to Sibeal. "Has she been such a fountain of goodwill all morning?"

  Sibeal shrugged and did not comment

  "What is bothering you, Reyna?' he asked quietly.

  Her eyes flared mutinously. "You can ask that after you forced me into marriage?'

  "I did not force you," he pointed out with forbearance. “You offered yourself to save your brother and Harald from my men."

  She clenched her jaw and glowered at him. " 'Tis no different. Had you not kidnapped me, Viktor the Valiant, then Ragar and Harald never would have come to rescue me, thus subjecting themselves to your treachery—and forcing me to offer myself to you to save them."

  Viktor groaned. "Reyna, let's not split hairs over this." As she frowned, obviously not comprehending his figure of speech, he went on earnestly. "There are far more important considerations at stake now. However resentful you m
ay feel about it, the decision has been made, and will be for the good of all of Vanaheim. We will marry tonight, and you had best start accepting the finality of that."

  She was silent for a moment, her shapely fingers sifting through Hati's thick fur. With unaccustomed tentativeness, she asked, " 'Tis true what you said last night?"

  "What are you referring to?"

  Her challenging gaze met his. "Are you Christian, Viktor the Valiant? Or did you lie?"

  Both Reyna and Sibeal regarded him with great interest

  "It is true," he said solemnly. "And I have never lied to you, Reyna."

  "Then why would you wed me in a pagan ceremony? "

  "Do you think my people will accept our marriage otherwise?'

  "Mayhap not." She set her jaw stubbornly. "Still, I would have a Christian ceremony as well."

  "How, Reyna?" he asked, his patience waning.

  "There is a Christian monk, Pelagius, who lives in the hills. I would fetch him to the village to say a wedding mass tonight"

  "And how do you think my people will feel about this?"

  "I care not!"

  "Well, you had best start caring—if you want your monk present tonight. It is not going to sit well with my warriors, our traipsing off to the hills at the last moment."

  Reyna got up and came over to stand before Viktor. "Only you and I must go to fetch Pelagius."

  "What?" He laughed, astounded by her brazenness. "Is this some kind of trick, Reyna?"

  "Nay!" she denied. "But I will not reveal to your warriors the location of the monk's cottage. They would go there later to torment him—possibly even to torture and kill him."

  Viktor smiled. "You mean you are trusting me not to harm your friend? I am amazed at your faith in me.

  " Tis not faith!" she snapped, regarding him with scorn. "For I know you have not the courage to harm Pelagius—or a lamb, methinks."

  Viktor muttered an infuriated curse. Reyna's words were deliberately cruel, and he was not immune to them. He grabbed her arm and spoke vehemently. "Don't mock me too much, Reyna. You'll regret it. But if you think it takes a real man to harm a servant of God—or a lamb—then you are right that I never want to be such a man!"


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