Love Under Construction (425 Madison Avenue Book 6)

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Love Under Construction (425 Madison Avenue Book 6) Page 2

by Aubree Valentine

  I take the elevator to the rooftop deck, when the elevator dings and the doors open there she is, standing right on the other side of the threshold. There’s no more hiding when her eyes lock with mine as I step onto the patio.

  “Jameson,” she practically growls.

  “Liv! Fancy seeing you here,” I feign surprise. “What are the odds?”

  My whole childhood our parents pushed me to look after her, and I tried - only to make up for it by screwing things up the very next day. Every time. When she left, things changed. I think I finally woke up and realized what I was missing all along. Not that it would matter.

  The young woman next to her elbows her in the side and gives me a shy smile. “Olivia! Do you know this fine specimen? Don’t be rude; introduce me!”

  Here we go.

  “No. He’s not important. And certainly not someone you need to meet,” Liv sends a death glare my way, and I can’t help but smile.

  Shuffling things in my arms I extend my hand to the brunette, I wink, “Aww don’t pay her any mind, I’m Jameson. Liv and I are good friends. We go way back. And you are?”

  “Tilly,” she stumbles over her words as her face flushes.

  I can’t help but wonder just how much my new friend Tilly has had to drink already.

  “Tilly. Pleasure you meet you. If you’ll excuse me, I’m just going to step over there,” I nod to the refreshments, “and set all this stuff down.”

  Tilly giggles like a schoolgirl and waves, “I’m sure I’ll see you around.”

  There’s one in every crowd.

  After I’ve dropped off my contribution to tonight’s shindig, I grab myself a beer and crack the top. Jake, the maintenance guy who I’ve run into a few times, finds me and briefly introduces me to his lady and a few of their friends and conversation flows smoothly. As everyone mingles, I’m introduced to more people, and I can only hope that I’ll remember their names later. That is if I could focus on anything but Olivia’s icy glare - following my every move.

  I’m pleasantly surprised when she corners me after the burgers and dogs have finished grilling, and everyone is stuffing their faces.

  “What. Are. You. Doing. Here?” She grits out.

  “Uhm, working?” I quirk a brow. “What about you? I had no idea you lived here,” I lie.

  “Right you had no idea that I moved to New York and lived at 425 Madison. Out of all the places in the city, you happened to end up here,” she puts a hand on her hip. “I’m not buying it Jameson Phoenix.”

  “Ah, I always did love it when you called me by my full name,” I reach out and push a strand of her blonde hair out of her face. She quickly smacks my hand and steps back.

  “Knock it off. Just tell me why you’re here.”

  “I told you for work. I had an offer come through for a construction job on a new private school that a local developer wants to build. Let’s say; it was an offer I couldn’t refuse.” That much is true.

  Shock is written all over her face, “Whatever. I still don’t believe you.”

  “You never have, darlin’.” I’ve known Olivia my whole life. We grew up more like siblings, with our parents being the best of friends. I’m two years older than her spirited twenty-eight, and she’s hated my guts since the day she was born.

  Our parents, or our fathers really, have been drilling it into my head since the beginning that it was my job to protect her. To look out for “family.” Didn’t matter, Liv has never trusted a word I have to say about anything. Even when I try to tell her something for her own good.

  Like that time Timmy Tolson made a bet that he’d steal her virginity before anyone else could. I heard the whole thing. Did Olivia believe me? No. Blamed me for ruining things when I caught Timmy trying to force his way on her and I beat him to a bloody pulp. It probably didn’t help that the next day I planted a box of condoms in her book bag and a note reminding her to always be safe.

  Or the time I tried to stop her from driving home after one too many at Parson’s Bar. She’s damn lucky no one was hurt that night. At least she learned her lesson, and I was able to call in a favor and have her Daddy’s car fixed up before he noticed the scratches from her little off-road excursion.

  Nothing’s changed. I’m here now because, of that same need to protect Liv. And to finally claim her as mine, maybe, one day. If she’ll let me.

  Yes, I’m working a construction job an hoping to expand my business, but I’m also here because her mom and dad begged me to keep an eye on her. For reasons that I haven’t figured out, but I sure plan on it.

  I wouldn’t have done it this time if I didn’t feel this strange pull to be near her.

  “Do me a favor? Stay out of my way while you’re here.” Liv points a finger at me. “I mean it. No meddling in my life, Jameson.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it.” I lie. Again. I’ll be doing my fair share of meddling, making damn sure that she’s safe and has someone to lean on.

  Olivia huffs before turning on her heel and stomping away. I do my best not to laugh at her hasty retreat and go back to enjoying my food.

  I’m not alone for long though. Turns out that the residences of 425 Madison, are a friendly bunch - especially Ms. Jenkins, the cougar who once had a thing for poor Jake. I can only hope she hasn’t set her sites on me now. Shew! She is a peach, I tell ya. I’m pretty sure she’s squeezed my arms at least five times, and she tried for an ass grab too, but I was able to turn away just in time.

  Chapter 3


  This really can’t be happening.

  Jameson Phoenix is here. In NYC. Fuck.

  And I let him drive me back into hiding, leaving the cookout earlier than I intended.

  As soon as I stepped back into my apartment, I pulled up my laptop and did some research. Imagine my surprise when I found a press release that I somehow missed, stating that J.L. Phoenix Construction was taking over the build on The Mason Center. A project that had initially been my brainchild. A project that I sat on the board for. How in the hell did I miss this bit of information? Did I agree to this and not realize it was the same company that someone I hated, owned? That can’t be possible.

  He may be the best damn fit for the job if his work in our hometown is any proof, but the last thing I need is to have Jameson here in New York, making a mess of the life I’m trying to build for myself. I thought that I’d left him behind when I moved from Georgia. I really cannot believe he followed me here, though I shouldn’t be shocked. Jameson has always been a pain in my ass.

  A sexy as sin, well defined, pain in the ass.

  I don’t know what his obsession is with me, but he always shows up - whenever things are going right in my life, and attempts to wreak havoc. It’s what he does. He’s got some messed up idea in his head that he’s supposed to be my protector, and his misguided attempts at saving me, always end in disaster.

  Like the time he beat up Timmy Tolson in eleventh grade because he thought Timmy was trying to steal my virginity. Little did Jameson (or Timmy) know, I’d lost my V-card before the start of the school year with a guy that I thought loved me. Yeah, yeah, I know — typical teenage stupidity. At least, I didn’t go around whoring myself out like some of the other girls in school. And, once Jameson sent Timmy to the ER for a broken nose, all the other boys pretty much avoided me.

  That’s not the only thing Jameson has messed up for me either. Though, if I’m being honest, he did save my ass ONE time. When I thought at 22, it was a good idea to drive drunk. The biggest mistake I ever made. One that could have ended up so much worse. I shudder just thinking about what could have happened that night. That’s one time I can say; I should have listened to Jameson.

  Sitting up in bed, I pound my fists into my pillow again.

  Between Jameson’s appearance and Harley’s new roommate having way too much fun next door, sleep seems inevitable.

  I’m seriously wondering who thought it would be a good idea - one, to have the bedrooms of each ap
artment, share interior walls, and two, why they didn’t do a better job of soundproofing. The noise was never an issue when it was just Harley living there.

  Mystery man grunts through the wall, and I sigh in relief. At least it’s almost over. I hope.

  Eventually, it quiets enough that I’m able to fall asleep. Only to awaken a few hours later to the same ruckus. One round of “mind-blowing sex” wasn’t enough.

  I check the time on my phone. Three a.m. You’d think they would have a little courtesy for their neighbors - or Harley at least unless the guy is on nights this week.

  Since it appears I won’t be going back to sleep anytime soon, I decide to dial up my best friend Raylynn who’s galavanting through London right now with her uptight and arrogant boss who pays her exceptionally well to put up with his pompous ass.

  “Livy! This better be good. I haven’t had my coffee yet,” Raylynn’s voice fills the line, and I smile. It’s been far too long since I’ve gotten to spend time with my bestie, and admittedly, I miss her like crazy.

  “Jameson is in New York.” That’s all I need to say. I know I’ve got her attention now.

  “Yep, this was worth it. What the hell is he doing there?”

  “He’s the new builder for The Mason Center. I ran into him last night at the little mixer Leo Eastman hosted for Memorial Day.”

  “Oh, fudge sticks. So, is Jameson a resident at 425 then?”

  “I guess so, though I’m not sure which unit is his. Nor do I have plans to find out.”

  “Hmm. I disagree. I think with both sets of meddling parents out of the picture; it’s the perfect time for you two to work out some of that pent up sexual frustration.” Raylynn laughs.

  “Not a chance in hell. You know I can’t stand him.” I defend.

  “Almost as much as I can’t stand Flynn,” Her voice softens, and I immediately know there’s a story there.

  “Whoa, what was that about Flynn?” Speak of the devil; I can hear his voice in the background calling Raylynn.

  “Shit. I have to go. The bear is awake. I’ll call you one night this week or something. Toodles!” Raylynn makes a smooching sound in the phone and then the call disconnects.

  Hmm, it sounds like there’s way more than work happening in London. I guess everyone is getting it on. Everyone except me.

  After a hellacious night, I finally give in at seven am and get ready to take Peaches for her morning run through the city. I step out of my apartment and nearly run into Sara coming out of the apartment next door. I know Harley didn’t touch her, but I’m guessing he didn’t warn his roommate.

  She greets me with a coy smile and giggles, “Good morning, Olivia.”

  “Sara,” I nod, cordially.

  The door opens again, and mystery man steps out behind her.


  Jameson. There is NO way. It can’t be. I close my eyes and open them again, but nothing changes. Jameson Phoenix is my new next door neighbor. The very same one I heard having sex last night — sex with Crazy Sara from the fourteenth floor.

  “Peaches!” His voice drops, and he kneels as my dog betrays me, dragging me right over to where Jameson is waiting. “Who’s a good girl? Have you missed me?”

  Shit. This completely explains why Peaches was acting weird yesterday when she passed Harley’s door.

  “Wow. I’m not even sure what to say right now.” I shake my head. I’ve heard plenty of stories about Sara. Good luck to him getting rid of that one. Dumbass, I think to myself.

  Sara wraps her arms around his waist and grins. “We’re heading to breakfast. Why don’t you join us? The more, the merrier.”

  “Yeah, I’m going to pass on that one, Sara. But thanks for the offer.” Not.

  While they wait for the elevator, I opt for the stairs so I can get away from them as fast as I can.

  My hour-long run with Peaches does nothing to mute my annoyance with Jameson though. Especially when I return to the fifth floor and come face to face with the devil himself, coming off the elevator. He’s unavoidable.

  “Ugh. You. Again.” I groan when he smirks at me. “Can you do me a favor next time you have Sara over? Keep it down. I don’t need to hear what you do in your bedroom.” I spit out before my brain has a chance to stop my mouth.

  Jameson edges closer to me, invading my space. “Don’t lie, you know you enjoyed it, Liv. Tell me...did you picture the two of us together? Did you touch yourself?”

  “Eww.” I shove hard against his chest. “No. Hard no. I did none of those things.” My skin heats at his suggestion though. Traitor.

  “I’ll have to try harder next time then,” he winks and scoots around me and giving Peaches another pat on the head before leaving me in the middle of the hallway, speechless.

  I groan to myself as I walk back into my apartment and slam the door shut.

  “Peaches. That man is trouble. I can’t believe you like him so much.”

  So what if he occasionally walked her for me when I was stuck at school late. Or if he played fetch with her in the backyard of my childhood home. He’s still evil.

  Peaches only acknowledgment to me is a huff before she takes a long drink from her water bowl and lays down on her bed.

  Heading for the shower, I strip my sweaty clothes off and wait for the water to adjust before stepping inside the glass enclosure. Jameson’s words come floating back to me as I wash off. I hate myself for it but my hands start wandering, and before I know it, I’m grabbing the removable shower head and positioning it exactly where I need it most.

  Blame it on the fact that I haven’t had time for any physical human interaction since moving to New York. And the fact that sex seems to be in the air around here.

  It’s Jameson’s face hovering over me in my mind as I find my release and nearly collapse in a heap on the shower floor.

  Fuck. I hate him.

  Chapter 4


  “Hey, Jay. You still looking for a spot for your crew?” Harley steps into the kitchen dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, reaching for a cup of the coffee I brewed this morning.

  “Yeah, I am. I was going to do some more searching today. You off work?” I ask.

  He takes a drink from his cup before answering. “Yeah, I am. I’ll go with you if you want. I heard the guys down at the station talking about an old firehouse that’s up for sale. It might be a good investment for you. I’m no building expert, but you could use the bottom floor for your business and the bunkhouse upstairs for your guys. If you decided to stay, you could probably convert it to a pretty sweet apartment for yourself.”

  Harley slips his phone from his pocket, pushes a few buttons then hands it to me. I take a look at the listing and consider what Harley’s suggested.

  “You eager to get rid of me man? I’ve only been here a few days. Besides that, I don’t know how I’d make it into a residence while working on The Mason Center. I have a gut feeling I’m going to be pulling long hours as it is.”

  “No rush to get you out of here man. I spent forever trying to find a roommate as is. Not many people want to room with a cop,” he shrugs. “But at some point, you know, when you get your girl, you’re going to need space. Besides, aren’t you going to need an office?”

  “Yeah. This isn’t what I had in mind though,” I pause. “Is this in a safe area?” With Harley being a cop in the city, I know he knows the area pretty well. I trust his judgment on location.

  “Absolutely. I’ve got a friend who can run a security system for you. He owes me a favor so I’m sure I can get you a good deal. Plus it's in my district. One of the safest around,” he laughs.

  “Yeah, this looks like a pretty sweet place. No harm in at least checking it out right? I’ll call this number and see I can take a look at it today.”

  “I ain’t got nothing better to do.” He finishes his coffee then rinses the cup and sets it in the sink.

  “I’ll call and let you know what time we can get in.”

get in to look at the place that afternoon. The firehouse could be perfect. Except I’m not sure, I have the budget to swing it.

  “Big price tag. Plus renovations? I feel bad suggesting it.” Harley sighs as we settle into a booth at a local diner for a late lunch after leaving the firehouse.

  “It is what it is. I’ll keep looking. Some of my crew is staying at a hotel, and I’ve got an interview with a temporary agency for some local help. Don’t worry about it. I knew the situation I was getting into when I got here.”

  “How the hell you can swing all this is beyond me. No offense,” he says after we order our food and the waitress steps away.

  “Ah, man, I think part of it was luck. And a whole lot of hard work. The real estate business was booming when I got started, and it’s still holding pretty steady. Steady enough that I’m able to turn a profit. Didn’t hurt that my parents and grandparents gifted me a nice down payment on my first investment property when I graduated high school. Of course, they didn’t realize that’s what I planned on doing with the money at the time, but it all worked out.”

  “And Olivia’s dad, he taught you how to do renovations and shit?”

  I nod enthusiastically. “I told you, my dad was always good with business. Mr. Hawthorne was good with his hands. He loved to build and fix things. I worked for him for a few summers in high school, before I worked for Atlantic Construction in college, doing bigger things.”

  “Good for you. At least I know who to call when I’m ready to settle down with a white picket fence and all that shit.” Harley laughs.

  “Yeah, I might know a guy. He might even cut you a good deal.” I jest. “Between us, I’m hoping I didn’t make a mistake by taking on this job with The Mason Center though. This project is one of those things that can make or break me, ya know?”


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