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Unscripted Page 4

by Christy Pastore

  “We can’t stay too much longer girls. I’ve got to get you to the airport soon.”

  The girls both wailed. Jade threw her arms around Ronan’s neck and said, “I love you, Daddy. I don’t want to go.” He kissed her sweetly on the forehead and whispered something in her ear that made her giggle. He placed her carefully back to her feet and she bounced over to Ruth and Leah, taking in a final glimpse of the plaza.

  “The airport? Oh are you guys leaving today?” I inquired and then realized I sounded like I was interested.

  “Yes, Ruth and the girls fly back to California tonight.”

  “And where do you go tonight?” I whispered in his ear.

  “Hopefully, if my Irish luck is any good, I’ll be having dinner with you, Holliday,” he whispered back.

  “Maybe I’m busy tonight,” I interjected coyly. “Some of us have to work tomorrow.”

  “I have to work tomorrow. I’m going to be on the John Phelps show in the morning talking about my charity gala Wednesday evening.”

  “Charity gala, huh?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

  “What, you mean you’ve not heard of the Connolly Campaign?” he teased.

  In all my reading and research about Ronan Connolly I’d neglected an important part of his life. He was so much more than a good-looking actor, sometimes fashion model and father. He was also a philanthropist.

  “Yes, I’ve heard about the work you’re doing in Africa,” I replied shyly. “It’s absolutely amazing.”

  “Thank you. We’re working on a clean water fund along with aiding in medical supplies. Maybe you’ll join me at the event? I’m sure I can get you a seat. I have connections.”

  “Maybe I will,” I said, giving him a sly half-smile.

  Ronan walked me back to my room after I said good-bye to Leah and Jade. They were so sad to be leaving and begged me to come to California with them. Ronan told them not to worry and that they would be seeing me again. Presumptuous of him to say.

  I pressed the keycard into the lock and opened the door. As I turned back to say goodbye to Ronan he lunged towards me. His hands were instantly on the sides of my face, and then his mouth covered mine. I found myself completely and passionately drawn to him without any reservations. My arms went limp, causing me to release the grip I’d had on the door. Ronan somehow stopped it from knocking into us as he pushed me back into the room, his lips never leaving mine. As Ronan’s hands left my face and wrapped around my waist my hands found their way to his neck, and I began threading my fingers through the longer pieces of his luscious brown locks.

  My back bumped against the wall in the corridor, which stopped me from walking any farther into the room. His hands moved from my body, pinning me against the wall, his arms above my shoulders and palms flat against the surface. Ronan had entrapped me like I was his prey. I was a caged animal, and he wasn’t going to let me go until he’d satisfied the lustful appetite he had for me. A shiver moved through my entire body as his tongue found mine, and he gently licked my mouth with long and slow strides. I was overcome with warmth and an incredible ache between my legs, probably because I was still wearing all of my outerwear— coat, hat, scarf. Well at least that would explain the heat, but the eager physical desire I had to happily let this irresistible man violate me six ways to Sunday was another feeling altogether.

  I pulled back breathless and he grinned at me wickedly, gently brushing his tongue over his bottom lip. God, he smelled good. His eyes flared with heat. Ronan forcefully yanked my coat back, pushing it over my shoulders and down my arms. I could feel my breasts swell. My scarf was the next thing to be freed from my body. Wrapping one arm around my waist and cupping my chin in his other hand, he stroked my cheek with his thumb, moving his soft firm lips to mine, letting out a soft growl into my mouth. That was hot as hell.

  “Holliday, you have no idea how many times I’ve wondered what it would be like to kiss you. You’ve been damn near the only thing on my mind for what seems like days,” he said while gently caressing my cheek with his long fingers. Ronan skimmed each one over my lips carefully as I scanned his beautiful face, studying every line and angle. My breathing escalated— all I could hear was the thundering of my heartbeat in my ears.

  “I’ve been having wickedly inappropriate thoughts about you, Holliday.”

  Yeah, I know the feeling.

  Reaching for the back of my head, Ronan roughly pulled on a handful of my long hair. I didn’t care. I wanted him to suck on my bottom lip, my neck and all the way down my jaw. With that thought, everything suddenly became blurred, flashing somewhere between wild and hot. Returning his lips to mine, I let out a soft moan. His tongue dipped back inside my mouth, carefully rolling against my own.

  I pressed my body to his, feeling every inch of his hard sculpted frame. The heat radiating between us was scorching. I ran my hand under his shirt, feeling his warm smooth flesh and the dusting of hair just above his waistband. Sliding his hand down my waist to the curve of my hip he gripped me tightly while flexing his fingers. I felt as if I was going to lose my mind and come unhinged at any moment. Ronan pushed my legs open with his knee, and I willingly let him. He cupped my sex over my jeans with his hand. “God… Jesus… I want you so bad Holliday. You’re driving me mad,” he hissed.

  Every single fiber of my being was throbbing with carnal lust for this man. I felt like I was starving for his body. I wanted nothing more than for Ronan Connolly to scoop me up, toss me on the bed and fuck me into a pleasure coma, satisfying my sexual desire.

  “Are you on the pill, Holliday?” he inquired, his eyes narrowing.

  My voice was strangled. “Yes, I’m on the pill,” I managed to say. “I’m clean too, Ronan. In case you’re wondering.”

  He hissed lightly in my ear. “Me too.” I tilted my lips to his, kissing him deeply. My hands continued to roam his body. As I moved my mouth to his neck he let out a deep moan that sent tingling vibrations across my lips. I had never been so wet in my entire life.

  He pulled my face to meet his; his eyes locked on mine. As if he knew the power his gaze was having on me, he grinned.

  Look away Holliday… Look the fuck away from him.

  Without hesitation, he leaned in, opened his mouth on my neck, and pressed his teeth into me.

  “I have… I have to go,” he whispered in my ear, while threading his fingers through the loose ends of my hair.

  “I know,” I replied softly.

  “Dinner,” he said while nipping the curve of my jaw. “Have dinner with me tonight, Holliday.” Lifting his head Ronan returned his gaze to mine.

  “I think we… we need to wait on that, Ronan,” I said. He nuzzled my cheek with his nose and then ran his lips down my cheek to my chin. “You’ve had your hands full with the girls. You should rest for your interview tomorrow,” I said as my heart pounded wildly in my chest. I was sure he could hear it. I was trying to calm myself, but Ronan still had his other hand shoved between my legs, caressing my thigh and rubbing my clit with his thumb, teasing me with every tight circular stroke.

  “No… I don’t need to rest… I want you. I need you,” he groaned.

  God, I wanted him too. “Ronan, if you… if you… don’t stop touching me, I’m going to come.”

  “Good,” he whispered darkly, pressing the hard length of him into my inner-thigh. “I want to see your face as I make you come”

  Oh shit.

  The hiss of metal pricked my ears as Ronan’s hand found my zipper. I tried not to moan, but his tongue swirled against my own and I couldn’t contain the sounds escaping my lips. Keeping his lips on mine, he pushed my jeans down a bit sliding his hand over my damp panties.

  My breath caught in my throat as he slipped a finger into my pussy. “You’re so wet, Holliday. I love it.” His long fingers began moving slowly in and out of me. I heard him suck in a deep breath as my fingernails dug into his forearm.

  “Ronan…” I moaned. “Ronan…” I felt his cock pressed against my thi

  I arched my back slightly when he began stroking my clit with his thumb.

  “That’s it,” he whispered rocking his palm against me adding a second finger. With this, Ronan stretched me to the brink of pure fucking bliss. I moved my hips, drawing his fingers in deeper. If he moved his grip from me I thought my knees might give way and I’d crumble to the floor drunk from his hypnotic spell.

  Hitting my sweet spot with a few more pumps of his fingers sent me spiraling over.

  “Yessssssss!” My head fell forward into his shoulder.

  “That’s right sweetheart, that’s a preview of what I want to do to you over and over. What I will do to you multiple times. You’ll want to scream my name as I make you come again and again until you are so spent and sore you can barely walk. I’m going to fuck you, Holliday, and you are going to love it.”

  Jesus. Ronan Connolly just gave me the most fantastic orgasm.

  Monday morning started with a thirty minute yoga session followed by a fifteen minute steam in the sauna. I checked out of The York and headed uptown to Charlotte’s design showroom. The air was cool and crisp, but the sun was shining warmly. I stopped off at Starbucks on the corner just a block from The York for a bagel and a delicious peppermint mocha. A black Mercedes pulled up to the curb as I exited the building and Ronan stepped out. Christ, he was good-looking.

  I didn’t have dinner with Ronan Sunday evening, not that I didn’t think about him every single second after he left my room. Instead, I took a shower— a cold one and watched TV. Determined to get a good night’s rest, I turned in early, knowing Mondays were always busy. Ronan called me on the phone just before nine that night and we talked for about an hour. I felt like I was in high school again, giggling like a nerd and talking to a boy on the phone.

  “Good Morning, Holliday,” Ronan said, sliding his black Ray-Bans off his nose.

  “Hello Ronan.”

  “Can I give you a lift to work?”

  “I’d like that, thank you,” I said. He took my suitcase from my hands and placed it in the trunk of the car. I found myself staring at the curve of his tight mouth which reminded me of our hot and heavy kissing session yesterday. Ronan’s smile was firm, but his lips were soft and the lightest shade of pink. His bottom lip was fuller than his top one, a little less than twice the size, which made him totally kissable. His nose was perfectly symmetrical, and his eyebrows were thick but not too thick and exceptionally tamed. I’d never seen a more impeccably sculpted face in all my life.

  He cannot be real.

  Suddenly photographers and paparazzi surrounded us, shouting Ronan’s name. With pictures of us standing in the lobby of The York already on TinselAndHollyWood.com, I can’t say I’m surprised they found him. Ronan gently ushered me into the backseat and shut the door. I could still hear the paparazzi shouting at him. Smoothly, Ronan gave a polite nod, signaling to the mass of photographers that they had his attention. It was a rapid fire of comments and questions, one right after the other:






  Avoiding the questions entirely, Ronan redirected the conversation seamlessly, saying only good morning and hello to a few of the photographers, calling them by their names and asking about their wives, girlfriends or families. He was quite charming and I could tell he had a good reputation with the media. Ronan stood with the paparazzi for about two minutes, allowing them to take photographs. He even signed autographs for a few fans that happened to walk by before he politely thanked the media and waved goodbye.

  He casually slid in the backseat with me and clutched my thigh, running his fingers up the inside and under my skirt. Luckily I was wearing black opaque tights— otherwise, the only thing separating Ronan’s long fingers from my body would be a pair of black lace panties. I playfully shoved his hand away, mouthing to him, “Stop it.”

  Dressed in a three piece charcoal grey suit with a white collared shirt, Ronan looked positively gorgeous. It was difficult to be in such close proximity to him— his scent was so male, utterly masculine. He sipped his coffee slowly, blowing the steam away with his firm luscious lips. Again my mind was remembering what it was like kissing him with all that passion and lust. I bit my lower lip just thinking about his tongue swirling with mine and how amazing I felt when he kissed me.

  “They’re right you know?” he said coolly.

  “Oh?” I questioned, cocking my head to one side. “Right about what exactly?”

  “You are a beauty. I’m having a hard time sitting near you.” Leaning closer to me he whispered, “I want so badly to taste you, Holliday.”

  Oh my. Good to know we’re both feeling the same explosive sexual energy.

  Feeling my stomach begin to warm with heat, I pulled down the hem of my oxblood colored skirt from where Ronan had pushed it up. We pulled up to Charlotte’s studio, and Ronan helped with my suitcases. I realized I hadn’t told him where I was going. How did he know?

  “Holliday, have lunch with me today? Please,” he begged.

  “I can’t today, Ronan. Monday’s are always brutal.”

  “Dinner then? Please, Holliday?”

  I loved hearing him beg to spend time with me. I loved it even more when he purred my name. It was like pure vocal sex. I decided to throw him a bone and accepted his dinner invite.

  “Splendid, I will call you later, my beauty,” he said and then kissed me on the cheek.

  “But you don’t have my number.”

  “I have my ways, Holliday,” he said, climbing back into the Mercedes and giving me a wave as they pulled away.

  I turned and saw my sister wide-eyed and curious looking down from her third floor office. I entered the building begrudgingly, mentally preparing for the onslaught of questions Charlotte would be asking me. She spent the first twenty minutes grilling me about Ronan and the next twenty advising me on the many reasons I should date him and the few reasons I shouldn’t.

  “Dating a movie star could be very good for you, sis. Just be careful with that one.”

  Confused a little by her warning, I rolled my eyes. She was just being overprotective again.

  “Charlotte, Ronan Connolly doesn’t date. He doesn’t need too.”

  “Oh my God, did you sleep with him already?”

  I shot her an annoyed look, sharply replying, “Yes as a matter of fact, I fucked his brains out in the car on the way here.”

  Charlotte picked up on my sarcastic tone. She gave me a suspicious look and then walked back to her office. I pulled up my Tune In app, clicking on the John Phelps Show. Ronan’s sexy Irish accent came pouring through my headphones. Pressing my forehead to my desk I let out a deep sigh. With Ronan Connolly on my mind, how was I going to manage to get any work done today?

  After work, I found myself sitting in a corner booth at O’Brien’s Irish Pub. I was out with a movie star, but we were in a local New York hangout, not a five-star restaurant. Ronan Connolly continued to surprise me. Ronan had managed to secure the entire second floor just for us. The décor was traditional of what you’d find in a cozy Irish place. Dark wood floors spanned from wall to wall. Heavy wooden beams crossed the ceiling, and old wooden doors with rounded tops made me feel as if I’d been hurled back in time to the horse and carriage days. Framed Guinness and Jameson whiskey brand posters lined the walls. Irish proverbs and traditional Gaelic sayings on wooden plaques sat on tabletops. The daily beer specials were written in chalk on the board above the bar itself. Beautiful wrought iron sconces and ornate lanterns hung on the walls, keeping the atmosphere warm with low lighting. The sounds of popular Irish bands like U2 and The Corrs took turns with old Gaelic tunes on the sound system.

  “What’s on your mind, my beauty?” Ronan asked softly. Looking up at him I noticed the flicker of the candlelight from our
table caught a twinkle in his piercing jade eyes. Apparently he had selected my pet name as being “my beauty.” Sometimes he just called me “beauty.” I didn’t mind. At least it wasn’t sweet cheeks or hen. After nearly knowing this gorgeous man for over forty-eight hours I still loved hearing him call me by my name. I didn’t realize how much his accent turned me on.

  “Nothing much, I was just taking in the décor and the ambiance of this place,” I said, running my finger over the smooth glass that held my whiskey drink.

  Ronan moved forward, placing his hand over mine. Just one touch from him was enough to make my entire body shake with riveting jolts of pleasure.

  “Do you like this place, Holliday?”

  “Yes, it’s very charming in a rustic way.”

  “I’m thinking of buying it,” he said very matter of fact.

  My eyebrows shot up. Can movie stars just buy bars? I thought only rich entrepreneurs and billionaires did that sort of thing.

  “Why would you buy this place? You don’t even live in Manhattan.”

  Ronan slid around the curve of the booth closer to me. Cupping my chin in his hand he said, “I’m considering buying some property in the city because I have a beautiful reason to be here, regularly.”

  I couldn’t stop staring into his green eyes, the words echoing in my ears. Ronan Connolly was considering a cross-country move for me. He couldn’t be serious. It was completely insane. We barely knew each other. I can’t say it wasn’t flattering to hear, crazy, but flattering nonetheless.

  “Do you like the name? If I buy it maybe I’ll change it to Connolly’s.”

  “Can you just move cross-country? What about Leah and Jade?”

  “Beauty, I can do anything I want. I have full custody of the girls. I’m lenient with their mother regarding visitation. I surely don’t owe my ex-wife any favors,” he replied firmly.

  I sensed he did not have a friendly relationship with Emma. The cheating rumor had to be true otherwise he wouldn’t have full custody. I finally mustered the courage to ask him about his divorce.


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